Summary: God’s Love showed up on earth in human form to touch us, speak to us, encourage us and present to us God’s love in person! It was and is the greatest gift you could ever receive!

Sermon: Love Came Down

Thesis: The message tonight for the Christmas is all about God’s Love for us – God sent “Love Personified” who is Jesus to show us how much He loves us – God sent Love in human form born as a baby to show us His love in the flesh – in a tangible way – that’s really to me “The greatest show ever presented on earth” God’s Love showed up on earth in human form to touch us, speak to us, encourage us and present to us God’s love in person! It was and is the greatest gift you could ever receive!

Jesus is “Love” personified - To personify something is to represent a quality or concept by human form.

Scripture Text:

John 3:16: “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.”

Jesus left the throne of Heaven to become the “Manger King” who upon arrival in this world became God’s Love in human form – the perfect personal gift for you and me.

The greatest gift and present of all time. Jesus was sent by God “The Father” - who is the creator and author of Divine Love to show us what love smells like, taste like, looks like, sounds like and feels like. Jesus came so we all could experience this gift of love – and all we have to do to experience it is to believe on Jesus and receive Him into our hearts.


I John 4: 7-9: “Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God. Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love. This is how God showed His love among us: He sent his one and only Son into the world that we might live through Him.”

I. God’s Love personified reveals to us the depth of God’s Love for us! (The greatest gift anyone could receive)

a. We see His love in the manger born as an infant baby just like us!

b. We see His love revealed in His words and actions throughout His life.

c. We see his love as He had compassion on the outcasts.

d. We see His love as He forgave people of their sins.

e. We see His love as he heals people even lepers.

f. We see His love as He gave people second chances Peter.

g. We see His love as He raises to life people who have died – kids and adults.

h. We see and hear His love in His messages of love, faith and hope from the Gospels.

i. We see His love revealed at His death and resurrection.

i. Jesus came so we could experience God’s love personally and intimately!

1. Have you experienced Jesus – God’s Love personified?

a. He is waiting for you to believe and receive His divine Love – it’s just an action away!

ii. God’s Divine Love was and is manifested in human form – Why?

1. So, we can be deeply, impacted by God’s Love Personified! God wants us to taste, smell, see, hear and feel His love – especially in this season – if you pay attention to this Christmas season, I believe you can experience this “Divine Love” especially if you ask the Lord to help you experience it this Christmas Season.

II. A true story of Love personified in a wrapped gift!

a. The Christmas spirit (of love in the flesh) strikes again by Heather Thompson

i. Quote: “Blessed is the season which engages the whole world in a conspiracy of love (in person!)—by Hamilton Wright Mabie (Readers Digest)

1. I always dreamed of pulling off the surprise prank of a lifetime. You know, the kind you see on TV, or laugh about late at night with friends? Well, thanks to a little determination, some luck, and a generous helping of Christmas Spirit, my dream became a reality. My family is Canadian, although my sister moved down to Australia a few years ago to study speech pathology. She was graduating just before Christmas, but due to my own scholarly schedule back home, I would not be unable to make it down in time for her graduation. She was understandably disappointed, and I felt guilty that I wasn’t able to be there for her on this most special of occasions.

2. While I was talking to my supervisor the week before my sister’s graduation, the conversation drifted toward Christmas plans. When I mentioned that I would be missing my sister’s graduation by less than forty-eight hours, she commented, “Well, if you want to go, I have no problem with it, so go ahead!” I couldn’t believe my luck! I nearly jumped for joy. “Just make sure you get permission from admin,” she added. My heart sank. The administration at my school was notorious for denying any sort of time-off requests, and last-minute pleas would undoubtedly draw nothing but ire (frowns). I almost didn’t bother asking, because I knew it would be a waste of time and I didn’t feel like a thorough chastisement. Plus, I knew the answer already: no. But something in me decided to try, just in case. Maybe it was the hope that the Christmas Spirit would somehow permeate the administrative office at this time of year.

3. When I returned home to find the Associate Dean’s reply in my inbox, I steeled myself for disappointment. I gritted my teeth, opened the e-mail, and started to read. And re-read. And re-read, just to make sure I’d understood. Approval? I could actually go? I rubbed my eyes—there must be a mistake. But no. I was flabbergasted. There was no logical explanation. I couldn’t believe my luck! The only explanation I could possibly come up with was that the Christmas Spirit had been lurking in the heart of my Associate Dean when she’d read my request.

4. Immediately, I called the airline. Miraculously, even during the busy Christmas season, I was able to change my ticket to arrive the day before my sister’s graduation.

5. With news this fantastic, I was bursting to tell my sister. But, fingers on the dial, I paused. Wouldn’t it be so much more fantastic if I could surprise her? I pictured myself just showing up, knocking at her door. What a state of shock she would be in! I laughed gleefully to myself as I pictured her face when she opened the door and saw me. She loves pranks and practical jokes of all sorts. Pulling off a prank like this would certainly be the ultimate gift, and if I were successful, she’d probably be more excited about my unconventional arrival than even my attendance at her graduation.

6. Slowly the idea evolved in my mind. For a surprise of this grand a scale, I needed a much more dramatic arrival than just a ring of the doorbell. For me, Christmas surprises are epitomized by presents. Or at least boxes. What if I could arrive in a box? I started to plot. Then, brilliance struck. Getting delivered in a box to my sister’s house by couriers! I knew if I pulled this off, my presence at her graduation and my grand arrival would be the best Christmas present I could ever give my sister. No one appreciates a prank like a prankster!

7. Although I was leaving in less than seventy-two hours, I frantically jumped on my computer in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, and started Googling courier companies. One of the first I came across, and the only one willing to go along with my Christmas surprise, was CouriersPlease. At first the branch manager said no, pointing out that Christmas was their busiest season and he couldn’t spare a courier for this rather unorthodox request. But he suddenly and inexplicably warmed up to the idea and actually volunteered to dress up and deliver me himself. The Christmas Spirit strikes again!

8. Upon arrival in Australia, the manager met me in full uniform, but that wasn’t all. He’d brought one of his couriers, plus a CouriersPlease van along for the ride as well! They even had a reinforced box prepared for me that they’d already tested at the office. I’d thought it would be easiest to walk up to the doorway, and then jump in the box while they rang the doorbell. But no, they insisted; my sister might see me through the window and they certainly didn’t want to jeopardize my Christmas surprise. Instead, they parked a few hundred meters up the street, where they loaded me in the box and carried me all the way up to my sister’s, where they rang the doorbell and announced they had a delivery for her.

9. I couldn’t see the look on my sister’s face as she opened the door to couriers with a surprise delivery, but I could tell from her voice that she was more than a little perplexed. This soon morphed into utter disbelief and shock when the box was opened and she saw her older sister sitting inside smiling up at her. She was at a complete loss for words, and I will never forget the look on her face as she opened those flaps on the box.

10. It was such a gift to be able to attend my sister’s graduation, and to show her my love by giving her the most unique, unconventional Christmas present in the history of our family. It was a memory both she and I will cherish forever. It also served as a lesson for me: never, ever underestimate the power of the Christmas Spirit. It can move hearts, minds, and yes, even people in boxes.

a. There is nothing as special or as life changing as getting a gift of Love in person – in the flesh – Yes. Mailed presents are nice - phone calls are great – facetime is even better - but getting a gift of Love in person is extraordinary and extremely touching.

b. Would you not agree with me?

III. The real message of Christmas and our school program’s message is that The Big Show is Jesus – It’s “God’s Love in the flesh – Love came down for us is the key to see and believe this season – Have you experienced this Divine Love through Jesus in person? I pray you have – it’s amazing!

i. The idea of giving presents originated with God when He sent us Jesus (in the flesh) – this is why most of us give presents this time of the year!

1. But the best presents are the ones you get in person and reach into your spirit, heart and soul and move you emotionally and lovingly! Trust me Jesus will do this for you!

a. Personal Gifts: To me these are the best presents – the ones I actually love are the personal and or homemade presents because you know time, love and work went into their creation of love for you!

ii. Personal Story: I recall one Christmas as Kathy had started making a lasting impression on my stoic family – pranking them – Just so you know my wife Kathy who is CHS first grade teacher is a prankster – She had started giving presents to different people in my family with a dose of creativity and laughter – but I soon noticed how quickly it impacted my family emotionally, lovingly and deeply – I saw how Kathy would take the time to prank them and they loved it. One Christmas Kathy decided to do my dad – my dad was a person who could fly off the handle over anything and go into a fit of rage – I recall her saying “I am going to prank your dad this Christmas!” I am like, “I don’t think that is a good idea!” “He is unpredictable and it could ruin the Christmas!” But she was committed to pranking him. She noticed how my dad had been complaining that he was gaining so much weight – so she went to Salvation Army found the largest dress pants that looked nice she could find – now I am thinking – “I don’t know about this girl?” But she was on task to make my dad laugh and to touch his heart. So, she found like a size 60plus pants for my dad who was probably a size 34. She wrapped them up and on Christmas day gave my dad the present – I sat there praying he would not blow up – he opened the present saw the pants picked them up – spread them apart - and looked confused for a moment – Kathy spoke up and said “Well you have been complaining of gaining weight so I thought these would fit you!” – he laughed and laughed – he was touched by her prank of love and you know what he did – he went to the bedroom and put the pants on and wrapped them around himself and wore them all day – and you know what he kept saying to me that Christmas “You have an amazing wife Mike – I really love Kathy she is a keeper!”

1. Personal gifts – in person – make the best gifts!

2. The Christmas’ story is about Jesus birth (A time in history when Divine Love came down in the flesh to touch all us personally)!

3. But it’s also about Jesus life, His personal love and touch, His ministry of love and touch, His loving words, His amazing actions, His miracles, All those healing touches, even His death and resurrection a sacrifice of love all of these elements do form a complete picture of God “Love Personified” – God is the author and definer of Love – so in Jesus you see the Father and His Love in action!

a. Jesus this Christmas season should impact your five senses – if you have a relationship with Him.

b. So here is the message of Christmas – it’s the message that Love Came Down to us 2022 years ago and I pray you see it, hear it and touch it tonight!

c. God who is “Love” sent Jesus Christ to this earth as Love personified to show us what real Love looks and acts like – what real Love sounds like – what real love feels like – what real love smells like and what real love even tastes like!


Jesus came down from the throne of Heaven for you and me – He was sent by God, who is the Creator and Author of Love, to show us How much God loves us and How much He wants to have a personal relationship with us – The Lord Jesus is “Love Personified” He is still interacting in loving ways with those who believe in Him today – do you want to experience His real Divine Love, His Agape Love?

Can I encourage you to focus on the “Manger King” and experience a love that will transform your life and your destiny – You just have to believe, receive and embrace the words of Love tonight!

The Lord is waiting for you to come to Him so He can pour His amazing love out on you!

I challenge you to open your heart to the greatest gift anyone could receive! Jesus in person!