Summary: This is a Testimony of how my mom was saved while in hospice care 2 days before she died in November of 2019 at 84 years old.

Nothing is impossible to God!

My mom's dad was a violent alcoholic. He was known to be involved in many bar fights and ended up in jail from time to time. He also threatened his own child at gun point. My mom's mom died when she was twelve. So, mom did not have a loving, nurturing environment. She was a very angry young woman when I was born. Both mom and dad drank quite a bit. It was a very very dysfunctional environment.

My mom took a lot of her anger out on her children. She was very heavy handed in her discipline. My sister would cope by counting the spanks leveled against her when she misbehaved. She told me she would count to about 30 and then mom's rage would subside. I tried that technique to cope a couple of times counting past 30 strikes but that method of coping did not work for me. It seemed to make the many many session even longer. I'd say at least 4 of her 7 children were treated this way. She certainly broke hearts and damaged lives this way. The number of times she acted this way toward me seems countless. Her way of discipline lasted years of my life, perhaps into my eighth or ninth year. So, the violence she experienced from her father was sown into the next generation. Only Jesus & becoming Born Again can break that kind of generational curse.

When I found Jesus at 22 years old I felt inspired to sow His Love back into my mom. I would say: "I love you mom" and even hug her from time to time. This kind of holy and genuine love was an unusual interactions between us. I'm sure she saw that my life had changed because of my new found faith in Jesus Christ. My sister {a different one from mentioned above} found Jesus as well and she did a lot to evangelize both my mom and my dad.

I don't think my mom or my dad ever really understood the love God had for them or the life they could have had had they surrendered completely to Him and quit drinking. Too many people never surrender to the Lord Jesus Christ and depend on other things to get them through this life. It is rare in the church for Jesus to be both a person's savior And Lord. We love the "Savior" part but we do not like to also surrender our will. I'm sure this grieves the Holy Spirit.

My mom developed some form of dementia in about her 80th year. I think her alcohol consumption began to decrease at around this time but the damage was already done. I was honestly and sincerely concerned about her Eternal Salvation as I never really saw convincing evidence that she belonged to Jesus Christ. Yes, she was known to to some good deeds but who isn't? Doing good deeds and actually being Born Again into the Kingdom of God are two entirely different things. So, I was very concerned about whether she would go to heaven or hell.

My mom went into the hospital almost a week before she died. I was praying in tongues for her for hours during that time. I was praying and praying as one day led into the next as she went into hospice care. I would say to the Lord Jesus: "Lord, please forgive my mom and grant her entrance into your eternal kingdom, the kingdom of heaven. I'm the one she hurt, Lord, and I forgive her. She hurt me, Lord, and I forgive her so You have to forgive her too!" I'm sure I said this to Him several times. Then, finally, Jesus said to me: "Eddie, you opened up the kingdom of God to your mother." Astonished, I said, "How can this be, that I opened up the Kingdom of God to my mother?" And, a Scripture flashed through my mind: "Whatever you loose on Earth is loosed in Heaven and whatever you bind on Earth is bound in Heaven." {Matthew 16:19}. It is also written: "Whomever sins you forgive they are forgiven." {John 20:23} Alleluia! God's promises are true: "Believe on the Lord Jesus and You and Your House will be saved {Acts 16:31}.

We also understand household salvation from Noah's life as well. {Genesis 6:9}

After praying this way, the Lord Jesus told me that He would send Michael to her. I honestly think Jesus was astonished by how much I loved my mom and my level of forgiveness. I don't know how that conversation went but Michael cast those demons right out of my mom to honor God's Holy Word. I knew one of the nurses that was tending to my mom and so I looked for her during my mom's funeral. I asked her: "Was there any point just before my mother died that she went into a coughing fit or threw up or anything like that?" I asked because if you know anything about casting out demons they will often leave with a scream or a shout or coughing and/or puking. The whole body often convulses when the devil is cast out.

So, this nurse thought for a moment and then said: "You know, 2 days before she died she began to cough and cough. We thought she was going to cough a lung out!" I was glad to hear her testimony of this event. When God dispatches Michael the Archangel to the scene you know something really powerful is going to happen. Glory to God.

I'm very grateful to God for letting me know that my mom was saved. Of course, all of this happened because of what Jesus did for us all on His Holy Cross. His shed blood and His Resurrection made all of this possible. Our intercessions along with our pleadings with Him are all part of His Plan. Are we content with our own salvation or do we want our whole families to be saved as well?

The Lord Jesus allowed me to see my mom in a vision just before an angel took her up into Heaven. As I said, I was praying and praying. The night she died I was praying over 500 miles away from where she was. My older sister was holding her in her arms and praying for her too that night when she went to be with the Lord Jesus. My sister was telling her about Jesus and how much He loved her. I was in my bed praying and suddenly I saw my mom in a vision. She had just rose out of her body and was looking back at her corpse and perhaps my sister. My mom was happily amazed at her new life and filled with wonder. My mom was bathed in a beautiful, heavenly light. It was so glorious it was beyond anything my human imagination could do. She was simply beautiful, younger, and had a smile on her face I very rarely saw in this lifetime. I saw an angel's right hand on my mom's left forearm ready to guide my mom upward into heaven. So, I knew that I knew that the Lord Jesus heard my prayers and that my mom was saved and on her way into Eternity.

The vision was so beautiful that I couldn't sleep. I lay there rejoicing in all that I saw. Since I couldn't sleep I decided to text the vision to my older sister as an encouragement to her. She almost immediately texted me back: "Eddie, mom just died."

God honors His Word. The promise is: "Believe on the Lord Jesus and You and Your House will be saved." Do you want to believe that promise or - in your heart - do you want this promise to fail for your family? Do you want to hold a grudge against your mom and dad? Do you really honestly want them condemned? Do you want God to forgive your sons and daughters? Do you want them to experience His Justice instead of His Mercy? And, if this is the case, if you Don't Want your family saved, what does this say about you and your heart? God will forgive us as we forgive those who have sinned against us. In other words, God's Kingdom is Designed for your whole family tree to be saved. Simply believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and trust that the hearts of everyone else in your family will be flooded with His mercy and His grace. Amen! If a family has faith and loves and forgives Each Other then that whole family tree will be saved from generation to generation. All Glory to God. This is God's Plan of Salvation. Amen! Forgive the sins of your mom and dad, your brothers and sisters, your sons and daughters. Forgive them so that God can forgive you. This is how love works. This is how the salvation of your whole house works. We should not frustrate God's Plans through our own unbelief or our own failure to forgive. Thus, I believe God will flood every heart in my family with His Grace. I can't wait to see my mom again!!! I already know that she is eternally grateful that I prayed for her! My dad is 92 {Christmas of 2022} and trending toward the Kingdom of Heaven. We are confident he will be saved too! I shed tears of joy believing that my family will be completely restored for the Millennial Kingdom of Jesus Christ. 1000 years of life on this Earth together as a loving family: completely surrendered to a visible King Jesus, loving each other wholeheartedly and enjoying each day completely free from the temptations of the enemy. Thank you Jesus. Alleluia and Amen!

PS: All of my social media is free and does Not Require my permission to use! Merry Christmas 2022. Remain Rapture Ready. The Lord Jesus will return sooner than soon!