Summary: Evil is more complex that you imagine. There’s greater depth to evil that you can comprehend. Evil is so widespread that it demands you consider there’s a supernatural and spiritual network of evil ones instigating criminal and immoral behavior.

Sgt. Steven McQueen of Charlie Company of First Battalion and 28th Infantry Regiment was recently shot in the head with a bullet from a machine gun. He was around twenty feet away from an insider attack in Afghanistan in 2018. An insider attack is when Taliban fighters pose as friendly Afghan national army or police officers and attack American and Afghan forces at close range. Again, Steven McQueen was shot in the head from just 20 feet and he should have been dead.

But I have good news to tell you: he lived to tell about it! Why is he alive? Because he had his helmet on; his helmet protected him. McQueen said, “Before this incident, I thought the helmet was cumbersome, and it was overkill.” “I was sorely mistaken. This helmet works, and I’m a living testament to it.”

I’ve never been a solider but it’s hard to overestimate the important of good armor in a battle. Ephesians 6 speaks about the invisible battle of spiritual warfare. Think of this section as a behind the scenes look at your life, it’s the lifting of the curtain.

It was John Milton in his Paradise Lost that said, “Millions of spiritual creatures walk the earth; Unseen, both when we wake, and when we sleep…” The famous nurse Florence Nightingale said, “Life is no holiday game … but it is a hard fight, a struggle, a wrestling with the principle of evil, hand to hand, foot to foot. Every inch of the way is disputed.”

Paul uses military language to equip for the invisible spiritual battle of life and death. Paul was in prison when he wrote the New Testament letter we called Ephesians. He would have viewed Roman soldiers constantly while in prison. In order to equip followers of Christ to battle satanic forces in spiritual warfare, Paul uses the equipment of a Roman soldier as a model. The soldier would have had a sword, a tunic, and special shoes to protect him among other equipment. All of this was standard equipment for Roman soldiers.

To get the feel for us, we might think of a football player clenching his mouthpiece in his teeth, adjusting his shoulder pads, and hitching up his waist to get ready for the next play.

Now, this is the 5th message in our series on the Bible’s teaching of spiritual warfare. We will not take the time to examine each piece of equipment. Each piece of the equipment is a resource offered to you to win the spiritual battle waged against you. But you have to develop the skills in how to best use and benefit from the equipment. We looked at the belt of truth several weeks ago. Today, I want to examine the breastplate of righteousness.

The Bible calls on every follower of Christ to put on the breastplate of righteousness. Just like our friend, Steve from the First Battalion, all of us need protection in the spiritual battle of life.

There’s a secular way of finding righteousness, there’s a religious way of finding righteousness, and lastly there is Jesus, who can make you righteous. The Bible offers you protective gear for your heart.

1. I’m Driven for Righteousness

All of us are driven to be righteous. Let me show you why.

We’re looking at the armor of God. In the beginning, Paul says, “Put on the whole armor of God.” Then he goes on to say, “Stand therefore … having put on the breastplate of righteousness…” (Ephesians 6:14). What is the piece of armor and why does it matter? You need to understand everyone in life is driven for righteousness.

1.1 Righteousness Defined

To be righteous means to be right with somebody. To be righteous means that I have passed inspection in the eyes of a significant other.

1.2 Examples of Righteousness

Again, all of us are driven to be righteous – let me show you. Like passing inspection as a solider before a drill sergeant. To be righteous is to be pleasing in the eyes of someone I want to please. Like a test in school, I must pass the muster or I must be up to the standard. I want to please someone that is important.

1.2.1 Job Application

This happens every time I put together a resume for an internship or a job application. To land the job is to pass inspection or to be up to their standards. Again, all of us are driven to be righteous. We take SAT’s and we’re radiant when they offer us a scholarship to a chosen school. Why do we light up inside when we are accepted? It’s because we are accepted as having meet and even exceeded the standard. Pick some great school and when they offer us a scholarship, we beam because are thought of us a significant. Again, we have pleased someone that we feel is important.

1.2.2 Dating

Have you gone out on a date? You wanted to pass her/his inspection, right? You didn’t go out on a date hot and sweaty after working 10 hours outside in the barn. You don’t wear cutoff jeans with pockets sticking out and wrinkled up t-shirt. You cleaned yourself up, put on some cologne, and brushed your hair. You wanted to look presentable. Some of you men did a couple of extra push-ups minutes before you picked her up, right? Your worried about saying the right things to her. You asked your mom or your dad for a little advice. You may even did a little scouting report on her to find out what she likes. You asked mutual friends, “What kind of food does she like? Does she like to dance or would she prefer going to see a movie?” You wanted to be presentable – you were worried about your car. You cover your flaws – you put some foundation on to cover up the pimples, etc.

All of us are driven to be righteous. We are hoping to please someone that we feel is important.

1.2.3 My Nightmare

I have this constant nightmare over the years that everyone is gathered for worship. Everyone is singing and I can see into the worship center where everyone is gathered. But I have nothing prepared to share. I am going to be called on to preach at any moment and I have nothing! I look over myself and I am dressed like it’s Saturday and I just getting out of bed. I don’t pass inspection! It’s awful – it’s a nightmare! I have these nightmares that I’m found wanting and I will not please you. Just like me, you have these kind of nightmares too where you are naked out in public somewhere!

1.3 Breastplate

I need to pause for a moment for us to consider the Scripture again: “Stand therefore … having put on the breastplate of righteousness…” (Ephesians 6:14). Why a breastplate? A breastplate is a solid piece of armor that protected your chest. Why would you want to protect your chest? Because inside your chest is your heart and lungs. Once your heart stops, you stop. Once your lungs stop, you stop. If you’re heart isn’t working, then your blood isn’t flowing. Nothing works if your blood isn’t flowing. The breastplate covers the vital organs of your body. If someone cuts off your arm or your leg, that is very serious, but it doesn’t have to be fatal. To have a breastplate to cover your heart is to defend yourself from accusation.

1.4 Self-Image

So we are driven for this righteousness, this approval from others. But why are we so driven? We are driven for righteousness because we live off of other people’s approval. When we fail to please the people of significance in our lives, then our very hearts are left exposed. Many of you love the approval of a good report card. Some of you feel significant because of a big pay check or the approval of a beautiful woman on your arms. We love when someone says, “Gosh, you have lost weight!” The athlete and the performer loves his/her critic’s praise. This is all bound up in the Bible’s concept of righteousness. We are driven for righteousness because we want other people to examine us and to exceed their standards. It validates us; we feel complete. When we fail to please the people of significance in our lives, then our very hearts are left exposed.

That’s why Paul called this the breastplate. Because when your vital parts are damaged, then it can become quickly fatal. Your breastplate covers the vital organs. Righteousness protects your heart. Remember, all of us are driven to be righteous. And to be righteous means that I have passed inspection in the eyes of a significant other.

1. I’m Driven for Righteousness

2. I Have Distorted My View of Righteousness

Remember this is a sermon on spiritual warfare. I am not your therapist. The Bible is strengthening for when Satanic attacks come against you.

2.1 The Complexity of Evil

Evil is more complex that you imagine. There’s greater depth to evil that you can comprehend. Evil is so widespread that it demands you consider there’s a supernatural and spiritual network of evil ones instigating criminal and immoral behavior.

Paul who wrote this letter and is teaching us about evil knows a thing or two about the evilness of evil. Paul has struggled with people who imprisoned him, who have flogged him and who have stoned him. All of this because was done because Paul was following God’s path for his life. Paul has wrestled with all kinds of evil: war, cruelty, violence, greed, racism, crime and poverty. All of this leads up to believe there is someone and something above, behind and beyond that is more than merely human and natural.

We struggle with Paul’s explanation in America because we think everything has a scientific cause. Yet, evil is so complex and it defies natural explanation alone. To resist evil the Bible says we are to put on the breastplate of righteousness.

Why does the Bible tell us to put on the breastplate of righteousness? Where do you go when you fail to please the people of significance in your life? So what happens when I fail to live up to the standards?

2.2 Secular Ways

There’s a secular way of finding righteousness and there’s a religious way of finding righteousness. These are popular ways of handling the issue but they end up being false solutions.

2.2.1 I’m My Own Standard

So secular voices have seen this drive in all of us. A secular psychologist might say to you, “Why do you worry what other people think? Are you pleased with yourself?” You might say to yourself, “All I care about is myself, my own eyes, my own standards. They’re the only ones I care about. It’s what I think of myself.” But who of us can really say that? Can you say, “I don’t care what anyone else thinks about me. I am the only person I have to please and I’m pretty pleased with me.” But the truth is we never get there.

Imagine a conversation with your mother, “I don’t really care what you think of how I’m raising my kids. I’ve discussed with my husband and we are pleased with how Johnny is doing.” What if your mother says to you, “Well, you must have pretty low standards then.”

Or, you go back to your high school reunion and everyone is more successful than you are. They have traveled all over the world, they have hunted for big game up in Alaska, and they have the latest in cosmetic surgery. Can you really say, “I don’t care what anyone else thinks about me. I am the only person I have to please and I’m pretty pleased with me.” You find they have no breastplate to protect their heart.

2.1.2 Romance is My Standard

Remember, all of us are driven to be righteous. All of us feel like we must pass inspection in the eyes of a significant other. For many of you this is your family. You may think, “I don’t care what anyone else thinks about me. Romance and Sex are the things that make my life meaningful.”

Sally was a beautiful woman but she was trapped over and over again in abusive relationships. She told her pastor, “Men were my alcohol. Only if I was on a man’s arm could I face life and feel good about myself.” The problem for Sally was the men abused her. Sally, the beautiful woman who was trapped in abusive relationships, once said to me that “Men were my alcohol. Only if I was on a man’s arm could I face life and feel good about myself.”

When romance and sex is your breastplate, you find you have no breastplate to protect your heart.

2.1.4 My Career is My Standard

You may think, “I don’t care what anyone else thinks about me. My career is the thing I am worried about in life.” How many times have we witnessed a politician telling us they are running on behalf of their families only to find out they are never with their family but out on the campaign trail? These people are wildly successful but they realize somewhere in middle age that career success isn’t enough.

Tenure at the university isn’t enough. A fat bonus check with stock options isn’t enough. They find they have no breastplate to protect their heart.

2.1.5 My Family is My Standard

Many of us dearly love our families and think they are the end all and be all of life. We think, “I don’t care what anyone else thinks about me. My family’s opinion of me matters.” Yet, in some cultures there are honor killings where the daughter is killed because she brought disgrace to the family.

2.1.6 Religious Righteousness

It’s easy to switch from the secular methods where you build your righteousness to religious substitute.

Reading your Bible, attending church services every time the door is open, you memorize Scripture, you give away so much, and you teach the class of bratty middle school kids that no one else would dare to come near.

Yet, you are miserable to be around. You are so prideful of your spiritual progress that non-believers are turned off by your religion. You are inside the church but you’re still your own savior. It’s because you have trusted Christian practices but you don’t trust Jesus to be your righteousness.

You can follow the breadcrumbs in this church and down through history of people who were religiously righteous but miserably lost. Martin Luther, John Wesley, George Whitefield are some iconic names of people who were highly religious while attempting to be their own savior. All of these men were ministers before they were converted. They tried to save themselves through religion. It will not work.

Satan loves this subtle deception. He thinks if you’re going to be religious, then he’ll deceive you into trusting building a religious resume or religious report card. This last strategy thinks they can build our religious resumes.

Our resumes include such things as :

- I’ve never cheated on wife or taxes;

- I walked the isle at 12, I’ve been in church my whole life;

- My kids are obedient and respectful;

- I give generously and sacrificially to the church;

- Everyone who knows me says, “I’m a nice person ”;

- I treat my employees well and customers fairly;

- I’ve never done anything really bad.

We write our own resumes and then we trust in them. But when religion is your breastplate, you’ll find that even then you have no breastplate to protect your heart. Neither the secular way of finding righteousness or the religious way of finding righteousness work in the end.

1. I’m Driven for Righteousness

2. I Have a Distorted View Righteousness

3. I Depend on Him for My Righteousness

When the Bible calls on you to put on the breastplate of righteousness, it’s not telling you to do something. You don’t have to go the store to buy something. You only have to trust someone.

3.1 I’m Tired of…

There are certain things in life that happen again and again and again and grow tired of them.

I get tired of elections. By the time I vote for one set of candidates, it seems like I need to vote for another set of candidates.

I get tired of paying taxes. I am a proud American and I am grateful to live in the US but it seems like just as soon as I finish with one tax return, there’s another one due!

I get tired of Dallas/Fort Worth traffic. There are certain times of day that you simply cannot get there from her.

I get tired of emails. If you’re anything like me this is one thing you cannot take a vacation from. If you come back off vacation and you haven’t looked at your email, it stacked up from here to Anchorage! But there is one thing I never get tired of and that’s talking about Jesus dying for me on the cross.

3.2 God’s Standard

“Stand therefore … having put on the breastplate of righteousness…” (Ephesians 6:14).

Again, righteousness is the need to live up to someone’s else’s standard. When you read the Bible, righteousness is simply the standard that God requires for people to become acceptable to Him. Righteousness is the standard God requires for people to be acceptable to Him. His standard is categorical and absolute perfection. You not only must do everything perfect to God’s standard but you must also do it for the right motivation. You’ll never arrive that level – never, ever, never, ever. No matter how good you are, you don’t meet the standard God requires.

3.3 Your Sinfulness

The Bible’s diagnosis of what is wrong with you is that you are dead in your sins (Ephesians 2:1). You’re not sick in your sins. No, you’re sins aren’t a cold or a case of the flu. You’re dead in your sins.

God’s standard is absolute and perfect moral perfection.

The problem with you is that even some of your best deeds were done by the wrong motivation. And God sees right through you (Hebrews 4:13). Your inner workings are naked and exposed to him. Again, the problem with you is that some of your best deeds were done by the wrong motivation. This is to say nothing of the worst version of you or your worst moments.

Now, it’s not fatal to be a sinner; it’s fatal to deny you’re a sinner. If you deny you are a sinner then that’s a fatal condition.

You are like a movie where you’ve taken poison into your body and you only have hours to live. You are in danger and you need rescued. You must stop your denials over you truly are. You must confess your sinfulness. You are short of His absolute, moral perfection.

3.4 Christ, My Righteousness

A great exchange takes place when you embrace Jesus Christ and His cross by faith: “For our sake he made him to be sin who knew no sin, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God” (2 Corinthians 5:21).

Jesus says to you who are believers, “I am now in possession of your sin.” You say to Jesus, “I am now in possession of your perfect record, your resume.” He’s takes your punishment at the same moment you take His perfect resume, His perfect report card. After you turn away from your own secular attempts and religious attempts at righteousness and embrace Christ by faith, God sees you (believer) as if your accomplished the good acts of Jesus Himself. This is the gospel: God treats you who believe as if you had done everything Jesus had done.

Jesus is your breastplate of righteousness. You don’t have to meet a certain standard to be accepted. You don’t need to be approved by your spouse, your parents, or your boss. When you embrace Christ by faith, you are accepted, loved and approved of by none other than God Himself. It doesn’t matter if your parents don’t approve of you. It doesn’t matter if your spouse rejects you. You are accepted, loved and approved of by your Heavenly Father. His voice is all that matters.

3.4 Not Possible

You think, “That’s a fairy tale. That’s not possible.” What if I told you that when Neil Armstrong came back from the moon, he had to go through customs? Yes, I said, “He had to go through customs.” Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin had to declare their moon rocks and moon dust on a customs form at the Hawaii International Airport on July 24, 1969. You say, “That’s not possible but it’s true.” You say, “That’s not possible. Jesus cannot give me His righteousness.”

This is the gospel: God treats you who believe as if you had done everything Jesus had done! There is no need to build your own resume of righteousness, secular or religious. When you are in Christ, you are given Christ’s report card, His resume! No more payments needed to be made. The Father says, “You now possess my Son’s lifetime record of doing everything right – this is my gift to you.”

Now, believing friends, now you are freed up to live for one purpose: to please your Heavenly Father.