Summary: Fasting is not just about going without food.

Fasting is a common practice. It is done for many reasons by all sorts of people.

Among children of GOD, fasting is practiced. Mark 2:18, JESUS is asked about fasting and HE says HIS disciples will fast when HE is taken away. HE also said that when we fast we must not go around with long and dry faces. HE also says that some kinds of deliverance only happen through fasting. We all know this however and we have written and read many things about fasting. Beloved, you must engage in fasting and as you fast you must pray.

Let us look at fasting from the Isaiah 58 angle.

In this scripture, the people ask GOD why HE has not noticed their fasting and their humbling of themselves. GOD speaks and says that the people are seemingly seeking HIM yet they are not. In other words, the people are playing with HIM, they are not really seeking HIM , they are making a show of seeking HIM. Remember the scripture that talks about people seeking GOD with their mouths yet their hearts are far from HIM. See Isaiah 58:2 “ if they were a nation that does what is right...”.The people were behaving as if they were following all the commands of GOD yet they were not. And of course The MOST HIGH, true to HIS character, sees right through them and talks about it openly and clearly.

In our public shows and displays of righteousness and holiness we, just like the Pharisees:

i) Do what we want; Isaiah 58:3. Incidentally, it is said that “do what you want” is the first commandment in satans kingdom if not the only one. So, we are serving satan and want GOD to answer us. Beloved, GOD cannot be mocked. As you fast, do the will of GOD, put aside your will, like JESUS and do the will of GOD.

ii) Exploit their workers. I have heard it said over and over again by different people that Christian organizations and churches are the worst places to work. That in these organizations, the principles of GOD and righteousness exist only in the Bible and remain there. There is even a terrible story of a man who was sacked by the church, and in search of a livelihood founded a world famous cigarette empire.

It is not uncommon to hear of churches being sued in worldly courts by their own staff. Have we forgotten that we are supposed to sort out our disputes in a certain manner? The church workers have learnt to bear it and suffer silently, after all doesn’t the scripture says carry your cross. But Beloved, exploitation of workers anywhere is forbidden by the LORD. HE himself meets the needs of HIS workers and has a great retirement package for you when you finish your duties. Why then aren’t you doing the same with your workers? We hear of Christian empires with sums of money that our minds cannot handle, yet their staff don’t even have proper housing? Their staff and members can’t even send their children to the schools and/or hospitals founded by these churches. By the way, shouldn’t these schools and hospitals be free for Christians? Children of GOD, what is happening? For sure, the rain has seriously beaten us. Beloved, fast if you want, in fact go on a hunger strike, The LORD will not hear you if you willingly continue with injustice and exploitation.

iii) We fast but quarrel, cause strife and fight each other. Beloved, whatever happened to turn the other cheek and forgive those who wrong you. Oh! Sorry! I forgot, it exists only in the Bible and it remains there. The things we Christians have done to each other. No wonder the Bible records hell as enlarging herself but heaven remaining constant in size! Beloved, GOD despises the violent man. Repent!

iv) We look meek and humble, we look broken and like we are carrying heavy burdens, like we are really suffering. Yet in our hearts we are like “ GOD, YOU better do what I am telling you, or else..”. In reality, our fasting is just part of our grand plan towards some targeted end. Beloved GOD sees you, HE is not blind, HE sees your actions and your intentions and your heart. Repent!

What does The LORD require as we fast?

i.) Isaiah 58:6. Free the captives. If you are able to do it in a grand public way, go ahead and do it. I think this verse simply means, every burden, or every hardship you have placed on the path of others, go ahead and remove it. Are you lending what you can freely give? Make things and life easier for someone else. Doesn’t the scripture say somewhere that we should not put stumbling blocks on the way of others, and that if you do, it is better that you were drowned! Not my words!

ii.) Share your food with the hungry. It’s not easy to share. It’s not. Especially when we see the faults of others. The remedy is this, don’t look at their faults, laziness, foolishness, poor decision making skills. Don’t look at that. Is he or she hungry, share your food with them, no strings attached. That’s the criteria.

iii.) Shelter the poor wanderer. The homeless are everywhere. I admit, it’s kind of scary to do this especially nowadays . Let us look at it this way. How about, if you and your ministry and or your community, get together and set up a shelter for the homeless. The LORD will provide. Staff it and shelter the homeless in a way that does not endanger you. But on the other hand, even if it endangers you, the Bible speaks about two angels disguised as strangers who visited Sodom and Lot offered them shelter and the unthinkable happened, but these ‘visitors’ struck the villains with blindness and dragged Lot to a more permanent safety. The LORD will keep us safe as we keep HIS commandments. HE is faithful.

iv.) Clothe the naked. Sounds very simple. It is easier to judge than to do something. When you see someone without clothes, cover them, not only in prayers, but also in actual clothes. When you see a person who according to you is indecently dressed, give them clothes that are decent, perhaps they don’t have any. You never know. One woman, I know, visited a certain house of worship known for covering up ladies from head to toe. The ladies in the house were all instructed to come with a suitable garments (by the next service which was due to start in a few hours) for this visiting lady who was dressed in jeans and a top. Remember, the LORD made clothes for Adam and Eve despite the fact that they had grieved HIS heart.

Here, where, I come from, the fear of witchcraft and bewitchment of personal items is real, but we must not be led by fear, let us be led by The HOLY SPIRIT. Let us have faith. The LORD will keep us safe as we keep HIS commandments. The things we give away will not be used to harm us in any way, in JESUS NAME. AMEN. Beloved, trust in The LORD, do not be led by fear.

v.) Do not turn away from your flesh and blood. What does this mean? We have Christians living in plenty, yet the people around them are languishing in abject poverty? You know the child of your brother is of above average intelligence and your child is a dunce, but you will not help your brother and the society bring out this talent. You have more than you could ever use but you refuse to help others, you live in opulence, there is nothing wrong with this, but spare a thought for others, otherwise the parable of the rich man, Lazarus, Abrahams bosom, fire and will be a reality in your life in this world and in the world to come. Here, where I come from, it is believed widely that stingy people who don’t help their relatives or anyone else got their wealth from satan and evil covenants.

This could also refer to those people who take fasting as a chance to escape their marital relations and duties. The Bible says you must consent with your spouse before you deny them their conjugal rights. This is especially towards holy church mamas, who deny their husbands their conjugal rights and say they are fasting. This is not allowed. By all means stay away from the food, but ask the man first if he can stay without you, if he says he cant, stay away from the food but avail yourself in that area.

A common story is told of the pastor’s wife who packed her belongings and children and moved into the church because that was the only place she experienced the love and peace the husband talked about on the pulpit. There was none at home. Beloved, don’t be a minister in public and a monster in private to those who are close to you.

vi.) Stop finger pointing

vii.) Stop malicious talk, inflammatory talk, talk that makes situations worse, stop idle talk.

viii.) Take time to rest. The LORD HIMSELF rested. This issue of rest, The LORD takes very seriously. You must have a day of rest, where you honor The LORD, a day where you acknowledge that you are but a man and that you need to rest not because you feel or don’t feel like it but because The LORD said so. In one instance, in the scripture, it is recorded that the children of GOD were removed from the land so that it could rest. Take this seriously. It’s in Isaiah 58:13. Among Christians, because of Saturday and Sunday, we usually take Mondays off, but this day is not for rest, it is for doing all sorts of things, ranging from visiting government offices to going for entertainment. Beloved, rest. GOD rested, you, take a day of rest, or you will be forced to rest in these hospital beds with your movement restricted, then who will you blame. Put this foolishness aside and take your Sabbath.

If you do these things as you fast, The LORD says that the following will happen:

i.) Your light will break forth, your breakthrough will come, your darkness will become light.v8,v10,

ii.) You will be healed. v 8

iii.) Your righteousness will speak before you, in other words The LORD will prepare a way for you, make a way before you arrive where you are going. Before you call, HE will answer. V8

iv.) You will be protected. v8

v.) The LORD will answer you. v 9

vi.) The LORD will guide you. v 11

vii.) The LORD will satisfy you even when others are dissatisfied v 11

viii.) HE will strengthen you v11

ix.) You and your people will recover what you lost, your lost glory v12

x.) You will find your joy, in the LORD v 14, and Beloved, we need joy especially in these days. The joy of the LORD is our strength.

xi.) You will have victory v14

xii.) You will eat the blessings of Jacob in this day and age.v14

Isaiah 58 ends unusually with the words "For the mouth of The LORD has spoken. Beloved, take heed and observe these things as you fast, you are the beneficiary. Believe in The LORD JESUS CHRIST now, walk in HIS ways and you shall be saved and not only shall you escape the wrath of The MOST HIGH, you shall also live in the fullness of HIS love and power.

Beloved, the scripture informs us, "And anyone not found written in the Book of Life was cast into the lake of fire." Revelation 20:15.

Do you want to know JESUS as your personal Lord and Savior? Your eternity is at stake! JESUS has opened the door of salvation to every person. But there is coming a day when the door will be closed. Today is the day of salvation. Choose to be in the family of GOD. JESUS died so that we can spend eternity in Heaven with HIM. Don't delay! And if you want to begin a relationship with GOD or resume a broken one, say this: O GOD, I come to YOU today. I know I am a sinner. I believe that JESUS died on the cross to save me and HE resurrected on the third day. I repent of my sins and forsake them. I confess JESUS as my LORD and SAVIOR . I invite JESUS into my heart. By this prayer, I know I am saved. Thank YOU JESUS for saving me and making me a child of GOD. Amen