Summary: Jesus was and is the master of Famous last words. "It is Finished," is a single word in Greek. When we allow Jesus to have the final word on anything, painful things become beautiful things.

Intro: Ben Zander, in his 2008 TED talk, shared a story about last words and how what we say and how we say it really makes a difference. This was a story of a woman, one of the survivors from the Auschwitz concentration camp:

"She went to Auschwitz when she was 15 years old and her brother was eight, and the parents were lost. And she told me this, 'We were in the train going to Auschwitz, and I looked down, and I saw my brother's shoes were missing. And I said, Why are you so stupid? Can't you keep your things together?! For goodness' sake!' The way an elder sister might speak to a younger brother. Unfortunately, it was the last thing she ever said to him, because she never saw him again. He did not survive. And so, when she came out of Auschwitz, she made a vow. She said, 'I walked out of Auschwitz into life, and the vow was, I will never say anything that couldn't stand as the last thing I ever say.'"

Our last words reveal what is most important to us. Jesus was and is the master of last words. When faced with words of betrayal by Judas he responded with words of forgiveness and reconciliation. When faced with words of mocking and rejection, Jesus responded with words of compassion and invitation.

Jesus famous last words “It is finished” come from one word in the Greek. This is powerful word that perfectly reveals what was important to Jesus. His Fathers will and the salvation of the lost.

We arrive with Jesus on the cross after a sleepless night, an illegal trial, a brutal beating, 6 hours of excruciating pain on the cross. During this 6 hours Jesus carried much more than just the weight of the cross. He carried the burden of the sin that separates every single person from God. He carried the sin that devastates people’s lives who try to do life apart from God’s grace, presence and wisdom. He carried the sin that strangulates the life of God planned for everyone!

At this point he asks for something to drink so that scripture is fulfilled. He wets His vocal cords and releases the shortest yet strongest of His last words before His death. “Tetelestai” It is finished!

From the unbelieving world the defeated cry of a zealot, a rebel, someone whose mission was incomplete.

But we who believe know that this was not the cry of defeat but the exclamation of victory! The most important single word ever uttered by the human vocal cords!

I. God’s final word on His plan for sin

A) God’s plan to remove man’s debt (the curse)

Why was this cry of victory so important? It proclaims God’s plan is finished, accomplished, completed.

Based on the persons position or vocation in Greek/Roman society this word meant different things.

1) Servants would use this word when a job was completed. I did it, it’s completed I overcame the task! Jesus accepted and completed the mission to pay mans debt.

2) Priests, when a person brought their sacrifice to the priests, if it was acceptable, he would say, tetelestai. The symbolism, the ceremonies and the sacrifices make no sense until, It is finished! Jesus is the key that unlocks prophecy and history! 19:29 The hyssop plant was used to apply the blood of the Passover lamb to the believers dwelling!

3) Merchants, when you owed something you would receive a receipt, when that bill was paid the receipt would have written on it, Paid in Full! God does not let sin go, the soul that sins must die!

4) Artists, after their art piece was finished they would step back and say, tetelestai! When Jesus cried this from the cross all the brush stokes of the Old Testament came together, all the blood of the sacrifices, all the festivals of celebration, the shadows now complete in the finished picture of redemption.

Why the cross? Why didn’t God just look the other way? God’s character of righteousness demands payment for the unimaginable debt sin accumulates.

Why not just do away with the pain, the suffering, the problem of sin?

Because God would have to do away with you!

God’s amazing gift of choice. This reflects Him!

1 Peter 1:18-20 (read) highlight 20

For God to remove all the pain and suffering He would have to remove every choice ever made including every human being that has ever lived!

B) God’s plan to reveal His love!

Instead of removing us He chose to redeem us.

Sin can either keep you from God or God will keep you from sin!

There was an article from Newsweek several years ago that was revealing when it comes to people response to Jesus famous last words. It was an article about the shame of sin. It revealed that churches have taken far too light an attitude toward sin today.

The article stated, “the urgent sense of personal sin has all but disappeared in the current upbeat style in American religion. . . without a sense of personal sin there can be no guilt!

Remove guilt and the result is a Moral Frankenstein.”

If there is no personal sin, there is no personal guilt. If there is no personal guilt then there is nothing we do is wrong. Everything goes if it’s acceptable to you. The bible says Romans 3:23

Tetelestai is a word of completion, a word of full payment, when it comes from the mouth of Jesus it is a word etched on the human heart. It either leads to resentment and rebellion or repentance and reception. What sin is keeping from God?

Is it anger, is it lust, is it lying, is it unbelief, is it out of control temper, is it addiction, is it adultery, is it stealing, is it abortion, is it pride, is it greed?

It doesn’t matter how man skeletons are in your closet. When you come to Jesus by faith God declares tetelestai over them!

Anger … Tetelestai … Paid in Full

Uncontrolled ambition … Tetelestai … Paid in Full

Gossip … Tetelestai … Paid in Full

Drunkenness … Tetelestai … Paid in Full

Fornication … Tetelestai … Paid in Full

Embezzlement … Tetelestai … Paid in Full

Lying … Tetelestai … Paid in Full

Disobedience … Tetelestai … Paid in Full

Slothfulness … Tetelestai … Paid in Full

Pride … Tetelestai … Paid in Full

Murder … Tetelestai … Paid in Full

Bribery … Tetelestai … Paid in Full

God takes painful things and makes beautiful things when we allow Him to have the final word on sin.

II. God’s final word on His promise

When the word and work of Jesus is shared it penetrates hearts! Historically, legally, theologically, personally, eternally when this final word and final work are shared God does supernatural things!

Paul gives us a living illustration of this in his closing remarks of Philippians 4:22

“All the saints greet you, but especially those from Caesar’s household.”

You may first ask were they soldiers, sons, servants? Don’t miss the point by allowing you mind wander. They were saints in Caesar’s house! This is the last place that Christians should be found. Who was Caesar?

His name was Nero and his reputation was nasty! Nero the jealous murderer of his mother, wife and son to protect his power and throne. Nero, the nemesis of the church and the persecutor of Christians! Centuries after these events people named their sons Paul but their dogs Nero!

What is Jesus promise? It is finished but I am not.

I don’t know about you but I often feel like I am living in Caesars palace today.

The wisdom of the world has become foolishness and the new right of people is the right to be offended at everything.

What is the solution?

This promise from the word of God and the mouth of Jesus! It is finished.

III. God’s final word on progress

John 20:30, 31 The purpose of the famous last word was to produce belief and faith in us!

Matthew 28:19-20 The purpose of the famous last word was to produce faithfulness in us!

Acts 1:1 “I wrote the first narrative, Theophilus, about all that Jesus began to do and teach”

Jesus wanted us to understand that we were to be the agents that would bring God’s normal to this world always seeking “normal.”

New Amsterdam episode “The New Normal”

New Amsterdam – Max went about making sure everyone else could have what they needed.

Max connects 5 hospitals with no thought of return for himself. All the hospitals get what they need. Someone makes a comment about what Max and New Amsterdam hospital needs. They get their medication. Why weren’t we doing this all along.

Jesus’ powerful word fulfilled scripture and finished His work of bringing life, setting the captives free, declaring the gospel, and defeating the devil, taking away the sins of the world, saving the lost.

If we take this word seriously it should mean an end to our old way of life!

Has this famous last word changed your life?

A) Let Jesus final word move you to live life with a purpose (John 4:34)

The question we need to ask is, will I do what I want or what God wants. God has a path and a plan for us. Psalm 23 “Paths of righteousness for His name sake”

God’s path for you is perfect! Provision in the presence of our enemy! The greatest pleasure for a child of God is the path of God!

He has lived the life you should have lived, He has died the death you should have died. If you rely on Jesus’s finished work, you know that God is satisfied with you. You can be satisfied with life.”

B) Let Jesus last word move you to live life with a focus

A gang of thieves broke into a jewellery store, but instead of stealing anything, they switched the price tags. The next day, nobody noticed, and people were spending huge amounts of money to buy cheap junk, while others were paying a couple of dollars for incredibly expensive jewellery. Someone has switched the tags on our planet with the result that people are focusing on the wrong things. Be careful what you value with your yes!

It is finished, don’t let the devil, the world or your flesh change the price tags!

C) Let Jesus last word move you to live life with obedience (Philippians 2:8)

We all know a single word can change everything. “Not guilty” in a court of law changes everything. “Fair on the ball field changes everything. When a woman says “Yes” to a marriage proposal it changes everything. “Goodbye” can change everything.

Purpose, focus and obedience make us walking pictures of Jesus’ famous last words!

The Buddha representing all world religions says “work hard for your salvation.”

Jesus says work Hard because it is finished and you are saved!