Summary: Addresses necessary steps to reacquiring your joy, from Psalm 51.


- Read Psalm 51

In verse 12 of this passage, David writes, “Restore the joy of your salvation to me.” Restore the joy of Your salvation to me.

Can the Devil steal your joy? You better believe he can steal your joy. He has many tools at his disposal to steal a Christian’s joy.

In this case, the Devil has used the regrets and consequences of past sins to steal David’s joy. This Psalm was written by David after he sinned with Bathsheba and had Uriah killed. I’m not looking for a show of hands, but haven’t you ever looked back on a past sin or been in the midst of the consequences of former sins and allowed that to steal your joy? The Devil will tempt you to sin and ten when you do, the one the Lord called the Accuser will live up to his name and begin to accuse you for the very sins he tempted you to commit and use that guilt to steal your joy.

Restore to me the joy of my salvation.

You remember Job? The Devil killed his family, robbed his riches, stole his health, and then sent 4 friends to accuse him of wrongdoing in order to steal his joy. Oh, there’s no telling how often the Devil has used financial setbacks, sickness and friends to steal people’s joy.

My word, the Bible tells us that even Jesus, knowing what He was about to do, cried at the tomb of His friend Lazarus.

Restore to me the joy of my salvation.

The Devil can use Fatigue to steal your joy. Remember Elijah? He met the prophets of Bail on top of Mt. Carmel. God sent fire from heaven, devoured the sacrifice and dried up the water. The false prophets were destroyed. Just days later, after hearing the queen wants him killed, Elijah sat on the banks of a creek, worn out and hungry and said, “Lord, just kill me.”

There was no joy there. The Devil used fatigue and weariness to steal his joy.

Restore to me the joy of my salvation.

The Devil can use disappointment in yourself to steal your joy.

Do you remember Peter? The night before Jesus was crucified he boasted that even if it cost him his life he’d never abandon Jesus. Jesus told him, “before the rooster crows, you’ll deny Me 3 times.” Peter swore it would never happen. After Jesus was arrested, Peter followed Him to the garden, where he denied Jesus 3 times. When the rooster crowed, Jesus looked at Peter and Peter looked at Jesus. The Bible tells us in Luke 22:62, that Peter went out and wept bitterly.

I don’t know about you, but I have been so disappointed in myself and in my actions, and things that I have done that it stole my joy. “I can’t believe I did that. That’s not who I am. I know better than that.”

Through actions or words you hurt somebody who means the world to you, or you do something you said or thought you would never do.

The Devil can use disappointment in yourself to steal your joy.

Restore to me the joy of my salvation.

Disappointment in others can steal your joy.

Jeremiah is known as the weeping prophet. Can you imagine? A prophet of God who is known for his tears? It’s true. He cried and cried and cried, not because of the way the king and people treated him, but because of the sin of the nation of Israel, that he knew would, and eventually did, bring down the wrath of God.

Which of us have not lost our joy, seeing people we love and care about, doing stupid and disobedient things, knowing how those things are going to bring pain and judgment into their lives?

The Devil can use disappointment in others to steal our joy.

Restore to me the joy of my salvation.

Let’s be honest, the Devil can use your disappointment with God to steal your joy.

Do you remember when the Arc of the Covenant was captured by the Philistines? It was carried off as a spoil of war by the Philistines. Well, God wasn’t going to allow that to stand, so He sent plagues among the Philistines. They eventually got tired of the plagues and sent the arc back on an ox-drawn cart. When it got back to Israel, the folks offered sacrifices and set it on a dry place. The Lord blessed the town it was in. After a while David decided to have it brought to Jerusalem. He had the Arc placed on a cart and it was being carried to Jerusalem. Along the way, one of the oxen stumbled, Uzzah stuck out his hand to steady the Ark, and God struck him down. No one but the priest were allowed to touch the Ark.

2 Samuel 6, tells us that King David was angry when this happened.

David was angry with God. He lost his joy. Can’t you imagine what David was going through? “Here I am, trying to do a good thing. I’m trying to bring the symbol of God’s presence into the capital of the nation, I want to restore the centrality of God to our nation, and God kills one of the very people trying to do that?”

The Devil stole his joy.

Which of us have not had the Devil try to steal our joy by causing us to be disappointed with God. We pray and we pray for years for a spouse, and yet remain single. We pray God will work in a certain way, and He chooses not to. We pray for healing that never comes. We pray for our children or friends who never seem to escape. The Devil can use our temporary disappointment with God to steal our joy.

The Devil can use circumstances or those around you to steal your joy.

Back, just before the 4th of July, Drew called us and asked us to buy some fireworks. He said his girlfriend Sarah had grown up in California, where fireworks are illegal, and she had never fired off any fireworks. Knowing they were coming to Florida for his cousin’s wedding, he asked us to buy some so that when they got here she would have the opportunity. 2 weeks ago this past Thursday, at 1 in the morning, Gladys and I picked them up at the Orlando airport. We came home, went to bed for a few hours, then they and we went to work.

That evening, at 9:15, just after dark, the 4 of us came down to the church property where the 2 youngsters set off some fire works. You should have seen Sarah. After a little while, she was standing there with a roman candle in each hand, grinning like a little girl. While smiling, she turned to Gladys and I and said, “This is fun.”

We had gotten some Roman candles and bottle rockets, and then we got 2 larger fireworks they were going to launch as the finale. Just after Drew and Sarah lit the second of the larger fireworks, one of our neighbors came out, yelled at us, and then called us some profanities.

Now, the law says that you have to be quiet after 10 o’clock, and we try to be courteous neighbors. It was 15 minutes until 10 and that was their last firework. Back around the 4th of July, folks in this neighborhood were launching fireworks until 12 or 1 in the morning, for 4 days, and we never said a word. But, these neighbors felt the need to cuss us at 9:45 in the evening.

Well, one minute the kids were smiling and laughing and having a good time. One minute Gladys and I were standing there side-by-side, smiling, watching the young folks enjoy themselves, and the next minute all of the joy was gone from the moment. We all solemnly came home, everyone went to their own bedroom, and in just a short while we had all called it a night.

It left an impression on Sarah. A few days later, just before she left, we told her she’d have to come back some time when she could see a rocket launch from our backyard. Not understanding that we were talking about a launch from Cape Canaveral, she answered, “I wouldn’t want to upset your neighbors.”

I was angry, and went to bed that night angry. The next morning, I got up angry, and on the drive down to 436, where I was working on a roof the next day, I was angry the whole way. The Devil had used the words and actions of others to steal my joy.

On the way to work, I began thinking, “I can’t allow the Devil to steal my joy. I cannot allow this to keep me bitter all day.”

Gladys was a bit concerned for me. She knew I was upset. She knew this kept coming up in my mind, because I had mentioned it to her and had mentioned a couple of possible, non-Christlike responses to my neighbors.

On the drive to Winter Park, I began to fret and say, “I’ve got to get my Jesus on.”

And before you get upset and say I’m talking bubblegum theology, or that I’m treating Christianity as something shallow and superficial, here’s what I mean when I say, “I’ve got to get my Jesus on.”

In Philippians 2:5, Paul commands the Christians in Philippi, “Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus.”

That’s what I mean when I say, “I’ve got to get my Jesus on.” I mean, I have got to get my head in the game. I’ve got to get my mind thinking like Jesus.

How do you do that? What do you do when the Devil steals your joy?

What Do you do when the Devil steals your joy?

I. The Basis for Joy

1. You must have a relationship with God.

- Read Psalm 51:1

David says, “Be gracious to me God.” On what basis does he make this request? He makes this request on the basis of the relationship that he has with God.

So, first off, I want you to understand that you will never know true joy apart from a relationship with the Lord. In John 10:10 Jesus says,

> John 10:10 A thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I have come so that they may have life and have it in abundance.

I have come that you may have abundant life, joy-filled living. Do Christians have heartache, and heartbreak, and pain and suffering? Sure we do. I’m not making any pollyanna promises. Christians known suffering and pain; and unbelievers know times of happiness.

When they buy a new house, or a new car. When their children graduates from high school, or they get to see their grandchildren. Those are times and situations common to believers and non-believers. But, lasting, ongoing, life-lifting joy only comes through a relationship with Jesus Christ.

So first, if you want joy in your life, make sure you have established a relationship with the Lord in your life.

2. Make sure you have a Bible mindset

- Read Psalm 51:6-7

How did David know these things about God? How did David know that God desired integrity, and that God could clean him up like that?

I mean, when you think of the sin that David had committed, how did he know that God was capable of cleaning him up from all of that? He knew it because he was familiar with the word of God.

My friend, that is one of the reasons we cram the Bible in our minds all of the time. That is one of the reasons a quiet time is so important. How in the world are we going to know what God is like and what He desires if we don’t know the Bible and spend time meditating on it.

Trying to cram the Bible into your mind when you are upset, isn’t going to fix things.

My word, I have the Bible on my phone and listened to it all the way to work the morning I was so upset. And you know what? I was still angry when I got to the roof I was going to work on.

Reading your Bible isn’t going to restore your joy, but having scripture in your mind, allows the Holy Spirit to bring the needed verses to your mind when you are upset.

My word, if you’re angry, if your joy is gone, and you go to your Bible trying to find help then, you may end up reading one of those psalms where David is praying, “Lord, get them and their children too.” Or, you’ll go over and read the passage where Jesus cursed the fig tree, and think, “Yeah Lord, how about cursing and withering their trees. Let all of their flowers fall off.”

Naw, you’re not trying to cram in Scripture at the last minute to fix a bad attitude, you’re feeding on God’s Word all along, so when the issues come up, you have planted verses in your mind the Holy Spirit can bring to your memory, that He can remind you of.

Ok, you have a relationship with the Lord. You have a basis for joy. You’re feeding on God’s Word, so you have in place the tools for restoring that joy. What do you do when the Devil steals your joy?

II. Steps to restoring joy

1. Admit there’s an issue

- Read Psalm 51:8

In this verse, David says, “I know this not what life is supposed to be like. I know this is not what life in relationship with You is supposed to be like. Lord, let me hear joy and gladness again.”

My friend, before you can have your joy restored, you have to admit that it’s missing. If you’re content to go around like Eeyore, the character from Winnie the Pooh all the time, if you’re content to live in misery and grief all of the time, there never will be a change.

You need to admit, “Lord, I know this is not what you intended for your children. I know you never intended for me to be upset, or sad, or angry all of the time.”

I sure am glad Marc led us in the song this morning, "We Were Made to Thrive." The world may be able to sit, soak, and sour; but that's not Christian living. That's not what God intended for His children.

What did Paul tell us the fruit of the Spirit is?

> Galatians 5:22-23 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.

Where in those verses do you find the fruit of the Spirit is bitterness, anger, resentment, frustration? Where?

No, Paul says the fruit of the Spirit, the things we are to have in our lives, if the Holy Spirit truly dwells there is love, joy, peace. If those things are not evident in your life, then you need to admit it to the Lord. Admit there’s an issue.

Lord, I am really angry right now. Lord, I want a pound of flesh right now. Lord, all I keep thinking about is how that person wronged me. Lord, I am bitter.

If you know you have a relationship with God, and if you’ve been putting God’s word and His promises in your mind, and you still find that you’re angry, or bitter, admit there’s a problem. God already knows it. You might as well admit it.

2. Admit your part in the problem

- Read Psalm 51:1

Blot out my rebellion.

David admitted that most of what he was going through right now was the result of things he had done. Most of his pain and joyless-living was due to his sin.

And my friend, even if you are completely innocent in the situation, even if you were terribly wronged, if you remain bitter and angry that’s on you.

You say, “Lord, this is what was done to me. You know how they wronged me, but I have chosen to stay angry and bitter.”

> Philippians 4:4-8 Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! Let your graciousness be known to everyone. The Lord is near. Don’t worry about anything, but in everything, through prayer and petition with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. Finally brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable—if there is any moral excellence and if there is anything praiseworthy—dwell on these things.

Lord, I haven’t been thinking on the good things. I haven’t been rejoicing in You, and so I am angry and bitter.

When the Devil steals your joy, admit there’s an issue. Admit your part in it.

3. Pray about the situation. Pray about your attitude.

- Read Psalm 51:12

Restore the joy of your salvation to me.

Lord, You know I’m bitter, Lord, you know I’m hurting. Please, restore your joy to me.

Shortly after Gladys and I were married, she woke me up one night in the parsonage where we were living. She said, “Gene, I hear something in the wall.” I said, “Yeah, it’s mice. If we pound on the wall, they’ll quiet down long enough for us to go back to sleep.” So, I reached up, pounded on the wall, and tried to go back to sleep. Well, my young bride was not very happy with my solution to the problem. The next morning she made it very clear that something was going to be done about those mice.

Well, a couple days later I walked in when she was having her quiet time and I heard her praying about the mice. I said, “Are you really praying about mice?” She said, “The Bible says, “You have not because you ask not, and I don’t want to get to heaven and find out that I had mice in my house because I didn’t pray about them.”

Some of ya’ll have no joy in your lives because you’ve gotten used to living miserable and have never asked the Lord to help you, to restore your joy.

James does tell us in James 4:2 that we do not have because we do not ask.

Let me ask you my friend, Have you asked the Lord to give you joy, or to restore your joy? Have you asked the Lord, as David did, to create in you a clean heart?

When the Devil steals your joy, admit there’s an issue. When the Devil steals your joy, admit your part of the problem. When the Devil steals your joy, pray about the situation. And 4th, when the Devil steals your joy, praise the Lord.

Look there agin at verse 15 if you will.

4. Praise the Lord

- Read Psalm 51:15

Lord, open my lips and I will praise.

> Psalm 22:3 But you are holy, enthroned on the praises of Israel.

The King James version says it like this, “The Lord inhabits the praises of His people.”

In other words, you are never closer to the Lord than when you are praising Him.

Do you remember the lyrics to Casting Crown’s song, “Praise You in this storm”?

I was sure by now

God, you would have reached down

And wiped our tears away

Stepped in and saved the day

But once again, I say "Amen," and it's still raining

As the thunder rolls

I barely hear your whisper through the rain

"I'm with you"

And as your mercy falls

I raise my hands and praise the God who gives

And takes away

And I'll praise you in this storm

And I will lift my hands

For you are who you are

No matter where I am

And every tear I've cried

You hold in your hand

You never left my side

And though my heart is torn

I will praise you in this storm

What do you do when the Devil steals your joy? First admit there’s an issue. Lord, I know this is not how You want your children to live. When the Devil steals your joy, admit there’s an issue. When the Devil steals your joy, Admit your part in the problem. When the Devil steals your joy, pray about it. And 4th, when the Devil steals your joy, praise God anyway.

Oh, the morning I woke up so upset. Well, I prayed about it, but I was still angry. I listened to the Bible, all the way to work, and I was still angry. I finally said, “I refuse to stay like this, so as I was climbing up to the roof, I put on my headphones and began listening to the radio and praising the Lord. Do you know the first song the Z played after I started listening that morning?

I've got an Old Church Choir singing in my soul

I've got a sweet salvation and it's beautiful

I've got a heart overflowing 'cause I've been restored

There ain't nothing gonna steal my joy

No there ain't nothing gonna steal my joy

Tell me the Lord doesn’t have a sense of humor. Don’t you hate it when the Lord gets in your business like that?

My friend, if Paul and Silas can sing in a dungeon in the middle of the night, after being unjustly arrested and beaten, then you have options. Don’t settle for joyless living.