Summary: Jesus makes it clear in our text that He is the only way into Heaven. He is the path to truth which then leads to eternal life. Without His path or His truth we could never discover eternal life and the abundant life he spoke of.

“I Am the way the truth and the life.”

Series: Jesus the I Am of Renewal

Thesis: Jesus makes it clear in our text that He is the only way into Heaven. He is the path to truth which then leads to eternal life. Without His path or His truth we could never discover eternal life and the abundant life he spoke of.

Review of the “I Am” Statements:

I AM the bread of life – Jesus said I am the one who can and will satisfy your eternal


I AM the light of the world – Jesus points us to the light which will lead us out of the darkness of this world.

I AM the door – Jesus said I am the door there is no other door to Heaven and I am the one who opens and closes this gateway to eternal life.

I AM the resurrection and the life – Jesus said I am the one who brings dead people back to life and let’s them live forever. I am the one who defeated death by the power of my resurrection.

I am the Good Shepherd - "I am the good shepherd... The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep."

Scripture Text: John 14:1-6

Jesus Comforts His Disciples

1“Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God; trust also in me.

2In my Father’s house are many rooms; if it were not so, I would have told you. I am going there to prepare a place for you.

3And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am.

4You know the way to the place where I am going.”

Jesus the Way to the Father

5Thomas said to him, “Lord, we don’t know where you are going, so how can we know the way?”

6Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

Key Verse: John 14:6

"Jesus answered, 'I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.'"


Today we are going to focus in on Jesus', "I Am” proclamation, “I am the way, the truth, and the life ..." In this section of the Gospel of John we once again see Jesus asserting His divine nature. It's interesting that once again a question is addressed to Jesus and He answers it with a profound reply. The question was asked by Thomas, "Lord, we don't know where you are going, so how can we know the way?"

Thomas' question has been asked probably by 100,000 of people if not millions for centuries. The question in brief is, "How can we know the way?" Men and women over time have tried many ways to find a satisfying life and get a eternal life but they soon discovered their ideas and beliefs were lacking truth, and even fulfillment in life. For example:

Man’s Quest:

Greece said …Be wise, know yourself

Rome said …Be strong, discipline yourself

Judaism said …Be holy, conform yourself

Epicureanism says…Be sensuous, enjoy yourself

Education says …Be resourceful, expand yourself

Psychology says …Be confident, fulfill yourself

Materialism says…Be acquisitive, please yourself

Pride says…Be superior, promote yourself

Asceticism says…Be inferior, suppress yourself

Diplomacy says…Be reasonable, control yourself

Communism says…Be collective, secure yourself

Humanism says…Be capable, trust yourself

Philanthropy says …Be unselfish, give yourself

(Swindoll, pages 270,271)

Yet none of these ways has brought about fulfillment in people’s lives or entrance into eternity. For these people they soon discovered the emptiness of these pursuits and discovered the reality check that these ways do not get you into Heaven or bring the abundant life spoken of by Jesus.

There have been other ways developed over time - ways to view life – we call them world views – they gave a false hope that if you did these things they would bring contentment, fulfillment and even eternal life!

For example:

a. Optimism: By looking through rose-colored glasses, we can convince ourselves that we live on Fantasy Island, existing under cloudless skies and surrounded by oceans of love, affirmation, and support. There's only one problem -- Lack of reality.

b. Pessimism: It is easy to turn life into a grim existence. If something bad can happen, the pessimist is convinced it will. The problem here is an obvious lack of joy.

c. Suspicion: Suspicion is a deeper trench than pessimism. "Everyone is out to get you. You can't believe anyone anymore. Their major problem? --Lack of trust.

d. Fatalism: The fatalist says we may as well accept our lot, nothing can be done to change it. "Just bite your lip and endure to the end." "If you can check out of responsibility, do it! Stay uninvolved." What's the problem here? -- Lack of hope.

Mankind without God has been on these quests for years asking, "Which way is the right way?", excited when they first enter into their false belief systems, or deceived worldviews but they soon discover that it is a temporal path and not a path that leads to everlasting life or the abundant life. So, they in turn, do as Rollo Mays says, "It is an old and ironic habit of human beings to run faster when we have lost our way."

Would you say that we are running faster than ever in circles but going nowhere? Yes, people are moving and running faster to find contentment and fulfillment but it’s never their – it’s just always out of their grasp. So they keep running faster and faster but never finding peace and contentment.

Mankind is looking for the way up and for the way out. The problem is they are lost and running in the opposite direction of the Lord, they are getting further away from God and deeper into chaos, sin and insanity. Their false belief systems have led to the destruction of many empires and societies. It is leading many today away from truth and into the darkness of hopelessness and despair – the result is an increase in addictions, suicide and fear.

We need as Christians, to open up the Word of God and learn the right way so we can show people the right way especially when everything in the world seems to be spiraling out of control. When it looks like everything seems to be going wrong in our life and in our society we need to stay on the right path with Jesus “The Way – The Truth and The Life.”

How many are with me on this?

We have been given a divine commission by the Lord Jesus to show people the way to Heaven. Therefore, we need to stay on His path. Why, because if we get off the path of eternal life, we too will get lost and be unable to lead anyone to God’s paradise or the abundant life.

There is a bumper sticker you will see on vehicles which should give us a message.

“Don’t Follow Me…I’m Lost”

How many have ever seen this slogan on a car?

I believe we should stick it above our T.V. sets today, on humanistic/secular books, over many doorposts of government buildings, in many court rooms, in the House and the Senate, and even over the White House doors! Are you tracking with me this morning? I even believe we should post it over secular Universities because it would save a lot of people a lot of heartache. The people who are lost, those without Jesus cannot lead anyone to truth, nor to abundant life or eternal life. They cannot do it because they are lost in a world of darkness.

Would you agree with my observation?

T.S. - Jesus has answered the question many are asking today: "How can we know the way?" Let's look at His answer to this question and understand what to do when we are in despair, fear and feeling overwhelmed in life. When we are searching for comfort in the midst of chaos. When we are lost in the journey of life.

I see 3 things we can do to help us find direction. They are revealed in this Scripture text of John 14:

I. When you meet Christ you will discover and see He is the Way and you can trust him to get you home.

a. The definition and meaning of the “Way.”

i. Greek word Hod-os is defined as progress, a road going somewhere. Tenney defines way, as meaning a path over which one moves.

ii. In the Old Testament way is used in many instances of God's ways. His will and commands.

1. Deut. 5:33: "Walk in all the way that the LORD your God has commanded you, so that you may live and prosper and prolong your days in the land that you will possess."

2. Deut. 8:6:"Observe the commands of the LORD your God, walking in his ways and revering him."

3. Psalms 119:15: "I meditate on your precepts and consider your ways."

4. Isa. 55:9:"As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts."

iii. The New Testament usage of the word “Way” signifies a traveled way or road going somewhere.

1. The word is also used figuratively in the New Testament as meaning –

a. Of Moral Conduct: Matt. 7:13, 14; 21-32; Acts 14:16; Romans 3:16, 17; James 5:20

b. Of God's will and purpose and truth: Matt. 22:16; Mark 12:14; Acts 13:10 (etc.)

2. Scripture says Christ is the Way (John 14:6)

a. Way is used of Jesus Christ himself, the final and perfect revealer of roads to Heaven. His ministry and His sacrificial death pave the way to God the Father. They also open the road to really living and lead the way to God, His holiness and salvation: Jesu is the only teacher of the way in regards to truth.

i. Christ Himself one and only "Way" to God (John 14:4-6); and the One who opens up the way into the Holiest place or presence of God – done by His sacrifice (Heb. 9:8; 10:19, 20).

b. Jesus Christ is the way to the knowledge of God. Through believing in His ministry, His life, His Word.

c. Jesus Christ is the only way to favor with God.

i. One author states, “To understand how holy and how righteous is the Divine ruler and Judge, is to understand that sinners forfeit His favor. Our Savior is the divinely appointed Way to reconciliation and harmony with Him whose laws all men have broken.”

d. Christianity is, as stated in the Book of Acts, repeatedly spoken of as "the Way", - the path by which sinful men return to the affectionate interest and regard of a righteous God.

i. They Acts Christians lead the “Way” to a personal relationship with God the Father!

ii. Christ is the Way to the Father's fellowship. In coming to Christ a man/woman becomes a son or daughter, they then experience the grace of true adoption.

e. THE WAY is also INDICATED by the symbol of a door: An open door which no man can shut, and a closed door which no man can open, are indications of God's way. Rev. 3:8.

i. See the door on stage!

b. His being the way becomes very clear through His personal touch on our lives – His interaction with us.

i. When life is hurting, chaos is all around you commit to trust in Jesus – He knows the way.

1. When you have one of those weeks or days when everything is going wrong remember these words from Jesus in John 14:1: 1“Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God; trust also in me.”

a. Key word is Trust Jesus He knows the way!

ii. Trust means I place my life in the hands of the Jesus.

1. It means: “I love Him with my whole heart, mind, soul and I give Him all my strength.”

2. It means: I follow His direction in life even when things are going badly, going in a chaotic direction – I trust follow and obey His direction.

a. Share about the way school is working out – teacher – back ordered material like desks and floors. Putting all the pieces of the puzzle together!

c. Melvin Newland shares this story to illustrate my point about how quickly things can go in the wrong in our lives – especially when we allow the flesh to lead us or deceptive thinking to lead us in life - from

i. Illustration: Several years ago, I told a story that illustrates this point so well that I want to tell it again. It is about a lady at the airport who stopped in the concourse to buy a Kit Kat candy bar to eat while she was waiting for her plane.

In the crowded waiting area she spied an empty seat at the end of one of the rows. Rushing to get it, she quickly leaned her hang-up bag against it, placed her purse & several other small items on the table between her & a rather large man seated there, & then turned to straighten her hang-up bag.

With everything finally in order, she was ready to eat her Kit Kat candy bar. But to her surprise, as she started to reach for it, she saw the man in the next seat unwrapping her Kit Kat candy bar, & she watched in utter amazement as he broke off a section & ate it.

She thought, "Well, my goodness, I’ve never seen such gall." She glared at him, & he looked at her, but no words were exchanged.

She was so furious at what he had done that she decided that if he was going to be that brazen about it, she could be brazen, too. So, she reached over to him, broke off a piece & ate it herself. Then he broke off another piece & ate it. It became almost a duel between the two of them to see who would get the most. Quickly the candy bar was consumed, & she sat there just boiling that someone would be so rude & so presumptuous as to eat half of her candy bar.

Well, after a few minutes of silence, the man got up & left & then came back with another Kit Kat candy bar. He unwrapped it, broke off a piece & started eating. She thought, "Well, since he ate half of mine, I’m going to eat half of his." So, she reached over & broke off another piece & ate it.

Once again the same scenario was repeated until the whole candy bar was gone. She sat there thinking, "This is the most ridiculous thing that has happened to me in all my life." She continued to glare at him, & he looked at her, with neither one saying a word.

Just then, over the intercom came the announcement that her plane was ready for boarding. So, she opened her purse to get her boarding pass &, to her utter embarrassment, there was her Kit Kat candy bar. She had eaten half of 2 of his candy bars, & her’s was still in her purse!

Application. There are times, I suppose, when things really start to go wrong because of wrong perceptions and thinking. Your whole world seems to be crumbling around you & you wonder what is going on. How could I have let myself get so caught in the free fall.

d. In our scenario text: The disciples had been facing this kind of week. It had been a week filled with the wild ride of a rollercoaster of emotions and it’s not over yet. There has been joy, excitement, amazement, but also fear, some persecution, some condemnation, some bewilderment, but violence, and chaos are rushing toward them and in just a few hours it will rush over them.

i. The week began gloriously with Jesus triumphal entry. People shouting His praise, excited that the Prophet had come. They expected him to do miracles and establish his throne in Jerusalem. This guy had the power to do it because he could raise the dead!

1. But He refused their crown and their plan for His life. So, the crowd starts to change their view of Jesus because he is not doing what the majority want Him to do with His life and His power. They become disappointed, angry, disillusioned, and the Priest’s are plotting His arrest and death.

ii. So, we enter into John 14 and the apostles and Jesus are in the upper room where they have celebrated the Passover meal together. Jesus knows he is about to be betrayed by one of his own, his followers are soon to be scattered, they will deny him and fail him. They will desert him and runaway to hide out in fear.

iii. Have you ever had those premonitions and those feeling in life where you know things are going to go wrong all around you? You feel the tension and the stress. You sense an inside anger you feel at any moment the lid is about to explode off the top of the boiling pot?

1. They are in the upper room and I believe they are starting to sense the pressure, the heat was being turned up on Jesus, they could feel the pressure and sense the stress. Soon they would see it hit him in the Garden. Soon the guards would come to arrest Jesus.

2. Have you ever been there?

e. So, Jesus addresses his disciples and even us today when we face those explosive moments – “Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God, trust also in me!”

i. For many of us it’s easy to trust in things we can see, hear, feel, smell and even touch. But it gets harder to trust someone you cannot experience with the five senses. Jesus is about to leave His followers and He is preparing them for what is about to happen. The ending of this week will rattle their faith and their trust in Jesus. Evil will come in and smash them in the face with reality. They will witness one of their own be deceived and lead away by the evil one.

ii. God’s Word tells us not to put our trust in the temporary things of this world because one day they will be gone. Instead, we are to place our trust in the only thing that is eternal -Jesus – God in the flesh.

1. For example:

a. The chairs, this building that you are sitting in and on will one day be gone. But the Lord won’t – His presence won’t ever leave! Because He is not in the pews – the church – He is in the heart of the believer.

2. One day this church may be destroyed by fire, wind, a storm but God’s presence will still dwell in this land and in hearts.

3. One day your car may break down and you may be unable to repair it, but God’s presence will never break down and desert those who are committed to Him.

4. This world is filled with temporary things, but the Kingdom of Heaven is not.

a. Jesus tells them and us, “…I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” Matthew 28:20

f. Application: The disciples are about to learn a hard lesson because everything they have grown accustomed too over the last three years is about to be ripped away and life is going to crash out of their control. They are going to see unbelievable cruelty, and chaotic events unfold. They are going to yield to fear for a moment and they are going to run for their lives. They are going to deny their Lord out of fear and survival mind sets. But Jesus tells them in advance – “Do not let your hearts be troubled – Trust me.”

T.S. – Jesus tells us in this text to not let our hearts be troubled instead trust God, trust in Him. We need to follow Him and listen to His words of truth because they will lead us home and to the abundant life!

II. The truth is - Once you have met and get to know Jesus, you become aware of truth and lies, what it looks like, what it sounds like, how it functions, what it does and does not do.

a. The definition and meaning of Jesus word- “Truth” is important to understand.

i. Truth – the Greek word- “Alethia” – means truthfulness, dependability, uprightness in thought and deed of God, and of men. No lies – no deception 100% true words!

1. As for absolute truth it is the spirit which leads us to it. The truth is identified through Jesus Christ and His teachings.

a. We may easily apply all this to Christ, who is "the way, the truth, and the life," John 14:8: He is the express image of His Father, the truth of the Father; whom the Father, by His seal and diploma, hath confirmed and ratified; as the great ruler both of His kingdom and family (303).

b. The word “truth” is used 20 times in John and used 100 times in the New Testament.

ii. History and Culture reveal the concept of “Truth” listen to some of their thoughts:

1. Truth is the Seal of God - According to the Talmud. The Jews spoke much about truth (His Truth) in their writings.

2. In the Old Testament it is used in reference to firmness, stability, fidelity, a reliable basis of support. It is ascribed most often to personal morality.

3. In the New Testament - Truth is related not only to fidelity and justice but also to knowledge and to Revelation.

iii. Philosophical Concepts of Truth - Some philosophical concepts of truth are described in two ways:

1. Cognitive Truth - says, if God is the ground of all truth, then whatever truths we know bear witness to Him.

a. Augustine Hippo recognized this and wrote an apology for God's existence from our knowledge of truth.

b. Others who wrote on this subject were: Augustine, Anselm of Canterbury, Thomas Aquinas, Descartes.

i. They varied some in their theories but basically concluded that all truth is ultimately God's truth, and that our knowledge of truth depends ultimately on God.

1. It deeply depends on our worldview of God and the Bible.

ii. I believe this explains why people today cannot understand nor grasp that their belief system is wrong. Because without the Holy Spirit present in a person’s life they cannot know truth or even understand truth.

1. Many people today believe their worldview is the right view to have – their lives, their experiences and traumas have shaped their worldviews but if God is not in the picture of their worldview it is distorted and twisted.

iv. Jesus said that there would be a battle between Truth and Lies. Jesus called Satan the Father of lies! The New Testament warns us that there would be numerous attacks of false prophets, false religions and cults against the genuine Christian faith taught and modeled by Jesus. But note – The Word says these attacks would only cause the Truth to stand out more clearly in time.

1. The lies about God have been being spilled since Creation by the Father of lies. There are many lies being promoted that bring God down to a lower level in regard to His identity and divinity. Here are a few:

a. World Religions - beliefs or worldviews say:

i. Buddhism - God is not a person.

ii. Transcendental Meditation - There is no difference between God and the creation.

iii. Hinduism - There are three main impersonal gods and millions of lesser gods.

iv. Islamic – Says God is the Creator and humanity broken but redemption comes through jihad, which is the submission of every person by force if necessary to God’s law. In regards to Jesus he is a prophet but not God in the flesh – Muhammad thought is the greatest of prophets.

v. Secularism – Is an atheistic and materialistic worldview that advocates for a public society free of the influence of religion. They say the physical universe is all there is humanity is broken but redemption comes through science not religion.

vi. Marxism is an atheistic and materialistic view based on ideas of Karl Marx that promotes the abolition of private property, the public ownership of the means of production and the utopian dream of a future communistic state.

b. Cults

i. Moonies, Jehovah Witnesses & The Way - God is singular and there is no Trinity.

ii. Christian Science & Unity - God is not a person.

iii. Mormons - There are many gods and you can become one.

iv. Worldwide Church of God - We can become gods.

1. There are those who want to bring God down to a lower level in regard to His uniqueness and divinity.

b. Point: When everything gets ripped away in life Jesus tells us to trust Him and to believe in His promises because He is the Truth.

i. John 14:2-4: 2In my Father’s house are many rooms; if it were not so, I would have told you. I am going there to prepare a place for you. 3And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am. 4You know the way to the place where I am going.”

ii. Heaven is described by Jesus in our text as “My Father’s House” to Jesus this is home – home is not this world –this life - this planet – home to Him is in Heaven with the Father.

1. It’s home for Jesus and by the way it’s home for us too if we trust in Jesus and stand firm in Him to the end.

a. It’s also home if we have a deep connection to it!

b. What makes a home?

i. A comfortable place to live.

ii. A peaceful place.

iii. A secure place.

iv. A familiar place.

v. A place I can relax.

vi. A place I can be me.

vii. A place with unity.

2. Jesus tells us that He has gone before us to prepare our place in Heaven – Our Home.

a. The promise here to remember is that Jesus has prepared a place for us in Heaven. I believe this room is custom designed just for our tastes - our character traits. Just like they do on the TV reality show “Extreme Makeover Home edition.”

i. They redo homes and rooms to fit the personality and interests of one who will dwell in them.

ii. Jesus has down the same for us in Heaven.

iii. Picture the construction site in Heaven – Jesus is the architect designing each of our homes – right down to the last detail.

c. Not only is Jesus leaving this world as predicted - but in our passage He has gone home to prepare our room – our house for us. He promised to come back and personally take us to this wonderful dwelling place too.

i. Truth is He will lead us there and we will live and dwell with Him in this place for eternity – when we finally arrive we will be home.

ii. This is a promise for all who are going through tough times today – this is not our home – be reminded by The Word that God has a dwelling place for you in Heaven – A Home – custom designed for you - He will lead you to it when you go from here to eternity.

d. Jesus then reminds the disciples that they will with truth know the way to this place!

i. I have not lived in Pittsburgh for years - the place I grew up but I still know how to get there -truth is I will never forget how to get to my childhood home – Jesus says you know me then you know the way home – it’s that simple!

ii. We all need to be encouraged about our final homecoming. It’s His promise to them and us! It’s one of His last instructions to his followers – “Trust me and trust my promise to you” – There is a special place designed for you in Heaven - Home!

T.S. - Jesus tells us to place our trust in Him – in His Truth – yes even in the hard times and to not forget there is a special room for us in heaven (HOME) that He will personally take us too. He also answers the age old question, “Jesus, how do we get there again – I am not sure?”

III. The final point Christ makes here is once you accept Him as the Way, you find direction, this direction leads you into truth, on the discovery of truth you learn the meaning of life and this life is an everlasting life.

a. The question, “Lord we don’t know the way?” How do we find life -real life?

i. Jesus comforts His disciples in our passage, but Thomas is still not sure of the way. So, he asks Jesus, “The question.”

1. Remember this is doubting Thomas – he is unnerved by Jesus saying He is leaving them - but Jesus says they will know the way. Thomas speaks up and says, “Jesus I am still not sure how to get there!”

a. John 14: Jesus the Way to the Father

“5Thomas said to him, “Lord, we don’t know where you are going, so how can we know the way?” 6Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”

b. Thomas was shocked – leaving no way – I gave up everything to follow you home – He knew Jesus was the way – the truth and the life – He knew He brings meaning to life, to real life, He brings the abundant life – Thomas has been living it with Jesus – so what do you mean you are leaving.

i. The meaning of the Greek word “Zoe” (life.).

1. Definition: Means of sustenance, of supernatural life belonging to God and Christ, which believers will receive in the future, but which they also enjoy here and now to a degree.

a. Thomas experienced it on earth with Jesus and He knew without Jesus their was no abundant life!

2. Zoe is used in reference to Christ being life for all who believe. It is the central theme in the Gospel of John.

a. Note: John's purpose for writing his Gospel John 20:31. "But these are written that you may continue to believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name."

i. Life in Jesus – Thomas understood this so to be without Jesus was not good!

3. History and culture and use of the term Zoe teach us the following.

a. The term life is used in the Old Testament in the popular sense. Orr notes: "It meant life in the body, the existence and activity of the man in all his parts and energies." (1888).

i. The Old Testament thought, was the body was necessary for life and they had no desire to be separated from it. They also believed that the source of life was when a man had a relationship with God. Orr states, "The real center of gravity in life was in the moral and religious part of man's nature. This must be in fellowship with God, the source of all life and activity" (1888)

4. John's main theme is life. He wrote the book to show the readers how to have life.

a. John shows that life represents Jesus the logos as the origin and means of all life to the world. God gave Jesus life in Himself who in turn, gave life to the world. John's prevailing meaning of life is in reference to those activities which are the expression of fellowship with God and Jesus Christ. These relationships are called "eternal life." (1889)

ii. Life is in Christ. (Application)

1. The miracles of raising the dead, which Jesus wrought were intended not only for the assuagement of human sorrow, but for the satisfying of human aspirations. He drew the attention away from the great work to the greater Worker (108).

2. In Him was life, and by His incarnation and sacrifice He brought the life of God to this world of sin and death. (Pulpit 108).

3. The key thought to this chapter is that the life of Christ gives and is received by faith.


In this world of chaos and uncertainty we are encouraged by Jesus to not be troubled, to not be fearful but we need to trust in God and in Him.

When life radically plummets out of control we need to be reminded to focus on His promises. He has made us our own custom room in Heaven (Our Home) and He will personally come to us and lead us to it.

Jesus has answered for us the question “How do we know the way?”

The way – the path to Jesus – is to follow His teachings. These teachings – these paths will guide us right to truth. The truth will give us life – a meaning full life, a live which is eternal, a life which is filled with purpose and fulfillment.

Altar Call: How can we know the way?

#1 When you meet Christ you will see He is the way.

a. It becomes very clear through His personal touch on our lives.

#2 Once you have met and get to know Christ, you become aware of truth, what it looks like, what it sounds like, how it functions, what it does and does not do.

#3 The final point Christ makes here is once you accept Him as the Way, you find direction, this direction leads you into truth, on the discovery of truth you learn the meaning of life and this life is everlasting.