Summary: When we see the Ten Commandments from the true Biblical perspective, we see them as gifts of grace. They came from God who first delivered Israel, and then gave the law to preserve that liberty He gave them. The origin of the law is God's love.

The editor of a newspaper was interviewing a man who

applied for the job of being a rewrite man. "Are you good at

condensing"? the editor asked. "Sure", was the snap reply.

"All right then, take this and cut it short", he said , as he

handed him a copy of the ten commandments. The applicant

was momentarily startled, but then he took his pencil, wrote

briefly, and handed it back. The editor looked at it and said,

"Your hired!" He had written one word--don't.

This story illustrates the popular misconception about the

ten commandments. They are seen as negative, and can be

summed up in the philosophy that says thou shalt not enjoy

life. Whatever you like, don't do it. Now it is true that 8 of

the 10 are negative, but as we shall see, this is for a very

practical reason. Jesus summed them up, not with a don't,

but with a twofold positive do. Do love God with all your

heart, and do love your neighbor as yourself. The first four

commandments deal with loving God, and the last six deal

with loving our neighbor.

But if these most famous laws in the world can be stated

positively, why were they given in a negative form

originally? Those who do not care to look for an answer just

dismiss them as being irrelevant for a positive thinking

world. They claim the negative nature of them leads to

excessive negativism. This is illustrated by the mother who

said "Go see what Johnny is doing and tell him to stop."

One little boy under this kind of atmosphere thought his

name was Johnny don't. There have been many Christians

who have measured their piety by the number of things they

don't do. The Pharisees were experts at this sort of thing

also, and they were able to compile a list of several thousand

things they did not do. It was a negative religion.

Too many negatives lead to a life of emptiness. The

absence of evil is a good thing, but when good is also absent,

one is not living a life pleasing to God. Jesus told of the man

who had all of the demons that possessed him driven out,

and all was swept clean. All the evil was gone, but no positive

good filled the vacuum, and the result was the evil returned

in greater power than it had before. Those who try to live on

negatives often take great falls into sin, for negatives are just

not a good foundation. The negative is only of value when it

is a means to a positive end.

A missionary in Africa was trying to explain the Ten

Commandments to an old native chief. "You tell me I'm not

to take my neighbors wife?" "That's right" said the

missionary. "Or his ivory or his oxen?" "Quite right!"

"And I must not ambush him on the trail and kill him?"

"Absolutely right" said the missionary. "But I cannot do

any of these things," said the savage, "I am too old. To be

old and to be Christian are the same thing." This illustrates

how weak a mere negative religion and morality would be.

Righteousness would be equivalent to inability. If negative

become ends in themselves, then one becomes more and

more Christian the less he is able to live, and death would

bring perfection. This is, of course, nonsense. Negatives

cannot be ends in themselves, but must be means to a

positive goal.

We fail when we lose the positive, for it is the positive that

gives authority to the negative commands. People demand

to see the positive value in having their freedom limited by

prohibitions. If you say don't, they want to know why, and

the why had better be positive if you expect people to respect

the authority of the negative. Robert Kahn, a Jewish Rabbi,

points out that the Declaration of Independence has this

great positive statement-"All men are created equal and are

endowed by their Creator with rights to life, liberty, and the

pursuit of happiness." Then, in order to preserve these positive

values, a Bill of Rights was a appended to the

Constitution. When you read them you notice they are of a

negative character. The gist of each is-

Congress shall make no law

The right of the people to bear arms shall not be infringed

No soldier shall be quartered

the right--to be secure shall not be violated

No person shall be held to answer.

No fact tried by a jury shall be otherwise re-examined

Excessive bail shall not be required

The enumeration of certain rights shall not be Construed

These are the eight negatives of the ten amendments called

the Bill of Rights. They are negative commandments for the

preservation of positive rights. We see from this, that when

negatives are the means to positive ends, they do not destroy

our freedom, but become foundations for freedom. Without

these negatives to protect us we would be far less free as


Now if we go back to the Ten Commandments, we see the

same principle involved. It is almost as if the Constitution

and Bill of Rights were patterned after the 20th chapter of

Exodus. In Exodus 20:2, we see the positive statement of

God, which gives authority to His Commandments, and

which is the basis for their existence. "I am the Lord your

God who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the

house of bondage." God did not impose this list of laws

upon a people to suppress them and their liberty. They were

the gift of a wise God to a people He had set free, and who

He wanted to remain free.

John Locke said of the law, "The end of the law is not to

abolish or restrain, but to preserve and enlarge freedom."

This was certainly God's intention in giving the Ten

Commandments. If oppression and suppression was His

motive, He could have done no better than to have left them

in their bondage in Egypt. The whole atmosphere

surrounding the Ten Commandments is one of positive

liberty. Liberty so new and fresh and complete that it could

only lead to chaos and disaster without the limitations of

law. All of the negatives are like the Bill of Rights negatives.

They are to preserve the great liberty which God had given


By forbidding murder, for example, all are free to live.

By forbidding stealing all are free to possess property

without fear. Each negative is for the protection of a

positive value. Freedom is dependent upon the limiting and

the guiding of man by law. Total freedom is a paradox, for

it leads to total bondage. Total freedom is when every man

does what is right in his own eyes, and has no responsibility

for the rights of others. It is absolute individualism, which is


During the French Revolution they took the not out of the

Ten Commandments, and they put it into the creed. They

had, thou shalt kill, steal, commit adultery, lie; and I do not

believe in God the Father Almighty. The results of this

misplaced not was one of the worst periods of history. The

anarchy and blood bath, that came because of the absence of

this not, was a classic example of the positive value of

negative limitations. Remove the negative and you destroy

the power of the positive. This is true in many realms of life.

If you take the negative cable off your battery the positive

cable will not start your car. The two must work together to

achieve a positive goal. That is why negative laws are also

needed to achieve positive goals in human society.

When the Ten Commandments are seen in the proper

perspective they become foundations for freedom, and not

hindrances to freedom. They hinder and restrain only that

perverted freedom which leads to bondage. If there is a

world where all goes well without respect for life, property,

and purity, it has not yet been discovered, and until some

space traveler charts it on the map of the universe, the Ten

Commandments will be relevant and essential to the good

life and best society.

Cecil B. DeMille, in preparing the script for his well

known production of the Ten Commandments, caught

something of the meaning of God's eternal Word when he

said, "Our modern world defines God as a "religious

complex" and laughed at the Ten Commandments as old

fashioned. Then, though the laughter, came the shattering

thunder of great world wars, each more terrible than the last

and a blood-drenched world, no longer laughing, cries for a

way out. There is only one way out. It existed before it was

Engraved upon the tables of stone. It will exist when stone

has crumbled. The Ten Commandments are not rules

to obey as a personal favor to God. They are the

fundamental principles without which mankind cannot live

together. Armies are mighty, atom bombs are mighty.

Ideologies born of blind pride and passion are mighty. But

the truth of God is mightier than all, and it shall prevail."

Remove the laws that limit the earth to its orbit around

the sun, and you gain a liberty which would hurl it into

extinction. We are only free to live and breathe as we do,

because of the limitations of law. So it is with the Ten

Commandments. The New Testament does not repeal them,

but rather, lifts them to an even higher level by summing

them all up in love. Paul in Gal. 5:13-15, gives us a perfect

example of the necessity of the law being fulfilled in love.

"You, my brothers, were called to be free. But do not use

your freedom to indulge the sinful nature; rather, serve one

another in love. The entire law is summed up in a single

command: "Love your neighbor as yourself." If you keep

on biting and devouring each other, watch out or you will be

destroyed by each other." This shows us that the Ten

Commandments are as essential for the survival of the

Christian Church as they were for the survival of Israel. The

only difference is, the New Israel stresses the positive aspect

of love in the fulfilling of them.

When they were given to Israel, they were given to a very

immature and undisciplined people. They had been slaves

for hundreds of years, and were not an advanced and highly

civilized people. Negatives are necessary on this level of

development. We see this in raising children. When they

are young and immature, and do not understand ideals and

positive values, you are limited to saying "no, no" to guide

them. The positive replaces the negative only as they

become mature. This is the pattern we see in God's dealing

with men. The Old Testament has a focus on the "no, no",

but the New Testament focus is on the "yes, yes." The more

mature people become in their relationship to God the more

valuable and precious the commandments become. An

unknown poet put it-

"The truth that yesterday was mine is larger truth today;

It's face has aspects more divine, it's kinship fuller sway

For truth must grow as ages roll, and God looms large upon

the soul."

When we see the Ten Commandments from the true

Biblical perspective, we see them as gifts of grace. They

came from God who first delivered Israel, and then gave the

law to preserve that liberty He gave them. The origin of the

law is God's love. The goal of it is that we might love Him

who first loved us, and our neighbor whom He also loved.

As given to Israel, however, they were exclusive and not

universal, for God had delivered and redeemed only Israel.

The Ten Commandments as given in Exodus were only for

Israel, but since the coming of Christ they are universal, and

all men are obligated by them, especially those who believe.

Jesus died for the sins of all men. He became the universal

Savior, and now all men can be led out of bondage to sin and

Satan by faith in Him. This becomes the New Testament

basis for obedience to the Ten Commandments. All who

have been delivered are obligated to express their gratitude

by obeying the laws of their Deliverer.

Laws become the foundation for freedom. Obedience to

God's laws is our expression of love to Him who first loved

us and set us free. Love and law are partners in the

Christian life, and they work together for the good of man.

As we study the Ten Commandments, we must be aware

that we not just studying what was relevant to ancient Israel,

but what is relevant to our daily life. What is old is not

obsolete just by being old. The laws of nature are very old,

but I never heard of a movement to stop keeping them. I

never heard any parents say, "my folks always told me not to

touch a hot stove, but that is old fashioned. I let my kids

touch the hot stove, and don't push any of that old stuff on

them." The reason some things are old is because they are

essential for all generations. The law of gravity is as old as

time, but just as fresh and new and vital to life as it was on

the first day of time. The Ten Commandments are old, but

they will never be outdated. Break them today, and it is just

as foolish as trying to break the law of gravity today. D. L.

Moody said, "The commandments of God given to Moses in

the mount at Horeb are as binding today as ever they have

been since the time when they were proclaimed in the

hearing of the people."

We are saved by faith alone in Jesus Christ, but saved

people must still obey the laws of nature and the laws of

God. Law does not save, but there is no way to live a life

pleasing to God, and one that leads to happiness, apart from

obedience to law. The very angels of God, who never sinned,

live in obedience to God's law. In Psalm 103:20 we read,

"Bless the Lord ye His angels that excel in strength, that do

His commandments, harkening unto the voice of His Word."

The Christian sees the Old Testament law as a means of

fulfilling the New Testament law of Christ, which is the law

of love. It is not a way of being saved, but a way by which

we express our love to God for being saved by grace. Our

freedom in Christ, limited by our obedience to the Ten

Commandments, will lead us to live a life worthy of our

Lord. The greatest freedom in life is the freedom to please

God. Thus, in studying the Ten Commandments, we are

studying the Foundations For Freedom.