Summary: Has the Pandemic caused something to wither in your kife, church or community? Your restoration begins right now. Will you be honest before God and hand over that withered area of your life? There is a remedy for witheredness.

SERMON: “There is a Remedy for Witheredness”

LUKE 6:6-12 “On another Sabbath day, a man with a deformed right hand was in the synagogue while Jesus was teaching. 7 The teachers of religious law and the Pharisees watched Jesus closely. If he healed the man’s hand, they planned to accuse him of working on the Sabbath. 8 But Jesus knew their thoughts. He said to the man with the deformed hand, “Come and stand in front of everyone.” So the man came forward. 9 Then Jesus said to his critics, “I have a question for you. Does the law permit good deeds on the Sabbath, or is it a day for doing evil? Is this a day to save life or to destroy it?”10 He looked around at them one by one and then said to the man, “Hold out your hand.” So the man held out his hand, and it was restored! 11 At this, the enemies of Jesus were wild with rage and began to discuss what to do with him. 12 One day soon afterward Jesus went up on a mountain to pray, and he prayed to God all night.”

INTRODUCTION: This powerful story about witheredness is told in three of the four gospels. Each makes mention of this miracle and all three uses the same word to describe this man’s condition “Withered Hand”. The word “Withered” describes that which once held life, but now the life is gone. (Like flower) That which was once strong is now fragile and weak. That which was once beautiful is now twisted and deformed. Luke’s gospel tells us that not only was this man’s hand withered - but His right hand was withered. The hand designed to be functional, effective, and productive has been rendered powerless. That which was meant to be a blessing had now become a burden. (handicap) Yet in Church, in the synagogue, he made the greatest discovery of his life, that Jesus is in the business of restoring withered things. That is Good News! Jesus still visits His church, observes what is going on and will set things right.

This miracle reveals that Jesus more than just a teacher and prophet, He is a restorer. Restoration means to reverse the effects of years of damage. (Joel’s promise) Joel 2:25 And I will restore to you the years that the locust hath eaten... Restoration means to renew that which was far gone. Restoration means to make new again. (Not just improve) Restoration means to completely renew. One translation says, “...his hand was restored whole as the other.”

Jesus faced many notable cases in Scripture of death, dysfunction, and isolation. Lazarus had been dead four days locked away in a tomb, Jesus reversed the process of decay, restored him to wholeness. The Demoniac of Gadara who lived in isolation in lime pits, yet Jesus cast out the legions of demons plaguing him, and Jesus restores the man to his right mind and dresses him for success. Jesus dealt with the dysfunctional deaf and dumb people wandering about the streets. So, Jesus opened their ears, loosed their tongues, and restored them completely. All of these were dead, dysfunctional, and isolated.

What about the semi functional, living in community with witheredness? The man of our text is one those semi functional persons and living in community with a handicap. Yet life has dealt him a serious blow! There are many ways that this man’s hand could have been made to wither. He could have been hurt, wounded in a battle, or clipped by an accident. Sometimes things just shrivel up from lack of use caused by an illness or pain. Jesus never asked what had caused it, he just restored it. Today, let’s rediscover the restorer in our lives – Jesus Christ. What has withered in your life, family, or church? What has left you semi functional and living in community with a handicap? Do you have the courage to admit something has withered? Think with me on the subject: There is a Remedy for Witheredness. First, Jesus dealt with the mindset of the congregation.

JESUS FIRST DEALT WITH THE MINDSET OF THE CONGREGATION. The condition of this congregation made Jesus upset. The synagogue was designed to be a blessing, revealing the mind of God, but this synagogue had become a burden. There is nothing heavier than lifeless religion. This synagogue was designed to reveal Jehovah God to the community, yet it failed to recognize its purpose or who Jesus was. It was designed to minister to the needs of the people, yet this man had sat for years receiving no compassion or help. Notice, the condition of this congregation made Jesus upset, but it did not make him leave, He came and taught them. Because the church is imperfect, many choose to leave, but Jesus did not. Mark 3:5 And when he had looked round about on them with anger, being grieved for the hardness of their hearts, he saith unto the man, Stretch forth thine hand. And he stretched it out: and his hand was restored whole as the other. What causes the church, God’s people to tolerate witheredness?

WITHEREDNESS WAS TOLERATED WHEN WE LOSE SIGHT ON OUR PURPOSE. They were too busy setting the rules and defending their place in the synagogue. They were too afraid Jesus might gain more popularity and influence than they had. So, they were arguing trivial doctrinal points and became spiritual private investigators instead of faithful witnesses.

WITHEREDNESS WAS TOLERATED WHEN WE BECOME DETACHED FROM GOD. Instead of helping the cause of God, they found themselves working against the plan of God. When we lose touch with God and his purpose to heal and restore, history has proven that the church will sometimes work against the plan of God. When we lose touch with our purpose, the hands of resources to help others start to wither. When we lose touch with God’s presence, the power to help others start to wither. When we lose touch with God’s love, the heart of compassion starts to wither. When we lose touch God’s power, the anointing starts to wither. It’s time we draw close to and revisit his purpose for His church.

WITHEREDNESS WAS TOLERATED BECAUSE THE LACK OF VISION. Out of sight; out of mind. If we never look at the conditions around us seriously, we will never move into action, or be compassionate. Before a doctor can help, he must examine the situation carefully. Only after a thorough examination, he can apply the proper remedy. No reform took take place until Nehemiah said, Ne 2:17 “Then said I unto them, Ye see the distress that we are in, how Jerusalem lieth waste, and the gates thereof are burned with fire: come, and let us build up the wall of Jerusalem, that we be no more a reproach.” Be cautioned that some can see need in faraway lands, yet fail to see the hurting among them.

2. WITHEREDNESS PERSIST WHEN NEEDS ARE IGNORED. The solution to witheredness in this case was to allow Jesus to do what he came to do. Everything changed in that synagogue because Jesus did what he came to do. Sometimes our busy activities can stand in the way of wholeness and deliverance. Our programs are not enough. Our music, talent, commitment, beautiful sanctuaries may not be enough. There are times when must move over and let Jesus be Jesus. Like Mary suggested at the wedding in Cana – Whatever he tells you to do, do it! “Get out of his way” Like Jesus instructed the mourner’s at Jarius’ house - move over. “Get out of his way.” Sometimes, busyness causes us to ignore the most important things.

3. WITHEREDNES PERSIST WITHOUT A NEW LEVEL OF AWARENESS. Notice how Jesus saw the man with a great need sitting among. The man had become invisible in the congregation. Have you ever seen an invisible man? You may not remember because he was wearing a label. Like Rahab the harlot, or Gomer the prostitute, Bartimeas the blind beggar. This man was hidden in a place of obscurity, hidden in plain sight. Can you see him in a position of despair? He feels defeated, inferior and weak. So before Jesus does anything else, he had changes this man’s posture. It’s time to get up and get where God wants us to be. God desires to change our stance from a position of defeat to a place of victory; from hopelessness to expectancy. What are you expecting? Where are you sitting? Jesus raised their level of awareness by disturbing, exposing, and uncovering the withered hand in their midst.

A. JESUS DISTURBS HIS COMFORT ZONE. It’s easy for us to stop short of all God has for our lives. It’s easy to get comfortable with our condition. It’s time we hear the words of the master saying, “Rise Up”, Jesus stirs up his faith by changing his posture. If you want a change, get up! The man responds to Jesus’ command. Jesus makes him the center of attention!

B. JESUS EXPOSES WHAT HE IS HIDING. Sitting, he could hide his handicap and go unnoticed, but Jesus wanted him to rise up, and to “stand forth in the midst” The man had become skilled in hiding his need. Some of us have become skilled at disguising our need. (ILL. David was going through motion still leading praise and worship, still leading the nation, until Nathan confronted him with parable of injustice. As King David passed judgment on the case, and he identified his own guilt and need. We’ve become skilled at justifying our condition. It’s time to get honest with God - let him know that there are some withered things in our lives. Nothing can happen until we are honest. Jesus calls the man out of hiding. Yes, the man is semi functional, living in community, but tolerating witheredness. He is a picture of many people listening today!

C. JESUS COVERS HIM WITH GRACE AND FAVOR. This man had lived in an atmosphere of disapproval. The theology of the day laid the blame on this man and dubbed him a “sinner” unworthy of being whole. Jesus moved him to a place where worthiness had nothing to do with it - under His covering of Grace. Our salvation, healing, and restoration are covered by his grace. ILL. My insurance policy covered me, my wife and my children – they’re covered because of me. We are covered because of Calvary and what Jesus did there. Notice this is not man clamoring for the spotlight, Jesus calls him out. Stand in the middle, because the God wants to shine his spotlight on you. In the middle, you have His undivided attention. He wants to bless you and highly favor you. He wants to make you whole and restore you in full view of these witnesses. God takes no delight in your witheredness. Neither does God delight in withering church, broken homes, and infirmed bodies. He came to make you whole, to give us abundant life!

4. WITHEREDNESS IS RESTORED THROUGH OBEDIENCE. God had positioned the man in the place to receive. His step of faith was an act of obedience. Jesus commanded him “Stretch forth thy hand.” The man obeyed. Are you willing to do what it takes to let God deal with the withered things in your life? No mention is made of faith, obedience is the one thing needed. This man overcame his shame and chose to be obedient to Jesus. How obedient was He?

A. BE OBEDIENT ENOUGH EXPOSE YOUR HANDICAP. The man had held that hand close to his bosom long enough. Many of us have held our withered things close to our bosom long enough. Jesus won’t take your witheredness from you unless you hand it over to Him. Be bold enough say. “Lord if you will, you can make me whole!” Like the woman with an issue of blood who came out of hiding and dared to touch His garment. The key is obedient surrender! Bring your handicap to Jesus and leave it there!

B. BE OBEDIENT ENOUGH TO TRY AGAIN. Jesus didn’t say “Stretch forth thy arm” the man had done that many times, Jesus said, “Stretch forth thy hand.” This man couldn’t possibly do in his own strength what Jesus was telling him to do. He simply obeyed and watch the Jesus factor at work. To some this means - Try what you failed at before, but this time I’ll be in it. (Ministry, Marriage) ILL. Peter fished all night, but this time Jesus was on board and said, Launch out in the deep and let your nets down for a draught. Lord, we have toiled all night but nevertheless, at the word…I will try it again!

C. BE OBEDIENT ENOUGH ACT WITH IMPERFECT FAITH. His obedience caused this man to witness the restoring power of Jesus Christ. He may have never been taught lessons of faith nor had time for his faith to grow. Yet, he stretched forth his hand in obedience. He felt what he hadn’t felt in that hand in a longtime – new life and strength. He watched in awe as the hand began to fill out until it was restored “whole as the other”. If you will let him, and obey his word, I believe Jesus will restore that withered thing in your life right before your eyes.

We were in a meeting at Simon Temple, a lady as she told a son that had been missing for several years, so she stepped in the middle asking for prayer. The next night, she testified, “Today, as she was sitting at the stoplight, she looked in the car next her and saw her son sitting there! She just wanted to know that he was alive and well! In Rock Hill, SC a lady with terrible pain, stepped in the middle, and without warning or fanfare. The Lord’ power restored her leg and ankle. This lesson encourage all of us with witheredness to come out of hiding, step in the middle and give your handicap to Jesus. Then accept his word, act in obedience, and try to do what you could not do before. Try it again! Your faith may be imperfect, step out anyway!

CONCLUSION: Your restoration begins right now. Will you be honest before God and hand over that withered area of your life? There is a remedy for witheredness.