Summary: JESUS, the Author and Finisher of our faith

All have sinned and fall short of the glory of GOD. Me included. You too!

I am not going to go catholic and open a confession box neither am I going to tell you my sin that easily besets me and neither do I want you to tell me yours, juicy as it may be. Beloved, we are on earth, we know some of our sins. Others are not so clear. Others are disguised as day to day activities for example phone worship.

It is common at funerals for people to say so and so has run the race and fought the good fight now may they rest in eternal peace. We hope and sincerely pray so.

A closer look at Hebrews 12:1 tells us that before we run our respective races with endurance, we are to lay aside every weight and the sins that easily ensnare us. We are also to remember that there is an audience watching us. Ever heard of the instant playback of your life on judgment day, right from the how you were conceived to how you died? Beloved, everything you do is being watched by a cloud of witnesses, to quote exactly “...we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses,...”. Before you get angry and scream peeping Tom, remember it can’t be a peeping Tom issue because you know they are there and you have been told that they are very many and they are witnesses, that means you know they are there and they are watching. Beloved, rethink your sin and action. This cloud of witnesses is an incentive for you to walk properly and not do in private what you cannot do in public. Remember, witnesses see and can recount details as they remember.

From my understanding this is how it is supposed to work:

i. Hebrews 12:2 . JESUS is our goal, look to HIM, HE is the Author and Finisher of our faith. JESUS looked beyond the temptations, trials and the cross in this present world. HE looked to the joy that HE would encounter ahead; HE went through the shame and is now seated at the right hand of the throne of GOD. Not a bad place to be at all.

Beloved, you too can look beyond these present temptations, trials and the cross. Look at the goal in future. Look at the joy set before you if you overcome. Think about seeing The MOST HIGH. Think about being with JESUS forever and ever. Think about the house HE has built for you and all other good things The MOST HIGH has for you if you overcome. Set up a spiritual goal and work towards it. This prepares you for number ii.

ii. Remember beloved, you are being watched by many witnesses, always remember this. Everything you do is being watched. The deeds of our forefathers are recorded which means someone was watching, even the dark deeds they did. I don’t think they would have done some of the things they did, if they knew a record was being kept and you and I, their children in faith would be reading about them in detail. So, Beloved, whatever you are doing in secret and you think no one will ever know, we will know. We are informed that whatever is done in darkness, will be brought to light. We know Adam and Eve ate the fruit, we know Cain killed Abel. We even know satan tried a coup and failed. We know about David and Bathsheba and the infamous bath. We even know about our beloved matriarch Rachel and the incident of her father’s idol and her menstrual related reply. We were not there but we know. Whatever you are doing Beloved, shall one day be announced from the rooftops. Think about it there are even teams on earth nowadays that seek to solve unsolved crimes. Beloved, even yours will be known. My advice to you and me, let us be children of the light and not of darkness. One day the spotlight will be on you, it better shine on you for the right reasons.

iii. Next beloved, lay aside every weight. Things that bog you down. Things that bring you down. Let us stop worrying. God will take care of us, our children and our legacy. Let us stop being anxious and going crazy over this life. You are not designed to worry and fret. That is why when the weights of the world are too heavy for some people; the interventions and remedies given by the world turn them into some kind of vegetables. We must break the habit of worry and trust in The LORD who is faithful. Matthew 6: 32-33, “your heavenly FATHER knows that you need all these things ye first the Kingdom of GOD and all these things will be added unto you...”.

It may look hard at first, but since you made a habit of worrying and fretting, unlearn this habit and learn the habit and practice of trusting The LORD. Tell yourself over and over again “. The LORD knows what I need, HE is YAHWEH my provider.”

iv. Next, lay aside the sin. Start by identifying this sin. What is it? The things you think, do and say are they permitted in scripture? Write a list of the things you think, do and say. Then go to GOD and ask HIM if these things are acceptable to HIM, after all it’s HIS heaven you want to go to. Then use the Bible not yourself and worldly standards to analyze your thoughts, words and deeds.

For example, the world and even some churches condone drinking alcohol. But the scripture says drunks are going to hell. The scripture says gluttony is a sin, the world says it’s an eating disorder. The scripture says honor your father and mother, the world says you can be rid of them if you want. The Bible says calling your brother a fool or idiot makes you a candidate for hell, the world says it’s a slip of tongue, a figure of speech. JESUS says lusting with your eyes and heart is adultery, the world says look but don’t touch. Scripture says homosexuality is not only a sin but an abomination, the world says it’s an alternative lifestyle. The world says abortion is a choice, you can have babies when you are ready, the bible says before HE put you in your mother’s womb, HE knew you and chose you. The world says you can’t live without sex, the Bible says sex is only for properly married people. The Bible says no tattoos, the world says its body art. The Bible says GOD made clothes to cover Adam and Eve, the world says “ my dress, my choice”. The Bible says GOD gave Adam one female wife, the world says he is called Steve and even some people in the church agree! The bible says GOD hates divorce and if you divorce stay single, the world says “ you can’t live like that, you made a mistake, change your spouse and be paying them money for survival”. My, the list is endless. Beloved, the things GOD has said do not do, do not do, the things HE has said do, do.

v. Once you have identified this, then work at making sure that your thoughts, actions and deeds are compliant with The HOLY SPIRIT and the scripture. Then maybe when you are dead the minister can convincingly tell us all that you have run the good race and you have fought the good faith.

Beloved, as you can see or as you will see, this is not an easy exercise, but I think its worth your while. No one can do it for you. If you look at the world and the legal systems a lot of what they permit is not permitted in GOD’s Kingdom, so you are well advised to analyze your own thoughts, words and actions and align them to GOD and HIS kingdom . Don’t worry or fear, The LORD likes correcting HIS children and putting them back on the straight path.

Look at Paul, the great man who wrote some of the books in the New Testament. His previous job was to hunt and kill Christians, but JESUS met him, Paul changed and began building Christians and even died a martyr’s death. Some people must really be happy in heaven!

Beloved, you can do it too, you can change and be an exemplary servant of JESUS CHRIST. Allow HIM to confront you and also confront yourself. I know, confronting others is easy but confronting yourself can be daunting. I dare you, do it. Ensure that you are aligned to JESUS CHRIST. Shalom Beloved.

Beloved, the scripture informs us, "And anyone not found written in the Book of Life was cast into the lake of fire." Revelation 20:15.

Do you want to know JESUS as your personal Lord and Savior? Your eternity is at stake! JESUS has opened the door of salvation to every person. But there is coming a day when the door will be closed. Today is the day of salvation. Choose to be in the family of GOD. JESUS died so that we can spend eternity in Heaven with HIM. Don't delay! And if you want to begin a relationship with GOD or resume a broken one, say this: O GOD, I come to YOU today. I know I am a sinner. I believe that JESUS died on the cross to save me and HE resurrected on the third day. I repent of my sins and forsake them. I confess JESUS as my LORD and SAVIOR . I invite JESUS into my heart. By this prayer, I know I am saved. Thank YOU JESUS for saving me and making me a child of GOD. Amen