Summary: If there were two main doctrines in the Bible, I feel they would be salvation and baptism. The reason being the bible says until a lost person is saved, he is nothing to God, and until a saved person is baptized, he cannot be obedient in any other spiritual area.

If there were two main doctrines in the Bible, I feel they would be salvation and baptism. The reason being the bible says until a lost person is saved, he is nothing to God. God does not know you. Matthew 7:21, and until a saved person is baptized, He cannot be obedient in any other area. Salvation and Baptism are especially important to us as believers.

At the very start of the message today, I ask you to do this for me. Dismiss all prejudices, all family relations, all sentiment, and all traditions and see what thus saith he Lord. Why would I ask you to do that, forget everything you know about salvation and baptism?

1. Because sometimes we let traditions, and family relations override the word of God.

a. Really, is that right?

b. Let me ask you, does anybody sprinkle today for baptism? Yes, Why? It is not taught in the bible.

c. Let me ask, do people have their newborn babies baptized? Yes, but not found in the bible.

d. Let me ask you, do some people baptize for the dead, sure they do, but that is not found in the bible.

2. Because some of the greatest deceived people in the world are those people who have a false hope of salvation because of baptism as a child.

3. So, I feel the most important thing you can do is to see and know the difference between salvation and baptism.

I. Baptism is a Part of the Great Commission

1. Matthew 28:19

2. We need to teach it and practice it. Jesus said so.

3. My duty as pastor, your duty as a teacher, is to teach and encourage new converts to be baptized.

II. The Bible Denies Baptism is Essential for Salvation

1. Paul, the greatest preacher who ever lived, said, if baptism were necessary, he would have never made this statement. 1 Corinthians 1:14-18.

2. It is the blood of Christ that cleanses us from sin. It's not the waters of baptism.

a. 1 John 1:7; Leviticus 17:11; 1 Peter 1:18-19; Ephesians 1:7, 2:13; Colossians 1:14, 20; Hebrews 9:22, 10:19

b. Not the water but the blood that saves.

3. Baptism is the first commandment given by Christ to new converts after being saved.

a. Something wrong with a person who claims to be saved and won't be baptized. Also, someone who will not attend the services.

b. J. C. Penny

III. The Gospel is the Power of God unto Salvation

1. Romans 1:16

2. Baptism is not a part of the gospel. 1 Corinthians 15:1-4

3. Preaching the cross not with wisdom of words. 1 Corinthians 1:18-21

4. The water Jesus spoke of here, was not the water of baptism but referred to the word of God. John 3:3-7

a. W E Vine; 1 Peter 1: 23

b. What about Acts 2: 38- 41?

5. In Luke 23: 39- 43, the thief was saved but was never baptized. He had no chance of good works or communion.

a. Just faith and trust in Jesus Christ.

b. Ephesians 2: 8- 9

IV. Baptism is for Believers Only

1. He had to believe before baptism. Acts 8: 35- 38. Believe then be baptized. Acts 18: 8.

2. Baptism is not for infants. Acts 2: 41.

a. This excludes immature babies because they cannot repent and believe.

b. There's not one example of it in the Bible.

c. If we baptize babies, it will remove the freedom, choice and will.

d. Salvation is a choice, and you and you alone can choose or refuse to be saved. Romans 10: 9- 13

V. Baptism Show Identity with Christ

1. Our identification, our uniform. Romans 6:4-6

2. It is a picture of the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ. We are identifying our self with Christ.

3. The word baptize means to immerse, cover wholly with water.

a. Jesus set the example.

b. Matthew 3: 13- 17

VI. Baptism is the Answer of a Good Conscience Toward God

1. Salvation by faith in the shed blood, saves the soul.

2. Baptism by immersion in water, saves the conscience.

3. Saved by grace, through faith in Christ Jesus, makes you a member of God's family.

4. Baptism by immersion, makes you a member of the church family.

VII. Closing

1. There is a difference between salvation and baptism.

a. Both are necessary.

b. It is dangerous to confuse the two.

2. The invitation this morning is to those of you who need to be saved. You come! Those of you who have never been baptized you come as well.

3. A note to those of you who have small babies. You make the decision to raise your children in church and God will take care of the rest.