Summary: It has become fashion these days, with people opting to ‘outsource’ the birth of children, called Surrogacy and thereby live freely without hustle, bustle and trouble.

Be fully there….


I kind of liked the title "BE FULLY THERE" which means ‘ be fully committed to whatever you are doing’, are you listening? 100%. I type this on my laptop at 12.20 pm on Sunday, ( this time would be sumptuous lunch time for many Christians) June 5, 2022, with fire burning in my heart for God and His work. I wanted this anointing to permeate, flow and reach out to people who are passionate for God and who would want to partake in His work. Someone out there needs this Word today….Touch in the name of Jesus!!!!!!!!

GOD has become passé in today’s computer and technology era! People trust their brain than God. Achievements in medical field have been spiraling upwards, doing amazing things, ‘Surrogacy’ is one of them. It has become fashion these days, with people opting to ‘outsource’ the birth of children and thereby live freely without hustle, bustle and trouble. People today want to live the way they want and make choices without interference from anybody and nobody. We are living in last days! Caveat!! I don’t want to dwell on this portion any longer, because today my subject is about the POWER, MIGHT, ABILITY, SUPREMACY AND MAGNIFICENCE of my Jesus. Can we clap hands for Him, He deserves it! Glory to Jesus! He is a sweetheart!

Don’t listen to the world friend, never, don’t listen to all noises that tell you:

• How long are you going to wait?

• Your vision is too huge?

• You are too old for this

• Don’t day dream about this project which looks very tough

• Who will buy you a building?

• Who will sponsor for you?

• You cannot be healed

• You cannot have a baby at this age and so on….

Don’t have plan B friend, stick on to Plan A , hold on to it like the way the mother monkey holds on to her kid. Don’t get distracted because of delay, hindrances and problems…. never…never…never…don’t do that. Give your all to it and wait.! It would be no smooth-sailing, take it from me. Who said it would be hunky-dory, your vision and dream should consume you, make you sweat, keep you awake at night, write crazily (like what I am doing now) and keep praying about it non-stop. Glory to Jesus! As I am typing now, my vision is running in my mind like a movie ….I visualize myself in a BIG School play ground, where I see my students (from under privileged background) running, playing, swinging, eating food on a dining table, worshiping in our auditorium and much more…. This is my dream to build a big facility for the free School that we are running today in Hyderabad. (Click ABIDE SCHOOL WESBITE to see our students)

If God told you to start a Church, go ahead…..pray, plan, prepare, wait patiently. If He has promised, He will do it. Say Amen. Did God tell you start a business, start a school….whatever….dont allow your eyes to wander. FOCUS ON WHAT GOD GAVE YOU! I speak to people with a huge vision and who are ready to give their ALL for it. I would like to quote a line that I heard from a preacher yesterday, she said, “ GOD DID NOT ASK A LOT FROM YOU, HE ASKED YOU FOR EVERYTHING”. I laughed and felt, “Our God is so zealous over us’, is He not?

You can hire a surrogate woman and PRODUCE a child for yourself, you don’t need God, church, Bible, pastor, obedience, holiness... in this plan. You are the boss. Taking a huge loan and building a church is what the world teaches you, but waiting for God to send you a sponsor for your church building is GOD’S WAY, which is crazy for today’s world. Fasting prayer, zoom prayer, 5 am prayer, midnight prayer, healing meetings, miracle meetings, intercessory prayer, fellowship meetings all these are waste of time for people who rely on their own muscle strength. They would say, “ you cannot be like Moses”, why not? Did He not say, “Numbers 11:23 “My Hands are not shortened, thou shalt see now whether my word shall come to pass unto thee or not.”

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.(Hebrews 13:8)

Exodus 3:14 God said to Moses, "I AM WHO I AM.

2 Corinthians 1:20”For all the promises of God are "Yes" in Christ. And so through Him, our "Amen" is spoken to the glory of God.”

All the above power-packed scriptures point out that God is still in His job of miracles! Amen.

People who are lazy to pray, believe, trust, fast and fellowship with believers, find it difficult to do it the God’s way. Anybody listening? Doctor’s appointment and bank loan is easier that this crazy MIRACLE WAY.

Do not lean unto your own understanding and articulately manipulate ways to do it your way, but rather wait patiently for God to show the way. When you do that, eventually you will see miracles unfold right in front of your eyes, beyond your wildest imagination.

Paul said: Ephesians 3:20”Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us.” Glory, glory…glory….


Jesus said, “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me.” Matthew 16:24

Matthew 10:38 and anyone who does not take up his cross and follow Me is not worthy of Me.

Luke 14:27 And whoever does not carry his cross and follow Me cannot be My disciple.

Click HERE ( to read my complete testimony of how I waited patiently for God to heal me, during my second pregnancy, despite severe pain and uncertainty that hovered over my pregnancy. I refused to believe outside symptoms and I waited on God, I miraculously delivered a baby boy JOSHUA who is 22 years old, serving as an Associate Pastor. God bless you!