Summary: An introduction and overview of the most common concepts of 1 John.

1st John Introduction and Overview

I. The Penman – Apostle John – The Beloved

A. Writings:

1. Gospel of John (Saint John)

2. 1st John

3. 2nd John

4. 3rd John

5. Revelations -- Written around 95 AD

B. John – from Hebrew Johanan – Yahweh has been gracious

C. History:

1. Son of Zebedee (Mt. 4:21) & Salomme (Mt. 27:56 & Mark 15:4)

2. Convert of John the Baptist

a. then of Jesus (John 1:35-42)

b. Matt. 4:21 Fisher of men

3. Brother of James

a. James was first and older

b. Martyred Acts 12:1-3

4. Chosen as one of the twelve

5. One of the Inner Circle – Peter, James, and John

a. Jairus’ daughter Mk. 5:37

b. Transfiguration Matt. 17:1

6. Beloved disciple – Apostle of Love --- John13:23

7. Commissioned to care for Mary as his own mother – John19:25-27

8. Bishop of Ephesus (In modern day Turkey) Polycarp and Ignatius – Disciples

9. Persecution:

a. Under Domitian (Roman Emperor) – Thrown into boiling oil – no harm

b. Exiled to labor in a mines on Patmos

10. Death:

a. Natural – Only of 12

b. Around 100 AD – 93 to 94 yrs. Old

II. Written:

A. When? One source = 85-100 when John was 80

If John was aware of the fall of Jerusalem and

the destruction of the Jewish Temple (that occurred in 70AD), it makes

sense he would have included Jesus’ predictions in this regard as a point of emphasis. So probably prior to 70AD.

B. Where? Ephesus

C. To whom – The churches established by John in Asia Minor (Turkey)

D. Reasons for writing

1. I John 1:4 that your joy may be full.

2. I John 2:1 that you sin not

3. I John 2:12 because your sins are forgiven

4. I John 2:13-14 ye have know Him

5. I John 2:26 concerning them that seduce you have eternal life and that ye may


I just don’t feel like I’m saved. How are you supposed to feel when you are

saved? I know we do have some feelings that help us to describe and understand

the relief of sin, but I don’t know of specific feeling that we should have as being

among the saved.

III. Current Facts Concerning time of writing:

A. Christians now 2nd to 3rd generation after Christ

B. Excitement Fading

C. No Persecution but Seduction:

1. Many false prophets (Mt. 24:11 & 1 John 4:1)

2. Grievous wolves enter among you (Acts 20:29-30)

3. The Spirit of Anti-Christ

D. The Contemporary Philosophy – Gnosticism gnosis = knowledge

1. Only spirit is good

2. Matter is essentially evil

3. Liberate the spirit from the body by elaborate, secret, knowledge and ritual and

initiation which only the true Gnostic that can supply.

4. Real incarnation of God in man was impossible (Phil. 2). Good (spirit) cannot

take on flesh (evil).

a. Docetism – no physical body but purely spiritual.

b. Cerinthus – “enemy of truth” Drew a distinction between the human

Jesus and the divine Christ. He said Jesus was a man, born in a perfectly

natural way (Joseph biological father). Jesus lived in special obedience to

God, and after His baptism, the Christ in the shape of a dove descended

upon Him, from that power which is above all powers, and then Jesus

brought to men news of the Father who had been as yet unknown. Nor did

Cerinthus stop there. He said that at the end of Jesus’ life, the Christ again

withdrew from Him, and that the Christ never suffered at all, but that it

was the human Jesus who suffered, died, and rose again, while the divine

Christ remained absolutely incapable of suffering, and in purely spiritual


E. Consequences of Gnosticism:

1. Implication of Matter being Evil.

a. Body Evil -- Fasting, celibacy, rigid control, and even deliberate ill-

treatment of, sex identified with sin.

b. Since the body is evil, it does not matter, therefore, its appetites and its

lusts might be gratified without control and without limit.

c. True Gnostic is an altogether spiritual man; having released his spirit

from the bondage of matter. Such Gnostics held that they were

completely above sin; that sin for them had ceased to exist; that

they were so spiritual that they were above and beyond sin, and

that they had reached spiritual perfection (1 John 1:8-10).

2. Implications of Special Knowledge – Divided men into two classes:

a. psuchikoi [soulish men]—men who could never advance beyond the

principle of physical life, men who could never attain anything else

than what was to all intents and purposes animal living.

b. pneumatikoi [spiritual men] – those who were truly spiritual, and who

were truly akin to God.

3. Consequences:

a. Fellowship –only within society (clique)

b. Love –only within a society

IV. Key Words:

A. know (31) = ginosko (ghin-oce’-ko)

1. to learn to know, come to know, get a knowledge of perceive, feel

2. to know, understand, perceive, have knowledge of

3. to become acquainted with, to know

B. Love (26) = agape (ag-ah-pay)

1. Brotherly love, affection, good will, love, benevolence

2. love feasts

C. Death (21) = (than-at-os)

1. The death of the body

2. that separation (whether natural or violent) of the soul and the body by which

life on earth is ended

3. with the implied idea of future misery in hell

D. Sin (16) = hamartia (ham-ar-tee-ah)

1. to miss the mark. To err to be mistaken;

2. to miss or wander from the path of the unrightness and honor, to do or go


3. to wander from the law of God, violate God’s law;

E. Life (12)

1. psuche (psoo-khay) = to breath; the breath of life; the vital force which

animates the body and show itself in breathing; of animals; of men

2. bios (bee’-os) = life; life extensively; the period or course of life;

that which is sustained

3. zoe (dzo-ay’) = life, the state of one who is possessed of vitality or is animate;

Every living soul; the absolute fullness of life, both essential and ethical,

which belongs to God, and through Him

F. Fellowship (4);

G. Joy (1);

H. hate, lie, deny, deceive

V. Main Themes:

A. Light vs. Darkness

B. Love vs Hatred

C. Truth vs Error

VI. Purposes of the Epistle:

A. That ye also may have fellowship with us (1:3)

B. That your joy may be full (1:4)

C. That ye sin not (2:1-2)

D. Concerning them that seduce you (2:26)

E. That ye may *know* (5:13)

VII. Fellowship –In the beginning (arche) – the Word (Logos)

A. Experiencing Word Physically:

1. Heard Him:

a. Gracious words – Luke 4:22

b. Never spake like this man – John 7:46

c. Spoke not as scribes (Matt. 7:28-29)

d. means to give ear to, but also to conform to, to obey

2. Seen Him with our eyes –Behold the Lamb of God

3. Handled Him:

a. Leaning on His bosom –John 13:23

b. Reach hither thy finger and behold my hands –John 13:23

B. Significance of Physical Body:

1. Corrects Gnostic doctrine – not a phantom

John’s first answer to the heresy of Cerinthus who rejected the reality of

the incarnation. Not imagination but historical, tangible evidence.

2. Took upon Him flesh –Phil. 2:7

VIII. Declaring Him --- give witness sharing our experience

A. To shew unto you that eternal life

1. zoe – the absolute fullness of life, both essential and ethical, which belongs to


2. bios – the means of life. Not primarily life that lasts forever, but life which is

derived from God Himself.

B. That ye may also have fellowship (koinonia—koy-nohn-ee-ah) The share which one

has in anything, participation, communion)

1. Experience Christ with us. Fellowship is Christianity at its best.

2. Experience Christ for yourself.

IX. Fellowship with Christ – Fellowship is a matter of Light and Darkness.

A. Light vs Darkness (Warren Wiersbe pg 30)

1. God is light -- no darkness at all.

a. It tells us that God is splendor and glory –piercing darkness Mt. 4:16

b. It tell us that God is self-revealing.

(1) Nothing secretive

(2) Paul tells King Agrippa and Festus Acts 26:26 it was not done

in a “corner”

(3) Beware of secret fellowships!

c. It tells us of the purity and the holiness of God.

d. It tells us of the guidance of God. “A light and a lamp to my pathway.”

e. It tells us of the revealing quality in the presence of God. Light reveals


True Light I John 2:8, Ye are the light Mt. 5:14-16

2. Darkness is Satanic

a. Darkness stands for the Christ-less life.

b. The dark is hostile to the light. John 3:19-21

Evil hateth light Jn. 3:19-21

c. The darkness stands for ignorance of life apart from Christ. Jn. 12:46

d. The darkness stands for the chaos of life without God. II Cor. 4:6

e. The darkness stands for the immorality of Christ-less life.

Rom. 13:12-14; John 3:19 Immorality seeks shadows.

(1) We are not necessarily what we day we are.

(2) We should never accept people by what they say they are, but

by what they do, which is the true indicator.

(3) How we treat our fellow human beings shows our relationship

to God. (Spiros Zodhiates)

f. The darkness is unfruitful. Eph. 5:11

g. The darkness is connected with lovelessness and hate. I Jn. 2:9-11

h. The dark is the abode of the enemies of Christ and the final goal of

those who will not accept Him. Eph. 6:12; II Peter 2:9; Jude 13

B. The Pretense of Fellowship—Lying about Fellowship

1. If we say . . . . . Too many Christians have the talk but not the

walk. Liar #1 Lying about fellowship. I John 1:6-7

2. Hating your brother? I John 2:9-11

If a man say . . . I John 4:20-21

3. They were not of us . . . I John 2:18-19

C. The TESTS of True Christian Fellowship.

In these days when many Christians think they have fellowship with God but do

not; and when many religious people think they are true sons of God; it is

important that we apply these tests and examine our own lives carefully. (WW)

1. The test of obedience – Saying vs. Doing the truth.

a. To obey Him is to walk in the light. I John 1:6-7

b. To obey Him is to keep His commandments. I John 2:3-5

Liar #2 Lying about obedience. Professing vs. Practicing.

c. To obey Him is to walk even as He walked. I John 2:6

2. The test of love.

a. The new commandment. Not different, but in a new light. It is a basic

spiritual principle that when Christians are out of fellowship with

God, they cannot get along with God’s people. Liar #3 Lying

about love. I John 2:7-11

b. The new family. I John 2:12-14

c. The new danger. I John 2:15-17 There is a conflict between love for

the Father and love for the world. World – John means all that

belongs to our life that is opposed to Christ.

It is Satan’s system:

(1) Lust of the flesh.

(2) Lust of the eyes.

(3) Pride of Life

3. Regarding our fellow man:

a. We may regard our brother as negligible. Am I my brother’s keeper?

b. We may regard our brother with contempt.

It is no uncommon sight to see in any group of people a man

opposing a good and useful proposal, because he dislikes, or has

quarreled with the man who made it.

c. We may regard our brother as a nuisance.

d. We may regard our brother as an enemy -- competition.

e. We may regard or brother as our brother. We may regard him with

love. His needs are our needs; his interests are our interests; to

serve him is why we came into the world at all; and to be in

fellowship with him is the true joy of life.

*Somewhere we fit into one of the categories and that is simply to say that

in principle we either love or hate our brother.

4. The test of truth:

a. False Teachers:

(1) Left fellowship. Once in the church, departed from truth.

Tares among us. (WW) Telling on the tares.

(2) Deny Christ in the flesh.

(3) Seduce believers. We have teachers galore these days, and the

Christian must beware! I John 2:26; II Peter 2:1-4

b. Do we need teachers? The Spirit of God uses the inspired Word of

God to communicate God’s truth to us. I John 2:20, 27

What about Eph. 4:18-16? Believers ought to allow the Holy

Ghost to teach them personally through the Word, no always

depending on man. Holy Ghost teaches by bringing thing to

remembrance. Called teachers are used by the Holy Ghost.

5. Summary of Fellowship – I can know that I am in fellowship with God

through Christ if I have no known sins in my life. If I have love for the

brethren, and if I believe the truth and not some Satanic lie. If a Christian

want to have daily fellowship with Christ, he must obey the Word, love

the brethren, and believe in the truth. It is not enough to talk about the

Christian life; we must practice it.

X. Defining Sin – 16 times

A. According to Paul: Romans 14:23 Whatever is not of faith is sin.

B. According to James: James 2:9; James 4:17 Omission

He that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it is sin. Personal?

C. According to John I John 3:4 Transgression – lawlessness (anoinia)

I John 5:17 Unrighteousness according to God’s standard.,

D. Simply put – hamartia (ham-ar-tee-ah) – to miss the mark

E. My opinion of Missing the Mark:

1. Failing to tithe.

2. Forsaking the assembling of ourselves.

3. Treating people differently – respect of person.

4. To discourage a brother or a sister Num. 32:19-23

XI. The Principle of Sin

A. I John 1:8-10

1. Past or Present? Never did? Never will? Rom. 3:23 “All have sinned”

2. Sin Extremes

a. Before Salvation – Perfectionist – Never sin again?

b. Daily Sin – After Salvation – Once in grace. Rom. 6:1 “God forbid”

3. For some

a. Sin never did exist – Never Sinned? By what standard? Not so!

b. Sin has ceased to exist – True Gnostics

4. John says “We” not “ye”

5. But I John 3:5-9 says cannot sin – and I John 5:18

6. I John 2:1-2 Why an advocate? v. 2 not ours only, but the whole world

Why say sin not, cannot sin, and then if any man sin?

7. And then I John 5:16 If any man see his brother sin a sin? A brother? Sin?

8. One single act of sin? Or continually, habitually transgressing the law

“I’m just a sinner saved by grace.” If practicing sin daily – not saved

9. If we are absolutely sinless, then we make ourselves just like Christ, and also

equal to Christ in purity.

a. In reality, we are claiming that we are living the same perfect life which

Christ lived, which is blasphemy. A believer who is self-deceived

by thinking he or she is sinless must be an extremely difficult

person to live with. (Spiros Zodhiates)

b. Christ was sinless, perfectly, absolutely pure. We are cleansed by

being forgiven we are washed in the blood.

c. Here is one difference between Christ and the Christian. Christ

had one nature only; the Christian has two natures. When we

became partakers of the divine nature, the old sin nature is

not eradicated. Romans 7:14-25 Two natures at war.

d. “I keep under my body” I Cor. 9:27

e. No true Christian will deliberately and repeatedly defy God’s

Word and disobey Him. (SZ)

f. The fact that sin made Christ suffer and die ought to be reason

enough for the Christian to hate sin and flee from it. (WW)

10. So then, I John 3:16 “Whosoever abideth in Him” does not commit

sin as a way of life. One who practices sin does not know God.

B. The seed of God I John 3:9

1. First, the Gnostics said that God sowed seeds into the world, and through the

action of these seeds the world was being perfected; and they claimed that

it was the true Gnostics who had received these seeds.

2. Seed implied physical relationship such as Abraham’s seed.

3. Seed applied spiritually – the Word James 1:18; I Peter 1:23

4. Therefore, the Christian is preserved from a life of sin by the indwelling power

of the Word of God.

C. Death I John 5:16-17

1. “Sin not unto death” – Repentance and renewal is still possible whether the

death is spiritual or physical – pray for renewal

2. Sin unto death

a. Spiritual? A man who has listened to sin so often, and refused to listen

to God so often, that he has come to the state when he loves his

sin. There would be no point of renewal possible. Heb. 6:4-6;

Heb. 10:26-27 No other sacrifice.

b. Physical? Acts 5:1-11; I Cor. 11:27-32

c. Why don’t pray (petition God)? Questioning God when He decides to

impose physical death is absolutely prohibited and we have no

right to question the wisdom of His actions. There are reasons for

His actions which we cannot comprehend. (SZ)

XII. God is Love – Agape

A. Occurs

1. Once in Matt.

2. Once in Luke

3. Seven times in John’s gospel

4. 21 times in John’s epistles

B. God’s Wonderful Love

1. It is an obedient love. I John 2:5 perfected = fulfilled

2. Unique I John 3:1 It is a love which, when given and accepted, effectively

changes the recipient.

3. Adopting Love – sons of God – undeserved love

a. Whether or not we are recognized by the world as the children of God

really makes no difference. What counts is that we are children of

God. We should not expect the world to recognize us since it does

not recognize God. (SZ)

b. What we are now is only a foretaste of what we shall be.

“We shall be like Him” suggest a glorified body like His.

4. Exemplary Love – Christ left us an example. I John 3:16-18

Unselfish I John 4:19

5. Other-centered Love I John 4:7

6. Love is a natural demonstration of having been born of God.

7. This is a love that the world or the false prophets or anti-Christ cannot


XIII. We can make it – we can overcome

A. Children Manifested – The Word of God as a whole, and more specifically

I John, presents us with a key to be used by the spiritual (mature) children

of God to help key out and discern some certain things pertaining to the

kingdom of Christ and the kingdom of Satan.

1. He that committeth sin is of the devil vs. whosoever is born of God doth not

commit sin.

2. We know that we have passed form death unto life, because we love the

brethren vs. Whosoever hateth his brother is a murderer.

3. Every spirit that confesseth that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is of God vs.

every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not

of God.

4. Hereby know we the spirit of truth, and the spirit of error.

5. Scriptures; I John 2:29; 3:1-12; 4:4-8; 5:1-6

B. Born of God

1. We must first define “born of God” and examine the characteristics that

identify those who are “born of God” and differentiate between those

whose father is the devil.

2. I John 5:1 Whosoever believeth that Jesus is Christ is born of God.

It seems but natural that he who loves the Father should love the children

also, and that in some proportion to their resemblance to their Father and

to the Father’s love to them. (MH)

3. Spirit beareth witness Rom. 8:13-17 Abba; I John 4:13

4. Knoweth God I John 4:7 To know does not mean just an awareness of God

but an awareness that causes action. The devils know and believe and


5. I John 5:2 and manifest this love by keeping his commandments.

6. Doeth righteous I John 2:29; 3:7

7. Sinneth not I John 3:6; 3:9

The expression, “he cannot sin,” simply means he cannot sin habitually,

deliberately, easily and maliciously as Cain did out of hatred of goodness.

The divine nature of man, of course, cannot sin.

8. Purifieth himself I John 3:3

And when we are in the presence of God, when God is working mightily

in our midst, there comes a great fear, a reverence, a holiness of

life, a purity that fears to displease God. (Smith)

C. Born of Satan

1. Denies that Jesus is Christ. May involve action more than verbal as man

children of Satan profess to be children. *Gnostic Doctrine

II Cor. 11:13-15; False apostles I John 4:1-3

2. Follows the spirit of the flesh and manifests the works of the flesh.

Gal. 5:10-25

3. Loveth not I John 4:8; hateth his brother I John 3:15

True Christians are to be loved for God’s and Christ’s sake. Those who so

love them not, but despise and hate, and persecute them have the

serpentine nature still abiding in them. (Matthew Henry)

4. Knoweth not God I John 4:8

5. Are not subject to the laws of God Rom. 8:7

6. Doeth not righteousness I John 3:10

7. Commiteth sin I John 3:8-12

Cain was vexed with the superiority of Abel’s service, and envied him, the

favor and acceptance he had with God. Ill will will teach us to hate and to

revenge what we should admire and imitate.(MH)

8. Has pleasure in uncleanness filthiness of the flesh Rom. 1:32

“Know ye not, that to whom ye yield yourselves servants to obey, his

servants ye are to whom ye obey; whether of sin unto death, or of

obedience unto righteousness?” Romans 6:16

Whose servant are you?

XIV. I John 4:4 “Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is

he that is in you, than he that is in the world.”

A. Who is he that is in the world? The spirit of the antichrist is manifested in those who:

1. Despise His name.

2. Neglect His word.

3. Avoid His people.

4. Delight in worldliness.

5. Make light of sin.

B. Who is He that is in us? The Holy Spirit. God dwelleth in us.

1. The Spirit of wisdom.

2. The Spirit of truth.

3. The Spirit of power.

4. The Spirit of holiness

C. How is He greater?

1. As light is greater than darkness.

2. As truth is greater than falsehood.

3. As the king is greater than the subject.

4. As the Creator is greater than the created.

Many of life’s failures are me who did not realize how close they were to success

when they gave up. (Pulpit Helps Feb. 92)

XV. Jesus came by water and blood. I John 5:6 “This is he that came by water and

blood, even Jesus Christ; not by water only, but by water and blood. And it is the Spirit

that beareth witness, because the Spirit is truth.”

A. Different Viewpoints:

1. William Barclay

a. Water – Baptism Mk. 1:10

b. Blood – Cross Col. 1:20

c. Remember the Gnosticism

d. Jesus was really divine.

2. Warren Wiersbe

a. Water – Brass laver Ex. 30:18; Eph. 5:26

b. Blood – Brasen Altar Ex. 38:30; 2 Kings 16:14

Blood – Altar – Cross

3. Spiros Zodhiates

He came:

a. Voluntarily – to His own

b. To save sinners – I Timothy 1:15

c. To give eternal life

d. By Water:

(1) Conceived of the Holy Ghost

(2) 9 months in water – Gal. 4:4

(3) Amniotic fluid; Amnos – a lamb for sacrifice

e. He came by blood

(1) Blood – Redemption Eph. 1:17

(2) His own blood Heb. 9:12

B. The Spirit Makes the Difference

1. To Lead John 16:13

2. To Feed Acts 20:28

3. Christ is a partaker of flesh and blood

XVI. I John 5:6-8 According to William Barclay: 6 “This is he that came by water and

blood, even Jesus Christ; not by water only, but by water and blood. And it is the Spirit

that beareth witness, because the Spirit is truth.” 7 “For there are three that bear record in

heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one.” 8 “And there

are three that bear witness in earth, the Spirit, and the water, and the blood: and these

three agree in one.”

A. Plummer says: “This is the most perplexing passage in the epistle, and one of the

most perplexing in the N. T.”

B. Barclay:

1. No doubt, if we knew the circumstances in which John was writing, if we had

full knowledge of the heresies against which he was defending his people,

if we could reconstruct the whole background of thought, the meaning

would become clear, but, as it is, we can only guess.

2. Water and blood has a very mystical and symbolic meaning.

3. He says, water and blood can only refer to two events in Jesus’ life.

a. Water – His baptism Mark 1:10

b. Blood – His Cross Col. 1:20

4. Gnosticism again taught Jesus became divine at the baptism, and that divinity

left Him before the Cross, and he died as simply a man.

5. Gnostics, by seeking to protect God from all contact with human pain and

human situation, remove God from the act of redemption and empty the

cross of its value.

6. John says, God was in the death of Jesus every bit as he was in his life. God

really and truly lived and suffered for man.

C. Warren Wiersbe says

1. The symbolism speaks of the brass laver (Ex. 30:18-21) between the

tabernacle and the altar for washing – Eph. 5:26 washing of water by

the word.

2. And, the brazen altar Ex. 38:30; II Kings 16:14 – blood – cross

XVII. The Trinity in Heaven I John:7 “For there are three that bear record in heaven, the

Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one.”

A. This verse is omitted from the revised version, NIV and NASB. Apparently it does

not occur in any Greek manuscripts earlier than the 14th century. Originally it

must have been a scribal gloss or comment in the margin.

B. Although it does not appear in any Greek manuscript or N. T. translation before the

16th century, the truth it proclaims is in full agreement with the teaching of the

N. T. concerning the trinity. (S. Z.)

C. We find:

1. Heaven is the permanent dwelling place of the Triune God the Father, God the

Son (the Word) and the Holy Ghost.

2. All three personalities of the Trinity is God.

3. Jesus Christ is the Logos, the Word, as John calls Him in John 1:1.

4. The three complement the function of each other in their work in the universe

and the world of mankind.

XVIII. Witness (affirmation, testimony, confirmation of facts) in the Earth

I John 5:8 “And there are three that bear witness in earth, the Spirit, and the water,

and the blood: and these three agree in one.”

A. Heavenly work must be done on earth. “Thy will be done in Earth, as it is in heaven.”

The cleansing of earthly man must be accomplished by the life and death, water

and blood, of the second Adam.

B. The work of Christ on earth is cleansing from sin. This cleansing by Jesus Christ is

possible because of His blood that He shed for man’s sin.

C. The Spirit, the water, and the blood have one purpose—to reconcile man to God while

man is on earth. The Trinity is thus operative on earth.

XIX. Heaven’s witness is greater. I John 5:9 “If we receive the witness of men, the witness of

God is greater: for this is the witness of God which he hath testified of his Son.”

A. Jesus received witness as humans testified of Him. At the mouth of two or three

witnesses . . .

B. He was affirmed directly by the Father on more than one occasion.