Summary: Praise, and reasons to praise. The whole chapter.


Psalm 145:1-21.

A. The Psalmist David, speaking on our behalf, makes a vow to bless the name of the LORD “forever and ever” (Psalm 145:1); “Every day” to bless Him; to praise His name “for ever and ever” (Psalm 145:2). This is the only Psalm in the book with the words “of praise” in its title.

A lone voice opens the Psalm: “I” will extol thee; “I” will bless (Psalm 145:1); “I” will bless; “I” will praise (Psalm 145:2). “I” will speak and declare (Psalm 145:5-6). The singer refers to the LORD as “my God, O king” (Psalm 145:1), and speaks “of the glorious honour of thy majesty” (Psalm 145:5). This is addressed to no earthly king, but to One whose kingdom ‘is an everlasting kingdom’ (cf. Psalm 145:13).

It is wonderful when, in our alone times with God, we become thus enamoured with His praises: but what we discover about God, what we discover God to be, is not only for our alone times, but is also to be shared with others. This is the role of testimony. “Generations” shall praise and declare, one to another (Psalm 145:4). We must not only pray for our children, and children’s children, etc.; but must teach them the things of God, and pass on the mantle of praise down through the generations.

The word ‘men’ is not in the Hebrew of Psalm 145:6a, but by the next verse there is a reference to a plurality of persons - “they” - who shall utter and sing (Psalm 145:7). Let us, the congregation of the Lord’s people, join in the praises of our great God!

The reasons for praise are based in the Person, the virtues, and the works of the LORD. He is my God and King (Psalm 145:1; cf. Revelation 19:16). When we “bless” the LORD (Psalm 145:2) we add nothing to Him, but He shelters us with His Presence (cf. Psalm 145:18; Revelation 7:15).

The “great” LORD, whose “greatness is unsearchable” is still “greatly to be praised” (Psalm 145:3; cf. Job 5:9; Romans 11:33). We must adopt the attitude: I will praise Him, no matter what (cf. Philippians 4:4)!

His “works” of Creation and Providence are matched by His “mighty acts” (Psalm 145:4; cf. Exodus 12:26-27 and the miracles of Jesus). The “glorious honour” of His majesty is shown forth in His “wondrous works” (Psalm 145:5; cf. the Incarnation, the Cross, the Resurrection of Jesus, His Ascension, His intercession at the right hand of God, His Coming in Glory; also, the shedding abroad of the Holy Spirit).

“The LORD is gracious, full of compassion, slow to anger, and of great mercy” (Psalm 145:8). This is similar to the self-revelation of the LORD to Moses (cf. Exodus 34:6). It is an integral part of Israel’s understanding of their God (cf. Numbers 14:18; Nehemiah 9:17; Jonah 4:2).

The last Hebrew word in Psalm 145:8, ‘hesed,’ speaks of covenant love, God not dealing with us as we deserve, but dealing with us as we are in Christ Jesus. The long-suffering of God is the last thread of hope for a perishing generation (cf. 2 Peter 3:9).

B. We encounter a word which is translated “all” or “every” seventeen times throughout this Psalm. There is a sense of inclusiveness here, but also the particularity of “each” (Psalm 145:9). To say that the LORD is good to “all” could be quite general: to say that His tender mercies, or compassion, are over “all” His works, or “all” that He has made, is more specific.

We read in the New Testament about the whole Creation groaning (cf. Romans 8:22), eagerly awaiting the revelation of the children of God (cf. Romans 8:19). Not only so, but those who have the firstfruits of the Spirit (i.e. Christians) are also groaning within ourselves as we await the redemption of the body (cf. Romans 8:23). Even the sufferings of the present time become endurable when we consider the glory yet to be revealed in us (cf. Romans 8:18).

This psalm shows us the other side of that coin. All Creation shall praise the LORD, and all His faithful shall bless Him (Psalm 145:10). This “all” is comprehensive, it is extensive, but it also comes down to the level of the ‘each’ as well as the ‘every’ on the individual level. As David says in Psalm 103:1, ‘Bless the LORD, O my soul, and all that is within me bless His holy Name!’

As well as praise, there is conversation (Psalm 145:11). The Creation speaks forth God’s glory (Psalm 19:1). It is also the case that those who are His saints, His faithful, do speak to one another (cf. Malachi 3:16; Ephesians 5:19; Colossians 3:16). Sharing our testimony is part and parcel of the Christian life.

This conversation is not only for the mutual encouragement and edification of those within the church (cf. 1 Thessalonians 5:11), but also for those who are outside the church. “The sons of men” (Psalm 145:12) is also a comprehensive expression, meaning (as some translations have it) “all people”! Those who study Creation may well conclude that there is, after all, a God (and praise His Name, many have); but those who are exposed to genuine Christian conversation have an even better chance of discovering just Who He is!

There is also a comprehensiveness of God’s kingdom (Psalm 145:13). It is both eternal and extensive (cf. Psalm 72:17). This is the same ‘kingdom of God’, or ‘kingdom of heaven’ about which Jesus speaks; and it belongs to Him, and all who are found in Him (cf. 2 Peter 1:11).

The LORD cares for the weak and vulnerable (Psalm 145:14). He heard the cry of the children of Israel in their captivity and set His mind to deliver them (cf. Exodus 3:7-8). Thereafter He taught His people to care for strangers, widows, and orphans - and the poor (cf. Exodus 22:21-23; Exodus 22:25). This care is continued in the church (cf. Hebrews 13:2; James 1:27; Galatians 2:9-10).

The LORD cares for those of His own who might otherwise fall (cf. Psalm 73:1-2). He works ‘all’ things together for good (cf. Romans 8:28), for the good of His ‘peculiar’ people (cf. 1 Peter 2:9).

C. Whether they know it or not, all flesh is dependent upon the LORD for their daily provision (Psalm 145:15). Whether they acknowledge it or not, no man can find sufficient sustenance without the LORD. It is better therefore to seek Him first, knowing that He will add to us ‘all these things’ (Matthew 6:33).

If God provides for the birds of the air, how much more for you (Matthew 6:25-27). It is good, therefore, to acknowledge God’s hand in all these things, and to gratefully receive His bountiful provision (Psalm 145:16).

Our trust in the LORD is not based in our ability to believe, but in His perfections. He is righteous in all His ways: He is just. He is kind in all He does: He is holy (Psalm 145:17).

It is good that we can view the LORD as a God who is not only transcendent, but also immanent. He is present within His Creation. He is “near” to all who call upon Him (Psalm 145:18). We should, therefore, ‘Seek the LORD while He may be found, call upon Him while He is near’ (Isaiah 55:6).

The one true God, the God of all integrity (Deuteronomy 32:4; John 14:6; 1 John 5:20; Revelation 19:11) draws “nigh” unto all who call upon Him “in truth” with a matching integrity of heart (Psalm 145:18).

It is of the LORD’s mercy that He also hears our petitions (Psalm 145:19). This is particularly addressed to “those who fear Him” - those who revere His Name. We may not presumptuously or blasphemously call out His Name at every approach of trouble: but when we nurture a relationship with him, He is there for us, always.

He grants our desires because our desires are consistent with His. He hears our cry because we are His people. He ‘saves to the uttermost’ all that come to God via Jesus Christ, who forever lives to make intercession for us (Hebrews 7:25).

The LORD preserves all who love Him (Psalm 145:20). This is the other side of our own perseverance: ‘he who endures to the end shall be saved’ (Matthew 24:13). Yet we may not presume upon His grace: the God who is slow to anger (Psalm 145:8), is also the God who will punish the unrepentant (2 Peter 2:9).

The “each” and “every” of God’s comprehensive care find their final expression as the Psalmist speaks the praise of the LORD, and “all flesh” replies by “blessing” (speaking well of) His holy Name (Psalm 145:21). The groaning Creation (Romans 8:22) at last finds relief in the “for ever and ever.” Amen.