Summary: God has shown so much Kindness to us, and He is expecting us as His children to express Kindness to others at all times. For this reason, we have Kindness as part of the fruit of the Spirit we are to bear.

The Virtue of Christian Kindness

Study Text: Ephesians 4: 29 - 32


- Kindness is the quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate. Some other words for kindness are goodwill, tenderness, selflessness, and benevolence.

- Kindness has a wide and varied interpretations, its meaning is relative to each individual and there is no one right definition of the word.

- It comes in many forms and may not always be as simple as doing good things. What comes as “good” and “right” for someone may not necessarily be viewed as such by another.

- Different people tend to look at kindness in different ways. But empathy, understanding, and compassion are universal. Accepting and helping everyone no matter who they are or where they came from is kindness in and of itself.

- Kindness is one of the attributes of God, and one of the components of the fruit of the Spirit, therefore, Christians are expected to express Kindness in their daily conversations.

- We shall be discussing the topic under three subheadings:

1. The Explanation of the Virtue of Christian Kindness

2. The Expression of the Virtue of Christian Kindness

3. The Exploitation of the Virtue of Christian Kindness

1. The Explanation of the Virtue of Christian Kindness

- There are a lot of verses in the bible that define kindness. In our Study Text, Paul has this to say about kindness: Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you. (Ephesians 4:32)

- This means that being kind to others is your own way of following in God’s footsteps. It is the ultimate expression of your love for God.

- In Proverbs 11:17, we are told that a man who is kind benefits himself, but a cruel man hurts himself. This implies that kindness does not only makes others happy, It uplifts the spirit of the person expressing it also.

- Every sincere act of kindness always make the kind person feel satisfied and elated. Not the self-pleasing kind of satisfaction, but a genuine feeling of happiness that only comes from helping others.

- To fully understand the meaning of Christian Kindness, we need to identify some principles involved in expressing Kindness, some of these include:

1. Kindness Involves Determination and Making a Choice

- What makes someone truly kind is because they are determined to be so, and keep choosing to be kind, even if it means having to do it sacrificially.

- This is what distinguishes Christian Kindness from just appearing good before others. This is because they choose the path that that the word of God approves, no matter how unpopular it is, rather than choosing that which will make them look good in front of others.

2. Express Kindness to Yourself Also

- You need to be kind to yourself too because you, like everyone else, also deserve kindness.

- Treat yourself as you would treat anyone else. Avoid criticizing or putting yourself down. Instead, offer yourself kind words every day.

- You can’t be truly kind to others if you cannot even be kind to yourself.

3. Motivate Others with Your Kindness

- A simple act of kindness can inspire others and triggers a chain reaction of people being kind to others. This is one of the most profound effects of kindness.

- Get encouraged and motivated by the sincere expression of kindness by others, and have the goal of motivating and encouraging others with your expression of kindness.

2. The Expression of the Virtue of Christian Kindness

- There are certain attitudes and qualities needed to sincerely and effectively express the Virtue of Christian Kindness, some of which include:

1. Sensitivity to the Needs of Others

- In order to express kindness in sincerity and effectively, you must be sensitive and be aware of the needs of those around you.

- Do not merely look out for your own personal interests, but also for the interests of others. Philippians 2:4

- Kindness starts with getting my mind off myself and my problems and noticing what others are experiencing.

2. The Willingness and Readiness to Support Others

- We must be willing and ready to support others as much as God gives us the ability and enablement. Especially, we need to be supportive with our words. One of the first places to put kindness into action is in our speech: Proverbs 15:4,10:32

3. Meditate Daily on the Kindness of God to You

- When we realize how kind God has been to us, and how fortunate we are to be alive and saved, it will be easier to be kind with our words and actions to others.

- When a person is not aware of their blessings it is far easier to be cutting, hurtful with words and always running other people down.

4. Always Express Kindness with Sincerity

- Sometimes, we often feel unqualified and inadequate to help people who are hurting and are facing difficult situations.

- Yet kindness can express itself not only in giving something tangible, but also verbally, a touch on the shoulder, a pat on the back, or a gasp of the hand. All these go a long way when done out of love and sincerity.

5. Being Honest and Straightforward

- Sometimes, in expressing kindness, there is the need to be frank or candid. Telling someone the truth, laying it on the line or leveling with people is also a demonstration of kindness. Proverbs 27:6

- Kindness really cares, and will not hide the truth in order to be acceptable or win the applause of men.

- Being honest and straightforward does not mean offering a condemning type of comment. Kindness will speak up when necessary but will equally stick around and help the person towards a safe landing.

6. Avoid Procrastination and Be Spontaneous

- There are times we can plan kindness and there will be times that the opportunity to be kind simply arrives without any planning on our part. Flexibility is a must.

- Moreover, we must avoid procrastination, now is the time to show Kindness (Galatians 6:10).

- Do not put off the opportunity to say a kind thing, write a kind note or express a kind action. A common enemy of kindness is busyness and procrastination.

7. Always Put the Past Behind and Press Forward

- The Past can constitute a hindrance in expressing Kindness. But such an excuse will not be acceptable with God. Joseph had a very difficult past and yet he was kind. Genesis 50:19-21.

3. The Exploitation of the Virtue of Christian Kindness

- Kindness can be described as love in action. It is not something merely emotional, rather, it is practical, visible and active.

- But sometimes, the people we are kind to might abuse, misunderstand or take advantage of us, yet, we must still continue to be kind to others.

- If we are tempted to stop being kind because someone might abuse our kindness, ask yourself, “ Do you want God withholding His kindness to you because of what others are doing or not doing?

- We should be kind because God has been so kind to us. On a daily basis we continually benefit from His kindness. There are so many attitudes that can be described as exploitation of the Virtue of Christian Kindness, some of which include:

1. Ingratitude and Lack of Appreciation

- We should be grateful and appreciative of every single act of kindness shown to us. This will not only make the blessings to last with us, but will also encourage the kind person.

2. Overdependence and Unreasonable Expectations

- There are people who demand or see Kindness from others as their personal rights. Some will even be expecting something bigger than what the person can do, or is willing to do.

- Even though the Bible recommends the expression of kindness to others, no one should look at it or demand for it as their rightful obligations from others.

3. Envy and Ungodly Comparisons

- It is evil to be envious of those who God use to express Kindness to us, and be wishing that the table turn around against them.

- Also, receive the expression of kindness to you with gladness and appreciation, rather than comparing yours with what others received.

4. Pride and High Mindedness

- Pride and high mindedness will make people to underrate the expression of kindness to them, or to feel that they deserve better than what they have received.

5. Selfishness and Self-Centeredness

- The manifestation of selfishness can be seen both with the person expressing Kindness and the one receiving it. Some show Kindness just because of what they will benefit or gain in return.

- Others are only interested in getting from others without considering what they can also do for others.


- As Christians, God wants us to put on Kindness at all times. It become easier for us to do as we draw closer to God in righteous living and yield to the Holy Spirit guidance in our lives.

- We can grow in this grace if we see it as a service unto God and not to man, so that we can never get discouraged by the attitudes of men, but focusing on the rewards and blessings that will come to us from God.