Summary: Jesus taught about one subject the most from reviewing all His sermons - “The Kingdom of Heaven or God”

Video Transition: Matthew

The Bible and Jesus

Thesis: The Story of God as revealed in the Bible points to Jesus as the main character of the story of the Bible and the hero of the world. Yes, Jesus is the main hero (Savior) of the Bible! Since Jesus is the central figure of the Bible, we need to observe his life and learn how we should be living and even leading! We do this by learning His Teachings found In the Bible.

Introduction to series:

Jesus is the central theme and main story of the Bible. Jesus is not just found in the Gospels but in every book of the Bible. The entire story of the Bible points to Jesus. We need to pay attention to the teachings of Jesus because in them you find real life, truth, hope, leadership skills, faith and much more.

If we ever hope to properly handle the stories in the Bible, we must first grasp the story of the Bible. Jesus is the central figure of the Bible both OT and NT! We should also pay attention to His Teaching because in them we find hope and joy.

T.S. – So let us be clear! The Bible is not just about Jesus in the New Testament because He is seen and revealed all the way back to the Beginning of Creation and throughout the books of the Bible.

Summary of my teaching and thoughts on The Bible and Jesus!

a. The Bible:

i. 2 Timothy 3:16-17: “16All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, 17so that the man (Woman) of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.”

b. Jesus:

i. John 5:39: Jesus said this about the OT to the teachers of it, “You study the Scriptures diligently because you think that in them you have eternal life. These are the very Scriptures that testify about me”

ii. Jesus said to them, “How foolish you are, and how slow to believe all that the prophets have spoken! Did not the Messiah have to suffer these things and then enter his glory?” And beginning with Moses and all the Prophets, he explained to them what was said in all the Scriptures concerning himself. (Luke 24:25–27)

iii. After revealing himself to his eleven disciples shortly thereafter, Jesus reiterates the same point: He said to them, “This is what I told you while I was still with you: Everything must be fulfilled that is written about me in the Law of Moses, the Prophets and the Psalms.” Then he opened their minds so they could understand the Scriptures. (Luke 24:44–45).

1. Application to this teaching: Jesus is the central figure of the Bible, and we need to choose to be in relationship with him daily – we need to know His voice and live by His teachings and example.

a. We also need to pray that Jesus will open our minds to the truth and the power found in the Scriptures.

b. Key point: The most important person in history wants to have a personal relationship with you! Did you hear that?

i. Are you ignoring His invitation to connect? Are you following his direction – have you received a vision of Him? Do you want to?

c. “Lose your life then you will find your life” a teaching of Jesus found in all 4 Gospel spoke at 4 different places and times.

i. Matthew 10:39: “Whoever finds his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life for my sake will find it.”)

ii. Jesus' teaching “Losing your life so you find It” Is found in all four gospels – It was a repeated message of His as He traveled and spoke.

1. Article by Bod Sorge on this teaching: “If there is only one teaching of Jesus’ to be found in all four Gospels, then it must be of paramount importance to Him. Furthermore, this teaching is present in six places in the Gospels. Matthew records it twice, Mark once, Luke twice, and John once. When you study the context of these six mentions, you realize they are pointing to four distinct events”:

a. On His third tour of Galilee (Mat. 10:39)

b. After his visit to Caesarea Philippi (Mat. 16:25; Mark 8:35; Luke 9:24)

c. On his final journey to Jerusalem (Luke 17:33)

d. During his final week in Jerusalem (John 12:25)

2. Application: Have you chosen to die to yourself to serve Jesus? If you do, you are really finding life and you really find meaning in life! You are really living and building up your heavenly bank account! You will find the entrance to the Kingdom of Heaven/God.

a. So, Jesus is real – Heaven is real – The Bible is the truth and God’s Word – billions of people have testified about them – But the choice is up to you – to believe.

Sermon: The Bible/Jesus and His Teachings pt 4

Thesis: Jesus taught about one subject the most from reviewing all His sermons - “The Kingdom of Heaven or God” But few preachers, churches spend time focusing on this very important topic Jesus covered over and over. We more than ever need to be focused on the Kingdom of Heaven or God. We are also to be praying for the Kingdom to Come!

Scripture Text: Kingdom Scriptures:

The Lord’s Prayer: Matthew 6:9-13 (We are to prayer that the Kingdom would come!)

9“This, then, is how you should pray: “‘Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name,

10your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

11Give us today our daily bread.

12Forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors.

13And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.’

Mark 1:15 (we read a summary of the core of Jesus’s teaching and purpose), “The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God has come near; repent, and believe in the good news.” We could paraphrase Mark 1:15, like this - Jesus’ is teaching: “God’s Reign is at hand. God’s power is being unleashed. Turn your life around and put your trust in this good news before His Realm appears.”

The Old Testament did speak of the Kingdom of God over 3,000 times: Listen to what it says in Psalms

All your works shall give thanks to you, O LORD,

and all your faithful shall bless you.

They shall speak of the glory of your kingdom

and tell of your power (Ps 145:10-11).


In my last few sermons I have introduced Jesus’ teaching on the “Kingdom of Heaven or the Kingdom of God (both mean the same thing). I showed how Jesus stressed the teachings of the Kingdom the most – some think Jesus main message was love, mercy, grace, hell, money and such but really it was on “The Kingdom of Heaven or God.” Please note this truth: This is why the Jews had him executed, because this Kingdom teaching infuriated the Jews, even Rome later on when they persecuted the Christians became angry not over the message of “love” but Jesus’ message of “The Kingdom.” Specifically, His coming Kingdom was a threat to their Kingdoms!

Jesus came to establish the “Reign” of the Kingdom of Heaven/God and He warned and reminded people to be ready for the “Realm” of the Kingdom of God/Heaven because. But, Jesus told us The Kingdom of Heaven is within every believer and we should be experiencing it as a Spirit filled believer! We should be pursuing the Kingdom of God/Heaven first within our lives! If we do, then we will receive great rewards in the literal “Realm” of The Kingdom.

So, this message is a continuation on The Kingdom of Heaven and God message Jesus spoke about often.

I. The Kingdom of Heaven or the Kingdom of God.

a. The phrase “Kingdom of God” appears 53 times in the New Testament Gospels, almost always on the lips of Jesus. The synonymous phrase, “Kingdom of heaven,” appears 32 times in the Gospel of Matthew. Throughout the accounts of Jesus’ ministry, he is always talking about the kingdom of God. Many of his parables explain something about this kingdom: it is like mustard seed, a treasure, a merchant looking for pearls, and a king who gave a banquet (Matt 13:44-47; 22:2).

i. Jesus even defines his purpose in light of the kingdom: “I must proclaim the good news of the kingdom of God to the other cities also; for I was sent for this purpose” (Luke 4:43).

1. You will also find the Kingdom spoken about in the OT – one scholar said it appears 3,145 times in the Hebrew Bible.

a. God’s kingdom program is a major theme of both the Old Testament and New Testament. Since the New Testament builds upon the literal meaning of the Old Testament message, a thorough study of both testaments is necessary to understand the kingdom. An inductive study of the kingdom, based on sound hermeneutical principles, will show that the Lord’s plan for His kingdom dominates history from the first creation to the new creation. The Old Testament predicts a coming earthly kingdom, a kingdom that will be fulfilled someday through Jesus Christ, the second Adam, and the One who fulfills the covenants of Scripture. (from

b. The kingdom of God does not appear as a peripheral topic in Scripture. Both testaments speak of God’s kingdom. (from

c. The Kingdom of Heaven or God needs to be understood as it being here within the believer- in other words part of it is here but and it is coming literally in the future to this earth!

b. Let us look at another key Scripture – It’s a teaching of Jesus found in Luke 12:32: “Do not be afraid, little flock, for your Father has been pleased to give you the kingdom.” Jesus gave us the Kingdom of God! Listen to what Jesus said in Luke 12:32 - We cannot earn it or work for it - it’s a gift given to us by Jesus and the Father – Also entrance to the Kingdom of God is rooted in the cross and the sacrifice of Jesus (But you have to believe in Jesus to get into the Kingdom).

i. Why do you think Jesus’ focused on the Kingdom of Heaven/God so much in His earthly ministry and teachings?

1. Answer: To correct the Jews misunderstanding of the Kingdom of God.

a. In their view Jesus could only be the Messiah by ushering in the new literal Kingdom of God on earth “The Day of the Lord” – since Jesus did not do this for the Jews – they kept asking for this – and He did not comply so they rejected Him – crucified Him – but they missed all the miracles (walking on water, calming the storm, raising the dead, the deliverances of people from demons and all the healings which are part of the Kingdom of God/Heaven.

b. Jesus taught against their presumption that the Kingdom of God must be literal right now to prove who He is!

2. Answer: To teach us how to become part of the Kingdom of God/Heaven.

a. Jesus made it clear you must be born again to become part of the Kingdom of God – you have to believe and place your faith and trust in Him.

b. Jesus made it crystal clear the only way into His Kingdom is through Him!

i. He said, “I am the way and the truth and no man comes to the Father except through me!”

3. Answer: To reveal to us how to live for the Kingdom of God daily.

a. We live for the Kingdom of God daily by connecting with the Lord and the Holy Spirit – through prayer – see the Lord’s Prayer on How to pray - we are to keep Kingdom perspectives (Or a Biblical world view) – the teaching of Jesus is to be our guide for living and serving each day – this is how we live for the Kingdom of Heaven now – today-this week.

4. Answer: To show us how to be blessed by being a part of the Kingdom of God.

a. When you live for the Kingdom you follow the teachings of Jesus daily – you serve others, especially those who are needy, you give, you stay pure from the world, you walk in love and grace, you do the will of The Lord for your life.

i. Did you hear that – you follow what the Holy Spirit tells you what to do – this is the will of God!

ii. Being led by the Holy Spirit daily – He is the One who dwells in you as a Temple for the Lord – He will help you be blessed by serving within the Kingdom of God - daily.

iii. If you are in tune with the Holy Spirit you will listen to Him thru out your day – You will pray for people when He tells you to pray, you will comfort people, you will serve others, you will give, you will intercede for others.

1. Story of Calvin Hunt Brookln Tabernacle!

5. Answer: To tell people the benefit of investing in the Kingdom of God - now with their lives - so you build up rewards in the coming literal Kingdom of Heaven.

a. The benefit of investing in the Kingdom by giving, using your talents for the Kingdom, telling others about the Kingdom, praying for others to come into the Kingdom all adds up eternal rewards in Heaven.

i. You actually build a bank in account in Heaven for doing the work of the Kingdom here today in your life!

1. The Bible speaks of earning 5 crowns now in this life that you wear in Heaven! The five crowns in the Bible and names for them in the Bible:

a. Incorruptible crown – The first crown is Incorruptible crown in the Bible. It will be given to those who will have victory over the world and the flesh and the Satan. (1 Corinthians 9:25) “And every man that striveth for the mastery is temperate in all the things. Now they do it to obtain a corruptible crown, but we an incorruptible.”

b. Crown of Rejoicing – The Second crown is the Crown of rejoicing, and it will be given to those who will win the souls for Christ. (1 Thessalonians 2:19) “You are our hope, our joy and the crown of rejoicing. We will be proud of when our Lord Jesus Christ comes.”

c. Crown of life – Is the third crown and will be given to those who will endure pain and be faithful in God in short for the martyrs. (James 1:12) “Great blessings belong to those who are tempted and remain faithful! After they have proved their faith, God will give them the crown of eternal life.

i. Revelation 2:10) “Do not fear any of those things which you are about to suffer. Indeed, the devil is about to put some of you into prison, that he will do this to test you, and you will suffer for ten days. But be faithful until death, and I will give you the crown of life.

d. Crown of Glory – The fourth crown is the crown of glory, and it will be given to the shepherds. (1 Peter 5:4) “And when the chief Shepherd appears that you will receive the Crown of Glory that does not fade away.”

e. Crown of righteousness – The fifth crown is the crown of righteousness, and it will be given to those who have the Hope for the second coming of Christ. ( 2 Timothy 4:8) “Say’s now the prize is waiting for me the crown that right with God. The Lord, the righteous judge, will be giving it to me on that day. And not to me only, but also to everyone else who is eagerly looking forward to his coming.

i. From

2. A new name given you by Jesus.

3. Responsibility of leading in the coming literal Kingdom

c. The Kingdom of Heaven (Matthews) words and The Kingdom of God (Mark, Luke and John’s words) are a main emphasis of Jesus – remember they mean the same thing! The words both refer to “His “Jesus” Kingdom!” Jesus is referring to it here in this passage of Luke 12:32 again to make the point you cannot earn entrance into the Kingdom of Heaven by Good works – it’s by faith alone – but once a part of the Kingdom we should act like residents of the Kingdom in the way we live our life today.

i. I have read a lot of books about people’s death and afterlife experiences - to learn and to grow in what awaits me in the future – some are Biblical in view and some are not – But I always embrace the ones that are Biblical by the way to learn more about the Kingdom of Heaven.

ii. Jesus taught about: “The Kingdom of God.” or “The Kingdom of Heaven”- It was a central teaching of His so we need to understand what it is. This subject was Jesus’ primary message, so if we want to be faithful followers of Jesus, then, His message on the Kingdom needs to be our most common message to others as well. We should understand and know about “The Kingdom of God (Heaven) and also testify of it to others

1. Do you agree with me?

2. Sadly, many do not know about the Kingdom of God or they have a misunderstanding of the Kingdom of Heaven.

a. Randy Alcorn states, “The truth is seminaries, bible colleges, churches, life groups have neglected the subject of “heaven” - the “Kingdom of God/Heaven” in their teachings.

i. Heaven which is “The Kingdom Realm” – Yes, God's Kingdom is a literal one – it’s in a dimension different than ours right now – His Kingdom has a literal “Realm” and “Reign” and it is real – to many it is and invisible Kingdom – a Kingdom that is unknown according to some bible teachers, yes some pastors even believe it is beyond our ability to understand it or to comprehend The Kingdom of Heaven.

1. Some pastors sadly, believe it is a boring place we’re we sit on clouds isolated and playing harps, or we just sing forever. Some think we will not know loved ones in Heaven. Some believe eternity is an unending church service. Some think once we get to Heaven, we don’t do anything pleasurable, (like eat, connect with others) or really do anything meaningful anymore with our eternal life. This is not true!

a. I totally disagree, my Bible and Jesus speak of an amazing place - filled with wonder, adventure, pleasure, relationships and purpose.

b. Scripture does paint a vivid picture of the literal Kingdom of Heaven/God. So, I want to combat the ones who say incorrectly we cannot on this earth imagine, or we cannot understand what Heaven will be like! No, I say we can!

c. These people/teachers are blind to the truth of Scripture. Some even misquote Scripture to justify their point and use 1 Corinthians 2:9 “No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love Him.” Have you heard this argument before? Truth is some use this Scripture to say, “We cannot get a glimpse or picture of Heaven!” But they need to keep reading into verse 10 “But God has revealed it to us by His Spirit.”

i. This is why you need the Holy Spirit!

d. What God has revealed to us through Jesus and the Holy Spirit is “The Kingdom of Heaven and God.” Jesus sent His Holy Spirit to help us learn about the Kingdom. Yes, we can know we’re we are going and be excited about elements of the Kingdom in this life and beyond.

i. James 1:5: “If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him.”

2. The Kingdom is there and here, “Kingdom of Heaven.” It does exist - things are happening in this Kingdom right now as I speak to you - people are entering into it – it is reigning and ruling moving mountains in this world, answering prayers at this moment. But Sadly, many are rejecting it too! Why? Because they have not received a vision or Revelation of the Kingdom of Heaven/God.

a. But The “Realm and Reign” of Heaven is alive and thriving – it runs parallel to our earthly existence – it exists like you, and I exist – and it is coming to all of us soon and we can learn about it and get excited about it. Because the Holy Spirit was given to us to teach us about the Kingdom.

b. Question do you want to experience and learn about the Kingdom of Heaven – then get immersed in the Holy Spirit – ask Him for more – for wisdom and revelation so you may know Him better.

ii. Let me say it again - The Bible has a lot to say about The Kingdom of Heaven and The Kingdom of God.

1. We just need to dig deeper into the Bible and research it out – get help from the Holy Spirit.

2. I highly recommend Randy Alcorn’s book Heaven!

a. Jonathan Edwards, the Great Puritan preacher, (Who is known most for his sermon “In the Hands of an Angry God” - which is about Hell) often spoke of Heaven...Some think it odd and inappropriate that Edwards was so committed to pursuing happiness for himself in Heaven...Tragically, however, most people do not find their joy in Christ and Heaven. In fact, many people find no joy at all when they think about Heaven” (Page 5, Heaven).

i. Are you one of them?

b. The reason many Christians find no joy in thinking of Heaven is because they have an incorrect understanding of The Kingdom Heaven and God’s Kingdom!

c. SO, let’s go after a vision and right picture of the Kingdom of God and Heaven.

d. So, let’s learn about the Kingdom of Heaven and God- are you with me in this journey?

T.S: Let’s look at some Kingdom theology or teachings on the Kingdom of God/Heaven!

II. Kingdom Theology - The beginning information is from Putty Putman’s teaching: Intro to Kingdom Theology - Pursue Kingdom Ministry class.”

a. (Jesus’ mission and message was clear to Him) His clarion call at the beginning of his ministry was: Now after John was arrested, Jesus came into Galilee, proclaiming the gospel of God, and saying, “The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand; repent and believe in the gospel.” Mark 1:14–15

i. Jesus’ came preaching the Kingdom of God (Heaven) - This Message is what he took everywhere: But he said to them, “I must preach the good news of the kingdom of God to the other towns as well; for I was sent for this purpose.” Luke 4:43

1. Jesus came to teach about the Kingdom of God and Heaven to the people to help them see it and receive it! So they could long for it and fight for it – so they live toward it in their current life.

ii. The Kingdom message was used by Him as a teaching application for His parables:

1. And he said, “With what can we compare the kingdom of God/Heaven, or what parable shall we use for it? Mark 4:30

iii. The Kingdom should be our highest priority of our lives: But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you. Matthew 6:33

1. We need to be seeking the Kingdom first – not money – fame – even careers – but truths of the Kingdom.

2. What are the things promised to us if we seek The Kingdom First – They are daily provision in this world.

iv. The Kingdom is a birthright for those who are born again: Jesus answered him, “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.” John 3:3

1. You have to be born again to see the Kingdom in this world.

2. Salvation opens the door to the Kingdom of God – Heaven. Yes, we need to be Born again and see the Kingdom! The point of Jesus teachings was to get people to enter the Kingdom which has the authority to forgive sin, heal, deliver, and bring the abundant life! But you need a revelation of the Kingdom!

v. The Kingdom should be motivation to avoid sin: And if your eye causes you to sin, tear it out. It is better for you to enter the kingdom of God with one eye than with two eyes to be thrown into hell, Mark 9:47

1. Having a proper understanding of the Kingdom of Heaven will help you avoid sin!

2. In the Bible Babylon is used as the “Sin City” model to avoid!

a. Thought: “The Babel (Babylon) kingdom of God antithesis marks the pages of the sacred text, not only throughout the OT but the NT as well (Isa 47:1–15; 48:14–15; Jer 50–51; Dan 2, 4; Rev 17–18). Babylon epitomizes all the cities and nations of the world that challenge the City of God and His dominion. Babylon still opposes God’s kingdom whereby man intends to establish his own kingdom contrary to the one of God’s design.”

i. From

b. This battle is still raging today – but soon God’s Kingdom will literally come!

vi. The Kingdom power is illustrated by Jesus miraculous ministry (You could say these miracles proved his authority to reign): But if it is by the Spirit of God that I cast out demons, then the kingdom of God has come upon you. Matthew 12:28

1. Who has the power and authority in this world - Satan’s Kingdom, Man’s Kingdom or is it God’s Kingdom?

2. Jesus said it’s His Kingdom! And He proved it by doing the miracles, the healings, the casting out of demons, the calming of the storms, the walking on water!

vii. Jesus’ Kingdom message (His main teaching) is what he sent his disciples out with to teach and preach and testify about: And he called the twelve together and gave them power and authority over all demons and to cure diseases, and he sent them out to proclaim the kingdom of God and to heal. Luke 9:1–2

1. How are you doing proclaiming the Kingdom of Heaven and God today!

2. Putty notes: “This was so important to Jesus! It needs to be that big of a deal to us as well. Unfortunately, this is an area where the church has not been aligned with the Biblical narrative well. For most of us, the major focus is on salvation, and the kingdom is a supplementary thing. That is backwards; it should be the other way around, the Kingdom is the main message, and salvation fits into that as a part of the message of the Kingdom.”

a. Do you live each day with a view and or picture of the Kingdom of God/Heaven?

b. What is the message of the Kingdom of God or Heaven?

i. Putty adds, “When we hear the term “Kingdom of God”, if you’re like me, you interpret the word “kingdom” to point to a noun: a country/region (Like the United Kingdom). This plays forward to hearing, “the country of God”, which we interpret as either the Church, or eternity. Notice what we are doing here: we are interpreting the word “kingdom” using my 21st century definition.

1. We need to interpret as Jesus intended it to be understood.

ii. “What did this word mean to the ancient Jews? It did not mean country. By Jesus’ day, the Jewish people understood their history as having three major movements: 1. Exodus and the founding of our nation. (God has made himself our king) 2. Davidic monarchy (God is ruling his people) 3. Exile and post-exile (We messed it up when will God come back and be king again?) This expectation of looking forward to God’s return, God’s activity is the major theme of the prophets in the OT. They look forward to a day, a day called “The Day of the Lord,” where God will return and be king again. Where he will set all the broken things right and he will rule over his people again.”

1. To them it was a literal Kingdom! God would come and dwell and live among them! Jesus had to bring this Kingdom or He was not the Messiah!

2. But Jesus said the Kingdom of God was within the believer and His Kingdom was not of this world – yet – but His Kingdom Realm is coming!

iii. Putty notes, “It became clear in Jesus dealing with the religious people of the day that “The longer they waited, the more the prophets looked forward at something that looked like it grew larger and larger in scope. It was not just going to be Israel’s redemption, but there would be a New Covenant, one that would fix the brokenness of our hearts! It would be justice to the entire world! It would cast down Satan, the enemy of God! It would be the remaking of all things! It would be the beginning of eternity! For hundreds of years, this building expectation of God’s intervention to be king again grew to the largest scale possible. By the time of Jesus, the term that comes to be attached to this idea is the Kingdom of God/Heaven.”

1. So, to the original hearers of Jesus teaching on the Kingdom of God it was perceived different than what we may have thought or think. They would only accept Jesus as Messiah only if He brought the Kingdom of God and with power to defeat Rome and crush them and reset up the Davidic Realm of Israel.

2. Therefore, many wanted Jesus to overthrow the Roman Empire and take control literally! But it was not His time to do this! That time is coming but it was not in that timeframe of history.

3. Note: Jesus' discussion with Pilate reveals this: John 18:28-40

a. Pilate is asking Jesus if He is the King of the Jews – Jesus says, “Is that your own idea?” – Pilate presses more and Jesus says: My kingdom is not of this world. If it were, my servants would fight to prevent my arrest by the Jews. But now my kingdom is from another place.” So, Pilate says you are a king then? Jesus responds, “You are right in saying I am a king. In fact, for this reason I was born, and for this I came into the world, to testify to the truth. Everyone on the side of truth listens to me.”

b. Jesus said: “My Kingdom is not of this world!” really, He is saying not at this moment in time!

b. Dr Nichols clarify’s in His book; “The Kingdom of God” for the Jews were looking for the “Realm” - “The Kingdom of God literally ruling the world” – But Jesus came to establish his “Reign” on the earth – which was preceding the “The literal Kingdom of God – but the “Realm” is coming - it will come at His 2nd coming!” See Revelation 19:11-22:21!

i. The Reign – Jesus’ “Reigns” over the earth – He has the authority and power which was established at His death, and it gave him the rightful claim to this world – Jesus did this by dying on the cross and resurrecting.

1. We live today in era of the “Reign” of Christ - This is the era of the Church which is also known as the era of Faith!

2. We don’t literally see the “Realm” of the Kingdom of God and Heaven, but we know it is coming – we do see glimpses of it in miracles, healings, answered prayer, salvations, deliverances, even in Jesus’ power over demonic powers, His ability to calm the storms, and the like.

a. The Reign of the Kingdom of Heaven is here but the Realm is coming!

b. But we need to live within the power and the authority of the Kingdom today.

c. Let’s take it a little deeper as we align with scripture:

i. William D. Barrick, Th.D. states, “The reader will do well to commence this study with the understanding that a kingdom possesses four essential elements:

1. First, a right to rule: Jesus established His right to rule – by His sinless life – by casting out demons, by performing miracles, by raising people from the dead, by Himself rising from the dead and through His Resurrection!

2. Second, a rule: Jesus established the rule – The moral and biblical code we are to live by to be a part of the Kingdom of Heaven.

a. Love God with your whole heart and soul and strength and love your neighbor as yourself.

b. Which is a summary of the Big Ten!

3. Third, a realm to be ruled – this is why Jesus set up the Church system!

a. The Holy Spirit sent by Jesus is ruling the realm within the believer – are you listening to the Holy Spirit or are you trying to establish your own Kingdom on this earth?

b. Jesus/God the Father are ruling in heaven right now – the literal kingdom which is not of this world, but it is coming to this world!

c. The Lord reigns in Heaven and earth according to the Bible – but His literal realm is within the believer and it’s coming to this earth in the near future.

d. See Revelation 19-22:21

i. Key verse: Revelation 22:7: “Behold, I am coming soon! Blessed is he who keeps the words of the prophecy in this book.”

4. Fourth, the exercise of the function of rulership.

a. God is ruling this world and Heaven right now! Scripture says it over and over and Jesus proved He is!

i. From

d. Hebrews 11:1 says, “Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for. The conviction of things not seen.”

i. Today we need to put our faith and trust in the Lord – we need to believe He is reigning on this earth – we need to believe that He has the power and authority to dictate truth and instruct us on how we should live – we need to believe in this now – but this is all prior to Jesus' 2nd coming which will establish the literal realm of the Kingdom of Heaven (God). We need to believe by faith now – to get the benefit and blessing of the Realm.

1. The truth is what we do for the Kingdom of God today determines our eternal rewards in the coming kingdom! For example:

a. What our position in Heaven will be!

b. What our job description will look like!

c. What crowns we will wear in Heaven!

d. What our name will say given to us by the Lord!

e. What Jesus will say to us at the Judgment seat of Christ!

i. Got Questions explains it this way: Romans 14:10–12 says, “For we will all stand before God’s judgment seat. . . So then, each of us will give an account of himself to God” (ESV). Second Corinthians 5:10 tells us, “We must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each of us may receive what is due us for the things done while in the body, whether good or bad.” In context, it is clear that both passages refer to Christians, not unbelievers. The judgment seat of Christ, therefore, involves believers giving an account of their lives to Christ. The judgment seat of Christ does not determine salvation; that was determined by Christ’s sacrifice on our behalf (1 John 2:2) and our faith in Him (John 3:16). All of our sins are forgiven, and we will never be condemned for them (Romans 8:1). We should not look at the judgment seat of Christ as God judging our sins, but rather as God rewarding us for our lives. (What is the Judgment Seat of Christ / Bema Seat of Christ? |

2. The Realm is coming – the literal Kingdom of God/Heaven – What will be your part in it? It is not all here yet, but it is coming what you do today determines your rewards in Heaven in the Kingdom.

a. Jesus also said this about the Kingdom in Luke 17:20,21 “The Coming of the Kingdom of God: 20 Once, having been asked by the Pharisees when the kingdom of God would come, Jesus replied, “The kingdom of God does not come with your careful observation, 21 nor will people say, ‘Here it is,’ or ‘There it is,’ because the kingdom of God is within you.”

i. Did you catch how to experience the Kingdom of God/Heaven today – it is within the believer – Jesus is reigning today with in the heart of every believer – He sends them the Holy Spirit to reveal it to them – it says in the Bible that we become a temple of the Holy Spirit who lives within us after salvation.

1. We are to see and hear that the Kingdom of God is within us. The Holy Spirit reveals it to us – we are to live for this Kingdom – we can see it -experience it – be blessed by it – if we believe! If we follow the teachings of Jesus.

a. The Kingdom is here in the heart of the believer.

b. We can see aspects of it – visions of it – experience dreams of it, learn from others about it,

c. See the miracles happen from it!

2. Have you experienced this dimension of the Kingdom of God? Have you seen it – experienced it with your 5 senses? Here is a Truth your 5 senses will work in Heaven and in the Kingdom! You will not be drifting along playing a harp on a cloud for eternity!

3. Therefore because of the Kingdom being alive within the believer- people will get set free – because of the Kingdom of Heaven reigning in this earth people will be delivered from demons – when people experience a glimpse of the Kingdom of Heaven they change – Why? because they believe it and receive it – it changes their lives! They see with their spiritual eyes – Note in our one text scripture said - Jesus opened their minds to new truths in the realm of the Kingdom and Scriptures.

a. Do you want to experience this?

ii. Let us, read on in Luke 17:22-35: 22Then he said to his disciples, “The time is coming when you will long to see one of the days of the Son of Man, but you will not see it. 23Men will tell you, ‘There he is!’ or ‘Here he is!’ Do not go running off after them. 24For the Son of Man in his day will be like the lightning, which flashes and lights up the sky from one end to the other. 25But first he must suffer many things and be rejected by this generation. (Jon’s message) 26“Just as it was in the days of Noah, so also will it be in the days of the Son of Man. 27People were eating, drinking, marrying and being given in marriage up to the day Noah entered the ark. Then the flood came and destroyed them all. 28“It was the same in the days of Lot. People were eating and drinking, buying and selling, planting and building. 29But the day Lot left Sodom, fire and sulfur rained down from heaven and destroyed them all. 30“It will be just like this on the day the Son of Man is revealed. 31On that day no one who is on the roof of his house, with his goods inside, should go down to get them. Likewise, no one in the field should go back for anything. 32Remember Lot’s wife! 33Whoever tries to keep his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life will preserve it. 34I tell you, on that night two people will be in one bed; one will be taken and the other left. 35Two women will be grinding grain together; one will be taken and the other left.”

1. In other words, Jesus warns all of us that the 2nd coming is going to catch people off guard! Like Noah’s flood did and the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah did - So we need to be ready today – now!

a. It could happen sooner than you may think!

2. You need to be connected to “The Kingdom of God/Heaven” stay connected to the Kingdom of God and live for the Kingdom of God today!

a. You need to be serving the Kingdom – you need to experience the Kingdom of God from within – so you can see manifestations of the Kingdom when you pray for miracles, healing, salvations and life change.

b. Kathy’s radio talk show she listened too on way home. The power and benefit of serving others is even a secular principal for good health and a good mindset!

T.S. – Let’s dig deeper in Luke 12:32-35 and learn more of the Kingdom of God and Heaven.

III. Let’s look at some principals/character traits of the Kingdom of God people - these are taken from Jesus’ teachings in Luke 12- Luke 12:33-53:

a. Don’t let money possess your soul: Luke 12: 33 Sell your possessions and give to the poor. Provide purses for yourselves that will not wear out, a treasure in heaven that will not be exhausted, where no thief comes near and no moth destroys. 34For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.

i. Point 1: The Kingdom of God has a different value system than this world does! Did you hear that comment?

1. The gates are pearly and the roads are made of gold!

a. Gold here in this world is the pursuit of many, which many will kill and cheat and steal to get it, but it is a pavement in Heaven. So, gold In Heaven Is like pavement here on the earth. No eternal value.

2. To this world fame and fortune are the goal of being a success. Not so In The Kingdom of God/Heaven.

a. In the Kingdom of God - Money is to be given away to those in need - to care for people in need - to Honor God and support the work of the Kingdom of God/Heaven on earth.

i. Why should we do this because it will increase your Heavenly bank account, it will Increase your blessings in Heaven, it will Increase your rewards in Heaven- you’re act of servant hood here will gain interest for you in eternity.

1. No one can steal it away!

2. The Love of Money – or any prized treasures which consumes your heart will reveal your attitude toward the Kingdom of Heaven/God,

3. Story from Liberty Chapel. The man and giving - His opposition to tithing and giving to the church. And what happened one Sunday.

ii. Point 2: We need to be ready to step into the Eternal Kingdom of Heaven at any moment and not neglect the will of God for our lives.

1. Luke 12: 35“Be dressed ready for service and keep your lamps burning, 36like men waiting for their master to return from a wedding banquet, so that when he comes and knocks, they can immediately open the door for him. 37It will be good for those servants whose master finds them watching when he comes. I tell you the truth, he will dress himself to serve, will have them recline at the table and will come and wait on them. 38It will be good for those servants whose master finds them ready, even if he comes in the second or third watch of the night. 39But understand this: If the owner of the house had known at what hour the thief was coming, he would not have let his house be broken into. 40You also must be ready, because the Son of Man will come at an hour when you do not expect him.” 41Peter asked, “Lord, are you telling this parable to us, or to everyone?” 42The Lord answered, “Who then is the faithful and wise manager, whom the master puts in charge of his servants to give them their food allowance at the proper time? 43It will be good for that servant whom the master finds doing so when he returns. 44I tell you the truth, he will put him in charge of all his possessions. 45But suppose the servant says to himself, ‘My master is taking a long time in coming,’ and he then begins to beat the menservants and maidservants and to eat and drink and get drunk. 46The master of that servant will come on a day when he does not expect him and at an hour, he is not aware of. He will cut him to pieces and assign him a place with the unbelievers. 47“That servant who knows his master’s will and does not get ready or does not do what his master wants will be beaten with many blows.

a. Lesson one - When you know the will of the Lord- then you must do it and or their will be eternal consequences for rejecting the will of God for your life.

i. What has God called you to do - or a place he called you too?

b. Lesson two: The Kingdom of God is introduced, once again in this teaching – and it is defined and emphasized by Jesus - He does this in his teaching over and over, so we understand it and choose to be a part of it – now – before it is too late. We need to be ready now - The Jews had a total misunderstanding of the Kingdom of God and Jesus was seeking to correct it. They were looking for the Kingdom literally and Jesus said Its here but only in part but the literal one Is coming.

c. The Kingdom of God/Heaven is reigning on this earth today!

i. Dr. Nichols notes this in his book “The Kingdom of God” – There are two parts to every kingdom which contrast with each other. The “reign” of the Kingdom is the authority by which the king rules. The “realm” of the kingdom is the concrete or physical place where the ruling occurs. (Page 10).

ii. Today Jesus is “reigning” over His kingdom – He has the authority to do so because of the cross – But His literal “realm” – the literal kingdom has not yet been set up on earth yet – But he is coming back again to establish it according to the book of Revelation. Jesus is teaching here about the Kingdom of God and how we in our day and era need to be ready and looking for the Kingdom to be literally established.

1. We need to live our lives each day prepared as if today is the day of Jesus return!

2. Are you doing that?

3. See Revelation 19:11-21:27 – Read this this week!

iii. Point 3: We will be held accountable for what we did with our lives – especially as believers - what you did and did not do.: Luke 12: 48But the one who does not know and does things deserving punishment will be beaten with few blows. From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded; and from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked. 49“I have come to bring fire on the earth, and how I wish it were already kindled! 50But I have a baptism to undergo, and how distressed I am until it is completed! 51Do you think I came to bring peace on earth? No, I tell you, but division. 52From now on there will be five in one family divided against each other, three against two and two against three. 53They will be divided, father against son and son against father, mother against daughter and daughter against mother, mother–in–law against daughter–in–law and daughter–in–law against mother–in–law.”

1. Jesus makes it clear in this teaching that people will become divided over his message - and following his teaching –Yes, His teachings and those who follow Him will cause division within their families because people will reject Jesus' truth for lies. The world will reject Jesus like they did at the time of the cross – because they rejected him and his message, they will do the same with you. You will in this fallen world have conflict within family units over living by the truth and living for Jesus.

2. Some, will know the truth of Jesus and even reject it but they will be dealt with more harshly than the ones who sinned greatly and did not know the truth.

iv. Point 4: We need to pay attention to the signs of the times. Luke 12: 54He said to the crowd: “When you see a cloud rising in the west, immediately you say, ‘It is going to rain,’ and it does. 55And when the south wind blows, you say, ‘It’s going to be hot,’ and it is. 56Hypocrites! You know how to interpret the appearance of the earth and the sky. How is it that you do not know how to interpret this present time? 57“Why don’t you judge for yourselves what is right? 58As you are going with your adversary to the magistrate, try hard to be reconciled to him on the way, or he may drag you off to the judge, and the judge turn you over to the officer, and the officer throw you into prison. 59I tell you, you will not get out until you have paid the last penny.”

1. Jesus rebukes the religious leaders of his time for not seeing the signs of the times – which they would have read about and studied about – Their own Messiah spoken of in the Old Testament had come fulfilled 1,000 of OT prophecies and teachings and yet they did not believe Jesus was who he said he was. Jesus warns them they will suffer the consequence for rejecting Him and His word and they will suffer for eternity for doing so.

2. The truth is the Kingdom of God is reigning today in the hearts of His followers – but there is the coming literal Kingdom, and we need to ready for it – preparing for it and living it now in our life in a world that does not see it or want it.

3. The warning in this Kingdom of Heaven teaching is very clear! Know the signs of the times - when you see the storm coming be ready!

a. What are the Signs of the times of Jesus return see the big 14 - but the big prophetic one is the world being completely reached - Finishing the Task has seen the number of “unengaged unreached people groups” drop from 3,300 in 2005 to about 300 in 2019 with some of those 300 being reached so in their view this prophetic scripture is almost reached.


What do we need to know from this message?

Answer: We need to embrace the Kingdom of God/Heaven – we need to experience it from within and be a part of manifesting it in this literal realm to others – we need to serve within the Kingdom of God – we need to live by the truths of the Kingdom of God. Jesus wants us to understand that he has unleashed, “The Reign of the Kingdom of God”

Why do we need to know this?

Answer: If we understand the teaching of Jesus on “The Kingdom of God” it will change our hearts and minds – it will change our worldview and how we live! It will cause us to follow His will for our life - to do what He told us to do for the Kingdom.

What do we need to do?

Answer: We need to embrace “The Kingdom of God/Heaven” we need to experience it from within and then serve in it – Jesus is reigning on this earth as a result of the cross – but the other dimension to the Kingdom of God is Jesus’ realm – trust me His literal Kingdom is coming in the future, and we need to be ready for it – looking for it – living for it! We need to be aware of the signs of the times and be ready to meet Him at any moment.

Why do we need to do this?

Answer: So, we experience manifestations of the Kingdom of Heaven today and we seek to help others enter into the Kingdom of God. So, we allow The Holy Spirit to use us in this world to see people changed and transformed. So, we see people delivered - freed - and part of the Kingdom of Heaven.

The truth of this message is (Summary):

What subject did Jesus speak the most about?

Answer: The Kingdom of God (Heaven)

Why did He focus on the Kingdom of God so much?

• To correct the Jews misunderstanding of the Kingdom.

• To teach how to become part of the Kingdom.

• To reveal how to live for the Kingdom.

• To show how to be blessed by the Kingdom in this world and in eternity.

• To tell people the benefit of investing in the Kingdom of Heaven now.

• To show people how to enter in the Kingdom of Heaven/God before its to late.

The Kingdom of God’s “Reign” came through Jesus’ death on the cross and through His ministry, life, death and resurrection.

• Jesus’ “Reigns” on the earth today – He has the power and authority over this world!

• When we choose Him and believe on Him as our Savior we get entrance into the Kingdom of God – we get filled with the Holy Spirit and have the Kingdom of God/Heaven living within us – the Holy Spirit reveals this to us as He lives in us as temples of the Holy Spirit. (Remember Vernon’s message from last week)

• We need to live by truth and teachings of the Kingdom of God/Heaven spelled out for us by Jesus’ teachings!

The Kingdom of God/Heaven is within the believer, and we can experience manifestations of the Kingdom of God/Heaven – like prayer and answered prayers, insight, wisdom, miracles, direction, healing and other blessings that come with being a part of the Kingdom of God

The Kingdom of God/Heaven is present but it’ s “Realm” it’s literal kingdom is not yet materialized on this earth – But Jesus is coming back a second time to establish it! We need to be ready! We need to believe this truth also!

We need to do the Kingdom of Heaven/God “Stuff!” – today – not tomorrow - we need to live by the teachings and values of the Kingdom today – Why, so we receive a great reward for eternity for living the way Jesus says we should live.