Summary: This message focuses around the events of John 14:1-6 when Jesus was preparing his disciples for the events ahead of them that night, throughout life, and preparing for heaven.


John 14

Greenmount and O’Leary Churches of Christ

September 20, 2021

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1) Let not your hearts be troubled (14:1a.)

A) In one sense there was no reason for their hearts to be troubled because the Jewish guards, and Roman soldiers were not coming for the apostles that night, but for Jesus.

B) Later, they would experience a fear like they had never known before.

ba.) The upcoming arrest and crucifixion of Jesus would shake up every part of their world and give them fear like they had never known before.

aba.) Even after the resurrection that fear would continue.

.01) You will recall that on the night of the Resurrection when Jesus appeared in the room the Scriptures tell us they had the door locked.

.02) I would not at all be surprised if they had a chair or table against the door, to further secure it.

C.) The events of this night would shake up and change everything they had knew or understood of Jesus.

2) Believe in God, Believe also in me. (14:1b.)

A) This might seem a peculiar statement for Jesus to make.

B) Everything they had learned and experienced over the past few years had been lessons in faith; lessons that brought them closer to both God the Father, and to Jesus the Son.

C) Jesus gave them this encouragement because the events soon to take place would challenge not only their faith in Jesus, but even their faith in God the Father.

ca.) As we had seen in last week’s message these men had been bickering that evening on who was the greatest, and who would have first place in the kingdom.

cb.) They had misunderstood the nature of Christ’s kingdom, and with that misunderstanding there would be nothing left to hold onto or dreams to be had after that night.

cba.) How could they still hold onto all that Jesus had given them if he was dead.

cbb.) So, Jesus said to “Believe in God; Believe also in me.”

.01) When it seemed the darkest, and the most hopeless, and it seemed as though there was nothing left to hold onto, they still needed to put their faith in God, and in Jesus.

.02) If we had been there, we would have also had a challenging time to put faith in God or Jesus.

.03) We may not have been there that night, but most of us have experienced things in life that have challenged us, and our faith in God or Christ.

.04) There have been times when life as seemed so hard, and harsh, or dare I even say hellish that we have not known how our faith could get us through.

.041) In those times when life and faith have been so difficult, we again hear the words of Jesus: “Believe in God; Believe also in me.”

2.) Even beyond the tough times in this life, Jesus goes on to speak of that eternal abode in heaven.


1) Heaven is a large place.

A) There are many rooms. (14:2)

aa.) The older King James translates this as mansions.

ab.) While we have always fancied the idea of getting a mansion in heaven, most feel this word would be better translated as rooms or dwelling places.

ac.) Just the same, heaven is pictured as a massive place that is big enough to accommodate as many as would desire to dwell with Christ in that eternal heavenly abode.

B) The physical description of the size of heaven.

ba.) Revelation 21:16

bb.) Those figures whether we take them literally, or figuratively, it describes a place of great dimensions.

bba.) It is a perfect cube, just as was the holy of holies in the temple, showing the perfection, as the dwelling place of God.

bbb.) If those figures are literal, it would be 1,380 miles or 2,220 Kilometres Long, and as wide and high as it is long.

.01) In other words it is large enough to all who love Jesus Christ, and who are Children of God.

2) Heaven is a place personally prepared by Jesus the Christ.

A) John 14:2b.

B) In less than twenty-four hours Jesus would be leaving them for the time he would be in the grave.

C) But after the resurrection, he would be leaving them for the rest of their time on this earth.

ca.) Even though it would be many years before they would see him again, Jesus wanted them to know he would be back for them to take them where he would be.

cb.) I want you to see the imagery that Jesus is giving.

cba.) It may not be as obvious to us and our culture, but those words like many aspects in Christianity reflect on symbolism from a Jewish wedding.

cbb.) The entirety of this second verse were words that a groom would say to his bride at a certain point in the wedding ceremony.

.01) Most new grooms would not be self-sufficient to have their own home.

.02) Instead, he would go back to his father’s home and build a piece on his father’s house for a bedroom, and a bit more space.

.021) These words Jesus used were the identical words a groom would give to his bride before his departure of a few weeks, or months until he could get the new abode ready for his bride.

.022) He would then return for his bride to take her where he was.

.023) Scripture describes the church as the bride of Christ, and so Jesus used the words of a groom to speak of his return to take us to be with him in heaven.


1) “And you know the way to where I am going.” (14:4)

A.) These men did know the way to that place, or at least they should have known it.

aa.) Earlier Jesus had said “I am the way.”

ab.) He had also said “I am the door or the gate”

ac.) You see, it was nothing new or different than they had already seen or known.

aca.) The way to heaven is through Jesus Christ and a relationship with him; It is just that simple.

2) The disciples were not so sure they knew where he was going or how to get there.

A) John 14:5

B) Thomas spoke for the entire group when he said these words to Jesus.

C) Even though these men had been with Jesus for all this time, they still had not comprehended the message Jesus was giving to them.

3) Jesus had to answer them again with the same message he had been giving them for three and a half years.

A.) John 14:6

B) That was the message the Apostles needed at that time, just as it is the message the world of the past 2,000 years has needed as well.

ba.) Jesus said: “No one comes to the Father except through me.”

bb.) Now today, there are many ways that are presented by which we can return to God.

bc.) While there are many individuals and ways that will in theory take you to God and to heaven, Jesus declared that He is the only way!

bd.) Any other way than Jesus the Christ is a fraud, and will take a person not to heaven, but to hell.

bda.) Today anything, and everyone other than Jesus is promoted to us, but Jesus is exclusive and insists he is the only way of salvation.

.01) Acts 4:12


1) We must give ourselves to God in this life.

A.) “If anyone loves me” (1:23a.)

aa.) That is the heart of the matter.

ab.) Jesus did not ask if we had been baptized.

aba.) Although that is essential.

ac.) Jesus did not ask if we are a member of a certain church.

aca.) Certainly, each Christian should be active with the body of Christ in a local Church.

ad.) There were many questions which Jesus could have asked them or us.

ada.) But in the end, it all boils down to the question: “Do I love Jesus?

2) If we love Jesus these things we have just mentioned will come because of that love.

A.) Jesus said if we love Him, we will Keep his word (commandments). (1:23b.)

B.) If we love Jesus, and keep his word:

ba.) God will love Him (1:23c.)

bb.) and “WE,” that is God the Father, and Jesus the Son will come to him” (1:23d.)

bc.) And notice this final statement of verse 23: “and make our home with him.” (1:23d.)

C.) To make sure we get the point Jesus again states the same idea, only this time from the negative.

ca.) Whoever does not love Jesus will not obey his word.

cb.) By implication, the idea is that the one without love for Jesus is apart from God.

3) To help them live on this earth while waiting for heaven, Jesus said he would send the Holy Spirit to further prepare them.

A.) John 14:25-26

B.) This was a promise exclusively for the Apostles and does not apply directly to us.

C.) Jesus goes on to speak of a peace that He would give to them for being faithful and true to Christ.

ca.) John 14:27

cb.) As is the case with verses 25-26 these are words that had been given to the Apostles.

cba.) While these words were to the apostles, I believe the promise of verse twenty-seven can legitimately be applied to all Christians.

cbb.) While all Christians may not receive the miraculous revelation, and remembrance of all that Jesus had said to all Christians, he certainly gives this inward peace to all who are in Christ.


1.) As this chapter ends Jesus ends it in the same way he had begun it, by telling them to “Not let their hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid.” (14:27)

2.) He then tells them to rejoice for his mission is done, and he would be returning to the father.

A.) As the church of the living God, we can rejoice that Jesus has gone back to the Father.

B.) We can rejoice for He is preparing a place for us in heaven, and has sent his Spirit to strengthen us now, and to prepare us for eternity with him.