Summary: Paul says this is what Christian leaders are to be. They are not to be people who get captured by the culture, or by circumstances. They are to be people who are stable and consistent in their commitments regardless of changes in life.

As I read Barbara Shields book Winners-Women And The Nobel

Prize, I was so impressed by the life and leadership of Agnes

Gunxha, better known as Mother Teresa. As I read of her life and

ministry I kept seeing her fulfilling the requirements that Paul lays

down for one to be an elder, or leader, in the church. We see such

words as blameless, not overbearing, not quick tempered, not given

to much wine, not violent, and not pursuing dishonest gain.

That is a lot of nots that are not to be, but Paul does not stop

with the negative, but goes on to add these positives: Be hospitable,

love what is good, be self-controlled, be upright, be holy, be

disciplined, hold firm to the truth, and encourage others. The ideal

Christian life is one of balance with much that is popular in the

world to be excluded, and much that is unpopular to be included.

Negatives and positives in balance is what the Christian life is all

about. I was impressed at how a nun could achieve this balance.

She had been in a convent for 20 years, but at age 38 she launched a

new ministry to the poorest of the poor in Calcutta, India. The filth

and ugliness, and the daily death of babies and others starving was

beyond description.

For months she worked alone. She would gather children

between a hut and teach them the alphabet by writing with a stick

on the ground. She had no money, for she had taken a vow of

poverty. Some people became aware of what she was doing and

gave her a little money and some bars of soap. These children had

never seen a bar of soap. She taught them how to clean themselves,

and she told them of the love of God. She had to beg for medicine to

give to these people. Other women joined her. They would rise at

4:30 A. M. to worship and have a balanced breakfast. Mother

Teresa was strong on having a good diet for health and strength to

do the demanding work they were doing.

Their labor was all in vain she taught if it was not done in joy.

Cheerfulness and love did more for people than food and medicine

she taught, and so all her helpers had to join in the evening fun time

where they would laugh and shout, and play games and sing. It was

hard work, and it was often depressing, and so they needed this for

balance. They lived in poverty like the people to whom they

ministered. They would rescue abandoned and dying babies left in

trash bins. Mother Teresa had a vast collection of photos of her

children that had been adopted from her home to families around

the world. She built the Town of Peace with the help of the Indian

government. This is a town where lepers are treated, and where

they learn a trade, and live a normal life.

We can't begin to describe all of her work among the world's

poorest, and most rejected population. She touched so many lives

and received an avalanche of awards from all over the world. Vast

amounts of money were involved, and all of it went to building more

ministry to the poor. She lived in a small room with no symbols of

affluence. She could pack to move in about 10 minutes. Young men

began to join her Missionaries of Charity, as they were called, and

whole new ministries were started for men and boys in the slums.

So many around the world began to contribute to her cause that she

expanded and opened homes in most of the large cities in the world

from New York to Tokyo.

What she learned is that the greatest hunger in the world is not

for bread but for love. It is poverty of the spirit that is the heaviest

burden to bear, and even rich people suffer this kind of poverty. In

December of 1979 she flew from Calcutta to Oslo, Norway to receive

the Nobel Peace Prize. It was the tradition to have a great banquet

in the honor of the recipient of this great prize. She begged the

committee to forget the banquet and give her the money. This added

7 thousand dollars to the 190 thousand dollar prize. She used it all

to build homes for the poor and the lepers. That year she opened 14

centers outside of India. She has over 100 centers in operation with7

thousand people a day being fed in Calcutta alone.

The stories of her love and care for those rejected by the world

are endless. I share this description of her life and ministry because

it exhibits what Paul is getting at as he lists the requirements for

being a Christian leader. Excellence is the bottom line, and that

means a life that displays the spirit of Christ in attitude and action.

Here is a person who has over a lifetime demonstrated self-control.

She could have changed radically from her commitment to the poor.

She could have let the money she won lead her to greed. She could

have been overcome by the chance to live the life of the rich and

famous. But she was so disciplined and self-controlled that she did

what many other Christian leaders could not do. She remained the

same person with wealth in her hands as she was when she had

nothing. That is excellence of spirit.

Paul says this is what Christian leaders are to be. They are not

to be people who get captured by the culture, or by circumstances.

They are to be people who are stable and consistent in their

commitments regardless of changes in life. Christ-centered people

are not violent, overbearing, and self-centered, which disqualifies

one for Christian leadership.

There are many books today with studies that reveal that the

Bible holds women equally accountable for living up to these

standards of excellence. So as we look at the specifics we need to

keep in mind that these apply to both sexes and not just to men, just

because they were the vast majority of leaders in the early church.

We are starting where we left off in a previous message. The next

requirement to be a church leader is to be one who is-


The Greek word here is used only twice in the New Testament.

It is powerful negative word that describes a person who is so

arrogant and self-willed that they denounce any voice that it

disagrees with them, and that includes the voice of God. This person

who is so presumptuous as to think his view is always the only right

one is not qualified to be a leader in the church. Why? Because he

will be an offensive person who has no consideration for other

people's perspective. Being closed like this will make him

unsympathetic and judgmental, and this is a poor example of Christ


Keep in mind, you can be a Christian and still be all the bad

things Paul says a leader is not to be. In other words, Christians can

be people who are not pleasant to be around. They are saved by

their trust in Christ, but they are far from sanctified, and far from

being qualified to be leaders. If all Christians were mature and

qualified, and living up to the standards and excellence that Paul

lists here, there would be no need to distinguish between Christians

who are qualified and those who are not. Anyone could serve as a

leader, and listing these qualifications would be unnecessary if one

was qualified simply by being a Christian. But it is not so. There

are Christians who are self-willed and arrogant enough to consider

everyone who disagrees with them as inferior. They are not good

leadership material.

Let me share some of the ways the two cases of this word are

translated. Peter uses it once in II Pet. 2:10: "Presumptuous are

they and self-willed." Goodspeed has it, "Rash, headstrong men."

The 20th Century New Testament has it. "Audacious and

self-willed." Here in Titus other translations stress words like

stubborn, arrogant, presumptuous, and overbearing. The reason

such a person is not qualified to be a leader in the church is that they

are not teachable, and so they are not open to the Word of God and

the Holy Spirit. They already know all that is worth knowing in

their mind, and such arrogance makes them unfit tools to help

others to grow. If you are not open to grow, you are not a good

example for others.

The philosopher Hume said something Paul and Peter would

certainly say amen to. He wrote, "When men are most sure and

arrogant they are commonly most mistaken, giving passion to views

without that proper deliberation which alone can secure them from

the grossest absurdities." The vast majority of heresy and religious

nonsense that deceives masses of people comes from arrogant people

who exalt their pet ideas to the level of God's revelation. As Paul

goes on to say, the leader has to be able to encourage others by

sound doctrine. The arrogant person will be more concerned with

promoting his own ideas. A Christian leader is one whose primary

concern is the truth God has clearly revealed, and not his own

self-centered perspective.

The next negative quality the Christian leader should lack is to

be not-


If you are arrogant and are convinced your subjective feelings

and perspectives should be shared by all, you will likely have a short

fuse when people disagree with you, and call your perspective

foolishness. Arrogance leads to the hot temper, for the self-willed

person feels that any attack on them is equivalent to an attack on

God. To disagree with them is the essence of evil, and such evil

needs to be smashed, and so the arrogant person is one who is

convinced that anger and violence are justified when dealing with

people who have the audacity to defy them.

Anger is a legitimate emotion for the Christian to have, but it

must be like the anger of God and of Jesus to be a virtue. They were

and are slow to anger, and always have it under control. The vice

that Paul rejects here is to be quick tempered, or hot tempered, or

short tempered. It is referring to those who are quarrelsome people,

and who are always looking for a fight. Charles Ashcroft tells of the

mountain guide who said to him as they climbed a jagged volcanic

mountain in South America. "This would have been our tallest

mountain if it had not blown its top." If you have ever seen pictures

of Mt. St. Helen after it blew its top, you know how radically a

mountain can be reduced by such an explosion.

That is Paul's point when it comes to Christian leadership. They

can be reduced so quickly to a low level if they have quick temper.

They are high risk to be in positions of leadership, for their lack of

self-control can do great damage. Listen to this testimony of a wife

who wrote to a counselor about her husband's temper. "I have a

husband who is 99% good and 1% rotten. He is a lovable mate and

a considerate father, but his one outstanding fault periodically ruins

all his good qualities. That point is his violent temper. He is like a

cow that gives a good, big pail of milk and with one, vicious kick,

spills it all over the place. The peculiar thing is this: These spells

come only once in a while and last for only a few minutes. But,

when they happen and while they last, he is like a raving maniac.

He snorts and cusses and cavorts until he is red in the face. Just as

quickly as the storm begins it subsides. Then he is apologetic;

admits he didn't mean the abusive things he said, and is really

contrite and penitent. But before the stage is reached, sometimes

almost irreparable damage is done."

That 1% of hot tempered violence in a 99% good man

disqualifies him from being an elder, for the elder must be one who

conveys a consistent testimony both in the church and in the world.

Of course, this is a standard of near perfection, and who can

measure up? Most of us have lost our temper and blown our top at

some point in life. But the point is that many of us have also come to

the place where we feel it coming on, and we have matured enough

to know it spells trouble, and so we find ways to control the energy

that threatens to explode. It is those who has reached this level of

maturity who qualify to be elders. There is always the risk that any

leader may still lose it under great pressure. Nobody can offer a

guarantee, but when it is known to happen in a person's life on any

sort of a regular basis, that person is not to be chosen as a leader.

A bad temper is a bad testimony. Some people never gain

control of their temper. Euthymius tells of the monk who joined the

monastery because he hoped that atmosphere would help him

control his bad temper. But he found the other monks irritating and

so he left. He went into a desert place to live alone, for that would

remove him from all irritation he thought. But one day as he was

using his only bowl to get water from the spring he bumped the bowl

on himself and spilled it. He dipped it in again and as he walked

away his foot slipped and he spilled the bowl again. In a furious

passion he dashed the bowl against a stone and smashed it to pieces.

When he cooled down he looked at his broken bowl and said, "What

a fool I am! How can I escape the temptation which is in my very

nature?" It was not other people, but his own hot tempered nature

that was his problem, and the only solution was not escape, but


A mature Christian is one who has learned this. You often

cannot control other people and irritable circumstances. You can

only control how you react to them. Those who have learned to

control their temper are qualified to be leaders. Alligators are

harmless they say if you can just keep their mouth shut. This is true

for people in leadership positions as well. It does not always

happen, however, and you have the record of Moses, who was one of

the greatest of leaders of God's people, losing his temper. God takes

temper control so seriously that he punished Moses for his loss of

control by forbidding him to inner the Promised Land.

This is not a mere minor defect in God's eyes. I have to confess

that so many of the sins Paul makes a big deal about I have been

conditioned to think of as minor. I have had deacons in my churches

that I knew were hot tempered. One got so angry he tried to put his

fist through a cabinet and broke his wrist. I like the guy and never

dreamed this would disqualify him from leadership, for he was a

good friend. So what if he blew up once in a while? It seemed to

hurt him more than anyone else, and I just overlooked it as a minor

matter. I have a hunch most of us feel this way about people we

know with a quick temper. But Paul says we are to take it seriously.

There is a place for anger and righteous indignation. But this is

different from losing one's temper. That is a rational thought out

response to evil, and not an explosion provoked by some spark of

evil. Evil wins when it gets you to lose your temper and add to the

world more evil. The poet speaks truth when he says-

When I have lost my temper

I have lost my reason too.

I am never proud of anything

Which angrily I do.

When I have talked in anger

And my cheeks are flaming red

I have always uttered something

That I wished I hadn't said.

In anger I have never done

A kindly deed, or wise,

But many things for which I know

I should apologize.

In looking back across my life

And all I've lost or made,

I can't recall a single time

When fury ever paid.

Author unknown. None are more Christ like than those who learn that a quick

temper is the devil's tool, and that true strength of character is

found in self-control. David MacLennon in his book Making The

Most Of Your Best tells this story: "When the distinguished Negro

Roland Hayes was a boy, he heard an old Negro preacher contrast

two kinds of power confronting each other, Christ and Pilate. Pilate

irked by the silence of Jesus, cried: "Why don't you answer me?

Don't you know I have power?" The old preacher went on to say,

"No matter how angry the crowd got, he never said a mumberlin

word, not a word."

Years later Mr. Hayes stood before an audience in Berlin's

Beethoven Hall. The audience was ugly, hostile, resentful of a Negro

daring to sing in the center of Aryan culture. Hisses, growing louder

and more ominous, greeted him. For 10 minutes Hayes stood there

in silence, resentment and anger swelling up in him like an

irresistible tide. Then he remembered the sermon of long ago, and

One who answered his enemies not a word-"He never said a

mumberlin word, not a word." He shouted back no angry resorts.

Standing there silently, he prayed, knowing that ultimate power was

on his side. "The quiet dignity of his courage subdued the savage

spirits of his audience, and in hushed pianissimo he began to sing a

song of Schubert. He won; without so much as a mumberlin word."

Temper control is a requirement for a Christian leader because

it has always been a requirement for a mature person of God. The

next requirement Paul lists is, "Not given to much wine." Other

translations have it, "Not a lover of wine." "Not addicted to strong

drink." Not a drunkard." "Not excessive in the use of wine." Here

again we see a clear distinction between being successful and being

qualified for leadership in the church. Many successful people drink

to excess. If you could see the list of the patients who have been

treated at the Betty Ford Clinic, you would see many of the most

famous people in our culture. Many gifts people who are leaders in

their profession are not qualified to be leaders in the church, and it

is because they are often given to much wine. They may be superior

in many ways to those who do not drink, but this habit is not

consistent with the image that Christ desires His church to convey to

the world.

There are cultures where it is a common practice for Christians

to drink modest amounts of alcohol. But no where is it acceptable

for a Christian to be called a drinker, or one who loves to consume

alcohol to excess. The whole idea of self-control demands that a

Christian leader not be under the control of any substance. Paul

does not mention drugs, for that was not a major issue in his day,

but this would certainly apply in our culture today. A Christian

leader is not to be under the control of any drug. We are not talking

about medicine, for there is a lot of alcohol in many medicines. We

are talking about a life style where alcohol and drugs play a role in

people's lives. Christian leaders are not to be a part of that scene.

Paul's stress is not on being given to much wine. This leaves the

door open to the moderate use of wine. But elsewhere he says that if

it is offensive the ideal is to be total abstinence. In Rom. 14:21 he

writes, "It is better not to eat meat or drink wine or do anything else

that will cause your brother to stumble." Dr. Carl Lundquist,

former President of Bethel College and Seminary, did a through

study of wine in the Bible, and he concluded that Paul did okay some

moderate use of wine in the churches pastored by Timothy and

Titus. He also concluded that the wine was not mere grape juice but

was fermented wine. The evidence is over whelming that Jesus and

the early Christians did drink fermented wine. He concludes that

the New Testament clearly teaches moderation, but he taught total

abstinence. Why? Because for 28 years as President of Bethel he

saw a growing number of youth coming from our best churches who

developed drinking problems.

Moderation can lead to excess, but abstinence never does. Too

many people can take that first step and then not know how to stop.

He felt that Christians should be preventing those who cannot stop

from ever starting. Almost 10 million college students drink in

America, and 50% of them develop serious drinking problems, and

unfortunately many of them are Christians. I have known many

Christian leaders who are moderate drinkers, and Paul's words here

do not prohibit them from being leaders. But I have to agree with

Dr. Lundquist. Abstinence is the best, for it prevents the tragedy of

those who just cannot handle alcohol and tend to go to excess. Since

the goal of Paul is excellence in all areas of life, Dr. Lundquist

concludes that the risks are to high with moderation. Abstinence is

the better way. Moderation is a must, however, for the bottom line

of Paul's teaching is that excellence excludes excess.