Summary: We are daily given a chance to praise Him, to honor all He has done. In this new year, will we take the time to acknowledge who God really is, and submit to His will for our life?


- The new year always brings opp. to reflect on how we should be living

- One of the biggest struggles for changing our practices always is, “HOW?”

- Prayerfully, today, we can learn a little about the how to encourage us in 2022!

- Read Psalm 33:1-22 / Pray

Point 1 – We are called to rejoice

- David calls us to rejoice because of what God has done

-- His encouragement is simple: “Sing for Joy!”

-- How? With praise (v1); we are called to praise Him for who He is

- In today’s business, we forget Who it is our focus should be on

-- This first verse is so critical … (re-read)

-- When you focus on Him, life’s priorities changes (esp. from your wants)

-- David understood this (even with his own sin), gives us great insight here about ordering priorities (“man after God’s own heart)

- With what? We should praise with the harp and lyre (v2)

-- Music often helps us worship – David wrote Psalms which are songs of praise

-- Music is very powerful, it can change moods quickly (scary movie, opera, etc.)

-- He knew that set to music; it would help us focus on God

- David asks us to praise with a new song (v3)

-- The new song reflects the change in our life; ex: before Jesus our life had a song (more like a funeral dirge; wages of sin is death)

-- The new song is the one of praise, gratefulness … it’s meant to honor God

-- Why? Because He has restored us, He made us new … He refreshed our spirit

- We are also to play skillfully & with joy - these are direct commands of worship

-- FACT: Worship cannot be done in secret – it ought to reflect who He is to us

- Not only privately, but publicly (testify/witness) … b/c of what He’s done

- TR: When we rejoice, we also have opportunity to examine our …

Point 2 – Need to understand why we celebrate and praise God

- It’s easy to tell someone to rejoice, but most people need a why

-- APP: It’s just human nature really – we don’t like trying new things

--- EX: Why change? Why go to church? Why be a part of a community?

- When we understand something we’re likely to do it vs. talking about it

-- So, what is David writing to us about who God is? Four things to see:

1. He commands human history (v4-5)

- What God does is correct, right, and true … including writing of His word

-- Therefore, when He directs us in paths, it is reliable instruction for us

-- IMP: God does not change His plans (bible); they are clearly given to us

2. He directed creation (v6-9)

- God’s word directed the Heavens to be made

-- The stars were put into place by his command (and he called them by name)

-- Psalm 147:4, “He counts the stars and calls them all by name.”

-- His authority is on full display …

-- He limits the boundaries of the water; even the depths are known to Him

--- Proverbs 8:29, “I was there when he set the limits of the seas, so they would not spread beyond their boundaries. And when he marked off the earth’s foundations”

-- FACT: All creation was formed by His command, by His words; by His plans

- APP: His authority should cause us to revere (fear) all He has done

3. His will is over everything & everyone

-- He overrules man’s plans (v10); our ideas do not sway Him

--- Isaiah 55:8, “My thoughts are nothing like your thoughts,” says the Lord. “And my ways are far beyond anything you could imagine.”

--- CH: Change our minds to think like Him

-- Consider: Want to make God laugh? Tell Him your plans (ex. 2018 not pastor)

-- He undergirds his purposes (v11); He is the support to what we do

-- Think of a bridge as your life … God is the support trusses that hold it in place

4. We must remember that God’s eyes are all seeing

- He watches all things (v12-14); Everything is under Him; deeds/thoughts

- He weighs all things (v15-17); considers/measures what we do (nothing escapes)

- He sees all believers (v18-19); He is everywhere at once, knowing and seeing

- TR: But this should not cause us to be afraid (boogeyman), rather change our life

Point 3 – So, how can we really live this life?

- Consider this, God has already given us a roadmap to live!

-- Let’s unpack this together and prayerfully, we can see the HOW in this point:

1. First, we patiently wait for God (v20)

- We are to be committed to the Lord; v20 indicates their response (waited)

-- APP: They were patient to respond to Him as He called them to move

-- Re: Exodus was no easy feat … yet in obedience they obeyed

--- Why? Because God is their hope … not themselves

2. Second, we must trust in God (v21)

- They worship and trust in Him because of all that He has done

-- Heb. Word for trust is “batach” which means “to attach oneself, depending on”

-- These people batached themselves to the One who had provided it all

--- Trust is the key: it is foundation of faith (Heb 11)

3. Third, to live rightly we put our hope in God (v22)

- “May your unfailing love be with us”: They plead with God to stay with them

-- Why? “As we put our hope in you” … Confess: “God is all that we need”

- HUGE: Their confession is that He is their everything … to be totally dependent

-- This is who God is seeking, ones who will serve and honor in love (agape love)

--- Not blindly, but lovingly submitted to Him who loves us more …

-- God is calling out to us today to understand this, to believe, and to follow

- IMP: Even in the topic of praise, He directs us to wait, trust, and hope in Him

- TR: So, how does this relate to the year ahead?

- FACT: A new year brings new opportunities, inside & outside the church!

- “HOW?” We are daily given a chance to praise Him; to honor all He has done

- And each night we can reflect on what He has done, give Him honor for it

- Discipleship challenge: Ask, “Is my Lord pleased with me?”

- When we choose to focus on Him, we stop looking at ourselves; that’s how!

- In the new year, won’t you consider honoring Him and focusing on Him more?

-- Charles Spurgeon said, “Beloved friends, may we well continue to praise God, for our God continues to give us causes for praise!” (Re: He does the work!)

-- But what will we do with it? We must start somewhere – maybe even crying out

-- Perhaps we can just be honest in next few moments of our need for God? Pray