Summary: What makes you happy? is it only when someone is doing or giving you something? As a Christian, another element is does what makes you happy line up with Gos'; Word.

The Pathway to God’s Blessings

Psalms 1:1-6

Introduction- Good Morning Church

This morning I will begin service by asking you a question- participation

What makes you happy? Numerous things for a moment-right?

How are you going to get there? If you are there, how are you going to be able to stay there? Happy

It is kind of a trick question because happy will be different for each person you ask.

I do not like roller coasters and things that turn you upside down. Some people will travel by plane, pay big money and stand in a long line to do it all day and think it is the greatest thing.

So for each of us we will have to identify what makes us happy and determine if we are willing to pay the cost if any to be able to have it.

If you are a Christian, you have to throw another element in to the mix- - Does what makes you happy line up with God’s word?

Is God going to be pleased with your choice of happiness?

Psalms 1:1-1:6 Read from the Bible

We read this Psalm and we quickly see that we have a choice we need to make.

There are two pathways and we have to choose the road we will take.

One path will be blessed of God and one is not.

One path delights in the things of God and His direction and one is labeled wicked and not of the Lord

One is planted with deep roots and one is blown around like chaff.

Which one do you want? Which one are you? Most people would say I would like the one blessed.

Anyone who has ever gotten lost understands being on roads that we did not want to be on.

Traveling those roads lost until we realized that we were on it or someone points it out to us and we want to get off.

Turning around and going the right way.

What scares us about that road?

It is unfamiliar

It is dangerous

It has consequences

We change our mind and we choose a different road.

Sometimes it is the road signs- wrong highway and we change.

Detour signs and we have to make a change. An alternate route to get to where we want.

Sometimes In our travels the destination changes and we go another way.

Clearly this passage shows us the two roads where one is guided by the Lord and one is decided by what we want and is the wicked road compared to the blessed road of God.

Really the Psalmist is telling us… it is God’s way, His word and direction or our way which is a way of destruction.

You have to understand this about the Lord- He is more worried about you getting on the right road than wither you are happy.

Let me say it another way because you cannot confuse the two. In verse one the word in the Hebrew is translated both happy/ blessed.

Happy/blessed is the man who does not do the things displeasing to the Lord and those that are selfish and doing their own thing will not be blessed.

His blessing falls on the just and unjust, but it is only temporary. Though the wicked prosper for a season, judgment is coming and that road leads to destruction.

You cannot for long be blessed and willfully disobeying the Lord.

Here are some things you need to understand-

God’s Word was given to direct our path

“God’s word says we will be blessed/happy… those who do not follow the advice of the wicked.”

“Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path" (Psalm 119:105).

The mark of righteous living is one’s unwavering dedication to God’s Word.

Careful to avoid every kind of unrighteous living, he meditates on God’s word.

Here the word meditate is to mumble or utter God’s word under ones breathe- some people think that is a flaw I have of talking to myself but my Lord says it’s healthy.

That’s my story and I am sticking to it.

Psalm 37:23-24: “The Lord directs the steps of the godly. He delights in every detail of their lives. Though they stumble, they will never fall, for the Lord holds them by the hand.”

Yahweh guides our steps- He delights in being a part of our lives and gives us direction, Protection, and takes no joy when we stumble but will with his mighty hand help us back up to our feet and continue to walk with Him.

He says when we stumble not if, that He will be there to help us-

I don’t know about you but that gives me joy and that makes me happy!

Most Psalms give us observations of life between the wicked and the redeemed.

Proverbs 16:9

“We can make our plans, but the Lord determines our steps.”

We can make plans for tomorrow, but only the Lord knows if we have tomorrow here.

How much time are you seeking good counsel on the direction and advice for your life?


I really was not a reader till I went onto Bible College. It was because I had to learn the discipline of reading and taking notes and being mindful of things recorded that are important to know. Because as anyone who has gone to college knows, they don’t really stay after you to learn what is being taught. You have an assignment and you do what is needed to get it done or you get in over your head and drop out. Christian schools are a little more compassionate, they will see if anything is going on in your life that they could help with but the bottom line is that you are required to do what is needed or move on.

It was that discipline that I learned to not only read the bible but let the bible speak to me.

I started to receive the promises and not only know of them.

The bible says in Hebrews 4:12 “For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.”

The word of God is alive and active for our lives- it is filled with truths, promises and consequences that not only affect our lives but are life changing and game changing.

It is like a two edged sword that cuts out things in our lives and like a surgeon adds things to our lives that draw us closer to the lord and changes our attitude and changes our focus from all about me to all about Him.

Most people while in a mess of their lives will pick up the bible because they heard that it might help.

They pick it up turn randomly to a page and start reading and it don’t make sense to them and discouraged they put it down and don’t pick it up again.

Because the word is alive, you have to take that bible and before you read word one ask God to reveal Himself to you through his word.

To be praying and asking God to show you himself through the word.

I do not prepare for one sermon without asking God to reveal what he wants me to know and what the interpretation of the word is for the passage I am reading.

Another excuse is it is too hard and I cannot understand it.

Do what I have just shown you and that will be better because the Lord promises to anoint our minds as we read his word if we are seeking his face and his direction.

The other way and I don’t get it- if you are having a hard time understanding the bible why would you not be in service every week to hear the pastor share and open the word of God. Why would you not be in studies and small group where someone is digging into the word to help you understand and receive the promises of God.

I would like to say that putting the bible on top of your head and asking God to show you everything in it seems like a good idea, it probably won’t happen.

It is not that He couldn’t, I think he would want you to be digging in and seeking for yourself.

Verse one- “Blessed/ happy is the one who does not walk in step with the wicked or stand in the way that sinners take or sit in the company of mockers”

Listen, if you do not know Jesus as Lord, you do not have a relationship with Him and know Him, you are not going to tell me about relationships…you are not going to tell me how to be happy… you are not going to tell me what your interpretation of scripture or lifestyle is because you are not walking in the truth.

We learn that truth from Gods word

We learn and live that truth by sitting under anointed teaching in studies and on a Sunday morning.

We learn that as we trust the Lord through situations and circumstances we have been in and have watched him do amazing things.

We learn from our mistakes and desire to not make them again.

Not take bad advice from mockers and those that do not know God.

Do not allow sinners to sway you away from the Lord but be a vessel the Lord uses to win souls.

Verse two- “But whose delight is in the law of the LORD, and who meditates on his law day and night. 3 That person is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither— whatever they do prospers.”

You know why most are struggling? They never plant deep roots in the things of God. They never get grounded. They never get settled in one church and go all in to be a part of a family of believers. They get distracted and when God is not number one in your life, you make poor choices and you pay a price for it. I did not say it, the Lord warns us and tells us what to do to prevent it.

The word of God shows us that those who have been planted by streams of water, walking with the Lord will have deep roots and not be blown down and discourage as each situation comes into our lives. We will be yielding fruit and be productive and we will prosper under His direction.

The wicked will not stand

We will not spend a lot of time here because we know it in our head but until it goes to the heart will we do something about it.

You want to constantly stumble in the things of life, just do the opposite of what the Lord tells you to do and you will find troubles in your life.

You will learn everything the hard way.

You will not be spared some of the things the Lord warns us of as stumbling blocks.

“Not so the wicked! They are like chaff that the wind blows away. 5 Therefore the wicked will not stand in the judgment, nor sinners in the assembly of the righteous. 6 For the LORD watches over the way of the righteous, but the way of the wicked leads to destruction.”

I heard this week about death. The gospel of Christ is Good News! Those who die knowing the Lord as Savior will spend eternity with Christ- That is Good News- those that die in their sin will spend eternity separated from Christ that is bad news! The wicked will not stand in the judgment, nor sinners in the assembly of the righteous- for the Lord watches over the way of the righteous- He will keep them- but in the way of the wicked, it will lead to destruction.

The Gospel is Good News

To die without Christ is Bad News

For a believer to die until we see them again soon is Sad News. We don’t have to mix up the results- it is ok to be sad until our loved ones welcome us as a cloud of witness to heave waiting for us- it is okay to be sad- but it is still Good News that they will be there- the Bad news is being lost for eternity without Christ

The wicked will not be able to stand the judgment without Christ

As I close,

There are two pathways- one is blessed of God and one is not- Which one are you on?