Summary: This is the 7th Sermon in the Series "Biblical Cities- Babylon".

Series: Biblical Cities- Babylon [#7]


Psalm 137:1


We are continuing in our study of Babylon. The city is the 2nd on the list of most mentions. Babylon is mentioned 286 times in the Bible. It means “the gate of god(s).

Psalm 137:1

Does it seem like just when things seem to be getting better that all of a sudden, it gets even worse? Daniel and his friends had been moved from all they knew and loved. They were facing all of the changes that were being put on them head on and were victorious; but it wasn’t long before even a bigger challenge was placed before them.

King Nebuchadnezzar had some dreams that really troubled him, so he called in the magicians, enchanters, sorcerers, and astrologers to tell him what he had dreamed. The astrologers told the king to tell them his dream and then they would give an interpretation, but the king wanted them to first tell him the dream. Notice what their reply to the king was in verses 10-11.

Daniel 2:10-11

They were half right. They were correct in saying only God could do this; but they did not understand that Jehovah God is with His children all of the time. Because of this information, the king became so angry that he decided to have all of the wise men killed; which included Daniel and his friends. The commander of the guard went to get Daniel to take him to his execution.

As we notice Daniel’s response to this, I want you to consider this question, “Where do I stand- On the Rock or under the Rock”? This question will make more sense as we go.

Where do I stand…

1. When trouble comes?

Daniel 2:14-16

Daniel hears that he is getting ready to die, so what does he do? He gathered the facts and then he went and asked the king for some time.

When trouble comes…

* Don’t “jump to conclusions”.

Don’t just give up or run away. Gather the facts.

Daniel 2:17-18

When trouble comes…

* Pray.

Daniel went to the people he knew would pray with him and he went and urged them to pray. Not only must we go to God 1st, but we need to be praying together. Daniel could have gone to formulate an escape plan or complain to his friends; but instead, they prayed.

Where do I stand…

2. When the answer comes?

Daniel 2:19-23

God answered Daniel’s prayer and what did he do?

When the answer comes…

* Praise God.

The 1st thing Daniel did is praise God for Who He is and what He has done.

Daniel 2:24-25

When the answer comes…

* Take action.

As soon as Daniel was done praising the Lord, he went to work. When God gives us the answer, we must take action. Even if you don’t like His answer, take action. How many times have you wasted time trying to get God to change His answer instead of just doing it?

Daniel 2:26-28

When the answer comes…

* Put the focus on God.

I love this part. The king asked Daniel if he could tell him what his dream was, and Daniel said no. For a split second, I’m sure the king was getting ready to have Daniel’s head; but Daniel says, “There is a God in heaven who reveals mysteries.” He took the focus off of himself and put it on God. Daniel did not want credit for what God was doing and he let God be God. Christians, know your place- You’re not God, God is!

Where do I stand…

3. When I speak as God’s representative?

Daniel 2:31-35

Daniel knew the whole story, but he also knew that the truth could put him into real trouble with the king. Daniel could have changed it up a little in order to save himself; but he didn’t do that, he gave the king the exact Word from God.

When you speak as God’s representative…

* Use the Word.

You don’t need the newspaper’s opinion, tv’s opinion, internet’s opinion, etc…; you need to know what God has to say about it.

Daniel 2:36-45

When you speak as God’s representative…

* Don’t water down God’s Message.

Daniel told the king the exact interpretation of the dream. Telling the king that there would be other kingdoms that would replace his and that one day there would be a kingdom much greater than his ever thought of being could have been dangerous to Daniel’s health; but he told it like it was. Speak the truth and trust God to take care of what’s going to happen.

Where do I stand…

4. On or under the Rock?

The statue is a symbolic representation of 4 successive world kingdoms. Only the 1st 1 is identified: Nebuchadnezzar and the Babylonian empire. We learn from Daniel 8 that the next 2 are the Medo-Persian empire and the Greek empire (ruled by Alexander the Great). The 4th kingdom, (the mightiest of them all) is never identified in Daniel. It is simply described as possessing the strength of iron and having the ability to crush its enemies. Historically, the legs of iron must refer to the Roman Empire.

Verses 41-43 explain the feet and toes are made partly of iron and partly of clay. I believe this refers to the breakup of the Roman Empire into the countries that now make up Europe and the Mediterranean basin- Some strong and some weak. It is out of the old Roman Empire that what we call "Western Civilization" came about. The influences from the Roman Empire still exist today.

You need to notice that when the stone hits the statue, it hits the feet and toes of iron mixed with clay. When Christ comes back to the earth to establish His Kingdom, all earthly empires will be totally destroyed. Jesus is the Rock.

Remember, in the dream not only did the stone smash the statue, it causes the pieces to be blown away like chaff in the wind. Christ's coming will bring an end to everything built by the hand of man. If man built it, it's coming down in the Last Days. Everything built by human hands will become dust in the wind.

I can stand…

* Under the Rock and be crushed.

Those who are enemies of the Lord will be crushed. Notice that this was not done by human hands; and when Christ’s sets up His Kingdom, He will not need any of our help.

Daniel 2:46-47

I can stand…

* On the Rock and be safe.

The king had heard the truths of God. Now he had to make a decision and he chose to stand on the Rock.


What are you building your life on? Do you stand on Jesus? All other ground is sinking sand.