Summary: Traveling over a 1,000 miles thru hostile tribes, broad rivers, & trackless deserts, only by night, risking death or slavery, three SEEKERS risked everything to meet Jesus. The Holy Spirit led them until they came face to face with God!


Mt. 2:1-11



1. This week I heard about a minister who delivered a sermon in twenty minutes one Sunday morning -- about half the usual length of his sermons.

2. He told his congregation, “Sorry my sermon is so short, but my dog, who is fond of eating paper, ate the other half of my sermon which I was unable to deliver this morning.”

3. After the service, one of the visitors shook hands with the preacher and said, “Reverend, if that dog of yours ever has any puppies, I want to get one to give to my minister!”


1. There was the little boy who approached Santa in a department store with a long list of requests. He wanted a bicycle and a sled, a chemical set, a cowboy suit, a set of trains, a baseball glove and roller skates.

2. "That's a pretty long list," Santa said sternly. "I'll have to check in my book and see if you were a good boy."

3. "No, no," the youngster said quickly. "Never Mind checking. I'll just take the roller skates."

C. TEXT: Matt. 2:1-11

1 During the time of King Herod, Magi from the east came to Jerusalem 2 and asked, “Where is the one who has been born king of the Jews? We saw his star when it rose and have come to worship him.”3 When King Herod heard this he was disturbed, and all Jerusalem with him. 4 When he had called together all the people’s chief priests and teachers of the law, he asked them where the Messiah was to be born. 5 “In Bethlehem in Judea,” they replied, “for this is what the prophet has written: 6 “‘But you, Bethlehem, in the land of Judah, are by no means least among the rulers of Judah; for out of you will come a ruler who will shepherd my people Israel.’” 7 Then Herod called the Magi secretly and found out from them the exact time the star had appeared. 8 He sent them to Bethlehem and said, “Go and search carefully for the child. As soon as you find him, report to me, so that I too may go and worship him.” 9 After they had heard the king, they went on their way, and the star they had seen when it rose went ahead of them until it stopped over the place where the child was. 10 When they saw the star, they were overjoyed. 11 On coming to the house, they saw the child with his mother Mary, and they bowed down and worshiped him. Then they opened their treasures and presented him with gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh.”

D. TITLE: “The Three Seekers.”



1. If you saw a “new star” appear in the sky, WHAT would YOU be willing to do about it? Would you be willing to leave your job and your family, and go half way around the world on foot? Would you think the appearance of a light in the sky meant that a new King had been born? Probably your answer to both questions is “No.”

2. But these men had gotten a REVELATION FROM GOD. They had been in the presence of God, and God’s Holy Spirit had drawn their attention to small events, that weren’t small at all, but were cataclysmic, history-altering events about to unfold! And God wanted them involved.


1. RISK THEIR JOBS, REPUTATIONS. Their educated colleagues in government and science probably thought they’d lost their minds. Imagine the Newspaper Headlines, "Three Astronomers Abandon their Observatory to Follow a Strange Star." But these men thought Christ was more important than their reputations. Do we?

2. RISK LOSS OF FRIENDS & FAMILY. Friends asked, "What about your business, your work? Will you let it fail by your absence?" "Who will look after your wives and families?" These men had to count the cost: they might never return to kiss their wives and children! God had called them to work for Him and they must go, regardless of the costs.

3. RISK THEIR LIVES & SAFETY. Their journey was difficult. Scholars believe they came from the region of Persia – a 1,000 mile journey. They faced hostile tribes, broad rivers, trackless deserts. They had to travel by night and rest by day. They might be killed or captured and sold as slaves. But they were willing!

4. THEY PERSEVERED IN THEIR SEARCH...even when the star disappeared! Even when Herod showed obvious hostility -- his face grew angry & his eyes flashed! Even when the Chief Priests, who should have been eager, were unbelieving and didn’t bother to accompany them to Bethlehem. How strange to have the knowledge they did, but be so unconcerned. They’re like many uncommitted Christians today.


But something DROVE these men on to forsake all; it was their experience in the secret place with God, where God prompted them to follow the star! There were two reasons why they got this revelation: first, they were seekers after God, and second, they had faith in God.

A. THESE MEN WERE SEEKERS OF GOD. The tale-tell marks of a seeker were on these men.

1. THEY HAD A HEART TO KNOW THE LORD. God says, “Then I will GIVE THEM A HEART TO KNOW ME, that I am the Lord; and they shall be My people, and I will be their God, for they shall return to Me with their whole heart” Jer. 24:7. The Wise Men made knowing Jesus a higher priority than any other thing in their lives. My question for you is, “Do YOU have a heart to know the Lord?” David said, “You, God, are my God, earnestly I seek you; I thirst for you, my whole being longs for you...” Ps. 63:1. Job said, “I have treasured the words of His mouth more than my daily bread” (23:12). Do you desire God like them?

2. THEY KNEW WHAT GOD WAS DOING. When we get in God’s presence, God reveals what He is doing. “Surely the Sovereign Lord does nothing without revealing his plan to his servants the prophets” Amos 3:7. That’s how they knew with certainty that God was sending a Divine King, because it had been revealed to them in prayer.

3. THEY WANTED TO PLEASE GOD. It’s good to have revelation, but if you don’t seek to obey God, what’s the difference? Paul said that we need to “find out what pleases the Lord” (Eph. 5:10) and do it! He told the Colossians (1:10) that they should “live a life worthy of the Lord and please him in every respect.” The Wise Men found out what God was pleased they should do.

4. THEY WERE WORSHIPERS. God “inhabits the praises” of His people (Ps. 22:3). The reason the Wise Men were the only Gentiles that came to baby Jesus was they were seekers. THESE MEN SOUGHT GOD MORE THAN ALL OTHERS OF THEIR GENERATION! And they played a critical part in the will of God for Christ – their gifts financed the trip to Egypt Joseph & Mary & Jesus had to make beginning that night.



a. KING. Gold is of immense value and has always been ASSOCIATED WITH ROYALTY. In 1 Kgs 10, the Queen of Sheba brought King Solomon great quantities of gold. By their gold, the Wise Men showed that they considered Jesus a King.

b. HIGH PRIEST & GOD. The gold foreshadowed Jesus’ ministry as God’s great High Priest. The Holy of Holies in the O.T. Temple was where God’s PRESENCE was manifested. The Holy of Holies was completely overlaid with gold. Only the High Priest could enter it. Jesus Himself is that PRESENCE, the incarnation of God—Immanuel, “God with us.”


Frankincense was burned as incense in the Temple. According to Exodus 30:34-35, “pure frankincense” was the key ingredient in the incense burned on the Golden Altar, which stood before the Ark of the Covenant. It was unlawful for any human to receive this incense for themselves.


a. FOR BURIAL. Myrrh is a fragrant spice used as a PERFUME, as a medicinal tonic, and is the main spice used to prepare bodies FOR BURIAL (John 19:39-40). Perhaps the wise men had insight that Jesus would die for the sins of the world.

b. JESUS IS MESSIAH! Exodus 30 tells us that liquid myrrh was a MAIN INGREDIENT IN ANOINTING OIL FOR THE PREPARATION OF PRIESTS, the instruments, the altar, and the Temple itself before sacrifices could be made. The word Messiah means “Anointed One.” Jesus consecrated Heaven with His blood (Heb. 9:22-26)!

4. Wow! What a powerful truth: Jesus is King, High Priest, Deity, Suffers & Dies, and Anointed Messiah all these truths are captured in the 3 gifts of the Wise Men!


A. ILLUS.: “Finding Baby Jesus”

1. Rodney and Marcia were at church when they were called – “Your house is on fire!” They drove, white-knuckled, toward their home. It was December 15, only 10 days before Christmas. Just that morning, Marcia had been checking off her Christmas to-do list. She’d asked herself: “Where’s Christmas in all this? Where’s that feeling of joy and peace?”

2. They were not prepared for what they found: their house was blackened, smoking, surrounded by fire trucks & hoses, the whole interior was wet and a section of the roof gone.

3. Although their homeowner’s insurance put them up in a hotel until their house was restored, how could they celebrate Christmas without a home? The next day they looked through the ruins, and to their amazement, their porcelain Nativity set was almost untouched. They gathered it to take to the hotel. The only problem was – baby Jesus was missing!

4. Then one day, looking around the debris, their 13-year-old son Brian came running toward Marcia. Cradled in his gritty hands was the missing figurine. “Look, Mom. Baby Jesus!” Christmas was complete! God had answered their prayer!

5. Many Christians are like this story: they’ve lost Jesus in the rubble and trouble of this life. It’s time we find Jesus again and put Him in His rightful place as Living Lord of our lives! We need to become seekers! [Margot Hovley]


There are three key words in the O.T. translated as “seek.” They capture how to seek God. They can all be describe how to:

1. TRACK-DOWN GOD. Heb. Baqash (baw-kash), means to search out, strive after, enquire, etc. This component of seeking is when we explore, investigate, find-God. We’re supposed to learn about God, His ways, His wishes, His will, His mission, His goals & how to get there; our part in His plans.

2. TRAVEL WITH GOD. Heb. Darash (daw-rash) means “to tread (path) or frequent (visit), to follow.” The Bible say that “Noah walked with God” Gen. 6:9. God and Noah traveled places together. Being in relationship with God is not a static or boring thing; God wants you to go places with Him! The Wise Men didn’t just meet God in Persia, they followed Him to Palestine. It’s a journey! Paul said, “This I say then, Walk in the Spirit... Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit.” Gal. 5:16,25.

3. TIMING; SEEK FIRST. Heb. Shachar (shaw-khar) means “to dawn” (early, at a task); “to search for painstakingly, diligently.” We ought to seek Him with our “whole heart” and leave no obedience undone. It has the thought of PRIORITY; “seek first the kingdom of God...and all these things shall be added unto you” Mt. 6:33. If we take care of God’s business, He'll take care of our business! That’s what the Wise Men did, they put God’s mission above their own and were some of the few that looked on the face of God in human form!

1. So let’s become seekers, like they were!



1. It was First Church’s annual Christmas play which was always a big production in their town. A boy name Harold wanted to be in the play. He wasn’t a top student in his class and seemed to have a lot of problems.

2. The directors of the children’s play didn’t want to hurt Harold’s feelings, but they were worried about whether he could handle a part. They finally decided to give him the part of the Inn Keeper. All he had to say was, “I’m sorry, there is no room in the Inn.”

3. On the night of the big play, the church was packed. At the precise moment Mary and Joseph came and knocked on the Inn door. The whole village of Bethlehem shook as Harold tried to open the cardboard door to the Inn, which was stuck.

4. At last he got the door open, and saw the pitiful young couple was standing there. He blurted out the words: “I’m sorry, all the rooms are full, and there’s no room for you here.” The couple looked terribly sad and began to walk off stage.

5. Suddenly the door of the Inn swung open again, and Harold said in a loud voice, “Wait a minute. Come back. You can have MY room.” It was a great addition to the play, even though it was not in the script.

6. The world has never been interested in making room for the Savior, but like Harold, YOU can give Him room — the room of your heart!

7. Jesus says to us, “Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him, and he with me” (Rev. 3:20). [Ron Hutchcraft]


1. Are you willing to pay the price to SEEK Him? Will you track-down God? Walk with Him? Make Him top your priority?

2. Some have lost Jesus in the rubble of Christmas! Let’s put Him back in the most prominent places in our lives!

3. Last, let’s follow Harold’s example of making room for Jesus! “Christmas is based on an exchange of gifts: God’s gift to us -- His Son; and our gift to God – the gift of ourselves!” [Vance Havner]. Will you accept God’s gift to you today?


[The Bible doesn’t say how many Wise Men there were. We assume three because that’s the number of gifts they gave. The info for Section III, the 3 words, was taken directly from Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance Hebrew references #1245, 1875 & 7836.]