Summary: People of God it’s impossible to have a real encounter with God and stay the same and not want to tell somebody.

Point:1 (Why it’s important)

Point#2 (It’s important that you tell somebody)

Point#3 (Somebody is waiting on you)

Song: Lift Him Up

Beloved Jeremiah said it's like fire shut up in my bones. Child God if the Holy Spirit is in you, you're going to want to tell somebody about the Lord Jesus. Child of God just your testimony alone about the goodness of God will help someone to draw closer to God (give the example of the young man in Walmart)

Point#1 (The importance in spreading the word)

People of God it’s very important for us as believers to spread the gospel because we have been commanded to do so from our commander in chief the Lord and savior Jesus Christ. Mark 16:15 Beloved one of the main reasons why we need to do this is:

1. it can change people lives to live a more holy and righteous life.

2. the word of God will also help them to avoid a devil's hell that was never designed for them. (It initially was designed for Satan and his fallen angels)

3. and the gospel will help them to prepare for a better life in the earth a closer relationship with God.

a. and ultimately prepare for them to spend eternity in heaven with their God and the Saints of God. Beloved one of the first requirements that the Lord instructed his disciples to do was to make sure that they were endured with power from on high! (Meaning the Holy Spirit) People God we have an example of this in Acts 14:38. People of God this is what pushes us out of the comfort zones of our comfortable church buildings to take this gospel to the world.

Child of God it's not enough for us to only talk to our family and friends about the Lord but we must take the gospel to those who are hurting, broken hearted even when they might not want to hear it. Beloved in our main scripture text and Saint Luke 14:23 the parable makes it very clear that the Lord wants us to take the gospel beyond the four walls. Child of God whether it be in the street meetings, tent meetings, in the church parking lot, Facebook, YouTube, on zoom or any other platform that we can spread this blessed gospel. People of God we must tell people time is winding up! This is the reason why we must push this gospel out. Beloved we must be aware of the fact that according to Matthew 24:14 the word says, and this gospel of the Kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations and then the end shall come. Saint Phillips you have a responsibility to help push this gospel out into the world.

People of God you must realize that you not only have a physical congregation here, but you also have a virtual congregation. Who also need to be feed important that you continue to feed! Beloved there are some of God's people out there who you may not ever see. People of God you must understand that not everyone is going to come into the physical building, nor do they want to; for whatever their own reasons are. But regardless of their reasons, we must take the word of God to them.

People of God just have a clear understanding of this fact, it is not just the responsibility of the pastor or preacher to bring the sheep to the Lord! It’s every believer's responsibility to make disciples of men! Child of God there's an old saying that says sheep begat sheep.” In other words, it’s your responsibility to reach the lost for the Lord. We have a saying in Emic and Emic fellowship “each one reach one”. Beloved we don't want to come into the temple every week get fat off the word and not share it when we leave this building. Child of God you will be held accountable for what we've heard and what we have released into the earth. Beloved don't get caught up in the church tradition of just coming to a church building every week doing in the middle then go back home just the way you came. If that be the case, you just wasted a lot of time! Whatever you received from the Lord in the house of God you need to release it to the world! Whatever you heard someone else who may really need to hear it! This is why we need to thank God for technology that allows us to spread the gospel in many different ways example CDs, DVDs, Facebook, and YouTube links. People of God it’s God's heart that no one would perish. He made that very clear in 2Timothy 3: 9 where it says the Lord is not slack concerning his promise as some men count slackness but is longsuffering toward us not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance. Therefore, it’s every believer's responsibility to proclaim the gospel, even if it's not received. Child of God what people do with it is on them; for it's their choice where they will spend eternity! Whether it be in heaven or in hell. It’s their choice.

Point#2 (The ways you can share the gospel)

Beloved you may ask Archbishop how can I share the gospel? I'm not a licensed minister of the gospel. Again, I go back to this saint of God. We all can spread the gospel!

Let me give you example: sharing your testimony is one of the most powerful ways that you can share the word of God, because the word of God actually became alive in your life.

Child of God it's one thing to be able to quote scriptures but when scriptures actually manifest themselves in your life, you become a walking and talking carrier of God’s word. Because they see the word of God working in your life. People of God when you Share your story it will give others hope who may not have any hope. Child of God when you share your story you show that the God you serve is real and not just a name in a book called the Holy Bible. Beloved this is what happened with the Samaritan woman at the well to the point that she told the whole town to come see a man. People of God that's what happened with the demoniac man and Mark 5: 19- 20 when Jesus told him “To go home and show and tell his friends what great things the Lord had done for him.” and then in the 20th verse it says, “he began to publish or proclaim or preach in Decapolis what great things the Lord had done for him.” Child of God that same man who was possessed by a legion of devils became an evangelist or preacher of the gospel. People of God the Bible says, “all men did marvel”, why, because he told his story.

(2). another way to share is when you pray for people. Child of God when people ask you to pray for them that opens a door for you to share the gospel. Beloved prayer is a very powerful way to not only share but to intercede on others person's behalf. This will show them that the Lord you serve is real and will be strong in their life.

(3) just sharing the appearance of the gospel (which is the death burial and resurrection of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ) this shows the love of God that he had for all mankind that he would take on the form of sinful flesh and die for our sins all because he loves us, and he wants us to come back to our rightful place in him!

(4) By living a Christ centered life this is one of the best ways for sharing the gospel by living it through your life. In doing this beloved the unbeliever will notice that you appear to be different. Beloved you will come across to them like you're in this world but you're not of this world. Your walk is different, the places where you go are wholesome. Your way of doing things is different. Your life reflects that you're from a different Kingdom because you have a dual citizenship in both heaven and in the earth.

(5) another way child of God you can share this blessed gospel is to serve others. When you do so you're sharing the love of Christ in action! What's the old saying is “love is better shown than talked about.” People can talk a good game, but can they show it? Beloved people really do respond to love that is shown through you serving them. The love of the Lord gave us a great example in John 13:5 when he washed the disciple’s feet to show us no matter who we think we are in the flesh we need to always be willing to serve someone else.

Point 3 (somebody is waiting on you)

Beloved you must understand this that your whole purpose for being in the earth is to be a blessing to someone else. Child of God someone is waiting on you to share the word of God to them! People of God they may not know that that they're waiting but they are on you. May ask me well why do you say that Archbishop? Well, the reality is that you might be the only representation of God that they may see. Beloved the Bible tells us in Acts 1 how the church had to suffer great persecution in Jerusalem (the local church) in order for them to get out and spread the gospel like the Lord told them. People of God notice what is said in the 3rd verse and the 4 verse “Saul had raised so much havoc with the church by coming in their homes/churches and throwing both male and female in jail. Saints of God after this happen, they were all scattered abroad and went everywhere preaching the word of God. Don’t let God do this again in our day! People of God they went all through Judea and Samaria! Child of God notice what Deacon Phillip did, he went to Samaria Now the ancient Greek word for Deacon is diakonos meaning “servant”, minister or messenger) and he went into Samaria and preached the gospel! Beloved Philip must had preach real good because in verse 6 it says the people with one accord gave heed unto those things which Philip spake and hearing and seeing hearing now the miracles which he did. Verse 7 for unclean spirits crying with loud voice came out of many that were possessed with them, and many taken with palsy and that were lame we're healed.” there was great joy in the land to the point that the people were waiting for brother Phillip to get out of the church house and come to Samaria to preach the Gospel; and deliver them from the stronghold of the enemy. God took the persecution of the Saints to get them out of there comfort zones. Child of God one of the reasons why Phillips ministry was so effective in Samaria is because he was endured with the power of the Holy Ghost, and the people in Samaria were waiting for him. People of God only his ministry would have been effective to them because he was called to them! Just like in many ways child God you are only called to certain people. Only you can reach certain people that no one else can reach because you're called to them. Only your voice will they hear; therefore, my brothers and sisters it's time to grow up in the Lord and do what God has called each one of you to do! Yes even those of you who maybe viewing this message right now online or watching the replay. You also have the responsibility to spread the gospel; someone is waiting for you to share the link of the broadcast to a friend or family member. Beloved the Lord told us in John 14: 12 “verily I say unto you he that believer on me the works that I do you shall do also and greater works than these shall you do because I go to my father.” People of God understand this, the Lord allowed the Internet to be invented for his glory to spread the word of God. Therefore, we as believers must use it to its fullest!

Conclusion: Beloved the lord has made it very clear to us on today that he wants us to go tell everybody, and anybody who will listen about His love. People of God we must do this with a sense of urgency, because time is winding up! Child of God, you see the things that are going on in the news. There’s lawlessness all over the land. Things that we thought was morally and spiritually wrong before are now OK. I was talking to a gentleman the other day and we were talking about a certain person who had certain documents at their home and we both looked at each other and said if that had been us, we would be in jail right now. The gentleman told me my brother, the world is upside down right now; none of this makes sense! Beloved that's why it's our job as a body of believers to try to reach as many people as we can because this world is going to hell in a handbasket! So, family let's go tell somebody but also keep in mind we can't reach the world by worldly methods. (They really don’t what they already have) The Lord gave us a key how to reach them in St. John 12:32 “ He said if I be lifted up from the earth, I’ll draw ALL men unto me” Therefore, let’s do it His way! And keep in we are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood and holy nation, a peculiar people; that we should show forth the praises of him who called us out of darkness into his marvelous light.” Therefore, as we take this gospel out let us remind ourselves, who we are and who's we are! Therefore, child of God, “go tell somebody”, go tell somebody!