Summary: Again we would like to turn our attention to those passages in the Bible that deal with our being stewards of the money God has blessed us with.

I would like to remind you that stewardship is taught in both the OLD and the NEW TESTAMENTS.

In Matthew 23, Jesus rebuked the scribes and Pharisees for what they were NOT DOING, while recognizing what THEY WERE DOING. He noted that they were careful to tithe of every plant that produced condiments like mint, anise, and cummin. He then gave affirmation to their tithing by saying, “...these ought ye to have done...” That is, He did not tell them not to tithe any more because that was only for Old Testament days.

Also, I would like to remind you that WE ARE PARTNERS WITH GOD! WE CAN DO NOTHING WITHOUT GOD!

We see in the Old Testament, as God provided His people with healthy bodies and strength to work, He commanded them through the prophet Malachi, to bring all His tithes into His STOREHOUSE, “...that there may be meat in mine house...”

This also applies to us. As God provides us with strong bodies, and strength to make money, He expects us to be trustworthy partners by giving Him His portion.

This is why God commanded, I Cor. 16:1-2, “Now concerning the collection for the saints, as I have given order to the churches of Galatia, even so do ye. Upon the first day of the week let every one of you lay by him in store, as God hath prospered him, that there be no gatherings when I come.” That is, EVERY ONE OF YOU, AS GOD HAS PROSPERED YOU, GIVE. You do not have to be concerned about giving like the millionaire. Just tithe off of what He has blessed you with.

Tithing is simply showing you are obedient as a partner, with God. As He blesses, we give back that portion He has set up.

This has nothing to do with paying a bill to the church. It has everything to do with how you view your personal relationship with God.

Simply put, it is, “Rendering to God that which is God’s.”

As we look at stewardship in God’s Word we need to consider at least two things.


Many have some unusual, and unscriptural ideas about what tithing is and what it does. For one thing...

A. Tithing does not put you in the position to bargain with God.

Many think tithing is a means of buying God’s favor. Perhaps they think that because this is the way people operate in the business world.

Illus: It has happened, in some counties in some states, that there are some building inspectors who are not the most reputable people around. For example, some have been known to demand a bribe in exchange for a good inspection report.

Now this is not the case with most for most are decent, hard-working people. Yet, sad as it may be, you will find some corrupt individuals in all walks of life.

One contractor was having a hard time passing the various stages of inspection. He was a good contractor. He built by the code, but this particular inspector kept finding some insignificant reason for turning down his job. This was costing the contractor a great deal of money. The contractor talked to some other builders and found the inspector had passed their jobs and their work was the same as the one that the inspector was not passing. Finally this contractor was talking to another contractor whose job had passed the inspections and he told him, “I do not understand. Why is it that this inspector passed your job and turned my job down when they are done alike?” The other contractor smiled and said, “Because, you have to slip him something.” The first contractor said, “What do you mean...slip him something?” His friend said, “Have you not heard of ‘buying favor’?”

Illus: A favorite saying among some when things have not been going well is, “You haven’t been paying the preacher!”

Listen, there are a lot of folks who think tithing is no more than buying God’s favor. That is, they walk into church Sunday mornings and slip something into the offering plate and having done that they feel they have a right to ask God for certain favors.

How dare anyone approach the holy God of heaven thinking he can buy God’s favor! WHAT AN INSULT TO THE HOLY GOD OF HEAVEN!

Nevertheless, many folks have a Mafia type relationship with the Lord. That is, they feel when they tithe they are buying protection. It is as if tithing bought insurance against the perils of life.

Listen, all of us together, if we pooled everything we have, could not buy one small favor from God.

Why? Because you can not give to God what already belongs to Him.

Look at Leviticus 27:30. We read, “And all the tithe of the land...IS THE LORD'S.”

When you and I tithe we are not giving God anything. Everything already belongs to Him. All we can do is strive to be a trustworthy partner.


Some believe that when you tithe, it buys salvation.

B. Tithing does not buy your salvation.

Trying to earn one’s salvation has always been around.

Illus: Anyone who has read much about Martin Luther, the reformer, knows how disgusted he became with the Catholic church because it taught you could buy the souls of loved ones out of “purgatory.” They also taught salvation through giving when they were raising money to build St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome.

One monk, John Titzel, would tell folks they could rescue their loved ones from “purgatory” if they would buy these indulgences.

To encourage them to buy indulgences he had a rhyme that went like this: “As soon as the coin in the coffer rings, the soul from purgatory springs.”

When Martin Luther came to realize this was not what God’s Word taught, Luther began protesting such anti-scriptural teachings, thus beginning the Protestant movement.

And still today you can ask some if they are saved and they will answer, “Oh yes, I tithe and go to church every Sunday.”


They are saying they are “purchasing” their place in heaven through their church attendance and by tithing.

Tithing IS NOT:

• Buying favor with God.

• Buying salvation.



God’s Word TEACHES WE SHOULD TITHE. Why should we tithe.

A. Tithing is acknowledging God’s ownership.

Illus: Leonard Sanderson was holding a meeting in Tulsa, Oklahoma. One afternoon he was riding through town with a businessman. As they passed a beautiful building, Mr. Sanderson made a comment about it. The businessman said, “That beautiful building belongs to my Father.” As continued to tour the town the great preacher commented on some other great buildings. Each time the businessman would say, “Yes, and it belongs to my Father.” Soon the great preacher was thinking, “This man’s father sure must be rich.” He then asked, “Does your father really own all this stuff that you said he owned?” The businessman said, “Oh, yes. I am talking about my heavenly Father.”

What that businessman was saying was this: All that we can see, and can not see, belongs to God. That is, everything we owns comes from God.

Illus: When you buy a piece of land it is always wise to do a title search to make sure there are no liens on the land. The search generally goes back at least 60 to 75 years. The search will show all the people who owned that property during that time.

If we could trace all land back to its original owner we would find it all goes back to God.

God is gracious enough to allow us lay claim on it, but in all actuality, He is the owner.

Illus: Actually, for a Christian not to tithe is as ridiculous as for a man to enter your house, go and open your refrigerator, and begin to eat your food without any invitation, or offer to pay. That man does not recognize your ownership. He is taking something that does not belong to him.

Malachi asks, “WILL A MAN ROB GOD?” Why did he ask that? Because, when a man does not tithe that is exactly what he is doing. HE IS ROBBING GOD!

He does not recognize the ownership of God. Malachi says, “Yet ye have robbed me...In tithes and offerings.”

Tithing is recognizing God’s ownership. When we do not tithe we are saying, “God, I do not recognize Your ownership...I am my own God and it all belongs to me to do with as I please.”


B. Tithing is entering into a partnership with God.

We read in I Cor. 3:9, “For we are labourers together with God...”

For a business to operate successfully, partners have to, for one thing, trust each other.

Illus: Three children decided they would form a partnership and start a little store on the side of the road. They got a couple of concrete blocks, put them under a shade tree by the road and placed a board across the top. Then they each invested a quarter in buying some two-for-a-penny candy from the corner store. They took the candy back to their little store and sold everything for a penny a piece. By evening they had made a quarter. They were all excited. The next day they went back and used their profit to increase their inventory. That day was another great day, they made almost fifty cents, plus they sold Kool Aid. They were becoming so wealthy they decided they had better elect a treasurer to handle all that money. They did. After several days they made a couple of dollars. The next day they got to the “store” and found out the one they had elected to be treasurer had eaten every piece of candy they had. They were furious. Then they asked where the money was. He told them he thought the money might he spent it.

Did you know that people do this to God all the time?

But, if we wish God’s work to go forward, we must be good stewards. Realize tithing is a partnership. God trusts us to give Him His share, but we must be trustworthy. We must obey when God says, “Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse...”

C. Tithing is positioning yourself where God can bless you.

Look again at verse 10 to see what God’s Word says, “Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in mine house, and prove me now herewith, saith the LORD of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it.”

Illus: Years ago Reader’s Digest printed a very interesting article about the elderly. In this article they brought out that for many people, 90% of what they had worked to accumulate was consumed at the end of their lives by doctors, medical costs, hospital costs and cost of being in nursing homes.

Do you know why I find that interesting. Could it be that God allows those who have robbed Him of His tithes, and have hoarded everything they can hoard, to lose everything they have worked for to others?

This is not true for some, but is more than likely true for many. What a terrible way to leave this life, with such a curse on one’s life.

There is a better way. That is to be an honest partner with God. This way you will be able to look back how God has blessed you, and how the tithes you faithfully gave were used to win the lost.

Conclusion/Summary: We are all stewards - every one of us. God said in I Cor. 4:2, “Moreover it is required in stewards, that a man be found faithful.”