Summary: Holes. Gaps. Stretched. Should this be the case? We are gifted to help. We are needed. We are the answer to an age-old problem.

Help Wanted

Pt. 1 - Hole Help

I. Introduction

In September 2021, economists projected 500,000 new jobs were created, but just 194,000 were filled. The driving factor is a massive labor shortage. In five of the last six months before September, job openings hit new record highs. But, despite these job openings, the size of the workforce contracted in September, and labor force participation sat near the lowest level in 45 years. In fact, you will remember that the news reported that in August of 2021 nearly 4.3 million Americans quit their jobs which was a record high. So, it was stated that there are now more jobs available than people looking for work. This didn't just make national news. The impact has been felt on a state level as well. I could probably ask how many of you have been in an establishment with a "help wanted" sign displayed prominently and I would venture to guess that everyone who would raise their hands. We have all seen long established business shutter their doors due to lack of work force. We have watched as restaurants have shortened their hours of operation simply because they can't fill the needed staff positions. However, this is not a new issue or dilemma. In fact, this has been an issue for over 2,000 years. Can I remind you of the statement that Jesus made in

Text: Matthew 9:35-38 (MSG)

Then Jesus made a circuit of all the towns and villages. He taught in their meeting places, reported kingdom news, and healed their diseased bodies, healed their bruised and hurt lives. When he looked out over the crowds, his heart broke. So confused and aimless they were, like sheep with no shepherd. “What a huge harvest!” he said to his disciples. “How few workers! On your knees and pray for harvest hands!” (Or as I learned it the harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few.)

Jesus, Himself, recognized and drew attention to the shortage of help. Moved by compassion at the condition of the people He sees wondering and wounded. He does more than just see them as needy though. He also sees them as ready! Ready for healing. Ready for rescue. Ready for good news. Ready to have their lives changed. And yet, Jesus concludes that the workers to take advantage of this unprecedented moment are few in number. He However, the truth is this hole in help actually existed long before Jesus came in Israel.

TEXT: Ezekiel 22:30 (ASV)

And I sought for a man among them, that should build up the wall, and stand in the gap before me for the land, that I should not destroy it; but I found none.

God literally shines a spotlight on the lack of hole help. He looks for someone to stand in for their land, their nation, their city, their hometown, their street and their neighborhood so that He won't have to destroy it due to the rampant and widespread evil and He says, "I found no one." There is a shortage of stand ins. A shortage of assistants. A shortage of workers. Helpers. Heroes.

So, this is not a new situation or a new issue. It is simply a continuation. I want us to examine the implications of this shortage in Scripture. But before we do that may I get you to stop for just a second and examine the environment around us? Political and social upheaval. Mass shootings. Widespread fear and sadness. Sickness on every side. Hopelessness has overtaken the hearts of many. Shouldn't our hearts be moved as well. As followers of Christ, Jesus with skin on shouldn't we be moved by compassion. I call you back to that again. Not moved by anger. Not moved by disgust. Not moved by resentment. Not moved by pity. Moved by compassion - a intense desire to do something about what we see. That is the appropriate and proper response of a Jesus follower. It is the only response that will win the approval and participation of Jesus.

So, let's look at the implications of lack of help in . . .

Text: Luke 5:5-7 (NLT)

“Master,” Simon replied, “we worked hard all last night and didn’t catch a thing. But if you say so, I’ll let the nets down again.” And this time their nets were so full of fish they began to tear! A shout for help brought their partners in the other boat, and soon both boats were filled with fish and on the verge of sinking.

Jesus is about to begin His ministry. He is walking along a seashore. He sees frustrated fisherman. They have caught nothing. They feel like failures. Ready to quit. Ready to resign. And Jesus instructs them to fish. They obey. This time they not only catch fish, but they catch so many that the nets are strained beyond their limits. This leads Simon Peter to call for . . . help. They had some friends in another boat who come to their rescue and assistance. The result is they land the fish. They handle the harvest. The help produces harvest.

Here is my simple question this morning.

How many fish have been lost because we didn’t have someone to partner with God to help to pull in nets? How many souls are lost simply because of lack of help?

Jesus gives a harvest, but He expected the disciples to harvest the harvest.

Stated as plainly as I know how to state it . . . disciples in the boat had to get the fish in boat. Disciples in the boat had to get the harvest they had been given in the boat. This required harvest help. Scripture said there is a Lord of the Harvest. Someone in charge of it. Someone who gives it. Someone who produces it. In fact, Jesus told us to pray to the Lord of the Harvest, but not for the harvest. We don't have to ask Him to send it. Harvest is a guaranteed fact. So, Jesus says, "pray for harvest help!" He says, "pray that there will be disciples in the boat that are willing to get the harvest harvested!"

May, I tell you today that nothing has changed. 2,000 years later there must still be help to boat the harvest that has been awarded to disciples?

How many more souls could be saved if you would step into a hole and help? How many more lives would be rescued if you would stand in the hole and help?

Harvest is lost only when there aren't enough hands to handle the harvest!

So, let's get really personal. What are you doing to help secure the harvest? What hole are you filling? What gap are you closing? How are you serving to produce saving? How are you helping to produce healing? Glad you attend on Sundays. But are you helping secure the harvest during the week? Glad you fill a chain on Sunday. But are you doing anything once you get here to pull the net in?

We have been called to provide hole help! I look around and I too see a huge harvest. The harvest is ripe. But let me ask you a simple and honest question. If the harvest showed up like it did for the disciples, could we handle it? 153 fish were landed that day. What would happen if Jesus trusted us with 153 more next Sunday? My honest evaluation is that is that we would lose fish simply because we have holes that need someone to fill.

Step up and help us handle the harvest.

Oh, by the way let me also let you in a little secret. When you begin to operate in your gifting and serve the hole you fill it’s not just a hole at a church. The hole you fill is a hole in your soul. We are created to serve. (SLIDE 15) It is when we fill a hole that we become whole.

We are not all called to throw the hook or set the hook. However, we are all called to fill a hole and be harvest help. When we take the focus off of our own needs and wants and put them on the people that we are called to help harvest we find that we are more whole than we have ever been!

So, I am challenging you to get in a gap somewhere. Try something. Grab onto some section of the net. I believe it is guaranteed that God will send the harvest. I believe we are already seeing the start of this. However, I also want to make sure that we don't lose one fish, one life, one mom, one dad, one teenager, one child, one family, one co-worker simply because we didn't have the holes filled. If the opening of door will land the harvest, then sign me up. If pushing a button on a computer will get the Good News out, then sign me up. If loving on a kid will win an entire family, then sign me up. If giving up a Wednesday night just to smile at a teenager that has been frowned at all day will change their destiny, then sign me up. If being friendly to someone who doesn't act like me, look like me, believe like me will bring the net a little tighter around them, then count me in! I will step into that hole and haul.