Summary: Paul begins this letter to Titus by making it clear that he is a servant of God and an Apostle of Jesus Christ for the purpose of increasing the faith of God's people.

Jerold Kennedy, the great Methodist preacher, was surprised to

learn of the new business called Proxy Pickets. If you want to

protest and picket a place, but it would not be convenient for you,

and would break into your routine, for a price they will do it for

you. They will send pickets to march and protest and do whatever

you are willing to pay for. It is a crazy world we live in where you

can get somebody to do almost anything for you. If you want to

fight a war, but don't like the mess of it, and you can't get the time

off, you can hire mercenaries who will fight your war for you. If you

would like a baby, but you can't have one yourself, or would prefer

not to put on the weight, you can hire a surrogate mother to have

your baby for you.

Right along with a do it yourself craze is the don't do it yourself

trend. 450 years ago King Louis XII of France had a prime minister

who was capable, and so he let him take over more and more of his

responsibilities. His name was George, and that is where the saying

got started, "Let George do it." If you have got the money, there is

some George today who will do for you whatever you want done but

don't want to do yourself. There seems to be no limit to how far

man is willing to carry this thing, but there is a limitation set by God

in that no man can pay another to have faith for him. Believing in

and trusting in Jesus Christ is so personal that nobody can do it for

another. In the realm of faith it is a matter of doing your own thing,

or it just will not get done.

I cannot believe for you, nor can you believe for me. This does

not mean we cannot be helped by others to have faith, but they can't

have it for us. Paul begins this letter to Titus by making it clear that

he is a servant of God and an Apostle of Jesus Christ for the purpose

of increasing the faith of God's people. Paul could not have faith for

them, but he could aid them in growing in faith. He could be a faith

builder. Some other versions differ. The RSV says, "To further the

faith of God's elect." Today's English Version has it, "To help the

faith of God's chosen." The Living Bible says, "I have been sent to

bring faith to those God has chosen." Williams has, "To stimulate

faith in God's chosen people." Goodspeed has, "To arouse faith in

those whom God has chosen."

Paul can't have it for us, but he can help us have it for ourselves.

This means that if we are to benefit from Paul's being selected by

God to be an Apostle, we must by his influence become people of

increased faith. That is what God selected Paul for. If you want to

know what an Apostle is for, it is simple. He is for motivating and

stimulating faith in the people of God. This letter, and all of Paul's

letters, are faith builders, for they give us a basis for our beliefs, and

what we believe determines the degree of our faith. Faith comes in

all sizes. You can have little faith, medium faith, or big faith, and

what you believe makes the difference.

A number of tests have shown that if a man is hypnotized and

told that he is weak he will only be able to squeeze a gripping device

with one third the pressure he usually does. On the other hand, if he

is told he is strong his grip will go up in strength by 40%. In other

words, they have demonstrated scientifically the biblical truth that

as a man thinketh in his heart so is he. The strength of your faith

can vary tremendously depending on what you believe, and on the

intensity of that belief. Paul believed this or he would not have spent

so much of his life writing letters like this one to Timothy, and

urging him to teach the true doctrines of Christianity, and to refute

heresy and rebuke those going after Jewish myths, that they might

be sound in the faith.

He could not have faith for them, nor could Titus, but both of

them, and other godly leaders, could do and teach and live so as to

increase the faith of weak Christians. Paul was a faith builder, and

Titus was a faith builder, and all the leaders were to be faith

builders. Every Christian was to be this, for being a faith builder

and being a good Christian are, for all practical purposes,


Even the slaves are to so live that their masters will find the

message about Jesus attractive. A slave can be a faith builder in his

master. Every Christian is by the very nature of the Christian faith

in the business of being a faith builder. If our lives do not lift and

increase and strengthen faith, then we are part of the problem

instead of part of the answer. Some of the Christians in Crete were

part of the problem, but the goal of the faith builder is to help all

Christians get out of that category and into the category of being

faith builders themselves. We want to look at two aspects of faith

that will help us see the importance of this task.


If the purpose of Paul, the purpose of his letters, and the purpose

of leaders and God's Word are all for the producing of faith in

God's people, then we are dealing with a rock bottom necessity.

This is confirmed by Heb. 11:6 which says, "Without faith it is

impossible to please God." It does not say it is highly unlikely or

improbable, but impossible, and so faith is a necessity not only for

salvation, but for sanctification, and for all that is pleasing to God.

No wonder the disciples said to the Lord in Luke 17:5, "Increase

our faith." That is what Christian growth is all about-the increasing

in one's faith. Paul wrote in II Cor. 10:15, "Our hope is that as your

faith continues to grow, our area of activity among you will greatly

expand." Paul is saying that a growing faith is the key to a growing

ministry. You can't get anywhere with a static faith. A faith that

stops growing and increasing is like a bike that stops moving. It will

soon stop and fall.

There can be no doubt about it, every time we slip backwards in

our Christian walk there has been a lack of faith, or a ceasing to

grow in faith. When we cease to expand we begin to shrink. The

greatest frustration Jesus had with His disciples was their lack of

faith. He became weary over their weakness due to lack of faith.

When Peter's faith gave way and he sank into the sea Jesus said, "O

thou of little faith, wherefore didst thou doubt." When the disciples

were unable to cast the evil spirit out of the little boy he said, "O

unbelieving and perverse generation, how long shall I be with you?

How long shall I endure you?" To the two on the road to Emmaus

who did not believe the report of his resurrection he said, "O dull

witted men with minds so slow to believe all that the prophets have

spoken!" What a perpetual pain it was to Jesus to be constantly

dealing with men of such little faith.

Jesus was impressed with people like the Centurion and the

Syrophonesian woman, for they had such great faith. Faith is where

its at. It pleases God, it delights Jesus, and it opens the door for the

Holy Spirit. It is the key to every door of advancement in the

kingdom of God. It is not a luxury. It is a necessity.

That is why God made Paul an Apostle, that is why his letters

became a part of God's Word to man. It is all a part of God's effort

to help believers increase their faith. Why do we worship God? It

is to increase our faith. Why do we read the Bible? It is to increase

our faith. Why do we pray for God's help and guidance? It is to

increase our faith. Why do we want Christian fellowship? It is to

increase our faith. The goal of almost everything we do as

Christians is to increase our faith.

Because weakness of faith is the number one cause of missing

God's best in life, we must do all we can to strengthen our faith. The

people of Israel could not enter the promised land because of their

unbelief. Their faithlessness caused them to miss their goal in life. So

the people of Nazareth missed the power of Jesus in their lives and

He could do no mighty work their because of their lack of faith.

Lack of faith is the basis for all the sin and folly of man. If Adam

and Eve would have believed and trusted God, they would never

have fallen. All of the folly of man since has been for just this same

doubt and disbelief in the Word of God. On the other hand, the big

blessings and the great successes of life all revolve around the

presence of, and the increase of, faith. Heb. 11 takes us through the

great people of the Old Testament and links them all to faith.

Spurgeon said, "Faith is the mother of virtue...Faith is the water

which nurtures the root of piety. If you have not faith, all your

graces must die. And in proportion as your faith increases so will all

your virtues be strengthened." The clever sign outside of church

spoke profound truths when it said, "Come to church and have your

faith lifted." That is why we come to church, for we all need a faith

lift, and we need it perpetually to be pleasing to God and to be

growing Christians.

Someone said, "Always be content with what you have, but

never with what you are." We always have the capacity for greater

faith, and this is the challenge of the Christian life, to be ever adding

to and increasing our faith. Peter said in II Pet. 1:5-7 that we are to

make every effort to add to our faith a whole series of virtues that

lifts our faith higher and higher. He said to add goodness,

knowledge, self-control, perseverance, godliness, brotherly kindness,

and love. This is the same thing Paul is helping Titus achieve in

Crete. Faith is a necessity for salvation and for sanctification, and

for becoming all that a Christian is meant to be. Paul was God's

instrument for building up the faith of His people, because faith is a

necessity. If something is a necessity, it is important for us to have a

better understanding of its nature, and so we look next at-


We have already seen that faith is more like a liquid or gas than

a solid. It is fluid and elastic. It can increase or decrease, and it can

expand or contract. It is not a solid and stable thing, but very

variable. It is a force in our soul like fluids in our body. You cannot

just take it for granted and assume that once you have faith all is

well, and so you can neglect and ignore it. It needs constant

monitoring and attention for balance and growth in your Christian

life. As you study this letter to Titus you discover that faith is not

some part of your being, but it is that which pervades your whole

being. Paul links faith to the intellect, the emotions, and the will.

The reason you can't please God without faith is because you cannot

think, feel, or choose anything pleasing to God without faith. A deep

study of faith shatters a lot of myths and misconceptions about this

vital virtue. Faith does not mean to be gullible and to swallow

everything that comes along that sounds good and religious. Paul is

telling Titus to silence false teachers who are into religion just for

the money. There were deceivers in Crete who were conning people

out of their money with religion. Having faith does not mean you

should not be skeptical and critical. The world has always been full

of false prophets, and you have to be a skeptic as a person of faith or

you will be deceived at some point.

Paul links faith and reason here in Titus. So many people think

you have to check in your brains to be a person of faith. This is

nonsense. Faith and the intellect are partners. In the first verse of

this letter Paul links faith and the knowledge of the truth. In verse 2

he says this partnership of faith and knowledge is based on the hope

of eternal life which God, who does not lie, promise before the

beginning of time. So now we have 3 vital parts of the Christian life

tied together. We need to see that the biblical view of man has

always been what is now becoming a popular concept in the world of

medicine and psychology.

Holistic medicine is popular today. It is an awareness that you

cannot treat a part of the body as if it existed by itself. It is a part of

a whole system, and the whole system is a unity and not just a pile of

parts. This is true even for a machine. You cannot just deal with a

carburetor or fuel pump or spark plug in isolation. You have to

deal with the whole car and the function of all of its parts together.

In the parts department they deal with each part separately, but on

the whole car you have to deal with all the parts in their

togetherness and cooperation with all other parts.

In theology we sometimes tend to deal with the issues of life like a

parts department. We look at faith as an isolated reality and virtue,

and try to figure it out, and then go on to look at hope and love.

This has its value, but the Bible does not deal with them that way. It

deals with them holistically. They are all tied in together and are

dependent one upon the other just as parts of an engine, or parts of

a body.

Faith is first here in Titus, but you cannot separate it from

knowledge or hope. You cannot have faith in what God has

promised if you do not know what He has promised, and so the

knowledge of the truth is vital to the existence of faith. To try and

keep these two separated would be like trying to keep a car going by

separating the carburetor and fuel pump, or keeping your body

going by separating your heart and your lungs. The point is, faith is

never separated from anything in the Christian life. It is a part of

the whole, and part of every other part of the whole. Faith is a part

of all we think, feel, and will. If you don't think right, feel right, or

choose right, the problem is with your faith.

The nonsense about Paul being the promoter of faith and James

being the promoter of good works is shattered by this letter also.

You will not find anywhere in the New Testament a greater

emphasis on good works than right here by the Apostle of faith. He

never for one moment saw these as opponents, but always as two

parts of the Christian life operating in harmony with the whole.

Titus was left in Crete to do good works in getting the church

organized. The elders were to love good and do good works. The

trouble makers in Crete were those who were not doing good, but

who were hurting people, and they were unfit for doing good works.

The whole second chapter is about getting the Christians of all ages

doing what is good, and even the slaves. Paul says in 2:14 that the

whole point of Christ redeeming us was to have a people eager to do

what is good. The third chapter begins with the Christian

responsibility as a citizen of the secular state to do what is good. In

verse 8 he stresses it again that Titus is to get the Christians devoted

to doing what is good. In verse 14 he says again, "Our people must

learn to devote themselves to doing what is good."

Thinking right and doing good are both vital parts of faith

living. Faith does not relieve the Christians of any intellectual,

moral, or social obligations. Faith is not some spark plug that goes

off and operates on its own apart from the rest of the car. It is a

part that ties into an functions in harmony with the whole. So when

we talk about increasing faith, that involves the total man in

increasing knowledge of the truth, increase of hope, love, joy, and

actions to do what is good in all areas of life.

Nobody can have faith for us, but they can help us have faith and

an increase in faith, and that is what Paul was called for, and what

all of us are called for. We are called to grow in faith and so live

that we will be faith stimulators and promoters in others. The

question we need to ask is this: Is it easier for others to have faith

because of me, or am I a hindrance to the faith of others?

Increasing in faith is caring to the point where you can more and

more say with confidence, I am a faith builder.

Stanley did not find faith in Christ until he found Livingston in

Africa. He lived with Livingston for four months, and he saw his

love for people, his gentleness and hopefulness, and faith. That

example of the Christian faith in flesh conquered him, and he too

came to faith. It is the story of Naomi's influence on Ruth repeated,

and so it is all through history. You cannot have faith for another,

but you can be the key to their having their own faith.

E. Stanley Jones tells of the amazing experience of one of the

poor Christian women of India. An epidemic took many lives and

the bodies were laid in piles. A poor sweeper woman, who was an

untouchable, saw one of the bodies move. She went to a doctor and

told him, and he took the body of a woman off the pile. She needed a

blood transfusion, and the sweeper woman volunteered to give her

blood. The woman lived and though she was a Brahmin, who would

have nothing to do with an untouchable, she found this sweeper

woman who saved her life, and in finding her she also found eternal

life, for the sweeper woman was a Christian. The impact of her love

and faith led this Brahmin woman to trust Christ as her Savior. This

sweeper woman's faith, which led her to the good work of giving her

blood, led to the faith of another. She was a faith builder.

This is what Paul was, and this is what he expected Titus to be,

and this is what all Christians are to be-faith builders.