Summary: Moms are indeed unsung heroes because much of what a mother does is unnoticed by others.  That is natural because much of what a mother does is behind the scenes. 


If you have done any reading in the Old Testament, you will come across those passages of Scripture, where the writer begins telling us that so and so begot this one and so and so begot that one. We don't see that in the New Testament except in the very beginning of the Gospel of Matthew.

But then we come to the conclusion of the Book of Romans, in particular to Romans Chapter Sixteen. And Paul does something like the listing of all those names of who begot who, but his listing of names is more of a meet and greet type of listing.

In Romans 16, Paul mentions approximately thirty names. He starts each verse with greet so and so and then he states what he or she did. Well, I want to us to hon in on one of the greets of Romans 16. In that list of approximately 30 names, nine women are listed: seven of them by name: one is mention not by name but as the sister of another. And then there is another woman who is mentioned as the mother of Rufus and Paul says she was like a mother to me. That's the person we want to focus on today.

So, if you have your Bible or today's bulletin, we are going to look at Romans 16:13. One short verse; please stand for the reading of God's Word.

My Scripture

Romans 16:13

13 Greet Rufus, chosen in the Lord, and his mother, who has been a mother to me, too.

My First Point

Moms, in many homes, are the unsung heroes.

This is a well know family of early Christendom. This woman's husband is recorded in Scripture as the man who carried the cross of Jesus. Let me read it to you from Mark 15:21 (NIV) 21 A certain man from Cyrene, Simon, the father of Alexander and Rufus, was passing by on his way in from the country, and they forced him to carry the cross.

Paul says about Rufus that he was chosen of the Lord, and Alexander. we don't know much about, but historians believe that he and Rufus were included in Mark's Gospel to verify the accuracy with which Mark wrote since they both were eyewitnesses of Jesus' death and became followers of Jesus after those events.

And then we come to mother of Rufus and Alexander and the wife of Simon the Cyrene, and the second mom to Paul. Nowhere is her name recorded in Scripture; she is just known as Rufus' mom and second mom to Paul.

In this passage Paul listed seven women by name; Paul certainly would have known her name; but instead, Paul opted for a greater title to describe her-mother- an unsung hero.

And moms are indeed unsung heroes because much of what a mother does is unnoticed by others.  That is natural because much of what a mother does is behind the scenes.  Even if there is not recognition, mothers are going to do what a mother needs to do.

I can remember when I was a young boy and I had three good friends. I knew each dad's first name and I would call them Mr. and their first name. But my friends, moms, I cannot recall that I ever knew their name. If I were addressing Jerry's mom, I would address her as Ms. J short for Jerry's mom. As I look back, they were unsung heroes, they took care of my friends but also took care of me, and I don't even know their name.

Maybe, you have been blessed in this life. Perhaps some lady came along side you and treated you like family right when you needed family in your life. That person was the unsung hero in your life. This world will always need moms who are those unsung heroes.

I hope those unsung heroes never vanish. But you know what this world is trying to do. It is trying to eradicate those unsung heroes. It is trying to get you to do everything else other than mothering. Let me tell you ladies that is your greatest profession. Even if you were not blessed with children, maybe your calling is to be that second mom to someone who needs it.

My Second Point

Moms have an overflowing capacity to love.

1 Corinthians 13:13 (NKJV) 13 And now abide faith, hope, love, these three; but the greatest of these is love. I saw it last Sunday at church this capacity of moms to love. Little Jade was running along the sidewalk, and she tripped and fell. There were several mothers who rushed to her aid. And I watched the men; they looked up when they heard the crying child; and then went right back to their conversations.

Children are smart. They know who to go to when they hurt themselves. They run to momma. When a child doesn't feel good, do they run to daddy? No, he will tell the child get over it, you will feel better in a little while.

My mother never turned away from our dinner table a friend I brought home to eat with us. I think if I brought ten friends' home, she would find them a place to sit. Dad, he would squawk a little bit, but momma would want them to feel like they were home.

In our passage, we know that this mom is a busy mom. Taking care of a child whether it is a young child, or an older child, it is work. We don't know is Simon is still alive at this time, but if he was, taking care of a husband is work. Taking care of a home is work. Being active in your church is work. Add all that together, children, husband, home, and church, and momma has a full-time job. I don't know how you ladies do that!

And then enters Paul on the scene. In Philippians 3:5 Paul describes himself as a Hebrew of Hebrews and concerning the law a Pharisee prior to knowing Christ. His parents were probably very proud of their son. He was a good Jewish boy! And then, one day on a Damacus Road everything changed. Paul came to know Jesus and if Paul's parents were orthodox Jews, then they would have had to disown Paul. Rufus's mother steps in and becomes like Paul's second mother. What that says about her is that she had a great capacity to love. And I think that can be said about Christian moms in general.

Ladies, one of your greatest capacity is to show love. And what does the devil want to do is to keep you so busy that you don't have time to love. Your greatest gift is not being Supermom; it is your capacity to love. Focus on your capacity to love. Rufus's mom did.

My Third Point

Moms have this wonderful potential to influence lives.

Talking about the Proverb 31 the Scripture says this: Proverbs 31:26 (NIV) 26 She speaks with wisdom, and faithful instruction is on her tongue.

I want you to think with me a minute about the influence that this woman would have had on the Apostle Paul's life. After he became a Christian, he had an immensely hard life. He probably was disowned by his orthodox parent; and then the perils that he endured as he carried the Gospel message to the world. Rufus's mother was placed in Paul's life by God as his second mom.

What do you think she did for Paul? Well, if you are a Christian mom, I know that you pray for your children. Listen, when your children are out in this world, they need to be prayed for because that devil is a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour. I am sure that Rufus's mom prayed for God to keep Paul safe as he spread the Gospel.

I am sure when Paul got to see her face to face, she ministered to him just like she did for her natural born children. She probably cooked him some good hot meals and probably washed his dirty smelly clothes. And before he hit the road, she probably made sure that he had a lot of goodies in his bag.

And then she probably gave him words of encouraged. "Look at all the people who are coming to know Jesus as result of what you are doing" "God speaks through you to others." God is doing a great things because you are allowing him to use you." We will not know the extend her serving as second mom to Paul had upon the kingdom of God until we get to heaven. But I can say this: I am sure that she had a considerable influence on Paul's life.

And each Christian mom or second mom should thrive to be that same type of influence on their children.

Let us pray!