Summary: The Perfect Mom

The Perfect Mom

Society has painted in the minds of many a picture of the Perfect mom

The perfect mom

House is Immaculate

Clothes all washed

No dishes in the sink

Trash taken out

No dust on the tv

Dinner is ready

Waiting for the husband to come home with flowers in his hand

The kids are perfectly well behaved and mannered

Even brushed their teeth and cleaned behind their ears without being told

Anything she pulls out of the closet fits perfect and she look gorgeous

Because everything is in perfect order

The House

The Family

The Finances

She has no stress or worries

She never loses her temper

She never cries she’s always laughing

Tend to form a comparison to what we think it should be like.

Probably Find yourself watching a show from the 50’s

The 4 Seasons of a Mother

Titus 2:3-5

We have 4 seasons in nature

Not in Texas either Hot or Cold





Each season has its own difficulties, challenges struggles

1) Spring

a. Spring is a time of new growth

b. What a wonderful time

c. For the Gardner it is a time of preparation

i. Getting the soil ready

d. Some Women here that at this season of Life Do not have children yet

i. Time of preparation.

ii. Time of learning

iii. How will I deal with raising a child?

e. Others find themselves with babies at this time

i. Dealing with diapers

ii. Baby bottles

iii. Crying, fever

iv. Cutting of the first tooth, the loss of the first tooth.

v. Baby’s first steps

vi. Stresses of Life

1. Trying to keep it all together

2) Summer

a. Gardner is still tending the Crop

i. Watering

ii. Nurturing

b. Dealing with teenagers

c. What a wonderful time

i. They already know everything

d. Stresses of life with a teenager

3) Fall

a. Leaves begin to fall

b. Crops have reached maturity

c. Children begin to move away

d. Children begin to have children

e. Empty nest syndrome

4) Winter

a. At an older season of life

b. Seems as though your children don’t need you anymore

c. What do I do now?

d. During the winter it is easy to get side tracked in what we should be doing.

Interesting that the Apostle Paul Starts this section with the Older Women

Vs 3 Teach the older women to be reverent.

1) Reverent a since of showing deep respect in the way they live

2) Not slanderers

3) But to teach what is good

4) Train the younger women

a. To Love their husbands

b. To Love their children

c. To be self-controlled

d. Pure

e. Busy at home

f. To be kind

g. Subject to their husbands

5) So that no one will align the word of God

a. To speak bad about


you will always be Needed

No matter what season you find yourself in you are needed

The young women need the older women

Need to be teachable

Learn from the Older women

The older women need the younger women

Need to be approachable

Need to share experience

Altar Call

Older women

50 and older come to the altar

Everyone Stretch Hands this way and pray for these women as they are still valuable

Older women you must be approachable

The young women need you

Younger women

Come to the altar and stand facing the older women

Young women these older women have experience in life

They have value

Need to develop a relationship with them and have a teachable spirit

Now everyone stretch hands towards these women and pray for them