Summary: As Christians we are following Jesus, or we are choosing to do our own thing? If anything, the witness of Peter, John, and James ought to encourage us today to choose Christ over being in control.

The reward of a disciple (Luke, Part 5)

Luke 9:18-36

Dismiss for Children’s Church

Introduction / Recap

- The study of Luke is an interesting one for believers to dive into

-- We can see Luke’s interest in people (it’s genuine, re: career as a physician)

-- We also get to experience how Jesus interacts with society; He goes to them!

- Last week, we unpacked the calling of the first disciples

-- It is important to see: their calling was NO different than ours

-- We are also called to go, to make disciples, to share what we have know

- We saw that our challenge was to get out of the pew and do something

-- For example: forming a prayer team to pray for our services (option to plug in)

-- Another example: begin committed to unite as believers with one cause

-- To be devoted to being “A simple church simply about Jesus”

- TR: Believe today is probably one of the meatiest messages of this series

-- All of these are relevant to us because they lead us to one conclusion

-- As Christians we are following Jesus, or we are choosing to do our own thing

- Read Luke 9:18-36 / Pray

Point 1 – Peter’s declaration must also be ours!

- We begin by exploring the most critical question asked

-- APP: It really is the one that defines where we ALL stand in our faith

--Talked to men yesterday about this: if He’s Lord, commitment will show

-- We must choose to be invested in sharing the gospel with others

- However, before we get there want you to see what’s happening

-- In v18, we learn that Jesus is doing something He often does -- praying

-- He prays for many reasons, but honestly, I believe this is preparation

- We mentioned last week that the Galilean ministry was about to end

-- RE: Jesus is not setting His sights on Jerusalem

-- And here we are seeing a lesson in how to get ready by praying

- Let me give you some critical facts about prayer:

• We should pray before momentous events (re: death/resurrection)

• We must pray for others; so, they would be prepared (re: disciples)

• We also pray for strength to withstand what is coming (re: cross)

- Jesus, in His obedience to God, is doing all three at once!

-- Why? Because He knows what He is sent to do – knows what’s ahead

- It’s in this moment, while He is seeking God’s wisdom for clarity

-- The question of questions comes upon Him to inquire about

-- Jesus asks, “Who do people say that I am?”

- The people believed Jesus was a great man (v18-19):

• John the Baptist (that He was the forerunner from Malachi 4:5, “Look, I am sending you the prophet Elijah before the great and dreadful day of the LORD arrives.”)

• Elijah (the Jews expect Elijah to return before the Messiah (Malachi 4:5))

• One of the other old prophets (Deuteronomy 18:15, “Moses continued, “The LORD your God will raise up for you a prophet like me from among your fellow Israelites. You must listen to him.”)

- Look, this is not new – even today people believe Jesus was a “good man”

-- But the Messiah? The Son of God? Our Redeemer? Society denies Him still

- After listening to the responses, take note in how personal Jesus makes this

-- This is the question that even today, determines your eternity (read v20)

- Peter, without apology, speaks clearly: “You are the Christ” (Messiah)

-- He proclaims that Jesus is the fulfillment of all the prophecies

-- That there are none other to come (Mal 4:5, Deut 18:15) … He has come!

-- IMP: If you get nothing else today – we must leave with this settled

- For the disciples, they have not grasped the full meaning of Jesus, yet

-- Their idea of a Messiah comes within the boundaries of an Earthly domain

-- They pictured a conqueror who would vanquish all of their enemies

- They were not focused on the spiritual world; they didn’t know whole truth

-- So, the charge to tell no one is in this (v21) … keep it quiet for now

-- Why? B/C they had not yet rcv’d the Holy Spirit – post-ascension

-- They knew who Jesus said He was; but couldn’t fully grasp full meaning

- Fact: God’s plan for salvation was THROUGH suffering of His Messiah

-- Jesus’ not going to destroy Rome (earthly enemy), but sin (spiritual enemy)

-- The command (v22) given to Jesus was “must suffer”; GR: Dei (God’s plan)

-- This was always planned; and it must be fulfilled only in God’s way

- It is why the question is so personal … Jesus must do this for all - even for you!

-- Peter’s acknowledgement of God’s plan is incredibly personal …

-- For us, there can be nothing else we should do; settle this today

-- Admit you’re a sinner, Believe He died for you, Confess Him as your Savior

- TR: Now, I’d like to skip ahead and then come back to next verses

-- APP: I need us to first see the incredible change that God’s power brings

Point 2 – Jesus’ transfiguration reveals God’s glory

- RE: While Jesus was praying, He took three disciples with him (v28)

-- These would be considered his inner circle: Peter, James, and John

-- We saw these men last week as well – fishermen who cast nets

- The why though is not given … perhaps these men were closets?

-- Perhaps they needed this moment?

-- Whatever the reason, Jesus had company while in prayer

- Now, get this … this event was more than just a beacon of light

-- This would have been on par with the heavenly host appearing to shepherds

-- It is the similar imagery we see predicted when Jesus returns (all see Him)

-- APP: This would have been the full presence of God seen in Jesus

- RE: The cross and weight of mankind’s sin was before Him

-- And the disciples had much to learn in a short time – to be able to go/tell

-- Consider: God’s plan was in motion, and they needed encouragement

-- For us: Complacency is not an option; pay attention to the world church!

- As Jesus prayed, both His physical body and countenance changed

-- He physically glows – radiating the Shekinah Glory of God

-- FACT: It is the divine nature of God that shows through Jesus - who He is!

- Consider, Jesus is praying for help, and God meets His needs in a special way

-- For Jesus, He experiences (in human form) what He has always known

-- He radiates the physical presence of the Father, as the Son of God!

- APP: Look … if God will meet Jesus in prayer … what about us?!?

-- CH: Why would we not seek out God in intimacy like this?

- As He prayed, God sends two men that we know about (v30-31)

- In His prayer time, not only does God answer – but Elijah and Moses appear

-- Moses was the great lawgiver and Elijah was the greatest prophet

-- And both men did one similar thing: Point to God’s redeemer to come

- Don’t miss this: God’s encouragement to Jesus is so special

-- He sends them two men who believed, taught, and hoped in the Messiah

-- Being reminded of this and God’s promise would’ve been very special

- Most certainly … this would’ve raised Jesus’ spirit to be encouraged

-- Can you imagine the conversation?? (You can do this; we believe in you; etc.)

- Now, remember our three disciples? Y’all, they got to witness this!

-- Naturally though (see this in the garden), they were asleep (sigh) (v32)

-- They are awakened to Jesus’ glowing with Shekinah glory & Moses/Elijah

-- Fact: These three got a moment to taste God’s glory; to see for real!

- They are so excited that Peter offers to build three temples to them

-- He even asks for approval to do so (“Let us build”), but don’t miss this

-- APP: Peter’s desire to memorialize this moment is not met with approval

-- Instead, God cues them in to see the LARGER picture unfolding

- A cloud appears as a bright cloud (think sunlight) (v34)

-- This is the same cloud that guided Israel out of captivity

-- It is the same cloud that is seen above the Mercy Seat in the temple

-- See this: Turn to and read Exodus 40:34-38

- I believe God would’ve had their attention (bible says they were afraid)

-- And look at what God says: “ho huios mou, ho eklelegmenos”

-- “This is my Son, my Chosen One. Listen to him”

-- APP: “Guys, see the bigger picture … this is not about building an altar!”

- And just like that, they were stunned, silenced, and standing alone with Jesus

-- It rivals the baptism, doesn’t? Rem. That crowd? Shocked to hear voice of God

-- Now, God tells them to pay attention, something bigger is happening; listen!

-- Zechariah 2:13 says, “Be silent before the Lord, all humanity, for he is springing into action from his holy dwelling.”

- If there was ever a lesson for us, it is this pivotal truth …

-- HUGE: When God is at work … pay attention to what He is doing!

- TR: So, let’s go back now and see what they were being called to do …

Point 3 – What does it mean to follow Jesus?

- I want us to close with some application to consider

-- Loosely, you might even call this our “terms of discipleship” (read v23-27)

-- You and I are called to do one thing: To Follow … period

-- Not interact with Him, not counsel Him, not even consult Him - FOLLOW

- And in that, He gives us three specific things to consider for those who won’t:

1. First, is a warning to materialists (v24)

-- Lesson here, is do not save your life for yourself; spend your life for Christ

-- We have one life to know God and experience Him; to fellowship with Him

-- And, to help a lost world know Who He is … don’t focus on yourself!

2. Second, is a question for the materialist (v25)

-- What do you benefit if you gain everything in this world but lose your life?

-- This is a reference to eternity; where you spend it centers around location…

-- The man/woman who seeks to please themselves will forfeit their life (eternity)

3. And third, is the judgment of the materialist (v26)

-- If we choose the material things; to get all we can and follow ourselves

-- The judgment upon us is tragic because the Lord is still coming

-- What a horror it will be to find yourself in the hands of God’s judgment

-- Matthew 7:23, “But I will reply, ‘I never knew you. Get away from me, you who break God’s laws.”

- So, let’s leave with some good news:

-- Ask yourself, “If I choose to follow, what is in it for me?” (Truth of v27)

-- Seen this referenced as a nod to the coming rapture of church – it’s not

-- It is a reference to what is about to happen to Jesus in Jerusalem

- Standing in the crowd, some will be eyewitnesses of the death/resurrection

-- And they will also be witnesses of the coming Holy Spirit (upper room)

-- They would physically taste and see the Kingdom of God coming to them

- Since that day, many have been saved and experienced the Kingdom before death

-- When you accept Jesus as Lord the Kingdom of God is opened to you

- John 5:24, “I tell you the truth, those who listen to my message and believe in God who sent me have eternal life. They will never be condemned for their sins, but they have already passed from death into life.”

- Hebrews 2:14-15, “Because God’s children are human beings—made of flesh and blood—the Son also became flesh and blood. For only as a human being could he die, and only by dying could he break the power of the devil, who had the power of death. Only in this way could he set free all who have lived their lives as slaves to the fear of dying.”

- This is what Jesus has done – He has already set us free to enjoy God’s Kingdom!

Big Idea

- The reward of the disciple is never walking alone

-- It means never having to deal with the struggles/pressures by yourself

-- If God could send Moses and Elijah to comfort Jesus (whom He knew, BTW)

-- What more could God do for you if you turned to Him?

- If anything, the witness of Peter, John, and James ought to encourage us today

-- If we will not follow Jesus by accepting His invitation, who are we following?

- Pray