Summary: We will learn three important life principles of through Joseph and Mary: Joseph had a Misunderstanding about Mary, then he had the Mystical Understanding from an angel, and finally they had the Mutual Understanding.

Theme: Attitudes of the Righteous

Text: Matthew 1:18-25


This month let us think about the FAVOR OF GOD based on (Luke 1:28). Today, We will think about the attitudes of the Righteous during crises and issues. Attitude is a feeling or opinion about something or someone, or a way of behaving that is caused by this.

We will learn three important life principles of through Joseph and Mary: Joseph had a Misunderstanding about Mary, then he had the Mystical Understanding from an angel, and finally they had the Mutual Understanding. The theme for this second Sunday of the 1st Advent is the Attitudes of the Righteous.

Misunderstanding (Matthew 1:18-19)

Let us understand the wedding concept of Jews. It is called Ketubah (Wedding Contract). Joseph was engaged to Mary, a virgin. Joseph paid the Mohar (the price paid by the father of the groom to the father of the bride) as per Jewish laws and customs. Joseph paid the Mattan (gifts given by the groom to the bride in addition to the mohar). Jews believed in erusin or kiddusin (betrothal) and nissuin (wedding). For a woman, betrothal is the beginning of her married life, although she still remained in her father’s house. Unless she was divorced, she can’t think of changing another man. Through the wedding, she was brought to the groom’s house accompanied by a colorful procession, otherwise she was a married woman for the society (ref: my Jewish learning).

Declaration of betrothal: in Jewish customs, the bridegroom tells the father-in-law, “I came to thy house for thee to give me thy daughter, to wife; she is my wife and I am her husband from this day and forever.” Betrothal was a much firmer commitment than today’s engagement ceremony. (ref: Biblical Odyssey).

Their betrothal was legally binding and demanded a period of separation. The time between the betrothal and the wedding was nearly a year. During this time of separation, the fidelity of the groom and the bride was tested despite the vast distance between them. No one can just walk out of the betrothal unless legally separated, or divorced.

Now, Mathew writes that Joseph was "a just man." He was happily engaged with Mary. But a heart breaking news came to him and confirmed through reliable sources that Mary was pregnant. Joseph was hurt and felt betrayed.

However, he behaved gently he did not apparently fly into a rage or wish to hurt Mary, even though it pointed to adultery in their culture (Deuteronomy 22:23-24). Joseph decided not to expose it publicly but decided to run away from the Problem. He was a righteous God-fearing man. He doesn’t want to stoop down from his dignity and high esteem. Joseph decided to divorce her quietly, secretly, and privately. Most of the time it is the problem with the good people.

The name Joseph was very appropriate to him. The first Joseph in Bible was a just, God-fearing, blameless righteous guy. He quietly accepted the unjust punishment of Potiphar he did not expose the woman. This Joseph was strictly just and a good-natured, merciful, and tender-hearted man, but a strict observer of the law, and of the customs of his ancestors, but had a misunderstanding about his fiancé.

He avoided additional shame for Mary. It was an extraordinarily kind thought and action. Compassion did not lead Joseph to marry a seemingly unfaithful woman. Instead, he was going to divorce her as quietly as possible (Deuteronomy 24:11). ‘Joseph’s heart was attached to Mary but his mind was disturbed and perplexed. He does not want Mary to have painful and ignominious death’ (Barnes Notes). The resolution came as the result of the conflict between duty and wish (Pulpit commentary). He decided to put her privily means giving a divorce notice without cause to safeguard Mary from death. So, Mary had a God-given blessed husband, it was the plan of God to bring Mary to Joseph, the best choice of God, it not for Joseph, she could have been stoned to death.

The righteous people are god-fearing and loving people. They are morally good and ethically sound enough. But they are people with pride, self glory, they avoid confrontations and communications for setting things in order or right. Often they don’t deal with the crises to the end. Mostly they are non transparent in handling issues, and personality clashes, they simply walk out of the place, committees leaving permanent hurts on their loved ones forever. They continue to live against the conviction of the Holy Spirit.

Joseph, being a righteous man, could have called Mary and her parents to clarify the pregnancy of Mary. Instead of prayerfully approaching the issue, he decided to put it off silently without clarity. Due to the fear of society, and maintaining of his pseudo image and false self-dignity, Joseph behaved indecent manner. Often righteous people do not deal rightly with issues. Mostly they run away, avoid and keep silent. This leads to unjust suffering for a long time on either side.

He was holy in character and did not want to hurt Mary's reputation, and he demonstrated that he was righteous by his kindness and deep love for Mary. Righteousness does not mean perfection but the direction of the steps they make in life, their lifestyle, and habitual practice. They conducted themselves right before men, and before God, right relation to another. (Precept Austin).

However, because of their prayer life, the remedy comes to them through the revelation of God either through the Word of God or through the servants of God or through the circumstances of God. As God-fearing man, Joseph received the clarity through an angel of the Lord, then his misunderstanding was cleared by a mystical understanding, so progression started, a New beginning started. Joseph and Mary had reposed their faith on one another for a long-term commitment to fulfil the Purpose of God.

Mystical Understanding (Matthew 1:20-23)

Attitudes of the Righteous: righteous denotes acting in an upright and moral fashion. Followers of Christ are ought to shape their attitudes based on God’s teaching. Not be conformed to this world views, pride, and powers Instead, God shapes our minds and our lives to reflect his will. Following God means we live according to him, not according to self. We are transformed by the renewal of the mind (Romans 12:1-2).

“God's time to come with instruction to his people, is when they are at a loss. Divine comforts most delight the soul when under the pressure of perplexed thoughts.” (Matthew Henry).

Mystical understanding came to Laban not to harm Jacob, mystical understanding helped Esau to love and kiss his brother Jacob. Mystical understanding made Ananias to accept Paul as true convert. Mystical understanding helps us to reconcile, accept one another.

“Self-righteousness is the devil’s masterpiece to make us think well of ourselves.” (Thomas Adams). “Beware of self-righteousness in every possible shape and form. Some people get as much harm from their “virtues” as others do from their sins.” (J. C. Ryle). “The greatest enemy to human souls is the self-righteous spirit which makes men look to themselves for salvation.” (Charles Spurgeon). “That which of all things unfits man for the reception of Christ as a Savior is not gross profligacy and outward, vehement transgression, but it is self-complacency, fatal self-righteousness, and self-sufficiency.” (Alexander MacLaren).

Therefore scripture says in Ecclesiastes 5:1, ‘Guard your steps when you go to the house of God. Go near to listen rather than to offer the sacrifice of fools, who do not know that they do wrong.’ Go to the House of the Lord with a humble attitude and spirit. DO NOT go into the Lord’s House insincere or pious hypocritical mentality. As if, in your human sanctimonious vanity, you were doing God a favor. Watch your steps, so that you DO NOT fall into this mentality. People that do so are ignorant, careless, and mocking God.

Self-righteous people believe that they are holier than others and less evil than others. They are people of ambiguity and asymmetric. They tend to believe they are less evil than others, but no more moral than them. A study was conducted with such people and the researchers concluded that one of the causes of asymmetric self-righteousness is that they evaluate themselves by adopting an ‘inside perspective’ focused heavily on intentions and motives but they evaluate others based on an ‘outside perspective’ that focuses on observed behavior for which intentions and motives are then inferred. (Dr. Nicholas Epley, and Dr. Nadav Klein.)

An attitude that we should not allow to grow in us is to think that we are the only ones who retain a true church identity. The other side of that same concept is that, even if we agree that others are still part of the true church, we are still better than they are. (John W. Ritenbaugh: Forerunner Commentary). Lot, was oppressed by what he witnessed around him; he wrestled with it. There is no indication at all that he self-righteously gloated at the cities' destruction. (2 Peter ).

We have number of passages pointing to this concept of mystical understanding removing the misunderstanding. For example, Jacob and Esau, Ananias had misunderstanding with Newly converted Saul, who was Paul. Paul had misunderstanding with Mark but later he took him on.

Mutual Understanding (Matthew 1:24-25)

Now, let me explain the word “Understanding” from biblical perspective. It is the ability to translate the meaning from the facts (Psalm 119:130 - your words impart understanding to the simple, Proverbs 3:5-7 - don’t relay on your own insight, 18:2 - take pleasure in understanding and avoid living by personal opinions, Philippians 1:9-10).

Understanding must be rational rather than the emotional (Job 8:10, 12:24). Understanding has moral characters, departs from evil brings the fear of the Lord (Job 28:28). It is the perspective insight with the ability to judge. So right understanding is absolutely a gift of God. God gives knowledge to those who have understanding (Daniel 2:21).

It comes through prayers (Psalm 119:34), through reading the precepts of God understanding increases (Psalm. 119:104). Where shall we find wisdom and understanding? (Job 28:12). The answer is from God alone ( Job 28:23). The peace of God surpasses all human understanding (Philippians 4:7). Understanding involves cognitive, the spiritual, and the moral. The ability to understand comes from God. The true understanding is exhibited through obedience to God (Carl Schultz in Dictionary of the Bible on understanding)

Joseph came out of misunderstanding, he was empowered with mystical understanding. So he lived with Mary with clear understanding on their role in the kingdom of God. They decided to fulfil the will of God. Joseph did not sexually advance to her during those days, she was living like a nun (Matthew 2:25).

Joseph has treated his wife as a mission partner rather than life partner or the better half of his life, till Jesus was born.

However, It was not a live-in relationship but a married relationship, legally wedded but without conjugal rights. They were husband and wife who mutually understood the importance of one another in this greater mission of God for God’s Kingdom. Joseph contributes passively to this mission taking Care of Mary and taking her to Jerusalem during the census, in order to fulfilling the prophesy of God. Joseph decided to take up all reproach and all hardships and difficulties with Mary for the sake of Messiah, for the kingdom of God, for Christ.

John and Peter were two different personalities with unique traits, characters and grace. But we could see them going together for prayer at the temple of Jerusalem.


Matthew uses three powerful words to narrate the relationship between Joseph and Mary. Mary espoused to Joseph. But Joesph does not want to expose her publicly bud decided to divorce her silently. But God intervened and brought them to repose their faith on one another.