Summary: The next in the series on Genesis and the first of 4 on Abraham.

Genesis 12 The Call of Abraham

This morning we are going to continue our study of the book of Genesis, and begin our study of Abraham. Abraham is a pretty important person. From his children come 3 of the world’s major religions; Christianity, which is the largest religion in the world: Islam, which is the second largest religion in the world: and Judaism.

Genesis 3-11 is the story of man’s downward slide into deep dark depravity. The human race is growing more corrupt, evil, and violent. However, God has preserved a ray of hope, and that one ray of hope is a single family tree, a single line. The line of Seth. In the midst of this downward spiral we are given this verse of hope.

> Genesis 4:26 A son was born to Seth also, and he named him Enosh. At that time people began to call on the name of the Lord.

So hopeful. People began to call on the name of the Lord. They began to consider Him in their thinking, in their planning, and in their worship.

But then the world turns evil and God sends the Flood. He starts over with 8. Eight people come off the ark, and have the opportunity to start again. But from there, most of mankind heads down hill again, until they refuse to obey the Lord, and build the tower of Babel. So God confuses their languages and scatters them across the earth.

This morning, we see how man continues his downward spiral, while God begins to do a work to set things right.

So open your Bibles and turn with me please to the book of Genesis. Genesis chapter 11. Genesis chapter 11 and beginning in verse 27.

- Read Genesis 11:27-30.

In this passage we are reminded of the importance of guarding our hearts.


These are the records of Seth’s line, of Shem and his descendants. These verses show us that something disastrous has happened.

What has happened? Mankind has lost all respect for God. The Bible is following the godly line, the god-fearing line of people, and here we find those people in the land of Ur. Ur of the Chaldeans was a center for worshipping the moon. So, the god-fearing line had wandered so far from the Lord that they have begun thinking and worshipping like everyone else.

I wonder how long that took? I wonder how many compromises there were along the way that caused mankind to lose their knowledge of God and to wander so far away from Him that they have reached the point that they are worshipping the moon?

What happened I wonder to cause man to get so sideways that within just generations they could get so twisted and confused? What does it take?

You have Noah, who did right. God worked in his life to save mankind. In the next generation, 2 out of 3 of his boys turned out ok. But then within a few generations, mankind has turned its back on God and God divided the land and confused their languages. Instead of repenting then, they continue to turn away from God to where they are worshipping the moon for crying out loud.

Save your places and turn with me please to the book of Joshua. Joshua chapter 24. Joshua chapter 24 and verse 1.

- Read Joshua 24:1-2.

They were worshipping other Gods.

My friends, it doesn’t take any effort at all to fall away from the Lord. It doesn’t take any effort at all to allow your love of the Lord to grow cold, and to become lukewarm, and what you allow in your life will often be magnified in the next generation.

> Hebrews 10:24-25 And let us consider one another in order to provoke love and good works, not neglecting to gather together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging each other, and all the more as you see the day approaching.

The Bible tells us to gather together regularly, and to encourage one another, and even more as we see the end approaching, as we see the return of the Lord approaching.

But, we get busy, and we start missing worship from time-to-time, after all we have that new boat and this was a busy week, and we didn’t get to take it out Saturday because work had gone long.

It’s been a busy week, and we had chores to catch up on Saturday, so the Lord will understand if we just rest and relax on Sunday.

So we get complacent. Our children see that, and they begin to fall away a bit more. Well, we didn’t go to church all the time growing up. As long as we put in an appearance every once in a while it will be ok. The Lord knows we love Him.

Then the next generation only attends Christmas and Easter. Then the next generation says, “I’m not going to play religion like my parents, who only went to church twice a year,” so they don’t attend at all, and they say, “We’re not going to force anything on our children. We’ll let them decide for themselves.”

My friends, the Devil, and the world will do all they can to pull you away from the Lord. That’s why we are warned,

> Proverbs 4:23-27 Guard your heart above all else, for it is the source of life. Don’t let your mouth speak dishonestly, and don’t let your lips talk deviously. Let your eyes look forward; fix your gaze straight ahead. Carefully consider the path for your feet, and all your ways will be established. Don’t turn to the right or to the left; keep your feet away from evil.

Guard your heart above all else. Guard your heart what? Above all else. Guard your heart above all else for it is the source of life. Turn to someone beside you and tell them, “Guard your heart.”

Guard your heart.

In this passage, not only do we see the importance of guarding our hearts, but we also see the magnificent grace of God.


- Read Genesis 12:1-4

God called Abraham.

God called Abraham and made some glorious promises to him.

1. I will make you a great nation - v2. I will make you a great nation. Did God do that? Yes. Most people in the world have heard of Israel. Most people in the world can tell you that Israel is in the middle east.

Did God make Israel into a great nation? Sure He did. People still fight over it today.

2. I will bless you and make your name great - v2.

Did God do that? Yes He did. God blessed Abraham materially and spiritually. And, God made his name great. 3 of the 4 major religions in the world today, Christianity, Islam, and Judaism, about 1/2 of the world’s population, consider Abraham their father.

I would consider that, making his name great.

3. All people’s on earth will be blessed through you - v 3

All people’s on earth will be blessed through you.

"Globally, Jews represent less than 0.20% of the world’s population, but they have won 170 Nobel Prizes in total and the following shares of individual Nobel prizes:

Economics: 41% (more than 205 times their share of the population)

Medicine: 28% (more than 140 times their share of the population)

Physics: 26% (more than 130 times their share of the population)

Chemistry: 19% (more than 95 times their share of the population)

Literature: 13% (more than 65 times their share of the population)

Peace: 9% (more than 45 times their share of the population)" [AEIdeas April 21, 2016]

That’s how the world has been blessed physically because of Abraham, but even more importantly, it is through him and his lineage that the Savior of the world, Jesus Christ was born, and time constraints this morning prevent us from examining how the world has been blessed and impacted physically by Christianity.

But, spiritually, Through Abraham, we have been given a Savior! Through Abraham, came a hope for the world! Of one born of Abraham the angels were able to say, “Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord.”(Luke 2:10-11).

God blessed Abraham greatly, and though him God has blessed the whole world. And what did Abraham do to deserve God’s blessing? What did Abraham do to deserve God’s favor? Nothing. Nada. Not a blooming thing. Abraham did nothing to deserve the Lord’s calling. Remember what we read in Joshua? All of those folks were worshipping false gods. In spite of that, called called Abraham.

What was true of Abraham, is also true of you and I. The only reason you and I are Christian today is because of the unearned, undeserved, grace of God.

Sometimes we get the idea that God really got something when He got us. I mean God was pretty smart when He called me. What a bunch of foolishness.

What did God tell Adam? From the dust to came and to the dust you will return.

How does the Bible describe us apart from Jesus?

> Ephesians 2:1 And you were dead in your trespasses and sins.

> Romans 3:10-12 There is no one righteous, not even one. There is no one who understands; there is no one who seeks God. All have turned away; all alike have become worthless.

There is no one who does what is good, not even one.

Do you remember our memory verse for today?

> Isaiah 53:6 All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way; and the Lord hath laid on him the iniquity of us all.

Amazing grace, how sweet the sound. That saved a wretch like me. I once was lost, but now am found. Was blind, but now I see. Amazing grace, that saved folks like you and me.


- Read Acts 7:2-4

God told Abraham, leave your country, leave your family, and go to a place I will show you.

Did Abraham do what God told him? No. He did not. Abraham did not leave his family behind. He took his father and he took his nephew Lot. Did they go directly to Canaan? No. They stopped in Haran.

Abraham couldn’t bear to leave his dad behind and his nephew Lot who no longer had a dad, Abraham brought him along as well, and it cost him.

Later we’ll see how it cost him bringing Lot along, right now I’d like you to notice how it cost him bringing his dad along.

Abraham had left his homeland. He had started following the Lord and following His leadership, but he didn’t do it completely. He started heading in the general direction of Canaan, but instead of going all the way to Canaan, because of his father, they stopped in Haran.

Now, in those days there were 2 great centers for the worship of the moon. One was UR of the Chaldeans. Any guesses as to where the second center of moon worship was? Haran.

It wouldn’t be difficult to imagine that Abram’s father, lifelong devotee of the moon god, couldn’t tear himself away from the deity’s sanctuary in Haran, known to the local’s as “house of rejoicing”. This is why God told Abram to leave his relatives at home. When his father wanted to stay in Haran, Abram should have pressed on, and left his father there, as the Lord had told him to start with.

Oh, and archeologists tell us that Haran was one of the most technologically advanced cities in the world at the time, with running hat and cold water in many homes, with water also running through troughs to be used as toilets. Abram stopped and got comfortable.

Abram didn’t follow the Lord completely at the start, and it cost him. It cost him a delay of many years. I wonder what might have been different what might have changed if Abram had followed the Lord whole-heartedly from the very beginning? I wonder what pain, set-backs, and disappointments he might have avoided if he had left his relatives and gone where the Lord told him from the beginning.

Folks, don’t let others’ disobedience, others’ lukewarmness, others’ lack of passion for the Lord, keep you from growing and obeying and doing what the Lord calls you to do.

Do you remember what Jesus’ ministry looked like? When Jesus was feeding them, there were thousands. When He was heading to the temple, there were hundreds. In the upper room when He instituted the Lord’s supper, there were twelve. When they went to the garden, there were 11. When He was crucified, a few women and 2 of His disciples were with Him.

The closer you get to the cross the less people you will find with you. The closer you follow the Lord, the less people you will find who share your passion. Don’t let others’ lack of passion, or others’ distraction by the world stop you.

“Genesis 12:4 begins the story of Abram’s seedling faith becoming a fully mature, fruit-bearing tree. I am comforted to see that God didn’t cancel His promises to Abram because he failed to obey fully. Fortunately for Abram-and for us- the Lord doesn’t expect anyone to exercise perfect faith. Instead, He meets us where we are and then helps us cultivate an increasingly more mature trust in Him. So, I don’t mind telling you that God isn’t finished with me yet. He continues to stretch my faith muscle so that it will become ever stronger with use. And He’s doing the same for you.” (Charles Swindoll, Abraham, 11).

Let me encourage you this morning, to ask yourself 3 questions:

1. Are you seeking God’s will deliberately and passionately?

It is easy to become complacent when it comes to obeying God. I’m not saying you’re lazy. My word, some of the most complacent people I know are also some of the hardest-working.

They work day after day, early to late, some nearly to the point of exhaustion. Working, working, working; and then they play just as hard. But, when it comes to knowing, and finding, and following God’s will, they have become complacent.

I’m working hard, I’m taking care of my family, I’m paying my bills, isn’t that enough? No. It isn’t. My word, lost people can do that.

A man of God, a woman of God, seeks God’s will and makes that his priority.

I’m reminded of that old western movie, where the sheriff is seen sitting on the porch of his office. One of the town’s leading business people comes up and asks the sheriff why he isn’t out looking for the bad guys. The sheriff answers, “I could be out running here and there and running my horse half to death, but I’m thinking. I’m figuring. I’m trying to reason out where they have gone and what they are doing.

Some of us, we’re busy running here and there, and we’re working hard, and we’re taking care of our families, but we aren’t spending time with the Lord.

The Lord promised, “You will search for Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all of your heart.”

Are you seeking the Lord deliberately and passionately?

2. If God were to have you leave your comfort zone ands take on the challenge of the unfamiliar, how would you respond?

You know, Abram was getting on in years when the Lord spoke to him and told him to go to the land God would show him.

Can you imagine Abram trying to explain to people where he was going and what he was doing?

Where are you going Abram? I don’t know. You don’t know? Nope. I just know God told me to go and I’m going to. What are you going to do when you get there? I don’t know. I guess the Lord will show me when I get there.

Let me get this straight. You’re leaving everything you know, the place you grew up in and the people you grew up with. You’re going to leave all of that and move to a place you don’t know and don’t even know what you’re going to do when you get there? Yep, pretty much. You’re even leaving these conveniences to go live in a tent and draw water from a well? And you’re doing all of this because the Lord told you to? Yep.

Obedience doesn’t make sense to a lot of people, but what a difference, what an impact Abram made because he believed and obeyed God.

Trusting in God rarely involves way choices. If every missionary looked for comfort, or convenience or familiarity, missions would collapse over night. Ministries would fold, and charities would close up shop. Every voice to follow God involves sacrifice. Do you trust the Lord’s character enough to obey Him without having all of the details worked out? Are you willing to accept a short-term loss in order to receive divine blessing you cannot see yet?

Are you seeking God’s will deliberately and diligently?

If God were to have you leave your comfort zone ands take on the challenge of the unfamiliar, how would you respond?

3. Are you making obedience too complicated?

If you’re discussing your decision with too many people or talking in endless circles, you’re making obedience too complicated and you’re probably doing so for 1 of several reasons.

- You’re hoping someone will give you a good reason to do something other than what you know God wants you to do. You want someone to talk you out of it. Or:

- You’re hoping to find a way to obey without having to face hardship and sacrifice.

- You don’t like risk, and you’re hoping if you wait long enough that God will change His mind.

- You’re hoping that by stalling and talking, you’ll start feeling more comfortable with the decision and it won’t be so scary.

If you know what God wants you to do, obedience isn’t complicated. It may be difficult, but it isn’t complicated. Quit hoping it will become easy and looking for alternatives.