Summary: AS the Light was being lit in the temple for the "Illumination of the Temple Ceremony" Jesus made he declaration that He is the Light Of The World.


John 8:12-30; 9:5

Greenmount and O’Leary Churches of Christ

May 30, 2021

Video Link: https: //


1.) How comfortable are you functioning in darkness?

A.) I live on Maple Street in O’Leary. where there are streetlights, and other lights.

B.) Behind me on Beechwood is the former Veterinary clinic and up the road a couple hundred yards is the Municipal building, and fire department.

ba.) These streets and buildings give enough light that even without a night light you could still maneuver through the house at night.

bb.) Yet once in awhile there has been a power outage covering the community and at such times it has been unbelievable just how dark my home can become.

2.) I am reminded also of an event several years ago when I was visiting Niagara Falls.

A.) Below the falls there is a cave that will come out directly under the falls.

aa.) This is not a large cave, but I suppose would take two or three minutes to walk the length of it.

ab.) In that cave there was a point when our guide shut out the lights to show us just how dark it could be there under ground.

aba.) I am not fearful of the dark, but that day it was a blanket of darkness so thick it seemed almost smothering.

3.) Apart from the Light of God in and through Jesus Christ our world is spiritually covered in that very same dense darkness.


1.) Today’s message, like my previous two are based on events that took place at the time of the Feast of Tabernacles in Jerusalem.

A.) One event at that feast was what was called the “Illumination of The Temple.”

B.) The court of Women had four huge menorahs that were each 75 feet or 23 metres tall.

ba.) Each one of these had four bowls that held several gallons of oil, with a wick in them.

bb.) The light from these four menorahs was so massive they completely illuminated the area around the temple.

bc.) In fact, historical writings state that the light was so bright and elevated from the ground that every courtyard in Jerusalem was illuminated by it.

C.) The purpose in these menorahs was to remind the Israelites of the Cloud by day, and the pillar of fire by night that had led the Israelites through to the promised land.

ca.) These lights also recalled the glowing Shekinah glory of God between the horns of the altar in the Holy of Holies.

D.) Likely Jesus made this proclamation that He is the Light of the World as the men were on ladders lighting the menorahs in the temple.

ca.) John 8:12


1.) The Pharisees challenged his message.

A.) John 8:13

B.) Today we would be surprised at this, but at that time a preacher or teacher might be interrupted even in the middle of his sermon if someone disagreed with what was being said.

ba.) Perhaps a member of the congregation giving an occasional “Amen” might be the closest we could compare to this in usual worship services today.

bb.) None the less, there are times when such reactions take place during a sermon.

bb.) I have been preaching for over forty years and in that time there have been perhaps two or three times when I have had my sermon interrupted and somebody asked a question or made a comment.

C.) So as Jesus spoke his message was interrupted and the religious leaders challenged him because he was appearing as his own witness.

ca.) John 8:13

2.) Jesus gives a rebuttal to their challenge.

A.) John 8:14-15

B.) Even if Jesus gives witness of himself, his testimony is valid.

ba.) It is valid because as the Son of God there is no sin, deceit, prejudice, or anything false in his testimony.

bb.) His words are always 100% true.

bba.) This is a truth not known or understood by those of His day.

3.) Jesus proceeded to tell them there were two witnesses:

A.) Him and His Father.

aa.) John 8:17-18

B.) We have already seen a few weeks ago that Jesus presented to them not merely the two witnesses required by the law, but at that time he in fact gave them four witnesses.


1.) Where is your father?

A.) John 8:19

B.) The questioning by these religious leaders shows that they did not accept him, understand his ministry, or even know God.

ba.) They were demanding his Father to be present to bear witness, even though He was claiming God as His Father.

C.) John 8:20

ca.) John 8:20 serves as just a bit of a reminder that Jesus is still in the temple, and this debate is going on there in the temple of God.

2.) Jesus the Light would be going back to heaven.

A.) At that moment, the Light of the World was in their presence.

ab.) There was no greater moment of salvation.

B.) “I am going away.”

ba.) This statement caused some to wonder if Jesus was planning on killing himself, though we know He had to complete his earthly mission, and then return to heaven.

bb.) The ministry of Jesus had always been to bring those in the darkness of sin, to the light of Jesus Christ.

bba.) The prophet Isaiah had proclaimed: “The people walking in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of deep darkness a light has dawned.” (Isaiah 9:2)

bc.) When Jesus proclaimed himself the Light of the World the people were witnessing the fulfillment of the prophecies given by Isaiah.

bca.) If these people could only humble their hearts, to recognize the Light of the World they could have gone from the darkness of sin into the glorious light of our Lord and Saviour.

C.) “You will look for me.”

ca.) The Jews of that day, as most Jews today are looking for the Messiah of God.

cb.) It is so sad that that while they are looking for the Messiah, they will not recognize Jesus as He.

cba.) What a tragedy to stay in the darkness because they will not come to the light.

D.) “And you will die in your sin.”

da.) John 8:24

db.) Even in the presence of the Light of the world there were people living in spiritual darkness.

dc.) Jesus got even bolder in his describing their need to recognize Him as the Light of the World.

dca.) “You will die in your sin.”

E.) There are times when life gives us some life and death statements.

ea.) If I come to your home 2:30 in the morning banging on your door and screaming: “Get up! Your house is on fire!” it is a life and death statement.

eb.) Your very life and physical welfare will depend on if you heed that message.

ec.) In the same way Jesus told them if they did not believe the He is the Light of the World, and act on that truth that they would die in their sins.

eca.) Jesus made it clear they had two choices, and only two:

.01) They could come to Jesus, or they would die in their sin.

.02) Today the options are the same as they were when Jesus spoke these words over 2,000 years ago.

F.) “Where I go you cannot come.”

fa.) This statement of Jesus had two implications:

faa.) In the immediate context Jesus had a mission to carry out as a sacrifice for man’s sins.

fab.) Certainly, this was a mission they could not be part of.

fac.) While Jesus was soon going to the cross and the grave, the people there were not.

fad.) Even more than this, Jesus was telling them that if they could not accept Him as the Christ, the One who is the Light of the World that they would have no place in heaven.

IV. WHO ARE YOU? (John 8:25-30)

1.) “Just what I have been claiming all along” (John 8:25)

A.) “I have much to say in Judgment of you” (26)

aa.) Certainly, as Son of God he had that right.

B.) “But He who sent me is reliable.”

ba.) “And what I have heard from him I tell the world.”

2.) “They did not understand that he was telling them about his Father.” (27)

3.) Jesus declared that his death, burial, and resurrection would put it all in perspective.

A.) John 8:28

B.) At times we feel the apostles and others of that era seemed kind of dense in their understanding of everything with Jesus.

ba.) We must remember we are looking at the Gospels with a backward look.

bb.) The people of that day were looking at events which were still in their future and made no sense to them.

bc.) Just as Jesus said that day, it would be the death, burial, and resurrection that would make everything clear.

bd.) In fact, on the day of the resurrection, Jesus took some of these first century believers through the Scriptures to reveal himself to them.


1.) We have been looking at the Gospel of John, and as I have said before, much of the material in John is of an evangelistic nature.

2.) Jesus declared He is the light of the world.

3.) Spiritual darkness is a state of hopelessness, and spiritual death.

4.) Jesus is the Light of the world.

A.) For one in Christ, Jesus turns the darkness and despair of sin into hope and spiritual light both now and for eternity.

B.) Truly Jesus is the Light of the Word, but is he the Light of your world?

ba.) Jesus stated in our text:” I told you that you would die in your sins; if you do not believe that I am the one I claim to be, you will indeed die in your sins.”

bb.) Those words of Christ are very blunt and to the point.

bba.) If you are outside of Christ, you are separated from God’s love; you will indeed die in your sins.

bbb.) If you are outside of Christ today the invitation is again given for you to say yes to Christ.

bbc.) Come to Christ; Come to the Light!