Summary: There is a book on the market called the Shoot-em up Society by Harry Hollis, Jr. The purpose of the book is to revealed on the cover of the book. We read, “An appeal for Christian alternatives to the insanity of violence.”

But we do not have to read a book to discover that we live in a violent society. Every day we hear news reports of all kinds of violence around the world.

Illus: Death is always sad, but it seems we are troubled the most when a murder has gone on a rampage and shot down innocent people that they did not even know.

God sees every person as His most valuable treasure, and He commands us not to lay a finger on His most valuable treasure in such a way as to destroy it.

The Word of God states it clearly, “Thou shalt not kill”.

We found out in the previous sermon this commandment does not teach that:

1. Manslaughter is not a violation of this commandment.

2. Hunting is not a violation of this commandment.

3. Self-defense is not a violation of this commandment.

4. Capital punishment is not a violation of this commandment.

5. War killings are not a violation of this commandment.

If those things ARE NOT violations of this commandment, THEN WHAT DOES GOD MEAN WHEN HE COMMANDS, “THOU SHALT NOT KILL”


A. Murder through negligence is a violation to this commandment.

Look at Exodus 21:29, We read, But if the ox were wont to push with his horn in time past, and it hath been testified to his owner, and he hath not kept him in, but that he hath killed a man or a woman; the ox shall be stoned, and his owner also shall be put to death.

Many through negligence have gotten away with murder, but they will stand before the Lord as murderers.

(1) Some Corporations are guilty of murder.

For example, many corporations are guilty of murder as a result of criminal negligence.

Illus: One young man who just nineteen years of age when he just got out of high school. His first job was with a large construction. He was working in an excavation area. The law states that companies are to build supports to hold dirt so it will not cave in. This company was trying to cut corners to save money and did not build the supports according to specifications required by law. The young man was working away when he heard a voice call out, “Watch out!” He looked up in time to see the wall of dirt coming toward him. He ran as fast as he could, but only got a short distance before he was buried alive, crushed beneath tons of dirt. That company, and the man operating the machinery, are guilty of murder, and will stand before the Lord as murderers. Unless they come to the Lord, confess their sin and accept the price He paid for them. That young man was killed because of deliberate negligence.

(2) Liquor store owners are guilty of murder.

People involved in liquor industries are guilty of murder.

A Christian should not have anything to do with this industry.

Illus: A young man was in church requesting prayer for a job. He came back the next service and told the pastor God had given him a job. The pastor said, “What kind of job did you get?” He said, “Pastor, I will be driving a liquor truck.” The pastor said correctly, “Son, you need to continue looking for a job because God did not give you that job.”

And that is true, God would never give a man a job that destroys lives, homes.

Only God know the people have been killed because of alcoholic beverages.

We ought to be ashamed that we are so inconsistent when dealing with the liquor industry.

Illus: We condemn the dope peddler and user, while we sit back and condone beer, wine, whisky, etc. The only difference between these products is that the U.S. government gives them a license and denies licenses to the dope peddlers of this nation.

Those who deal with either or any of these products are as guilty of murder as Adolf Hitler was.

(3) Many car drivers are guilty of murder.

That his, those who drive in a reckless manner and kill someone they are guilty of murder.

Illus: Across this nation you can visit any cemetery and find many graves of people who died premature deaths because someone got into their car and killed them.

We dare not forget that a car can be a vicious weapon that will cause death just as fast as a knife or gun. Some of the most vicious murders in this country have been committed by killer behind the steering wheel of a car and they used their car to kill someone perhaps they never knew. In some cases, they have killed complete families.

Make no mistake about it. The person, or persons, guilty of negligence resulting in a death or deaths, is guilty of murder.

Murder through negligence is a violation to this commandment.

B. Abortion is a violation of this commandment.

Babies, by the thousands, have been murdered by doctors with their mother as accomplices.

God so designed the mother for the ultimate protection of the baby until it is developed enough to live on it own in the world. Anyone interfering with this process is guilty of murder.

What is supposed to be the safest place in the world be, has now become the most unsafe place. Abortionists in this country make Hitler look like a saint. It is hard to believe a mother could do such a thing.

The mother who chooses to abort her child is saying, "God, I do not trust you to help me raise this child, I know more than you do and I am going to murder this child before he/she is big enough to defend himself, I refuse to accept the responsibility for my sinful lifestyle."

Illus: One girl in Columbia, S. C., has had five abortions already. She live her sinful life and when she gets pregnant, she does not pay the price for her sins, instead the innocent baby pays the price for her sins. Evidently she does not know that she will stand before God along with all the other mass murderers!

Some would have us believe abortion should be presented as alternative to birth control! Do not be deceived! The person who refuses to abstain from the actions that result in becoming pregnant are given no option by God. Some would have you believe the child is not truly a living being until X number of days after conception. If that child is not truly a living being, then why should it have to be killed.

Illus: When Susan Smith strapped her two children in the back seat of a car and drove the car into a lake and drowned them, this nation was deeply troubled! But what hypocrites we are as a nation, a mother can go to an abortion clinic and have her baby brutally killed and we call that a WOMAN’S CHOICE and elect her president of the PTA!

Illus: One lady that had worked in an abortion clinic told her pastor that she had to quit because one day, when she was taking out the garbage, she saw the babies still moving inside of the plastic sack.

Any person guilty of this crime has lost all respect for life. It is obvious that any doctor who would perform an abortion is acting contrary to his doctor's oath because all he cares about is money.

What a shame that anyone would care so much for the almighty dollar to be willing to kill a helpless baby that can not do a thing to defend himself.

C. Hate is a violation of this commandment.

Yes, hat is a violation of this commandment.

Look at Matthew 5:21-22a, We read, Ye have heard that it was said by them of old time, Thou shalt not kill; and whosoever shall kill shall be in danger of the judgment: 22 But I say unto you, That whosoever is angry with his brother without a cause shall be in danger of the judgment…

It is possible to murder in your heart, just as it is possible to commit other sins in your heart. These are called HEART SINS.

Illus: Remember what Jesus said in Matthew 5:27-28, We read, Ye have heard that it was said by them of old time, Thou shalt not commit adultery: 28 But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart.

Many people would never go out and commit the act of adultery, yet they have the same lustful thoughts of those who do, and they deceive themselves, thinking they will not have to answer to God for their sins.

The only difference between them and the people who commit the act is they do not have the courage to commit the act.

But, as far as God is concerned, they are as guilty of adultery as those who commit the act.

So it is with hate!

God had a reason for telling us not to let the sun go down on our. wrath. Why? Hate will grow and grow until we will soon have as much hate in our hearts as that person who would actually go out and physically kill someone. There are people all around us with hate in their hearts.

Illus: Two men became bitter enemies. One later joined a church, today he sits in services looking as pious as anyone in that congregation but he still has hate for the other man in his heart. He hates this man so much, If he could push button and send that man to the moon and get away with it, he would do it.

Many are going to be surprised one day when they stand before the Lord as murderers. When they ask, "Lord, when did we murder someone?" The Lord is going to reveal that He knew their thoughts of hate toward others.

The only difference between them and a murder is that they do not have the courage to commit the act. They have the hate, but they do not have the courage to commit the act.

D. Suicide is a violation of this commandment.

Since 1957, over 1,500 books have been written about suicide.

Illus: We are told by the World Health Organization that a thousand people a day world wide, commit suicide. This amounts to over 500,000 people a year with ten times that number attempting it. We are told that more 20,000 of those are in America.

We are told that today many suggest suicide as an option to consider in solving their problems. That is, many feel if they killed themselves they will end all their problems. What they do not know is that this is only the beginning of their problems. Why? Because once we leave this life we are going to live for eternity in heaven or hell.

There are two reasons people commit suicide.

1. Some commit suicide because of physical problems.

There are actually some chemical imbalances and other physical misfunctions, that will drive a person to do things he would not ordinarily, or normally do. God does not hold a person responsible for his death if he dies of cancer neither does he hold a person responsible for some physical thing in his life that would drive one to kill himself, not realizing what he doing.

For example, the associate pastor of a large church was being trained to take over the church in the near future when the senior pastor retired. His personality began to change and everyone became concern about him. After several months of this behavior he committed suicide.

These who do this, do it because something is lacking physically they have no control over.

2. Some commit suicide because of sin.

That is, some have chosen a life of sin. Some of these discover that sin has ruined their lives. Rather than trust God to help them straighten their lives up, they decide to just end it all.

E. Some commit suicide because they believe in Euthanasia.

We are getting more and more people who are beginning to think Like Dr. Korvorkin who has assisted many to commit suicide.

We are hearing more and more in the news these days about mercy killings. Mercy killing is forbidden for two reasons:

1. It provides a killer with an excuse to kill.

When this country starts allowing people to kill other people claiming this is because they are being merciful because a loved one is suffering so terribly you open the door for people to kill anyone they want to kill. They can always claim, once the person is dead, they did it to put the victim out of his misery.

2. It provides a killer to exalt his ways above God.

God gives life, and only God has the right to take life. We have to accept the fact that there are always going to be things in life we do not understand and sometimes suffering is one of these things.

Illus: A pastor was visiting an elderly lady who was dying of cancer. and the family and been at her bed side week after week. The children would often have to leave the room with tears streaming down their face because they could not stand to see their mother suffering. They wondered why God left her here in that condition, for they knew there was no hope for her recovery. They asked the pastor. He could not tell them.

We know God helps us through sorrow so we can help other. But why He uses this in this way, we do not understand. We have to trust Him, knowing His ways are not our ways, they are above our ways. He never makes a mistake. We may think there must be some mistake, but still we know that He is doing what is best. The person who would commit a "mercy killing" is saying that he knows more than God about what should be done. When a person takes another person's life, he has commit murder.


We have learned what God meant when He told us, "Thou shalt not kill." We pray that no one here will be found guilty of this sin.


A. Criminal negligence is a violation of this commandment .

B. Abortion is a violation of this commandment.

C. Hate is a violation of this commandment.

D. Suicide is a violation of this commandment.

E. Euthanasia is a violation of this commandment.