Summary: Marriage is similar to conversion in that, in conversion we make a commitment of our lives to one Lord, and in marriage we commit our lives to one mate. Sex and salvation are linked all through the Bible.

Actor Eli Wallach figured that his son who was

approaching his teens was sharp enough to grasp some basic

facts of life. So he called him in, and gave him the

time-honored story about the birds and the bees. When he

was all finished the boy said, "You know in a rudimentary

fashion, the process you've described isn't too dissimilar to

human reproduction."

Parents are often naive about the sex knowledge of their children.

They pretend that in a nation where teenage girls

get pregnant by the millions, and where sex promotion oozes

out of every pore of society, and where its rays flood every

realm of life with its omnipresent radiation, that they still

walk in the dark concerning the mechanics of sex. It is time

that we wake up to the fact that we have been living in the

midst of a sex revolution. Pitiram Sorokin, the great

Harvard sociologist, says of this revolution: "It is changes

the lives of men and women more radically than any other

revolution of our time."

This revolution is just as serious as political and economic

revolution, but it goes almost unnoticed because it is so

private. Sorokin writes, "Devoid of noisy public explosion,

its stormy scenes are confined to the privacy of the bedroom

and involves only individuals. Unmarked by dramatic

events on a large scale, it is free from civil war, class struggle,

and blood shed. It has no revolutionary army to fight its

enemies. It does not try to overthrow governments. It has

no great leader; no hero plans it, and no politician directs it.

Without plan or organization it is carried on by millions of

individuals, each acting on his own."

Time does not permit the examination of all the evidence

of the decay of the American culture. But let me give you

one example. During the early period of Greek and Roman

culture the figures of their deities and heroes, and especially

of women, were completely draped from head to foot. In the

decadent stages of their culture these same figures appeared

nude, designed to stimulate the sex drive. The same pattern

was followed in music, the stage, and literature, until sex

dominated the culture, and brought them to ruin. It is the

same old story over and over. Sex is a beautiful servant, but

a beastly master. Yet in spite of all the history of man's folly

and its consequences in relation to sex, the American people

are traveling that same road. It is true, "All men ever learn

from history is that men never learn from history."

The seventh commandment is not just relevant; it is

essential for the very survival for our culture. As important

as it is, however, the church has not given it an adequate

place in its teaching. D. L. Moody said, "I would to God I

could pass over this commandment, but I feel the time has

come to cry aloud and spare not." Most preachers feel like

Moody, but the difference is most do pass over it. I read 36

different preachers, scholars, and professors, on this

commandment. All but a handful beat around the bush and

just preached a gentle sermon on marriage and family life.

To deal with it realistically you must be frank almost to the

point of embarrassment.

There are those who feel you should not preach on the

seventh commandment at all for fear of giving people ideas.

These objectors know the power of sex, and know that a

sermon on adultery could tempt the listeners to the very act

that is condemned. I have read sermons describing David's

affair with Bathsheba, and wondered if the authors purpose

was to stir up jealously in the reader that he was not David,

rather than pity for David that he was a victim of

uncontrolled sex.

The objectors have a point, but it is dulled by the fact

that the Bible itself is not shy on the subject of sex. It is so

frank and specific in parts that it stimulates the same

emotions as a sex novel or seductive film. There is no point

in trying to pretend sex is an incidental and insignificant

part of life. It is a major and powerful force in the life of

every healthy human being. It is the area of the greatest

temptation to sin. R. H. Charles writes, "Other sins, such as

theft, arson, perjury, murder, make no appeal to the normal

healthy mind. You may read countless tales of such crimes

in the daily press and not be tempted in the lease to become

a theft, or incendiary, a perjurer, or a murderer, because in

healthy minds the desire to leading to such crimes are

absent, and the tales of such crimes create only abhorrence.

But it is otherwise in regard to the sins of the flesh. Every

healthy human being is influenced, and rightly influenced,

by the attraction of sex."

This being the case, as we all recognize, we must follow

the advice of McAfee who said, "One must plead for a pure

heart even when there is danger that the very plea will stir

up impure depths." Our primary concern is not to give a

lecture on sex education, but to stress the Biblical attitude

toward sex. The attitude we have and convey to others,

especially to our children, is more important than biological

information. Even the Kinsey report concluded that

imparting all the facts about sex to people does not in itself

determine how they will act in the use of sex. It says that

attitude alone determines patterns of behavior. The parents,

by their attitudes, are the real determiners of the sex

behavior of their youth.

You may never sit down and explain sex to your child,

but you are teaching attitudes all the time, and this is what is

the determining factor. In his book, How To Tell Your

Child About Sex, Clyde M. Naramore, the well known

Christians psychologist writes, "Parents often say to me Dr.

Naramore do you know of a good book about sex education?

Our boy (or girl) is nearly 13 and we want to tell him the

facts of life. Questions like this would be humorous if they

weren't so unfortunate. Evidently these parents do not

realize that they have been giving their children sex

education for years. The very fact that they have not talked

with them tells these children that sex is something to avoid

discussing. And of course, 13 years of age is much too late to

begin. By then, some of the most important and most

impressive years of life have already passed."

The implications of the seventh commandments would get

us into all the realms of sex behavior, but for now we can

only look at the primary purpose of the commandment. The

positive principle underlying this negative forbidding of sex

relations with any other person than your mate is, the

preservation of marriage. Next to a man's life his most

precious possession is his wife. To take either his life or his

wife was punishable by death in the Old Testament. Israel

could not survive, nor can any nation, where there is a lost of

respect for life and marriage. Obedience to this

commandment involves a development of the highest respect

for marriage, and a deep sense of loyalty to one's mate. The

marriage vows of forsaking all others, and keeping yourself

unto him or her alone are not just thrown in to lengthen the

service, they are the most solemn vows two people can make

to each other.

Adultery is so evil, because it is a breaking of a major

promise of life. When you get married you promise not to

have sex with anyone else. You do not promise that you will

never notice another man or woman. You do not promise

you will not lust after another person. You do not even

promise that you will not feel romantically attracted to

another person. All of these things may happen in the

course of life. If they did not, there would be no need for the

promise. The promise that you make in marriage is that you

will keep yourself just for each other so long as you both

shall live. It is a commitment to devote all of your sexual

energy to the loving of your mate. That is a marital right

every partner has a right to expect. However sexual hunger

is provoked, a mate is to release that energy only with their

partner. That is God's plan and it is a beautiful plan.

Why then do so many chose to release their sex energy

outside of marriage. Dr. Leon Saul in his book, Fidelity and

infidelity, after a great deal of research, came to this

conclusion: "....I do not think that a man or woman carries

on an outside affair that pains his spouse and children,

damages them, in some part destroys them, unless there is a

powerful undercurrent of hostility against them, however

conscious or unconscious this may be." In other words, the

same emotion that makes the sixth commandment necessary

is what makes the seventh necessary-hostility. It will make

you kill your neighbor, or kill your marriage. Hostility

toward your mate is what allows people to permit lust to get

out of control. If you are not hostile toward your mate you

will keep lust under control. People full of anger wish to

hurt someone, and they will be strongly tempted to hurt

their mate by infidelity.

On the practical level this means that mates have an

obligation to go all through life enriching their relationship.

They need to learn how to communicate so that hostility is

dealt with, and never permitted to go unresolved. Many

studies reveal that middle age people become unfaithful

because they feel a need to demonstrate that they are still

attractive to the opposite sex. This hunger to be attractive

would not get so out of hand if mates would build each

other's self-esteem, and continue to be sexually romantic. A

dull, boring, routine sex life is a sin, and a violation of the

seventh commandment, because it produces the factors that

lead to its violation. Love is the fulfilling of the law, and

loving mates will so satisfy each other that there will be no

reason to be tempted by adultery. What can Satan do if

everything he has to offer you in sin, you already have

within your marriage?

Paul gives Christians the key to reducing the risk of

immoral sex in I Cor. 7. Paul's advice is for every mate to

make sure that the sex drive of their partner is satisfied on a

regular basis. This may vary greatly, but whenever the

desire is present, it should be satisfied. This may call for

learning a great deal about sex technique. Most all of the

cases I know where a Christian mate becomes unfaithful, the

basic cause is right here. They were not sexually satisfied,

and it could have all been prevented by better understanding

of the need and way to satisfy it. Adultery appeals to a

hunger, and there is little danger if that hunger is already

met in marriage. Paul is saying that if you have rocks in

your bed, you have rocks in your head, for you are giving

Satan a foot in the door to destroy your marriage. Mates

must give a lifetime of thought and action to keep the

romance of sex a vital part of their relationship.

Marriage is similar to conversion in that, in conversion

we make a commitment of our lives to one Lord, and in

marriage we commit our lives to one mate. Sex and

salvation are linked all through the Bible. God had His

bride of Israel, and Christ has His bride, the church. Any

disloyalty and idolatry in these relationships is called

adultery. The marriage bond of two people is the very first

human relationship. Adam was created first, and so the God

man relationship was the first relationship with man. Then

Eve was created, and the first fully human relationship was

that of man and wife. Next to life itself, therefore, marriage

is the most sacred possession we have.

God's first gift to Adam was life, and His second gift was

a wife. It is not, cleanliness is next to godliness, but

marriage is next to godliness. To treat it lightly, or to shatter

it through an act of adultery is to be guilty of the worst of

sins against God, man, and society. Adultery is wrong not

because sex is wrong, but because sex outside of marriage

shows a disrespect for the highest human bond. It

murderers this highest relationship, and the murder of a

marriage is just as serious as the murder of a person. This

does not mean that adultery is the unforgivable sin, for Jesus

had compassion on the woman caught in the very act. He

forgave her while condemning the men who wanted to see

her punished. He knew the hearts of men, and knew that

everyone of them had lust in their hearts. Jesus said that

those without sin should cast the first stone, and they all left,

for everyone of them was guilty.

We cannot have a stern inflexible attitude toward those

guilty of this sin. Christians who are suffering because of a

blunder in this area of life need to recognize that marriage is

the basic value to be preserved, and if it can be, both

partners are obligated to work for a healing of the shattered

bond for all they are worth. I have talked with a number of

people guilty of this sin, and not a one understands why they

were so foolish. Everyone of them regrets it, and would give

anything not to have fallen. Christ forgives, the mate

forgives, but the hardest part of all is to forgive yourself.

The scar remains, and can become a cause for conflict at any

time. Nevertheless, the Christian attitude is to be one of

striving for the preservation of marriage. There will be a

Sahara desert period to go through, but the struggle will pay

off, and with the attitude of high respect for marriage, the

two can arrive again at the oasis of happiness. If the grace

of Christ can heal the broken relationship of God and man,

it can heal the next highest relationship also, that between

husband and wife. One of the most important things you

can do for the glory of God, for the strengthening of the

church and nation, is to obey this seventh commandment for

the preservation of marriage.