Summary: The anointing of the Holy Spirit works upon the believers for supernatural conquest in all areas of life. We need to maintain a healthy relationship with God to continually enjoy the flow of the anointing.

The Anoiting for Supernatural Conquest

Study Text: 1 Samuel 16: 12 - 13.


- The future king David was anointed with oil by God's prophet. That was the outward expression. But what happened inwardly was far more important.

- The power of the Holy Spirit came upon him to equip him for the future God had for him.

- The Anointing is the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit in the life of a believer. It enables the believer to understand, apply, and administer spiritual truth for supernatural conquest.

- The Holy Spirit indwells us and allows us to connect to the spiritual realm and be in control of situations.

- The Anointing allows us to maintain fellowship with God because of the presence of the Holy Spirit, and this guarantees our all round victories.

-. The Anointing of the Holy Spirit gives us everything we need to progress through life and gives access to God’s divine wisdom.

- The Anointing also equips us for Christian service because it enables us to minster to others, the anointing provided by the Holy Spirit gives believers the ability to do what we were created to do for His glory.

-. We shall be discussing the topic under three subheadings:

1. The Purpose of the Holy Spirit Anointing.

2. The Profit of the Holy Spirit Anointing

3. The Pathway of the Holy Spirit Anointing.

1. The Purpose of the Holy Spirit Anointing.

-. The Anointing of the Holy Spirit is upon the Believer to fulfill the following purposes:

1. The anointing empowers you to carry out your divine assignment and fulfill your purpose on earth.

-. It is usually released to carry out God’s will. That means the Anointing will not operate in the life of someone who is outside of the will of God.

2. It is released to confirm and enforce the promises of God in the lives of those who believe.

3. The anointing is a crown; a crown of dominion, power, to reign in life. Leviticus 21:12.

- It enables you to rule and reign over devils, situations and circumstance, poverty and anything the powers of darkness throws at you.

- The anointing makes you a winner. The anointing qualifies you to take control and take charge. It makes your word to carry power and authority.

4. The Anointing gives you access to your portion of Divine Inheritance and generational blessings that are transmitted to your children. Numbers 18:8

5. The purpose of the anointing is to heal and make whole spiritually, emotionally, physically.

- The anointing oil delivers the healing power of the Holy Spirit when used with faith. James 5:14

6. The anointing enables you to live without sin.

- Sin is contrary to God’s will for your life and one thing the anointing is meant to do is to break the power of sin in your life.

- This anointing is released via the word of God stored in your heart.

7. The anointing is the believers’ instrument of dominion and service.

-. (Luke 4:18-19) It helps you to do the work of ministry.

8. It enables the believer to be a true witness of Christ and to win souls . Act 1:8.

9. The anointing glorifies God.

- God’s name is glorified each time there is a miracle.

10. The anointing guides the believer. 1John 2:27

-. It delivers from satanic bondage. It delivers the oppressed and sets the captives free (Luke 4:18-20).

-. The anointing informs. Luke 8:10. The anointing enables me to know the mysteries of life and godliness.

- The anointing teaches me (1John 2:27). The anointing enables me to come into the realm of revelation.

2. The Profit of the Holy Spirit Anoiting.

Luke 4:18-19

-. In this Scripture, we can see some aspects of the work of the Spirit in us, the benefits of the anointing, are revealed:

1. To enable you “to preach the good news” effectively.

- The news we share about Jesus is “good”. The anointing will enable you to share it with impact.

2. To make you a “proclaimer of freedom for the prisoners”

- Freedom from the prison of sin, of drugs, of depression, of life-dominating habits.

3. You are anointed by the Holy Spirit to bring “recovery of sight for the blind” .

-. Both physical and spiritual healing, as Jesus did. Not only healing, but other gifts of the Holy Spirit begin to flow from the powerful anointing of the Holy Spirit of God in your life.

4. You are anointed “to release the oppressed”.

-. All around you are people oppressed by sin, by sickness, by demonic attacks, etc. You have a message of release for them.

5. You are anointed by God through the Holy Spirit “to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor”

- To people ignorant of the comforting message of God's grace.

Acts 10:37-38

- The Holy Spirit anointing brings to you the power of God to go around “doing good”.

- Even our Lord Jesus was anointed by the Holy Spirit at the beginning of His ministry, and that sets a powerful example for us.

-. The heaven-sent power to do good in ways even beyond our natural abilities is one of the benefits of the anointing.

- The Holy Spirit anointing is not just for healing, preaching, witnessing, delivering, and working miracles. Certainly the anointing of the Holy Spirit does impart spiritual gifts into our ministries. But it is also to empower us to be benefactors, doers of good, to needy people.

6. It empowers us to hold onto the truth.

1 John 2:20, 26-27

- A major profit of the anointing of the Holy Spirit is that it empowers us believers to hear, discern, and hold unto the truth.

- The Holy Spirit's anointing will help you sort out false teachers and false teachings.

3. The Pathway of the Holy Spirit Anointing

1. The Anointing requires intimate fellowship with God through the practice of His abiding presence.

- In order to pick up the signals available in the spiritual realm, you’ve got to be close in contact with God.

2. Walking in the fullness of what The Anointing provides also requires conformity to the truth.

- What you hear, you must obey. If the Holy Spirit is the Spirit of truth, He will not operate in an environment where there is no truth at work.

- If you are operating in a lie or worldly wisdom that does not agree with God’s truth, then The Anointing will not back you up.

3. Enjoying the fullness of the Spirit’s anointing also requires living in love.

-. In other words, you cannot be against your brother illegitimately and be hurting the body of Christ, and expect to fully experience the power of God through the Anoiting.

- The Anointing of the Holy Spirit is released through the following media:

1. When the Word of God is spoken into a situation by faith.

2. Through the laying on of hands. When hands are laid, spirits are transferred.

- Be careful who lays hands on you.

3. Through anointed objects – like handkerchiefs or any other object.

- The Bible talks of special miracles that God did through the hands of Apostle Paul through handkerchiefs and aprons that were sent from his body (Acts 19:11-12).

4. By anointing with oil (James 5:14-15).


- Operating in the Anointing of the Holy Spirit involves abiding in His presence, living in light of God’s truth, and loving others.

-. What do you need to do differently to activate the work of the Holy Spirit in your life?

- Abiding in our relationship with God is paramount to our full experience of the Holy Spirit. Take some time to evaluate how you abide in the Word and with the Lord. In doing so, you can trust God for the grace to make necessary changes.