Summary: This is the 1st sermon in the Advent Series "A COVID Christmas 2.0".

Series: A COVID Christmas 2.0 [#1]


Luke 2:25-35


Last year, I preached a series entitled, “A COVID Christmas”. The Sermons were, “Governor Decrees”; “Governor Approved Worship”; and “Governor Dominance”. I think you can see where I was at last year. Our NM Governor continues to make her own rules, takes money meant for the State and uses it however she wants to; and lets us know that there is nothing we can do to change her actions. Honestly, it so frustrating to watch and see this, that it makes you want to move to a different State.

This year has brought many challenges. We all know of someone who has died with COVID. Many businesses have closed. The price of food and gas have almost doubled. The Department of Education is trying to push Critical Race Theory on our kids. The list seems to never end. So my question today is this, “So what do we do about it”?

Today is the 1st week of the Advent Season. The Advent Season is the 4 Sundays before Christmas. We look back to Christ’s 1st arrival and look forward to His 2nd and final arrival. Advent is a word that means arrival. When Jesus was born, He was proclaimed as the Savior.

Luke 2:10-12

As Christians, we know that Jesus is coming back. Right now, we are between the 2 arrivals and are waiting. God has given us reason to hope. Our hope is found in Jesus. Today, we are going to see what true hope is through the eyes of Simeon.

Luke 2:25-35

Who was Simeon? He was an old man and knew that he was close to death. We do not know much about him; but we do know that he was a righteous and devout Servant of God. As a servant, Simeon was totally responsible and dependent on God. He showed us what hope is.

Hope has…

1. Action.

In Hebrew language the word “hope” means “to wait”. The root word of “wait” in Hebrew is “stretched string”. If you look at this guitar, you will notice that there is tension on the strings. You can hold this guitar; but that does not make it play. The potential for music is “waiting” for someone to come along and play this guitar. This waiting is not like waiting in the drive-thru for your hamburger. It is like the groom waiting for his bride to come down the aisle. I have seen this many times- The groom is waiting with anticipation.

2 Peter 3:11-12

Simeon waited, prayed, and watched for God’s promise; and he lived a devoted and righteous life while waiting. That is the same thing Christians should be doing. We should be serving God with our life and living a life that is right.

Hope has…

2. Purpose.

What was Simeon’s purpose for hope? God made a promise to Simeon- He would not die before he saw the Messiah. God’s promise to Simeon fit within His same promise to the Nation of Israel. Simeon “was waiting for the consolation of Israel”. The consultation of Israel is another term for waiting for the Messiah.

After the Babylonians exiled most of the Jews, some returned to Jerusalem and began rebuilding in preparation for the Messiah. The people had been waiting for the 400 years that were between the Old Testament and New Testament. Their hope was fading, like it wasn’t going to happen. While most of the people had forgotten the promise, Simeon had not. Simeon knew the promise and he knew that God would keep His promises.

Simeon’s purpose to have hope was because he remembered that God was faithful, and God keeps His promises. We have the same purpose. If God kept His promise of a Savior to Simeon and Israel; then He will keep His promises to us.

Hope has…

3. Focus.

The focus of Simeon’s hope was Jesus. Simeon picked up an actual person. The hope for salvation is Jesus. The celebration of Jesus’ 1st arrival is not a fairy tale. Christmas is a remembrance that God became man. Jesus took on flesh. When Simeon picked up Jesus, he didn’t say, “This baby is a sentimental reminder of God’s love and our hope for a better world”. He said, “My eyes have seen your salvation, which you have prepared in the sight of all nations: a light for revelation to the Gentiles, and the glory of your people Israel.”

Simeon then made a prophecy- Jesus was going to cause a rising and falling in Israel. Those who take pride in their own spiritual heritage and achievements, there will be no place for them- They will fall; but for those who throw themselves on God’s mercy, they will rise.

Then he gave a personal message to Mary- “A sword will pierce your own soul too.” Simeon was talking about Jesus going to the cross. The resurrection gives us a confident hope that Christ will come again.


We have a present hope, a living hope through Jesus’ resurrection. We have a future hope that because Christ has risen, Christ will come again. Jesus is the focus of my hope.

Satan’s hope is that in suffering, you will abandon God. Coronavirus, mask orders, etc…; cannot stop your hope. Today, you may not have feelings of hope; but if you are a Christian, you have hope. God has not abandoned you. Will you share the hope of Jesus with others?