Summary: 2-part series on the importance of knowing who we fight, what signs to look for, and how the Church must learn how to stand firm in these trying times.

Is Time Running Out (Part 1)?

2 Thessalonians 2:1-12


- This morning, we’ll begin a 2-part message simply called … "Is Time Running Out?

-- When we consider all that is going on today, we must be cognizant of time

-- Time is one of our most precious commodities – really is a gift from God

-- It can be something wasted or treasured; depends on our choices really

- Given the absolute ramping up of sin/rebellion in our nation in which …

-- Everyone wants “their way” - the church must be prepared to show “The Way”

-- I’m not sure how much time we have left (talked before about expecting Jesus)

- I pray these two messages are an encouragement to us

-- An encouragement to get busy, to seek God, and to want to see lives changed

- Read 2 Thessalonians 2:1-12 / PRAY

- Paul is doing some honest talking with the Church … we must see this

-- He knows a time is coming where Jesus will return, and we should as well

- So, we are going to look at who we are fighting against (hint: not one another)

-- Paul’s writing deals specifically with our enemy, his motives, and his desire

-- If you need – consider this a prelude to our Revelation study next year

-- But its more than that: It is to help us understand how we’re in this together

- FACT: Sin is the world’s greatest enemy – and we ought to be bothered by it

-- Sin: GR: hamartia; archery term means to miss the mark or to err

-- But, in order to overcome – we must know … Who is our enemy?

Point 1 – Our enemy is the “Man of Lawlessness”

- Probably the most important thing is to identify who Paul is writing about here

-- He is writing about the power of wickedness, and what it’ll be capable of

-- What’s praise-worthy though, is that Paul also tells us how to overcome it

- He begins by encouraging the church regarding the return of Jesus (v1)

-- RE: He was convinced this would happen imminently (due to sin he saw)

-- BIG: If Paul can be anxiously awaiting Jesus, we ought to as well!

- To the church, he has one message: “Don’t just accept everything you hear” (v2)

-- APP: We must not spend our time listening to teachings that are not true

-- Test the Word you are hearing (APP: look it up); don’t just accept it as fact

-- 1 John 4:1, “Dear friends, do not believe everyone who claims to speak by the Spirit. You must test them to see if the spirit they have comes from God. For there are many (emphasis) false prophets in the world.” (saw this in 1 and 2 Peter)

- Paul’s encouragement simply: DON’T be fooled by what you hear!

-- In researching the Bible that we gain strength; it is how we grow stronger

-- APP: Many say they want to know more about God; ref instructional manual

- Deception is one of the very best tools the enemy uses (v3)

-- Paul speaks often about ungodly deception and continues to stress it here

-- It is a lifelong application that we can see; must KNOW what you KNOW!

- Now, why is it important to know who we are fighting against?

-- To know how to win, you must know your enemy (ref. coaching defense)

- The man of lawlessness, also called the Anti-Christ, will have 1 purpose (v4)

-- APP: To exalt himself above everything; b/c he is empowered by Satan

- FACT: There is nothing more Satan wants to do; this has always been his desire

-- Isaiah 14:12-14, “How you are fallen from heaven, O shining star, son of the morning! You have been thrown down to the earth, you who destroyed the nations of the world. For you said to yourself, ‘I will ascend to heaven and set my throne above God’s stars. I will preside on the mountain of the gods far away in the north. I will climb to the highest heavens and be like the Most High.”

- Let’s talk about his deeds so that we can have the same frame of reference:

- Satan’s motive stems from his jealousy of who God is … and who he isn’t

-- God’s temple is the temple in Jerusalem (which Solomon built), the holiest place

-- KEY REM: The temple was destroyed in 587 BC and hasn’t been rebuilt

- FREE: those around: rebuild will be a sign that anti-Christ is coming to power

-- Prophecy: Daniel 9:27, “The ruler will make a treaty with the people for a period of one set of seven, but after half this time, he will put an end to the sacrifices and offerings. And as a climax to all his terrible deeds, he will set up a sacrilegious object that causes desecration, until the fate decreed for this defiler is finally poured out on him.”

- TR: So that is the who … but …

Point 2 – What is so wicked about his deeds?

- The big question: What is this defying everything that people call God? (v4)

-- Bible is very clear: Hebrew word shiqqus (shi-cuss), means “a detestable thing”

- The bible refers to any abomination as “idol worship” (focus other than god)

-- Jeremiah 16:18, “I will double their punishment for all their sins, because they have defiled my land with lifeless images of their detestable gods and have filled my territory with their evil deeds.”

-- Ezekiel 5:11, “As surely as I live, says the Sovereign Lord, I will cut you off completely. I will show you no pity at all because you have defiled my Temple with your vile images and detestable sins.”

- Anti-Christ will demand worship, in the temple, of things that are not Godly

-- It will be about the worship of himself (Satan); but pay attention here …

- Everyone has preferences, but aren’t we called to come worship God alone?

-- Do we come into this place to call upon God’s power … or our wants?

-- It is why this wickedness will be allowed: will play to our inward desire

-- It is why the Church struggles – absent from God’s power we are a social club!

- We might think this is all about “a time in the future” - but see the connection!

-- God’s word is not just for tomorrow … it is for today (lesson to watch for)!

- It is important to see that by the use of such a strong word as shiqqus

-- GET: God wants his people to recognize the extreme seriousness and wickedness of sin, however attractive and popular it might be …

-- This is why it is so serious, and why we need to be active against it

-- It is why others need to hear the truth; to know the way to salvation

- Bottom line: We must view sin (any, ex. idolatry) the same way God does!

-- If God says a thing is detestable, then that settles it

- Good news: Paul’s instruction to the believer is very clear: REMEMBER! (v5)

-- Paul has been teaching for years now, and the reminder can be no clearer

-- Encouragement: Remember the exaltation of Christ; our first love

- Good news: God is the restrictor of Satan; nothing happens w/o permission (v6)

-- Job was not tested without permission (Job 1)

-- Peter was not sifted without permission (Jesus taught in Luke 22)

- But see this, Bible tells us that this work of lawlessness is already in place (v7)

-- Sometimes it’s bold, sometimes it’s covert, but it is already here

-- RE: It was at work in the garden in Genesis 3 …

-- And this power is not defeated until Revelation 20:10 … but …

- For you and I, remember that the victor will always be Jesus (v8)

-- (not on notes) Revelation 19:15, “From his mouth came a sharp sword to strike down the nations. He will rule them with an iron rod. He will release the fierce wrath of God, the Almighty, like juice flowing from a winepress.”

- TR: If we know the evil of his deeds, what is our role? (see Part 1 today)

Point 3 – Church, we need to know the enemy’s tactics!

- In order to be victorious, must know the 2 weapons we are up against:

• First, Counterfeit Power

-- It’s the appearance of control without any Godly authority behind it

-- RE: Pharoah’s minions turned water into blood (Exodus 7) after Moses did

-- EX: Even a magician can convince you that an elephant disappeared …

-- The power the world is presented with is one of “false authority” …

• Second, Deception

-- Define: “Misleading someone to believe or do something that is untrue”

-- Following this kind of trickery is to ignore the real authority (God)

-- Can be referred to as blind leading the blind; it looks good, but no good result

-- Jesus called this out in John 8:44, “For you are the children of your father the devil, and you love to do the evil things he does. He was a murderer from the beginning. He has always hated the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, it is consistent with his character; for he is a liar and the father of lies.”

Let me tell you of a story of a fictional event that never really happened …

- A council of demons gathered together for a business meeting of their own

- The only item on the agenda was to discuss “how to deceive man best”

- 1 demon suggested telling man that the Bible was not true

- Several agreed and thought this would be best

- Another demon suggest telling man that God is not real

- Several more agreed this would be the best way to deceive mankind

- One more suggested telling man that they don’t need to believe in Jesus

- Most applauded that this was the best way to convince man of the lie

- Finally, an old demon stood up and said, “Gentlemen, you are all wrong. What we need to do is tell man that the bible is true, tell them that God is real, tell them that they need to accept Jesus … but just tell them today is not the day they need to do and there is always time tomorrow.”

- A thunderous response was heard from all in attendance … (pause)

- This is the craftiness of the deception Satan USES (anti-Christ will use this also)

-- Message: Your sin isn’t that bad, and we all have time to repent …

-- Paul writes in 2 Corinthians 6:2, “For God says, “At just the right time, I heard you. On the day of salvation, I helped you.” (ref Isa 49:8 … goes on) Indeed, the “right time” is now. Today is the day of salvation.”

- Don’t miss: God has a response to these and to those who will blindly follow:

-- He creates a delusion and allows those who deny Him to believe (v11-12)

-- This is precisely what Satan wants us to do, to believe in false hope

- This is why it is so important to understand his wickedness and deception

-- APP: When we know our enemy, we know how to fight him

-- How? We fight with the truth of the Gospel, this is our 1st and best weapon

- Come back next week, and let’s talk about the roadmap we have to be victorious!

-- It is a message of hope next week – to understand time is short … BUT …

-- To realize that our role is NOT to sit idle, but to stand firm and get in the game!

- Pray