Summary: A mountain is described as a large natural elevation of the earth’s surface which rises abruptly from its surrounding levels.

Barry Finlay, a Canadian-born author and mountain climber once remarked: “Every mountaintop is within reach if you just keep climbing.” Revelation 21:10 confirms: “And he carried me away in the Spirit to a great, high mountain, and showed me the holy city Jerusalem coming down out of heaven from God.”

A mountain is described as a large natural elevation of the earth’s surface which rises abruptly from its surrounding levels. It is usually conical in shape with sharp or rounded ridges. The highest point is often referred to as the peak or summit. Most of us will have one or more mountains to conquer in life, whether they be of a literal or metaphorical sense. Some could involve striving for a particular job or career, studying at university or college for a wanted qualification or even surmounting the tribulations of adversity.

Adversity is defined as a difficult or unpleasant situation. It, unfortunately, usually strikes without warning at times when we least expect it. It has been suggested that "You never know what's around the corner." Life is unpredictable and often produces its own challenges or obstacles to tackle and overcome. 2 Corinthians 4:8-9 confirms: “We are afflicted in every way, but not crushed; perplexed, but not driven to despair; persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed.”

In certain respects, climbing our own solitary mountains in life, could resemble ascending a stairway to heaven, especially if we can reach the top. The innumerable satisfaction and rewards gleaned from a victory of accomplishment can be wondrous. Genesis 28:12 reminds us: “And he dreamed, and behold, there was a ladder set up on the earth, and the top of it reached to heaven. And behold, the angels of God were ascending and descending on it!” However, the way we cope with situations often determine the difference between success or failure in any individual venture. If we need to accomplish something important, then we will inevitably face challenges or obstacles along the way. Perseverance may be necessary, but commitment is essential if we are to succeed. Proverbs 24:10 warns: “If you faint in the day of adversity, your strength is small.”

There is nothing more gratifying than reaching the summit in any goal. Although some, referring to the apex, have pessimistically diminished the achievement as: “Only being halfway there, as one still needs to descend again.” Others would maintain that the onerous and most difficult part has been achieved, and the rest should be downhill.

It had wrapped its lengthy muscular body around a branch of a tree located in the Amazonian Rain Forest waiting for suitable prey to appear. It was probably one of the largest Green Anacondas in the western hemisphere. It was greenish-brown in color with black spots on its skin. Its total weight was in excess of 100 kg. Anacondas are giant reptiles that can terrorize, but also enthrall. With its bifurcated tongue that enables it to smell in three dimensions, especially useful when tracking down prey, it is also functional in providing the snake with a sense of direction. The anaconda is a voracious predator, but only hunts when it is hungry.

Anacondas or water boas, as they are sometimes referred to, are often described as "A Silent Killer" They belong to a group of large reptiles of the genus Eunectes and are primarily indigenous to tropical South America.

They move slowly on terra firma as they do not possess the benefit of legs and feet.

However, in water, they can move extremely quickly and silently. They often surprise their prey and strike speedily while the victims are totally unaware of any other presence. They are of carnivorous origin that feed on large animals, fish, birds and aquatic reptiles. They are renowned to have sharp re-curved teeth which facilitate the ease of consumption of their captured prey. However, the teeth don't usually play any significant role in the actual kill, as the victims are usually constricted to death by the giant and strong bodily mass of the snake. As the prey are subsequently consumed whole after death, neither do the teeth function in the actual process of eating. Several salivary glands inside an anaconda's mouth moisten the food to aid swallowing. The primary purpose of its teeth is to sharply grip the proposed kill during the attack while the remainder of its long body is curled around the victim causing asphyxiation and often crushing. To consume a relatively large animal after death may take several hours.

An Amazonian Tapir was in the vicinity making its way to a nearby river for a drink and caught the anaconda's eye. The snake decided that the tapir was ideal as its next meal. It began to adjust its position on the branch to be able to pounce on the unsuspecting animal as it passed by. Fortunately for the tapir, it also noticed the snake and immediately froze in its steps. It realized that if it dared to move much closer, then the snake would have the advantage of swooping down from above, leaving little hope of survival.

It has been suggested by some, that snakes can hypnotize their prey before the attack, causing them to freeze. However, no scientific evidence has been furnished that confirms this to be true. It is more widely considered that the reason the prey might freeze, could be trepidation in the face of adversity or possibly the unrealistic vain hope of invisibility. Nevertheless, if we can conquer the fear or trepidation within, then our chances of survival increase significantly.

Wikipedia defines a Tapir as a large herbivorous mammal, similar in shape to a pig, with a short prehensile nose trunk. Tapirs primarily inhabit the jungle and forest regions of South and Central America. The proboscis of the tapir is a highly flexible organ that is capable of moving in all directions, allowing the animal to grab foliage that would otherwise be out of reach. Tapirs have the ability to live both in and out of water. They can swim and submerge to the bottom of the riverbed to feed. They will also delve below the water surface to enable fish to remove parasites from their bulky bodies.

The tapir began to fear for its safety as, just like a mountain, the snake was large and menacing. It resolved to avoid the reptile at all cost. Equally, the snake had the opposite intention and proposed to entice the animal closer for an easy strike. Isaiah 41:10 reminds us: “Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” Having concluded that retreat was the only available option, it turned around and ran off at top speed into the thick undergrowth to safety. On this occasion, It had successfully deprived its predator of another easy and wholesome meal. Psalm 56:3-4 confirms: “When I am afraid, I put my trust in you. In God, whose word I praise, in God I trust; I shall not be afraid. What can flesh do to me?”
