Summary: The 7 sons of Sceva made an important discovery: God's warriors are known in Hell! We should aspire to be such stalwarts for Christ that word about us begins circulating in the underworld; "Watch out for that one!" Let's put a little fear in the enemy!


Acts 19:10-16


A. HUMOR: “When the Attack-Dog became Afraid”

1. Elizabeth Bennett told of her friend, a deputy with the sheriff’s department canine division. One evening, the deputy was dispatched to the scene of a possible burglary, where he discovered the back door of a building ajar.

2. He let the dog out of his patrol car and commanded it to enter and seek. Jumping from the back seat, the dog headed for the building. After lunging through the doorway, the dog froze and backed out. The officer had never seen the dog afraid before!

3. He was puzzled until he noticed the sign on the building; “Veterinarian Clinic.”


It took a certain type of Christian, a certain type of disciple, to overthrow the Roman Empire. God has always looked for quality, not quantity.

During the ministry of Jesus, the closer He got to Calvary, the less people there were. When he was out on the hillsides of Galilee, breaking bread & feeding the multitudes, there were thousands out to watch the religious show, but when He began saying, “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow Me” (Lk. 9:23), they left him by the droves.

But the Lord Jesus found 11 men who were willing to follow Him to the end. He pulled them from the tax office, the doctor’s office, and fishing boats. Those early Christians turned whipping posts into pulpits, prisons into churches, and fought wild beasts at Ephesus. They were beaten, tortured, driven from their homes, and yet they proclaimed a gospel that toppled an empire.

He changed the world with a handful of people. It won’t be the big, trendy, religious crowd that will make the difference, but the disciple who’s sold out, stepped over the line, & jettisoned their past life; who doesn’t care about prestige, position, or popularity, and who has a new, superior life in them (Zoe, the God-kind of life, 2 Pet. 1:4). The question is, “Will you be one of them?”

[adapted from Leonard Ravenhill]


10 This went on for two years, so that all the Jews and Greeks who lived in the province of Asia heard the word of the Lord. 11 God did extraordinary miracles through Paul, 12 so that even handkerchiefs and aprons that had touched him were taken to the sick, and their illnesses were cured and the evil spirits left them. 13 Some Jews who went around driving out evil spirits tried to invoke the name of the Lord Jesus over those who were demon-possessed. They would say, “In the name of the Jesus whom Paul preaches, I command you to come out.” 14 Seven sons of Sceva, a Jewish chief priest, were doing this. 15 One day the evil spirit answered them, “Jesus I know, and Paul I know about, but who are you?” 16 Then the man who had the evil spirit jumped on them and overpowered them all. He gave them such a beating that they ran out of the house naked and bleeding. Acts 19:11-16

D. TITLE: “Known in Hell.”



1. Paul’s ministry in Ephesus was truly remarkable. Ephesus was notorious for pagan worship. One of the seven wonders of the ancient world was there, the Temple of Diana, and people came from far and wide to engage in its obscene pagan rituals.

2. The Temple was twice the size of the Parthenon. It’s roof was supported by 127 columns, each of which were 60 ft (six stories) high and 4 ft in diameter.

3. The city was large, having a population of around 330,000, and its sports stadium, built by Nero, could seat twenty-five thousand.

4. But Paul’s ministry eclipsed all this. God caused Paul’s preaching to be confirmed by miraculous signs: the sick were healed, evil spirits were driven out, and even pieces of cloth that had touched Paul’s body became imbued with healing and delivering power! The whole subcontinent heard the gospel.


How many know, if there’s a genuine, counterfeits WILL pop up. There’s always copy-cats. In those days there were wandering Jewish exorcists who drew on nonbiblical Jewish literature and had some success. Mt 12:27; Lk 9:49

1. THE SCEVA Brothers -- to natural mind, they had a lot going for them:


-- There Were SEVEN Brothers -- a Divine number, completeness. This ought to increase the power of their magic.

--SCEVA -- means "left-handed", and signified a "good omen" among Greeks (Lange on Judges 3:15).

-- "CHIEF PRIEST" – they were descended from a chief of one of 24 courses of priests. (Power with God).

b. What they should’ve had by birth – the outer man - they had never strived to achieve by internal acquisition! Beware imitations! There are many look-alikes: bacon bits, nondairy cheese, iron pyrite, cubic zirconia, Impossible Burgers, knock-off watches, etc. When you get something, you want the genuine article, not an imitation.

2. THERE’S A COST TO FOLLOWING JESUS. A lot of people want to go along with the Saints, but not surrender to Jesus. They talk the talk, but they don’t walk the walk. Jesus said you have to, “Deny yourself, take up your cross, and follow Him.”


1. The Queen Mary was the largest ship to cross the oceans when it was launched in 1936. Through 4 decades & a world war she served until she was retired, anchored as a floating hotel and museum in Long Beach, California.

2. During the conversion, her three massive smokestacks were taken off to be scraped down and repainted. But on the dock they crumbled.

3. Nothing was left of the 3/4" steel plate from which the stacks had been formed. All that remained were more than 30 coats of paint that had been applied over the years. The steel had rusted away. It LOOKED good, but it was 30 coats of superficial! Christians, too!

II. THE TEST verse 15, 16


1. The devil is Real. He’s Speaking today.

2. The evil spirit said, "JESUS I KNOW"

a. The fallen angels couldn't help but know the King of Heaven! The invisible world knows who Jesus is!

b. The spirits Jesus cast out said, “What do you want with us, Jesus of Nazareth? Have you come to destroy us? I know who you are—the Holy One of God!” Mk. 1:24. “Demons came out of many people, shouting, ‘You are the Son of God!’” Lk. 4:41. (Mk. 5:7.)

3. 2nd, it said, “PAUL I’VE HEARD ABOUT” (19:15, CEV)

a. PAUL WAS "KNOWN IN HELL". Acts 16:17. Word had traveled through the demon underground about Paul, because he had been driving out evil spirits -- especially in that locality. Paul had a REPUTATION in hell! I want US to have such a reputation; how bout you? The degree to which you and I are a threat will determine whether we become famous in hell.

b. MOSES was known in hell. The sorcerers of Pharaoh couldn’t match his miracles. Balaam tried to curse Israel, but couldn’t find a weak spot because of the atoning priesthood and intercession of Moses.

c. ELIJAH was known in hell. He was a troubler to the Baal worshippers, among whom Ahab and Jezebel were prime movers.

d. DEBORAH, the O.T. Judge, was known in hell. While she & Barak fought Sisera (Canaanite General), there was a mighty spiritual battle in the heavenlies between the angels of God and Satan’s angels (Judg. 5:20, KJV).

4. Are you known in hell? If you’re under attack, it’s very likely you’ve stirred up Hell’s Ire. Difficulties CAN be a GOOD sign! Peter said rejoice when you’re persecuted!

5. HELL HAS ITS CHAMPIONS – the ungodly music & film industry stars; the propagators of Atheism & unbelief; corrupt politicians & evil dictators; criminals & the false religion leaders. In short, all those who turn people away from Christ or toward sin. The devil knows the tools he uses for destruction, despotism, misery, addictions, bondage, and death.

6. BUT HELL ALSO KNOWS ITS GREATEST OPPONENTS. Their names echo down the ages: the Wesleys, Martin Luther, Charles Finney. The great missionaries such as William Carey, Adoniram Judson, Hudson Taylor, etc. Evangelists such as Billy & Franklin Graham, Luis Palau, & Reinhard Bonnke. Those affecting their culture, such as Steve Hill, Ken Ham, Roma Downey, Joyce Meyer, Andy Stanley, Tony Evans, Steven Furtick, Joel Osteen, and many lesser-known workers (to us, but not to God).

7. HELL NOTICES THOSE WHO ARE DANGEROUS - People who are saved, filled with the Spirit, are prayer warriors, witnesses, teachers, and those who know their authority.

8. If you’re a soul winner or are actively attempting to liberate people from bondage or are trying to help people get closer to God, then I believe YOU are Known in Hell! I believe that a grandma who prays consistently and with faith is "known in Hell."


1. The sons of Sceva were UNMASKED AS IMPOSTERS, masquerading as servants of God.

2. You must be possessors, not just confessors. It's not what you say, but what you are. Anyone in the Body of Christ who is spiritually healthy has power over the devil.


1. Verse 16. "Seven flee before one!" Deut. 28:7,25. This was divine judgment on the Sons of Sceva for their sin of presumption; pretending to be a child of God. Their britches were snatched off for impersonating a child of God.

2. Religion doesn't cut it. We don't need outer forms, we need Holy Ghost power. "Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof, from such turn away." You will never affect anyone's life by being religious. Religion is found false when it meets a real contest.



1. The Lord Jesus made being filled with the Spirit a prerequisite to beginning ministry; “Do not leave Jerusalem, but wait for the gift my Father a few days you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit” Acts 1:4-5.

2. John the Baptist was filled (Lk. 1:15); the Lord Jesus was filled (Lk. 4:1); Peter was filled (Acts 4:8); Stephen was filled (Acts 7:55); Barnabas was filled (Acts 11:24); Paul was filled (Acts 13:52); the Bible says they ALL WERE FILLED! (Acts 2:4; 4:31; 13:52). Shouldn’t YOU be filled?

3. Jesus told us that all we have to do is ASK and the Father will fill us with the Holy Spirit! (Lk. 11:13)


1. Paul prayed when discouraged/beaten Acts 16:25;

2. Paul prayed on the beach (Acts 21:5), at the Temple (22:17), in ships (27:29), & for the sick (28:8).

3. Paul said he wrestled in prayer (Rom. 15:31), prayed in the Holy Spirit (1 Cor. 14:14), prayed night and day (1 Th. 3:10), and prayed continuously (Rm. 1:10; Phip. 1:4; Col. 1:9; 1 Th. 1:2; 2 Th. 1:11; 2 Tim. 1:3).


a. IT CHANGES OUR VIEW OF GOD. Isaiah prayed & saw a vision of seraphs, God’s throne & had his sins removed.

b. IT CHANGES OUR CIRCUMSTANCES. “I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us” Rom. 8:18.

c. IT CHANGES OUR VIEW OF OURSELVES. When we see ourselves as God sees us, then we can be changed.

d. IT CHANGES OUR VIEW OF OTHERS. We begin to realize the people around us are saved or lost.

e. NOTHING’S AS REFRESHING AS PRAYER. When we begin our day with prayer, we’re in tune with God & all things work together for our good.

f. PRAYER BRINGS US PEACE. As the song says, "Oh, what peace we often forfeit; Oh, what needless pain we bear. All because we do not carry, Everything to God in prayer."


1. Jesus died for the Church; nothing is more important to Him than His people. Secondly, Jesus said, “For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost” Lk. 19:10. These are the two great priorities of Jesus and they should be ours too.

2. Special power and grace are given to those who witness and build up the Church. God puts His Spirit on those who witness (Mt. 10:20; Jesus said, “it will not be you speaking, but the Spirit of your Father speaking

through you”) when you witness.

3. About the Church, Jesus said, “...on this rock I WILL BUILD MY CHURCH, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it” Mt. 16:18. This is His constant work. Those who labor with Him in this work receive supernatural enablement.

IV. THE OUTCOME vs. 17-20


B. THE SORCERERS, when they saw that Jesus was truly Lord over the underworld, abandoned the worship of Satan.

C. THE WORD OF GOD spread widely and grew in power (respect & effects). No imitations!

D. ILLUSTRATION: The Parthenon. Every year 1,000s of people visit the Parthenon in Athens, Greece and pick up marble fragments. They don’t know that the fragments they pick up are fresh ones from the quarries around Athens and are shipped in weekly and scattered for the tourists to pick up. When the tourists go home and brag to their friends that they made off with a piece of the Parthenon, little do they know that their fragment is a worthless substitute with no connection to the Parthenon. Beware of substitutes! I hope when people meet you they get the real Jesus and not a substitute!



1. Glenn Thompson was an AG missionary to Lat. America, went to Cuauhtemoc, Veracruz, Mexico (Island) to began a big crusade. On the second day, a witch confronted him; "You won't build a church here. I am the oldest and most powerful witch -- we are going to cast a spell on you!"

2. Thompson replied, "I've had a spell on me since I was 10 years old -- when I accepted Jesus Christ as my Savior. Nothing you can do can influence my life." The witch danced around him, chanting and sprinkling salt and pepper. Thompson replied, "Save your salt and pepper for your supper! We're covered by the blood of Jesus; you can't stop us."

3. On the last night of the campaign, the witch was saved and baptized in the Holy Spirit. She burned all her paraphernalia. She won 22 other witches to Christ.


1. Will you remain in limbo? I call on you to take a stand; to rise up! Have you lost your thrill, your vision, your zeal?

2. We shouldn't say "please, Satan"; we should take authority over him. He won't GO unless you make him go. The reason the devils went when Paul said, “Go!” was because Paul went when Jesus said, “Go!” So, we can sit around and let him steal, kill, and destroy, or we can plant our feet, speak the word, and make him hit the road.


1. How many want to Make Sure You’re a Christian?

2. “ “ want to be filled with the Holy Spirit?

3. How many are in a battle and need prayer to overcome?

4. How many want to get on the Lord’s Side and be “Known in Hell?” COME TO THE FRONT.