Summary: Introduction 1.


1. The last 2 weeks and the next 8 weeks will be a busy time for me. I am involved in a number of committees. I am involved in finding a replacement for the RSC’s office administrator. And as President of the RS I need to prepare for our annual general meeting in April. I'm on a committee to make plan for Camp Shalom - over next few months. On a restructuring committee for the RCA.

2. I appreciate the consistory’s allowing me to be involved. And I believe I am still fulfilling my obligations to the most important aspect to my working - being your pastor.

3. One reason I a m as involved as I am is my business and accounting background and my administrative gifts. Some have even said that I have much wisdom in these areas. Not to make myself seem better, for all of us have abilities and gifts in different areas.

4. But as I look at myself, I ask "Am I as wise as some think I am?" To be honest, it is easy at times to get puffed up and think of myself as wise. That is why I need to listen to what James says to me, to us, this evening.

5. For wisdom is not what we think it might be. And as I look at what it is, I have to admit, that I often lack wisdom.

6. Are you wise? Do others consider who a person with wisdom? Wisdom is a mark of a mature Christian. Let us see if we are wise.


1. James asks if there is anyone who is wise and understanding among them. The word for wise "sophos" was a technical term among Jews for the teacher, the scribe or the teacher. Perhaps James is still talking about those who would be teachers. And the word for understanding describes a person who is an expert, who has special knowledge or training.

2. In both cases, they reflect the Hebrew idea that wisdom is to be practical rather than theoretical. Not so much what we know but how we apply that knowledge in our lives.

3. James gives us a test which enables us to determine if we are wise and understanding.

a. The first part of the test is this: Are we living a good life? Today we think of the good life as a prosperous life that is filled with joy and pleasure. We work to obtain more and to be able to relax and enjoy things with friends and family, but that is not teh good life that James is talking about. The good life is a life of wisdom. In other words we should have the knowhow of applying the teaching of God in our every day living. In our conduct, in our manner of living. Wisdom is not what we know but how we live. And this means the "deeds" that we do, Our conduct and our behaviour. The way we act toward others and the way we respond to circumstances. The good things we do to help others and the way we serve God. Well, most of us would probably be able to pass this first part of the test.

b. But there is a second part. It is not just doing the deeds, but how the deeds are done. The motivation behind them or the attitude that accompanies our behaviour. The good life or deeds only reveal true wisdom when they are done in the humility that comes from wisdom.

i. This humility might better be translated as gentleness. Not a passive gentleness that comes from weakness but rather as an active attitude of deliberate acceptance. The word was used to describe a horse that had been broken and trained to submit to the bridle. This gentleness could be described as "strength under control, under the control of the Holy Spirit.

ii.And when I think of this test of wisdom, I start to see how I do lack wisdom. When I become impatient or when I argue for my way because I know it is right. I pray that God would make me more gentle.

iii.What about you? You may do many good deed and show good conduct, but are they done with gentleness? Are they done under the control of the Holy Spirit or are they done for human, fleshly reasons. We do not act in gentleness when we harbour bitter envy and selfish ambition. And I see much of this in the church of Jesus Christ, including myself. We may serve the Lord, even in caring for the poor and those in need. But if they do not show gratitude or if someone disagrees with the way we think things should be done, we get upset. We prefer to work on our own rather than as part of a team. We are sensitive to how people respond to us. We want some recognition for the good we do. These things show that we are not fully controlled by the Holy Spirit.

iv. That rather we harbour bitter and selfish ambition. This is self-seeking service. And bitter envy means "sinful zeal". "I’m on fire for doing things but I want people to look up to me for it." That is serving for the glory of self rather than for the glory of God. Then we do not act in gentleness and we do not show fortth the wisdom of a mature believer.

c. At this point, we may feel discouraged. We thought we were living a good life for the lord but we admit we have been selfish and have not given of ourselves as freely as we ought to have. Outwardly people may not see that, but in a hidden harbour in our hearts those sins are hidden. And they do affect what we do. I believe most of us will have failed this second part of the test.

d. But there is a third part. That is found in the second half of verse 14. If you harbour bitter envy and selfish ambition in your hearts, do not boast about it or deny the truth. In other words, if we have this selfish zeal, we can still apply true wisdom to it.

i. This means that we don’t brag or make a show of our zeal, of our fire for the Lord. To let all know that we are not lukewarm but are hot, as we considered last week when we looked at Jesus’ words to the church in Laodicea. To take pride in our defence for the truth. Sometimes I feel that is what we do as a Synod when we fight some of the issues in the RCA. Like we can hold our heads high because we are defenders of the truth. To tell others about the good deeds we have done or to make sure we get recognition. Because we are not really bragging about our deeds, but about the selfish ambition or bitter envy that brought about those deeds.

ii. Nor must we deny the truth. To deny that we do harbour ambition or envy. To say it is all for the Lord when it is all or at least partially for ourselves. Instead we must admit and confess our self-centredness.

e. That is wisdom that comes down from heaven. For James says that to brag or deny this is wisdom that does not come from heaven.

4. And so, despite failing either the first or scond part of the test, we can still pass it. To be honest with self, with others and with God. Admit that we struggle with these things and ask God to change us.

5. What kind of wisdom do we have? Is it earthly, unspiritual, of the devil? Is even our good life, our good deeds unspiritual? We can tell by the results or fruit of our good life. Whether there is disorder and every evil practice. Disturbance and turmoil in the church. Worthless activities that amount to no real good. Selfish zeal and ambition tend to destroy spiritual life and work. As I suggested before, this is a church were we have many individuals doing their own thing but no real sense of unity and working together.

6. Do we have wisdom that comes from heaven? We have presented a three part test to see if it is.

7. But to help us further James describes the wisdom, the way of life that is from God. Lets look at them and determine if they describe our lives. Notice there is a order of priority here.

a. First of all, this wisdom is pure. Chaste, clean, perfect and holy. Regardless of the results or of how it affects others, our lives must be pure.

b. Then it must be peace-loving. Not peace for the sake of peace, that those not seek purity, but rather being holy but loving peace as well. Not seeking to divide or show we are better than others. Being careful in how we seek to deal with others. But also being at peace within ourselves. Knowing that in all things, God is there. And having the peace that only He can give.

c. True wisdom is gentle or considerate. This is the very spirit of Jesus Christ.

2 Cor 10:1 By the meekness and gentleness of Christ, I appeal to you--I, Paul, who am "timid" when face to face with you, but "bold" when away!

Means we are sensitive to the needs of others. Not to put other person down. Not helping someone in way that they feel like less than us.

d. True wisdom is submissive. Not insisting on our own way. Willing to follow the decisions of those over us. So often people say "I know that is what the consistory or committee decided, but...."

e. Full of mercy. Reflecting the mercy of God.

f. Full of good fruit. Refers to what comes out as a result of God being in us.

John 15:4-5 Remain in me, and I will remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me. "I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.

Gal 5:22-23 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.

g. True wisdom is impartial, something we have talked about already.

h. And it is sincere. Without hypocrisy. Not pretending to be what we are not. Since true wisdom comes from God it comes with truth. Sometimes we can do things, to hide our inner feelings. We dislike someone but we do something for them to cover up our dislike.

i. Only then are we peacemakers. Seeking to bring reconciliation between people and with God.

8. And then we will raise a harvest of righteousness. Only then will we bring righteousness - which is holiness in action. Only then will we bring will what we do be of lasting value .

9. May we grow in wisdom and may we discern the will of God. May we be holy instruments of God to do His work.