Summary: Where is Your Treasure?

Where is Your Treasure?



Luke 12:13-34



Dear sisters and brothers,

"Take care! Be on your guard against all kinds of greed, for one’s life does not consist of the abundance of possessions. "

What powerful words for the world of consumerism and globalism.

Greed is the new buzz word.

We lose everything just to gain money.

The more wealth flows, the more we want.

Money is not everything in the world.

There is a world beyond money and wealth.

It was the same as it is today.

Some people want to earn money by any means.

They go to the extent of more than what they need for their future generation.

Is this wealth permanent in our lives?


It is not.

But, why do we long for this possession?

We are greedy.

We want more.

We think that money is everything.

Jesus challenges this attitude.

"Need" is different from "want."

Needs can be met of each and everyone in this world.

There is more than enough.

However, the greedy possesses more than they needed.

More than 90 percent of people’s wealth is with the top 1 percent in India.

Wealth is mighty.

They actually take wealth from others.

They exploit them for their own ends.

They destroy the environment for their luxurious lives.

Jesus challenges those who are of this kind.

Jesus warns them.

God created the world with self-sufficiency and sustainable living for his people and all creation.

However, human greed creates an imbalance.

Jesus came to establish the Kingdom of God, where there is equality and value for creation is respected.

But, then we are at a crossroads.

For Jesus once again says: "For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also."

Let us not lose the precious pearl of life and life in the Kingdom of God by searching for wealth.

Let us find our diamond in the Kingdom of God, which is eternal.

May the heart of Jesus live in the hearts of all. Amen.