Summary: God must win our obedience to the first commandment or the rest of them become meaningless. If we are not absolutely loyal to Him and Him alone, we will not be concerned about being loyal to His standard of morality.

And God spoke all these words: I am the

Lord your God, who brought you out of Egypt, out of the

land of slavery. You shall have no other gods before me.

In the book, The Doctor Of Crows Nest, and old doctor

Ferguson fell in love with the hands of young Barney Boyle.

"You must be a surgeon, Barney," he said. "You've got the

fingers and the nerves!" Barney was hesitant, but the

doctor pointed out all the advantages and the help he could

be to others. He concluded, "Ah, boy, God knows I'd give

my life to be a great surgeon. But He didn't give me the

fingers. I haven't the touch. But you have! You have the

nerve and the fingers and the mechanical ingenuity; you can

be a great surgeon. You shall have all my time and all my

books and all my money; I'll put you through! You must

think, dream, sleep, eat, drink bones and muscles and sinews

and nerves! Push everything else aside! He cried waving his

great hands excitedly. And remember!.... here his voice took

a solemn tone...let nothing share your heart with your


Here is an earthly example of the motivation behind the

first commandment. God had great ambitions for Israel. He

wanted a people who would be an instrument of His grace

and love to all the world. Though them He would bring into

the world the Great Physician, who alone would succeed as

an effective surgeon against sin. God had great plans, just

as the doctor did for young Barney, but both God and

doctor Ferguson had the same obstacle to overcome, and

that was the free will of man that can choose, not only less

than the best, but even the worst. Barney could choose to be

a bum and waste his gifts, and Israel could choose to go a

whoring after other gods and bring disgrace upon the name

of Jehovah. As a matter of fact, that is exactly what

happened, and it proves the point that free will is the basic

problem in the God-man relationship. Until the will is

submissive there is no way that man can be successful in

fulfilling the plan of God.

God must win our obedience to the first commandment

or the rest of them become meaningless. If we are not

absolutely loyal to Him and Him alone, we will not be

concerned about being loyal to His standard of morality. Dr.

Ferguson said "if you want to be a successful surgeon you

must let nothing share your heart with your knife." God is

saying in this first commandment, "if you want to be

successful in living a life pleasing to me, let nothing share

your heart with you love for me." In other words, make me

your first priority in all of life. All other loves, such as family,

friends, and neighbors must be subordinate to your love for

me. Love for God must be first and foremost, always.

Thoreau said, "Simplicity, simplicity, simplicity! I say,

let your affairs be as two or three, and not a hundred or a

thousand-simplify, simplify." God will not settle even for

two or three, however, but demands we simplify down to one

ultimate loyalty. This is what the first commandment is all

about. Let's look at the implication of this first


The first implication of this commandment is that God

has made man free to defy His sovereignty. God does not

impose the benefits of His acts of grace upon man without

their consent. By shear power God brought Israel out of

Egypt, but He did not by shear power compel them to

acknowledge Him as their God. For their good He

commands that they do so, but the very existence of the

command implies that they have the freedom to do

otherwise. They demonstrated their freedom time and time

again by defying this first commandment. The whole history

of the sufferings of Israel is the history of their disobedience

to the first commandment. Yet, God did not by shear force

ever compel them to obey it as he compelled the water of the

Red Sea to separate. Taking Israel out of Egypt was simple

compared to the task of taking Egypt out of Israel. The first

was a matter of power, but the second called for the

cooperation of man's will.

God's sovereignty does not play the same role in the

moral and spiritual realm as it does in the physical. He does

not force men into submission. The poet wrote-

And He that looketh wide and high,

Nor pauses in His plan,

Will take the sun out of the sky,

Ere freedom out of man.

In the very giving of the law God respects man's freedom,

but He gives them the law as another act of sovereign grace,

knowing that if they use their freedom to choose His will

they will find what is best in life for themselves. Israel will

become degraded, like all the surrounding nations, if she

does not freely choose to obey the law of God. When the

Jews chose not to follow the law they entered into the

bondage of fear and foolish superstition. They became

idolatrous and immoral, and only after the wrath of God

sent them into captivity did they finally learn how to use

their freedom to choose loyalty to God.

Freedom, which is man's greatest asset, is also his greatest

problem, until he learns to yield it up to God. Obedience to

the first commandment is not forced on us, but for those who

are looking for a shortcut to Gods best this is the

commandment to obey. We are free to be fools, but God

gave us the history of His people's response to this

commandment to help us avoid the folly of trying to find

happiness apart from obedience to it.

God honored man as the only creature on earth that has

the ability to choose to obey or defy His commandments.

God in His sovereignty has determined that He will not force

you to do His will, but He will require you to pay the price of

choosing wrong. The chemist can do as he pleases with his

chemicals, but if he does not respect the laws of chemistry he

may suddenly find himself leaving his lab by the way of the

roof. We are equally free to defy the moral laws of God, but

we are not free to escape the judgement that will result from

our bad choice. All of life revolves around the choices that

we make. We are not responsible for the outcome, but we

are responsible for the choices we make. Bonaro

Overstreet's oft-quoted words speak to this issue.

You say the little efforts that I make

Will do no good: They never will prevail

To tip the hovering scale

Where justice hangs in the balance.

I I don't think I ever thought they would.

But I am prejudiced beyond debate

In favor of my right to choose which side

Shall feel the stubborn ounces of my weight.

The first commandment is God's calling to man to choose

Him and His will as the first priority in their lives. This

choice is the key to their own happiness.

The second implication we want to consider is that this

first commandment implies that there are other gods. That

sounds shocking when you hear it for the first time, but it

becomes a commonplace piece of information as you read

the commentaries. This first commandment clearly forbids

other gods being worshipped, but it does not state that there

are no other gods to be worshipped. It only states that for

Israel there is to be only one God. He was the only God, but

the existence of other gods is not denied. If there were no

other gods, what would be the point of forbidding anyone to

worship them?

When we consider the polytheism all around Israel, we

know the many gods who were worshipped were not

objectively real, but they were very definitely subjectively

real. They captured the loyalties of men, and did so with

Israel as well. In other words, non-existent gods are still very

real and God has to compete with them for man's loyalty. If

the false gods of the pagans were not a real threat to Israel's

right relationship to God, He never would have bothered to

make their exclusion a part of the first commandment.

God is actually the author of a gods are dead movement.

He seeks to get them excluded from the consciousness of His

people so that they die from neglect. God is all for any

movement that kills off and eliminates some of the millions of

false gods men have created. It sounds strange, but as

monotheists, who believe in only one God, we must

constantly be on guard against all kinds of real non-existent

gods. What is all amounts to is that there is only one capital

God, but a multitude of small gods which run all the way

from figments of the imagination to objectively existent

fallen creatures such as Satan, the god of this world.

The problem of non-existent gods hit the early church

and though Paul knew they did not exist, he also recognized

that some Christians believed in them because of their

former lives of idolatry. For the sake of these Christians the

stronger Christians were not to eat meat offered to a

non-existent god, because the god was real to the weaker

Christian. In other words, it is possible for a Christian to

believe in the actual reality of other gods. Paul says in I Cor.

8:4-7, "So then, about eating food sacrificed to idols: We

know that an idol is nothing at all in the world and that

there is no God but one. For even if there are so-called gods,

whether in heaven or on earth (as indeed there are many

"gods" and many "lords"), yet for us there is but one God,

the Father, from whom all things came and for whom we

live; and there is but one Lord, Jesus Christ, through whom

all things came and through whom we live. But not

everyone knows this. Some people are still so accustomed to

idols that when they eat such food they think of it as having

been sacrificed to an idol, and since their conscience is weak,

it is defiled."

We see then, that both in the Old Testament and the New

Testament there is a process of education necessary to bring

men to the point of recognizing one, and only one, God. God

did not start by saying there are no other gods, but rather,

do not put other gods before me. If you are talking with

someone and they inquire about Allah and the gods of other

people, do not waste your time trying to disprove the

existence of these gods. Even as non-existent gods they have

great influence. Your primary task is to point them to the

God of revelation and urge them to put their trust in Him.

The issue is not whether there are other gods or not, but

whether or not they have surrendered to the God who has

provided their Savior in Jesus Christ.

The Bible does not try to prove God's existence, but urges

men to put their faith in Him and obey His revealed will.

Clovis Chappel says you could be out on the desert dying of

thirst and find evidence that water is somewhere nearby, but

the evidence will not save you without a drink of the actual

water. No one can live on proof of the existence of water.

They need to experience the life giving qualities of actual

water. So it is with God. Proofs of His existence are no

more satisfying than proofs of the existence of water. Men

must respond to God's revelation in faith to experience the

reality of God. Thomas Hardy sat in a church service and

felt so lonely because he had not responded in faith to the

God of the worshippers. He wrote-

Heart of mine knows not that ease

Which they know, since it be

That he who breathes "all's well" to these

Breathes no "all's well" to me.

God breathes His all's well only to those, who out of a

multitude of gods, and possible ultimate values, will choose

to put Him first. Even though He is the only objectively

eternal God, yet men must choose Him above all the

influential non-existent gods to gain His salvation.

In Japan, those who respond to the gospel are often so

grateful for the knowledge of one God after having eight

hundred thousand to choose from. It gives unity to life, and

with one God to concentrate upon they can get to know

Him. This is one of God's major purposes in this first

commandment. God wants to be known, and the best way

for man to get to know Him is by concentration on Him

alone as ones ultimate relationship. We will focus on this in

the next chapter.