Summary: Because of my mother's love for me, I made it

As we honor our mothers it’s respectable for us to think about how much they really do for us. And let me just throw this in from the start, being a mother is not an easy task. It is said that when a child has reaches the age of 18, a mother has put in about 18,000 hours of child-generated work, so being a mother is not an easy task and for that along we say thank you.

Our text today has to do with two mothers, the wisdom of one mother and the love of a true mother. And if we were to look closely we will see that the three needs to go hand-in-hand.

The record is that God appears to King Solomon in a dream in 1st Kings 3:5. And in this dream God gives Solomon something that he doesn’t give most people because most people can’t handle the stuff that they have right now. God gives Solomon a blank check.

And out of all of the things that Solomon could have asked for like a new car, a bigger house, a better bank account, some new lien, diamond, gold, or even pearls. None of these things that did Solomon ask for. But instead the one thing Solomon did ask for, he said Give therefore thy servant an understanding heart to judge thy people, that I may discern between good and bad: for who is able to judge this thy so great a people? The Greek word for understanding is Sha-maw which means to discern, distinguish, differentiate or to have wisdom and I believe that he knew that he was going to need wisdom as a king to help deal with God’s people.

After endorsing the blank check, God then cashed Solomon check and granted him his request, because again, he could’ve asked for riches and long life. He could’ve asked for victory over his enemies. But because God seen his heart, God gave him those things as well and much more, because we serve a God that will supply all of your needs and some of your wants.

Now it’s a good thing that he ask for wisdom because Solomon’s need for Divine wisdom is about to be put to the test, and what you are about to see about is in these verses is Solomon need for some wisdom?

In our story, we find one Mother who was cruel, selfish and heartless. It is said that during the night, she had laid on her newborn child, and it died.

The record is that in the wee hours of the night she took her dead child, and when she noticed that her child was not moving she then replaced her child with her room-mate’s living child hoping she wouldn‘t notice the difference. This was a thoughtless, cruel, and it was a selfish thing to do. But the one thing that I have learned about a mother is, you can’t fool a mother about their children.

Mothers know when their children are lying, and they know when they are telling the truth. They may not ever address the issue but a mother knows. In fact when some of my siblings would be lying to my mother and at times she wouldn’t even open her mouth but she would make this sound that would pierce you heart she would go omt, and everybody knew what omt meant, because mothers knows. Mother’s know when their children are bad and when they are being good, when they are trying to be sneaky and sly.

And no matter how bad their child is a mother loves that child to the bitter end. Because even though they know that their child has act up in school, that’s still her baby. They know when the police has caught them stealing at the corner store and they go down to bail them out of jail, yeah they might be mad for the moment but that’s still her baby.

Reason being is because after all of the labor pain, after all of the morning sickness, the swelling and feet, back pain, chest pain, food craving, hurting through the night, and after all of the doctor appointments of being poked and prodded their remember the bond that was formed while they were in the womb, a mother know her child.

Look at what happen. In the late hours of the night the mother who laid on her child and smothered her child decided that she would switch the babies and she thought that the mother wouldn’t know the differences.

But when momma woke up and when she examined the child, she immediately knew it wasn’t hers. You can’t fool a mother. It was something about the touch, it was something about the smell, it was something about the examination of this child that the mother recognized, identified, and distinguished that this is not my child.

Mothers have a 6th sense, and I know what it is, (thank you Lord) it’s a special gift from God. It is a gift that God himself placed down on the inside of them called intuition.

What is intuition? Intuition is the ability to acquire knowledge without recourse to conscious reasoning. Intuition is a direct access to unconscious knowledge; unconscious cognition; inner sensing; inner insight to unconscious pattern-recognition; and the ability to understand something instinctively, without any need for conscious reasoning, Mother’s has this God given gift.

This woman’s child was only a few days old, but she knew her child. Although the child had only been here a few days on earth, there was a special bond between the mother and her children over the course of development.

The bible said that she rose up early to nurse her child before daylight. And as it got lighter, she got a good look at the child, and realized it wasn’t hers.

This woman got up early in the morning to tend to her baby. To check on her baby and to nurture her baby, but when she look at the baby she noticed that it wasn’t hers.

So, it is said that these two mothers argued about the children and final they agreed to take the matter before the king.

The one mother who the child belonged to said the king, that this is my child and this women stole my child in the night hours, I know it was her because there were no strangers in the house except us. The one who stole the child said no my lord this is my child and she just want to take claim on my baby.

Well, after the king had heard both arguments he said I’ll tell you what we are going to do, since I can’t tell who’s child it is bring me a sword and I’ll cut the child in half and the both of you will have half.

The mother who had stolen the child thought it would be a good ideal to split the child half, but the real mother of the baby was willing to stand up and sacrifice her motherhood for the life of her child.

Solomon, in all his wisdom, knew from the action of this true mother who was willing to sacrifice her motherhood for the life of the child determined the mother of the child from the Mother’s sacrificial love.

A real Mother will sacrifice for the good of her child and she made a split decisions.

How do you know Spies. I know because a real mother will buy them things that they can’t afford.

Mothers have taken off their jobs to take care of us when we are sick.

Mothers will encourage you when others let you down.

But I need to remind all of the children of a few points and I’ll be through.

I believe that Mother’s and Jesus go hand and hand. Let me tell you why I say that. Because look at what mothers do and how Jesus embellishes it.

Mother’s you gave me life, and He extended it.

Mother’s saved me from the cold, and He saves from sin.

Mother’s you taught me hope, and He defended it.

Mother’s from you I was once was born, but from Jesus I was born again.

You let me skip in fields and He made the field for me to skip in.

Mother’s you mended our clothes

You baked me a loaf of bread, and He blessed the loaves that you baked for me.

Mother’s you mended our clothes, but the Lord mended our hearts.

Mother’s you cleaned our rooms but the Lord cleaned our hearts.

You, Mother, taught me about the King. And he is the King of kings.

So, mothers I want to thank you for being such a special blessing in our lives.

And that reminds me, When God set the world in place,when He hung the stars up in space,

When He made the land and the sea, then He made you and me.

He sat back and saw all that was good, He saw things to be as they should.

He had another blessing He had in store; He created a mother, but whatever for?

He knew a mother would have a special place, to shine His reflection on her child’s face.

Because he knew that mother will walk the extra mile, just to see her children smile.

She would work her fingers to the bone, to make a house into a home.

He made a mother to teach and guide, because he knew that a mother will stay right by your side.

She’ll be there through your pain and strife, she’ll stay constant in your life.

A mother will lend a helping hand, until you have the strength to stand.

She’ll pick you up when you are down, when you need a friend she’ll stick around.

A mother is one who listens well, will keep her word; and will never tell.

So, thank you God for mothers, thank you Lord for my momma.

And before I go somebody ought to thank God for their momma.

And the reason why is because my Mother’s decision saved my life.

My mother didn’t leave me.

She didn’t forsake me.

She didn’t abort me.

But instead, she took care of me.