Summary: Based on James 1:12-18 - Challenges hearers to stand strong in the face of temptation.


FBCF – 10/2/22

Jon Daniels

INTRO – Video – All of us feel that way sometimes. Find ourselves constantly being rocked w/ temptations from every direction. Let’s talk about that today.

EXPLANATION – James 1:12-18

Sometimes we feel that we need to learn new things about God, about the Bible, about doctrine & theology. Certainly, there’s a place for that. The vastness of God & His Word will give us plenty to study & strive to understand for the rest of our lives.

But sometimes, we need to stop & consider whether we are applying that which we already know & understand. I’ve had people say to me, “There is so much in the Bible that I just don’t understand.” No doubt that there is truth in that. But the real issue is – What are we doing w/ the part of the Bible that we DO understand?

- Peter seemed to realize that as he wrote in 2 Peter 1:12-13 – “Therefore I intend always to remind you of these qualities, though you know them and are established in the truth that you have. I think it right, as long as I am in this body, to stir you up by way of reminder…” (NIV)

- He was telling his readers that he was going to keep reminding them of the basic qualities that ought to be evident in the life of someone who is following Christ as Lord.

James also seemed to understand that reality, too, b/c we see him returning to the issue of trials & tests in this passage. He makes it clear in v. 9-11 that it doesn’t matter whether you are rich or poor, trials & tests are going to come to your life. And both of those groups of people have only one good option in how to face those times in their lives: Depend on the promises of the Gospel.

- For the poor person, the Good News of the Gospel exalts them above their difficult earthly circumstances. The Gospel gives them so much more to look forward to. The message of the Gospel tells them, “You have made it! You are somebody, not b/c of your lowly position in the world, but b/c of your exalted position in Christ!”

- For the rich person, the Good News of the Gospel reminds them, that no matter how much money they have in the bank or how big their portfolio is, they are spiritually bankrupt apart from Christ. The riches of the world can disappear in an instant – “like a flower of the grass” (v. 10). But the riches that they have in Christ alone will last for eternity! Nest eggs can be broken – Safety nets can break – Contingency plans can fall apart – But our riches in Christ are secure forever!

To both of those groups of people - & we are all in one or the other – James returns to the issues of trials & says we are “blessed” – happy & fortunate – when we remain steadfast when those trials come. And that steadfastness as we remember where we are in our position in Christ & who we are in our position in Christ.

There’s a word of warning for all of us, too: Sometimes our trials can put us in a vulnerable position of temptation. “No solid line should be drawn between v. 12 & v. 13, as if James is dropping the topic of testing to take up the issue of temptation. His concern, rather, is to help his readers resist the temptation that comes along w/ the trial.” (Douglas Moo)

- Our pain & suffering in the trial can cause us to be vulnerable to temptation

- Our anger & frustration b/c of the trial can cause us to be vulnerable.

- Our weariness & discouragement in the midst of the trial can cause us to be vulnerable.

Just as trials & tests are going to come to all of our lives, temptations are going to come to all of our lives.

APPLICATION – Every Christ-follower needs to be prepared to face temptation.

TEMPTATION IS REAL – v. 13 – Expect it. Notice that James doesn’t say, “Now if you happen to be tempted…” or “If you’re one of those weak Christians who gets tempted…” It’s a normal feature in the life of the Christ-follower.

- Sometimes intense – the battle is on!

- Sometimes disturbing – “I’ve never been tempted that way before.”

- Sometimes familiar – “besetting sins”

- Sometimes subtle & we fail even to spot what is happening until we’ve given into them & sinned.

Temptation comes from our own desires, not from God, & is a reality. “When a person becomes a friend of God, he becomes an enemy of Satan, & can expect to be attacked at any time, at any level, & along any avenue. The Christian who thinks he will gradually outgrow temptation as he matures in the faith has already fallen for one of the devil’s cleverest lies.” (John Blanchard)

TEMPTATION SEEMS GOOD – v. 14 – I don’t consider myself to be an expert fisherman. Never caught a big wall-hanger bass. Lots of bream w/ a cane pole w/ crickets sitting on the bank of my Pappaw’s pond as a kid.

But there’s a couple of things I do know about fishing – things that are pretty consistent across the board: There’s always some kind of bait or lure involved. And there’s always a hook involved. Whether that bait is crickets or minnows or worms or stink bait – whether that lure is a topwater lure or a spinner bait or a crank bait or a plastic worm, it’s used to get that fish’s attention, ignite a desire inside that fish brain, & draw that fish in closer. The desired end result is that that fish will be overcome w/ desire, give into the temptation, & take that bait or lure into his mouth so that his enemy – the fisherman in the boat or the little kid sitting on a bucket on the bank – can set that hook, reel him in, & usually kill him & eat him.

What is the bait that the enemy uses most against you? What is the lure that he drops in front of you?

TEMPTATION LEADS TO DEATH – v. 15 – The moment you go for it & take the bait, the hook is set & conception takes place. Just as the conception of a child leads to the joyful anticipation of birth, so we think that this thing that we have taken hold of will bring us joy. But James is very graphic here. Instead of their being a joyful moment of the birth of a beautiful child, the child is stillborn, leading to incredible grief & pain. The temptation that looked so appealing – the lure that seemed so enticing – the anticipated pleasure that seemed so possible – ends in death. Pain, grief, suffering, & death are the end result of those times that we give in to temptation.

And the death that comes doesn’t just affect you. The ripple effects can go on for generations.

- Tim Klein & Jason Wells – best friends & experienced rock climbers. In June 2018, climbing El Capitan. Speed-climbing. Not using usual safety precautions. Wells slipped off the rock wall & began to fall. He then pulled Klein off the wall & both fell 1000 feet to their deaths.

- That’s what happens when you & I give in to temptation & take the bait. We are pulled away from the safety of our walk w/ the Lord & begin pulling others away as we fall.

- One unguarded moment. One decision. One fall can lead to a multitude of other lives being affected. Marriages, families, churches, businesses, schools, nations – so many needlessly suffer b/c of our decision to try to cheat death & give in to temptation. The phrase “Just this once” has led to the death of many lives, many friendships, many marriages, & many families.

BUT GOD OFFERS SOMETHING BETTER! – v. 16-18 – So often in times of trials or temptations, we tend to forget how good our God truly is. So James remind us that our God is the Great Giver of all good gifts.

- He is the Sovereign Creator & Father of the heavenly lights who is intimately concerned about each of His children.

- He is dependable & never changes.

- He is gracious in giving us all the good gifts we need – Gift of the Holy Spirit & fruit that comes w/ that gift.

- He is gracious in giving us the new birth that leads to LIFE instead of death!

o Verse 18 NLT: “He chose to give birth to us by giving us his true word. And we, out of all creation, became his prized possession.”

HOW TO STOP THE PROGRESSION: Want to stop progression of cancer when we’ve gotten diagnosis – Alzheimer’s. Stop progression of an enemy army that is attacking. Stop progression of opposing football team when they’re on offense & attempting to move the ball down the field. We need to stop the progression of temptation & sin!

- Remember that temptation itself is not sin

- Recognize your areas & times of vulnerabilities

- Reach out to others for help

- Run away from temptation & run to God