Summary: Being encounter by angels.

Touched By an Angel Acts 12:6-10

I would like to try and preach from this text with today’s subject, “Touched by An Angel”.

In every story, there are heroes and villains. The villain is the one that has that evil plan hatched in his mind only to destroy; an antagonist by nature and the adversary of the hero on the other hand here comes the hero who nabs that person from distress and foils the plan of the evil one.

Herod at that time was the ruler during this writing was the antagonist in this Scriptural account. He did not care for the early Christians and their rapid campaign in spreading the Good News of Jesus Christ. He really wanted to get rid of all of those who confess His name.

Peter who was one of the disciples, Peter who denied knowing or had knowledge of Christ and the same man, the same Peter who cussed like a sailor and remembered the Master’s very words and God used a rooster to remind him again.

This Peter was on lock down between not one but two soldiers to make sure that he won’t escape so you that Herod would display Peter the next morning like he some trophy he won and in the process getting rid of Peter like they did John the Baptist just like they tried to get rid of Jesus.

Here is Peter, a prisoner of Herod fast asleep next to two prison guards and a guard at the door and this is where it gets interesting. The Bible says, Suddenly an angel of the Lord stood there, and a light shone in the cell. The angel shook Peter by the shoulder, woke him up, and said, “Hurry! Get up!” At once the chains fell off Peter's hands. Then the angel said, “Fasten your belt and put on your sandals.” Peter did so, and the angel said, “Put your cloak round you and come with me.” Peter followed him out of the prison, not knowing, however, if what the angel was doing was real; he thought he was seeing a vision. They passed by the first guard post and then the second, and came at last to the iron gate leading into the city. The gate opened for them by itself, and they went out. They walked down a street, and suddenly the angel left Peter.”

Here’s what I gathered after re-reading this Scripture in preparation of this message,

1) God can come to your rescue out of mess and get you out of stuff and sometimes be touched by the Spirit of God or an angel. The Angel and Peter became heroes that night and Peter lived to talk about.

2) You have to do what the Spirit say do. To obey God or The Spirit and live without suffering the consequences later. Peter obeyed the instructions of the Angel (that he was touched by),gotten away without incident

3) God opens doors in your path. Peter after grabbing his things following the Angel out one guard gate and then the second guard gate out of the gate to the city safe and sound. God wants to lead you out from that troubled life, those troubled times you’re going through and lead you to a safe place in Him.

These are just words of encouragement for somebody here who may feel down and out. Somebody’s in need of this message today especially the type of weather we have experienced lately.

God do all things and not fail; He never fails…AMEN.