Summary: This parable's powerful message urges us to prepare for Christ's second coming. It reminds us that preparing for this momentous event requires our utmost attention. Let us heed this timeless message and prepare ourselves for the glorious day when Christ returns for his church.


(Matthew 25:1-5) (1) "Then the kingdom of heaven, shall be likened to ten virgins who took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom." (2) " Now five of them were wise, and five were foolish." (3) " Those who were foolish took their lamps and took no oil with them," (4) "but the wise took oil in their vessels with their lamps." (5) " But while the bridegroom was delayed, they all slumbered and slept."

(Matthew 25:6-9) (6) " "And at midnight a cry was heard: "Behold, the bridegroom is coming; go out to meet him!" (7) " Then all those virgins arose and trimmed their lamps." (8) " And the foolish said to the wise, "Give us some of your oil, for our lamps are going out." (9) "But the wise answered, saying, "No, lest there should not be enough for us and you; but go rather to those who sell, and buy for yourselves."

(Matthew 25:10-13) (10) " And while they went to buy, the bridegroom came, and those who were ready went in with him to the wedding; and the door was shut." (11) "Afterward the other virgins came also, saying, "Lord, Lord, open to us!" (12) "But he answered and said, "Assuredly, I say to you, I do not know you." (13) "Watch therefore, for you know neither the day nor the hour in which the Son of Man is coming."

(Luke 12:40) "Therefore you also be ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect."

(Matthew 7:21-23) "Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven." (22) "Many will say to me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name, and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? (23) "And then will I profess unto them, ‘I never knew you; depart from me, you that work iniquity."

(Mark 13:32-33) "“But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father." (33) "Take heed, watch and pray; for you do not know when the time is."

(Mark 13:35-37) (35) "Watch therefore, for you do not know when the master of the house is cometh, at even, or at midnight, at the cockcrowing, or in the morning" (36) "lest, coming suddenly, he find you sleeping." (37) " And what I say unto you I say unto all: Watch!”

(Revelation 19:7) "Let us be glad and rejoice and give Him glory, for the marriage of the Lamb has come, and His wife has made herself ready."


The parable of the Ten Virgins is a story told by Jesus to illustrate the need for Christians to be prepared for his second coming. It speaks of ten virgins who went out to meet the bridegroom; five were wise and brought enough oil for their lamps, while the other five were foolish and did not.

When the bridegroom was delayed, all ten virgins fell asleep. But when he arrived, the foolish virgins realized they had run out of oil and asked the wise ones to share with them. The wise ones refused and advised the foolish ones to go and buy oil for themselves.

The foolish ones left to buy oil, but by the time they returned, the bridegroom had already arrived, and the door was closed. The parable concludes with the bridegroom telling the foolish virgins, "I do not know you."

This parable teaches us the importance of being prepared and ready for the return of Christ. The wise virgins who brought enough oil for their lamps represent true believers who are prepared and ready for the second coming of Christ. The foolish virgins who did not get enough oil represent those who attend church just for appearances, lacking genuine faith and failing to prepare for the return of Christ. The parable emphasizes that the second coming of Christ will be sudden and unexpected, and those who are not ready will not be accepted into the kingdom of God.

In this parable, Jesus uses ordinary events and customs of the day to relate spiritual truths to his disciples. The five foolish maidens in the parable chose to do things their way, and as a result, the wedding party had to walk in less light on a dark path. This is because Jewish weddings are usually held at night.

In today's world, many people in the church may appear to be ready to meet the Lord, but in reality, they have not completely surrendered their lives to Christ. They may still identify as Christians but have not obeyed His commandments to serve others and be a light to the world.

It is important to understand that being a Christian is not just a matter of words but also of actions. The Bible teaches us that faith without works is dead. Therefore, it is essential to follow Jesus' teachings and spread His love and kindness to others.

As we prepare ourselves for the Lord's coming, we should remember that we do not know when He will return, and we must be ready at all times. We must strive to live a life that is pleasing to God and be diligent in our efforts to serve and love others. Only then can we be assured that we are ready to meet the Lord and welcome him into His kingdom.


Beloved, this parable of the ten virgins teaches us that the bridegroom would visit the bride's home and perform some religious rituals, such as proposing to her in front of her family by pouring a glass of wine in a cup and placing it in front of her. If she drank from the cup, it meant that she accepted the proposal and was now engaged to be married to her groom later, with specific requirements arranged by his father.

During this ceremony, the church members would be excitedly watching the bride to see if she would drink from the cup and release their tension when she sipped the wine with a smile. After the proposal, the groom would leave, but his best friend would remain behind to care for the bride's needs. The best man symbolizes God's Spirit, encouraging us during our struggles and disappointments.

The best man assures us that the groom still loves us and that we should keep ourselves pure and ready so that we do not disappoint him when he comes for us. After the proposal, the groom would return to his father's house to prepare to provide a place to live and make a good living for his new bride. In Jewish custom, the father oversaw the work and sent the groom to get his bride when everything was in order.

During the wedding ceremony, a guard was placed at the door to keep unwanted guests out, and anyone not arriving at the party was denied entrance. Jewish weddings would last several days, and the groom would stop at several places before arriving at his bride's home. The bridesmaids gave the bride purification baths and ensured she was ready to meet her espoused groom upon arrival.

The writer of this gospel spoke of five wise virgins and five foolish virgins, but all were referred to as virgins. However, when the call came that the bridegroom had left his father's house, the five foolish virgins had neglected their duties and were fast asleep. Saints and ministers love to use this parable, often relating to a church asleep in troublesome times.

Three classes of people stand out in this parable, and I shall list them for your further study.

1. The Bridegroom

2. The Five wise bridesmaids whose hearts were prepared to serve

3. The Five foolish bridesmaids whose hearts were not prepared to serve

A. The lamp oil in the parable mentioned was an essential component that helped light the path for the wedding party. The oil served as a symbol of preparedness and readiness for the bridegroom's arrival. Notably, oil cannot represent the Holy Spirit or salvation since these are not commodities that can be bought or earned through work.

The oil symbolizes being a dedicated servant to the Lord who maintains a total surrendered life that honors His name. It represents a life of obedience, commitment, and faithfulness to God, characterized by a readiness to do His will at any moment. The lamp oil, therefore, reminds us that we must be prepared and ready to meet the Lord, living a surrendered life that reflects our love and devotion to Him.

B. It's important to note that the main focus of this parable is the young unmarried virgins who are the bride's friends, not the bridesmaids. This detail is significant as it highlights the message being conveyed.

In this parable, the foolish virgins are compared to those who attend church for appearances only. These individuals are more interested in showing off their religiosity than in finding solutions to the problems faced by the church. Instead of fulfilling their Christian duty of being prepared to serve, they prioritize their self-importance and ignore their responsibilities. Such behavior dishonors the true spirit of Christianity and undermines the church's mission.

The foolish five young maidens who took no oil for their lamps can be compared to those in the church who are there for show, find fault with everything, and shun their responsibilities to those who are prepared to serve. These individuals may dress and act like professing Christians, but their hearts have not been prepared. God's Holy Spirit is the one who helps us be ready to serve, and we must realize that some people are not what they appear to be.

In the parable, five young maidens act foolishly by taking shortcuts and doing things their way. Their actions embarrassed them and the bride who had trusted them. Today, some people in the church may seem prepared to meet the Lord, but they haven't yet surrendered their lives to Christ or become servants.

In the modern era, pastors face increasing pressure and stress. They are expected to provide spiritual guidance and support to their congregation while managing their church's day-to-day operations. This can leave them feeling like they are standing in the middle of a powerful earthquake, with everything around them falling apart and nothing making sense. The sheer amount of responsibility and expectations placed upon them can be overwhelming, and it can significantly impact their mental health and well-being.

The stress and chaos that pastors experience can severely impact their ability to make sound decisions. When they are constantly confused and uncertain, it can be challenging to think clearly and make rational choices. This can lead to poor decision-making, which can have severe consequences for the pastor and their congregation.

In essence, the pressure and stress that pastors experience are significant challenges that must be addressed. It is essential to recognize the difficulties that pastors face and to provide them with the support and resources they need to manage their stress and make sound decisions. By doing so, we can help ensure pastors fulfill their essential role in the community and provide spiritual guidance to those who need it most.


Beloved, have you ever encountered someone who refers to others as hypocrites or makes excuses not to attend church because there are too many hypocrites there? According to Webster's dictionary, a hypocrite is a person who pretends to be virtuous or religious but behaves in a manner that contradicts their stated beliefs and feelings.

When someone claims that they are better off not attending church due to the many hypocrites present, they are inadvertently making a statement that they are spiritually superior and capable of judging the people in that church. However, they are also shining a searchlight on their souls.

I recall a revival I attended in a country church nestled in the Appalachian Mountains of Virginia. As the successful radio host of the "Two More for Jesus" program, we had many reports of God performing several creative miracles through our show. During my sermon, I informed the congregation that there were hypocrites among them, and I intended to expose them before closing the service.

As a result of God's many miracles through my ministry, the church was packed, and I noticed everyone looking at each other suspiciously as I made that statement. I then picked up an artificial plant and declared it to be the hypocrite in their church. The plant looked real but had no life or roots, much like the hypocrites in their midst.

Beloved reader, we all had a good laugh and some of the people in the church that had suspicions of their partner felt embarrassed and we had church with absolutely no interruptions.

This parable reminds me of how some people attend church without opening their Bible throughout the week, idolize their minister without questioning what is being preached, and leave feeling entertained but spiritually empty. The five foolish virgins in the parable were chosen as close friends of the bride, but they harbored selfish spirits and took shortcuts, embarrassing themselves and the bride.

In today's world, it's not uncommon to find people who want to have the best of both worlds. They want to experience life's joys and pleasures without giving up their freedom or surrendering their lives to the Lord. They believe they can do things their way and hope to attain salvation and eternal life. However, the Lord calls such people foolish.

It's important to understand that true salvation and spiritual fulfillment can only be attained by surrendering our lives to Christ. We need to study the Bible and question our faith to truly understand what it means to live a life that is pleasing to God. Only then can we discover the joy and peace of faith-based life.

The Bible teaches that the path to salvation is narrow and requires us to give up our selfish desires and put our trust in God. We must be willing to let go of our ways and embrace His. This means living a life obedient to His commands and following the example of Jesus Christ.

In conclusion, it's important to remember that true spiritual fulfillment cannot be achieved by trying to have it all. We must be willing to surrender our lives to Christ, study the Bible, and question our faith. When we do this, we can experience the joy and peace of faith-based life.

Dear Saints of God, do you remember when Jimmy Carter was elected to become the President of the United States, he made the statement that he was a born again Christian, and do you remember just a few days later, Hollywood came out with commercials advertising that they had born again soap, and to them beloved, it was a way for them to make fun of Christians and make money doing it?

Beloved, these foolish people we are studying in this parable are being labeled as five foolish virgins that were not willing to help serve and make a sacrifice for the Kingdom of God. (Do you know of anyone like that today)

Beloved, these young bridesmaids were chosen because they were close friends of the bride but because of harboring a selfish spirit, they chose to take a chance on her wedding by taking shortcuts.

Saints of God, just like so many that are attending churches today that never open their bible through the week and idolize their minister never questioning what is being preached to their families, people are leaving church with empty hearts being more entertained than elevated because they want a weekend experience with out a surrendered life.

Beloved, in this parable, these five foolish virgins thought they could do it their way and hope all would turn out right in the end, but they soon found themselves to be an embarrassment to themselves and to the bride who had placed her trust in them because of listening to their inward wills of wanting the best that both worlds have to offer when in reality the Lord in this parable calls them fools.


Beloved, do you remember (John 2:1-2) speaking of the wedding in Cana in Galilee where they ran out of wine and there Jesus performed his first miracle turning the water into wine?

A wedding is a celebration of love, unity, and joy. However, it's incomplete without one crucial element—wine. Wine brings a sense of sophistication, elegance, and festivity to the occasion. It's a symbol of happiness and togetherness; without it, the wedding feels incomplete. So, ask yourself, "What good is a wedding without the wine?" Let's ensure your special day is complete with the perfect wine selection.

Saints, I like to say that the water blushed in the face of its creator and turned to wine but we all know here that this was an important part of this wedding and had he not performed this miracle, his mother and the ones sponsoring the wedding would suffer embarrassment.

Beloved, the wine here was a physical wine but I like to look at the spiritual condition of some of our church services today that consist of man made programs leaving little room for the Spirit of God to bless his people which an outward show with no spirit as the people are being entertained and leave with empty hearts.

Church, the call has gone out that requires action on our part and according to this parable, God will honor those who are prepared but many are satisfied by being entertained.

Beloved, many churches today are not concerned about souls and changed lives but how many people they can get to help build their kingdom.

Saints, God did not call us to build our kingdom but to be light, and the sad truth is, "We are not hearing many words today, only man’s ideas and programs.

Beloved, we have a gospel that has risen today that will allow the flesh to stay alive when God’s word says that we must die daily for our agendas, desires, and self-righteousness.

Saints people are living below the standards that the atoning blood of Jesus has purchased for them, and sadly, deceptive lying spirits are leading them, and they are allowing those spirits to dominate their lives.

Beloved reader, I always strive to give a remedy in my writings, especially if I expose or diagnose some problems in the church that need addressing. That is what I shall do. First, let us review what has brought us to the dangerous world conditions that we now live in and face every day.

Beloved, it was in the 60s that a newspaper came out with the headline in bold type declaring that the Living God is dead, and it was then that the Beatles came over from England with their secular music infiltrating the hearts of our young teens. One song titled “The Yellow Submarine” which was a song referring to the high of experimenting with hallucinating drugs.

Saints, God began to work through the Christian populace by having a songwriter write a song stating, "If God is dead, who is this living in my Soul?"

Beloved reader, let’s look at where we are today and how far our nation's moral standards have been let down by men and women who were supposed to be watching for our souls.

Saints, because of the Lukewarmness that infiltrated the church, we are living in an age of spiritual confusion and darkness, for we now have people who were born in the era called the baby boomers who mainly were involved in the protest of the Vietnam War as they lived it up on college campuses with their free love and unprotected sex.

Church, we now have some of these same people holding offices in our government, and we have teachers using books in our schools to teach evolution and denying Creation, telling our young people that life does not mean anything and that we were merely a tadpole that came out of the ocean or the off-spring from a monkey.

Beloved reader, we have denied the very God that clearly showed his protection in the founding of this republic, which caused such men as Benjamin Franklin to make the statement, "It is undeniable that a Sovereign Being is responsible for the founding of this Republic and it would do us good to remember this formidable friend."

Dear friend, God helped establish a Nation that would be a haven for his church to take his gospel of the kingdom to a lost and dying world, which he has done for two hundred-plus years.

Beloved, if you do a study on the history of America, you will discover that at a critical point in history, George Washington was surrounded by the British when a mysterious fog set in, allowing him and his men to escape up the Delaware River and just when they got out of gun range the mist lifted to enable the British to see them escaping. Without warning, the wind kept the British ships from chasing them, or we would probably be flying the British flag today instead of the blessed stars and stripes.

Beloved, the enemy decided that since we were a solid, unified republic protected by a mighty power that had shown himself strong in our founding, they would have to find a way to bring us down because our God was too strong to attack us.

Dear Saints, like Daniel of old, they decided the only way to reach us was through our morals and finding a way to indoctrinate our young to the point that this Sovereign Being would have to turn his back on us, and that is what they did through our music, Hollywood, and MTV.

Beloved, during the end of World War II, the Industrial Revolution set in, taking mothers away from their children to make a living in the factories that were springing up throughout our land. This left our young unsupervised and allowed MTV to raise our children.

1. Laws were passed that legalized abortion till 1.5 million babies are aborted every year.

2. Prayer was outlawed in schools and public gatherings, leading to teens shooting it out in our streets and in our


3. Today, student rape, teen pregnancy, drug deals, muggings, and shootings are considered to be the norm of the


4. The secular humanistic school boards reject the Holy Bible, while pornography, humanism, occultism, and

Satanism are the regular curriculum.

"Church, there is something wrong with this picture but what is it?"

Saints of God, we must have a Spiritual cleansing that will bring a visitation of God’s power to burst forth and conquer the darkness of sin and declare the righteousness of Jesus and his lordship as the true light that lighteth every man that cometh into the world. (John 1:9)

Beloved saints, God is raising people who will spend time with him in prayer, solitude, and communion.

Beloved, God’s plan for this hour is for his people to turn from their worldliness and prayerless lives and repent of their selfish fleshly cravings for power and positions.

Saints, God desires for them to repent of their church quarrels and denominational jealousy. He wants our pulpits to once again thunder and burn with the power and cleansing fire of his Holy Spirit through men and women who have made up their minds not to compromise the truth for a meal ticket.

Church, it is time to wake up to the call and task upon us and strip ourselves of the love of this world and the love of self. Yes, and we turn to the Lord with our whole hearts fasting and our prayers being saturated with our tears until we hear from heaven.

In closing, beloved, let us remember that our view of the Living God will affect our view of our fellow man, and as the word says, "How can we say we love God whom we have not seen and hate our brother whom we have seen who is made in his image and likeness?

Beloved, I don't know about you, but I am tired of church in the norm with ministers preaching a feel-good gospel with sinners sitting in their midst with no remorse over their sins. Therefore, what good is a church service without the Spirit? Who is the one to give us access to the throne of God from which comes our health and strength?


Dear Saints of God, I want to talk to you today about some people in the church who call themselves Christians but have never truly surrendered their lives to Christ. They go through the motions of being good church members, attending services, and participating in church activities, but their hearts remain unchanged. They have never served God or others, and some have even attempted to build their kingdom instead of following the command of our Lord to be a light to others.

The Lord's parable about the ten virgins reveals that those who do things their way will walk in less light on a dark path. The five foolish virgins had oil in their lamps but not in their vessels, indicating they were not fully prepared for the bridegroom's arrival. They were not ready to go with him to the wedding feast, so they were shut out.

This parable warns us to be vigilant and prepared for the Lord's return. It reminds us that we should not merely go through the motions of being good church members; instead, we must serve God and others with our whole hearts. Our actions and behavior should reflect our love and devotion to God, and we must strive to be a beacon of hope and light to those around us.

We are called to be an example to others, showing them the way to Christ through our words and actions. This means leading a life of integrity, honesty, and humility, always seeking to serve and help others in need. We must also be willing to share our faith with those who are lost or struggling and guide them toward the light of Christ.

This parable teaches us that we must be prepared, faithful, and committed to serving God and others. We must be a living testimony of God's love, grace, and mercy and always be ready to share our hope in Christ. Sadly, the church as a whole today seems to be on rocky ground. Many are like people who have found themselves in a powerful earthquake, with the buildings around them beginning to fall and concrete and steel beams being twisted to pieces because of losing their stability. People are reeling as they try to understand what is happening and lose focus on making sound decisions.

It's natural to feel overwhelmed in times of hardship and uncertainty, and losing hope is easy. But it's crucial to take a step back and examine how we ended up in this situation and what we can do to prepare for the future. This means taking a long-term view and considering what steps we can take to ensure we're ready for whatever comes our way.

As people of faith, we are responsible for preparing ourselves for the moment we meet our Creator. This means living our lives in a way that's consistent with our beliefs and values and striving to be the best version of ourselves that we can be. We should focus on cultivating compassion, kindness, and generosity daily and seeking forgiveness when we fall short.

Ultimately, remaining grounded in our faith is the key to being prepared for the future. By staying connected to our beliefs and values, we can weather any storm and emerge stronger on the other side. And when the time comes for us to meet our Lord, we can do so confidently, knowing that we've done our best to live our lives according to His will. To achieve this, we must continue working towards fulfilling the Great Commission. We must share the most significant news: God loves and saves sinners. We are responsible for spreading this message and ensuring that others know His love and salvation.

According to traditional Jewish customs, the wedding process involves significant preparation and anticipation. The bride would eagerly anticipate the arrival of her groom, who would come to her after he had left his father's home. While the bride was aware of this, she was not informed about the number of stops he would make along the way.

As a result, the bride's friends had a crucial role in ensuring she was ready for her groom's arrival. They would prepare purification baths for her that symbolize spiritual cleansing. The bride would use these baths to purify herself and become physically clean before the groom's arrival.

The preparation process was a significant part of the wedding tradition and was considered essential to the success of the marriage. The bride's friends would also offer her guidance and support during this time, helping her navigate the emotional and spiritual challenges that came with getting married. Overall, this process was a beautiful and meaningful way to honor the sanctity of marriage and the bond between the bride and groom.

This parable holds great significance in terms of being prepared for the arrival of our Lord. The lesson here is that we must remain watchful and ensure that we are always ready to meet Him when he returns to us. We must be vigilant and prepared for His arrival, just as the bride and her friends are ready for the groom's arrival.

It is essential to mention that God will reward those who are prepared. Therefore, we must strive to be ready for His arrival and remain steadfast in our faith. By being prepared, we show our commitment to God and become more deserving of His blessings. So let us always be prepared, for we never know when our Lord will come to us.

Understanding our position on God's timetable is critical for us as believers. We must align our actions with His plan to fulfill His purpose and ensure we are prepared for His return. We must keep working towards fulfilling our duties, such as spreading His word, serving others, and living a righteous life.

In conclusion, we should also remain vigilant and watchful, knowing that His return could be at any moment. As we continue to fulfill our responsibilities as believers, let us not lose hope but trust God's grace and mercy. Let us keep striving to do good and live according to His will, knowing that one day, we will be rewarded for our faithfulness.


Beloved, let us pray. Lord, we believe You sent Jesus to pay the sin debt, and He died and rose again for our justification. We accept Your free pardon and ask You to create a clean heart and a right spirit within us. Lord, wash us in the blood of Your dear Son and remove anything that we may have inherited from our bloodline that is displeasing to You.

Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for Your tremendous love and blessings over our lives. We rest assured that You have promised never to leave nor forsake us as Your children. You have promised to be with us always, even to the end of the world.

Forgive us, Lord, for forgetting that You understand our needs. You were once one of us, tempted in all points as we are, and You went to the cross to pay our sin debt. We are grateful to be drafted into Your royal family as sons and daughters, sharing in Your glory.

Lord, we ask You to enlarge our borders and guide us in Your blessings. We need Your guidance to walk fully in Your goodness and blessings, leading us by Your Spirit to divine appointments.

We pray that Your name might be glorified through us, leaving Your signature to future generations. Father, we ask You to assign an angel to accompany this work into the homes of everyone who reads it. Keep us from evil so we will not be grieved, tempted, or cause pain.

Father, we pray that You will help us realize that the same authority delegated to Jesus has been delegated to us. Help us direct our prayers toward the unification of the body of Christ, becoming one unified body working together in harmony and doing Your will, even as it is being done in Heaven.

Dear Lord, we ask You to make our life count and pledge our allegiance to You and Your kingdom with our whole hearts. We pray for those who have prayed this prayer from their hearts and ask that You protect them from the enemy's evil schemes.

Lord, help us acknowledge and realize that Your abiding love is the one thing we can all depend on to get us through the trials and tests that are sure to come. We may experience unexpected events that can throw us into a freeze zone without knowing which direction to follow. Help us to stand firm and activate our faith, for it is in these trying times that we can find rest knowing that we can depend on our God, our Father, to come on the scene to direct our path and guide our footsteps.

Dear Lord, we pray to you to help us realize our dependence upon you and understand that we are part of your glorious body on Earth. We ask that you let us know that there is strength in numbers, and we need each other to be fruitful and live prosperous lives as your people.

Please help us not to be careless and prideful in our Christian walk, looking like a bunch of used body parts. Instead, help us realize that we are part of something bigger than ourselves and part of your glorious body as sons and daughters in your kingdom.

Lord, we ask in Jesus' mighty name that you touch, heal, and deliver all who read this prayer and call upon your excellent name. We pray that you will meet their needs where they are.

Dear Lord, with all the hatred, unrest, and persecution of Christians, we pray that you stir us up and burden our hearts for true revival to break out in every country throughout the world. Show the people in these countries that you are the Unchanging God, as your word declares that what you were yesterday, you are today and will be tomorrow! (Hebrews 13:8)

Father, we sincerely come before your throne and say a special prayer asking that you assign an angel to each of our books. These books have been distributed and mailed without charge throughout the inner cities of America and many countries worldwide. We did not write these books for personal gain but out of a burning desire to believe your Holy Spirit will use them to enlighten those seeking a closer walk and a deeper understanding of the truths embedded in your word.

Lord, we desperately need your direction and guidance as we are constantly hearing news of school shootings and loss of life in a world where the young have been educated that life is useless and meaningless; help us always remember that we, as your children, are a part of your body on Earth, and your word states that when one member suffers, we all suffer.

Lord, we learn by studying church history that the old pulpit masters got their texts on their knees, soaked them with tears, groaned over them with a travailing spirit, and warmed them with sincere prayer. They were then able to deliver their message as a living thing, warm from your heart, burning in their heart to warm the hearts of the listeners. We are still reading and studying some of these fiery inspirational messages today.

Father, help us to consider your tender mercy, love, grace, and supreme sacrifice in becoming our sin substitute. Allow us to demonstrate to all who see us that we are indeed the body of Christ. In this trying time of unrest and confusion, may we always remember that you are a very present help in times of trouble.

Dear Heavenly Father, in closing, please help us learn to direct our prayers toward the unification of the body of Christ so that it can become one unified body working together in harmony, doing your will even as it is already being done in Heaven. We ask these favors in the beautiful name of Jesus Christ, your Son. A-Men & A-Men.

International Evangelist

Dr. Jerry W. Hulse Ph.D.

Miracle Life Church International