Summary: An in-depth study on the book of Philippians

Philippians Part 5, Chapter 1:1-8

I. Servants of Christ (v. 1)

A. Doulos—slave, the servant’s will is consumed in the will of his master.

(Spiros Zodhiates)

Philippians were familiar with slaves.

B. Implications of being a servant of Christ. (William Barclay pgs 9-10)

1. Absolute possession of Christ—bought with a price. (1Cor. 6:20)

2. Absolute obedience to Christ—no will but Christ’s

3. Highest of all titles of honor

a. Moses (Josh1:2)

b. Joshua (Judges 2:8)

c. David (Psalm 78:70)

Latin – Illi servire est regnare – to be His slave is to be a king.

II. From servants to Saints (Spiros Zodhiates)

A. More than just good—holy

B. Saint (Hagios) – holy, set apart, sanctified, consecrated

We must keep in mind that setting apart an individual as one of God’s company

Springs not from the individual but from God. Primarily, to be a saint

Is not to be good, but to be set apart by God as His; but holy character

Ought to be a mark of God’s person. (Ray Frank Robbins pg 8)

C. Saints in Christ Jesus

1. The Philippian church members were “saints” because they

were “in Christ Jesus.” (2 Cor. 5:17)

2. A soul union exists between Christ and the believer. God in Christ shares His

life with the person, and a living union takes place. (RFR pg 9)

3. Alfred H. Ackley gave his testimony of the indwelling Christ in his life.

(RFR pg 10)

He lives, He lives, Christ Jesus lives today! He walks with me and talks

with me all along life’s narrow way. He lives, He lives, salvation to

impart! You ask me how I know He lives: He lives within my heart.

“Christ in you the hope of Glory.”

4. Abiding or Burning (John 15)

5. Good for Nothing (Jeremiah 13:1-10)

D. Bishops and Deacons (1 Tim. 3)

1. Bishop—watcher, overseer (pastor)

2. Deacon—servant

III. Grace and Peace (v. 2)

A. Grace (charis) – basic ideas are joy and pleasure, brightness and beauty; it is,

in fact, connected with the English word charm.

5486 xárisma (from "grace," 5485 /xáris) – properly, the operation of grace (divine favor), i.e. a grace-endowment to edify the Church (note the -ma suffix, focusing on the end-result of the endowment of grace).

God always is the source from which grace comes to people; Jesus is the

means by which grace reaches people.

Union with Christ is accomplished by God’s grace through faith.

B. Peace -- 1514 eireneúo – living in the condition of God's peace (gift of wholeness,

integrity of being) Philippians 4:7 “the peace of God”

When people receive grace, peace comes to their hearts. Grace is the fountain,

And peace is the stream which issues from the fountain.

When Paul put together these two great words, grace and peace, he was doing

something very wonderful. He was taking the normal greetings of two great

nations and molding them into one. (WB)

The salutation is an exclamation, declaration, a wish, and a prayer. (RFR)

Grace is the greeting with which Greek letters always began and peace the

Greeting of the Jews.

God’s grace naturally produces peace.

Peace never simply is the absence of trouble. It is the ability to deal with

life’s demands by the grace of God. The person may be in the midst of pain,

conflict, or difficulty and still have peace.

The source from which Christians receive grace and peace is “God our Father

and the Lord Jesus Christ.” The Father is the origin and Christ is the medium

through which these blessing come. All the blessings which God bestows on

Christians come as gifts of the exalted Christ. There blessings do not come from

the world, or from circumstances, or from the inner self, but only from God.

(RFR pg 14)

IV. Remembrance and Gratitude (v. 3)

In our personal relationships, it is a great thing to have nothing but happy memories.

Not the pain of prison but joy and peace.

V. Christian Joy is presented in this letter. (v. 4) (William Barclay pgs 13-14)

There is the joy

A. of Christian prayer (1:4)

B. that Christ is preached (1:18)

C. of faith (1:25)

D. of seeing Christians in fellowship (2:2)

E. of suffering for Christ (2:17)

F. of news of loved ones (2:28)

G. of Christian hospitality (2:29)

H. of the man in Christ (3:1, 4:1)

I. of the man who has won one soul for Christ (4:1)

He that winneth souls is wise. (Proverbs 11:30)

J. in a gift (4:10)

Bengel in his terse Latin commented: “Summa epistolae gaudeo-gaudete.”

“The whole point of this letter is I do rejoice; do you rejoice.”

I found the joy no tongue can tell, How its wave of glory roll!

Hymnal pg 167 “Joy Unspeakable and Full of Glory.”

VI. Praying with Joy—The result of faith’s triumph over adverse conditions. v. 4

Christian joy is no mere gaiety that knows no gloom; it is the result of faith’s

Triumph over adverse circumstances. Often these circumstances, instead

Of hindering joy, enhance it. (RFR pg 14)

VII. The Christian Partnership—fellowship—partnership-sharing or participating with

someone in an experience. (v. 5)

Fellowship ( koinónia) (lit: partnership) (a) contributory help, participation,

(b) sharing in, communion, (c) spiritual fellowship, a fellowship in the spirit.


A. In Grace

B. In the work of the Gospel

1. Defence 627 apología (from 575 /apó, "from" and 3056 /lógos, "intelligent

reasoning") – properly, a well-reasoned reply; a thought-out response to

adequately address the issue(s) that is raised.

Defence against attacks from outside.

2. Confirmation 951 bebaíosis – properly, what upholds (sustains), i.e. is

"for sure" (validated as guaranteed).

Building up of strength from within, the edifying of Christians.

C. In Suffering for the Gospel

D. The Philippian Christians sent funds to Paul relieving him from the necessity of

working and put him in a better position for furthering the gospel. Paul was

unwilling to accept even the bare necessities from other churches, but he never

had had any fear that the Philippian Church would suspect him of preaching the

gospel for money. (RFR pg 20)

VIII. He will perform it (1 Thes. 5:24)( v. 6)

Human perseverance and divine preservation Christians, left to themselves, could not

stand or persevere; but helped by God, the continue “stedfast, immovable, . . .

IX. The Day of Christ – a day or time of trial (judgment) in which every Christian’s work

will be tested

A. For the Church—Rapture

B. For the World—Judgment, Tribulation

C. The Day of Christ, or the Day of the Lord is that extended period of time beginning

with God’s dealing with Israel after the rapture at the beginning of tribulation and

extending through the Second Advent and the Millennial age unto the creation of

the new heavens and new earth after the Millennium. (SZ pg 1466)

X. He explains the reason why he speaks so kindly as to the Philippians. (v.7)

A. I find just reasons in my own case, from the relationship of faith, and these reasons are

not trifling.

1. I am both justly bound by them, and demand them as a right.

2. This is the connection: I have you in my heart as partakers of grace, and long for you,

and this not merely from natural affection, but from devotedness to Jesus Christ.

3. Hence I clearly perceive, that it is rather the Lord Himself who has the same

affection for you, and He will carry on the work from the beginning to its


B. Bonds do not restrain my love. The Romans brought accusations against the Gospel.

This is something more than a defence, by which grace is announced. (Bengel’s)

C. Was it a slip of the pen when Paul wrote "I HAVE YOU IN MY HEART"? Will he modify it? No, he will make it more than it was. Lest it should be supposed that it was only his manner of speech, and that he is only uttering a passing sentiment, he puts before what he has to say a solemn asseveration. "God is my witness." Such a form of expression would hardly be regarded in these days as meeting the laws of taste and propriety, and some object to it on the ground that God cannot be called into court to witness to a thing, and that after all it is only the testimony of a man. Granted: Yet it is the highest form in which testimony can be given. And apart from the apostle's anxiety to be believed, there was a naturalness in his using it which would not belong to any other. He was often alone, separated from his converts, but he carried them about with him in his heart. He often spoke to God about them, so that God knew of his love to them. And not only so; it is as though he said, "Did I say I had you in my heart? I should rather have said, 'I long after you in the heart of Jesus Christ.' 'I love, yet not I, but Christ loveth in me.' His heart and mine meet in unison here." (Biblical Illustrator)

XI. The apostle expresses his gratitude for the evidence which they had given of love to God, and

for their fidelity in the gospel from the time when it was first proclaimed among them. He says that he was confident that this would continue, and that God, who had so mercifully imparted grace to them to be faithful, would do it to the end.

XII. With Christ( v. 8 )—Bowels of Christ Bowels 4698 splágxnon – properly, the internal

organs ("viscera"); (figuratively) "gut-level compassion" (visceral feelings); the

capacity to feel deep emotions (sympathy, empathy, etc.).

Paul was saying, “I love you as Jesus loves you!”

His love goes through us and to our fellow-men.