Summary: Have you ever looked into a pond and seen your reflection? We are surrounded by many mirrors reflecting many different things.

This text relates to an experience which is common. All of us at one time or another, have looked into still waters of a pool or pond and have seen our reflection. God says it is the same way with the hearts of others and to which we may look. It reflects or mirrors our own heart. We are prone to look into the heart of another and find many faults and sins which we quickly condemn. We fail to see that their heart is just a mirror reflecting our own condition. We need to keep in mind that the spots we see in the heart of another are the reflections of the spots on our own heart. Do you remember the funhouse mirrors? They would make you tall and skinny, short, and fat, long necked, etc. They used to have a house of mirrors called “Mystic Maze.” It was a room full of mirrors placed in such a way that when you tried to get out you constantly were bumping into your own reflection. It came to me as I read this scripture, that we live in the midst of a palace of mirrors. If our eyes are open, we will see them hanging on every side reflecting blessed truths just as in water face to face.

I. The Mirror of Nature

1. Nature is a common mirror into which we look to see reflected the tremendous fact of God. The testimony of nature concerning God is undeniable.

2. Often, young people have felt that if they would only see some of the facts of God, it would bring real comfort to their hearts and minds.

3. God has not left us without the possibility of knowing him. Romans 1:20

4. Everything in nature reflects the fact that there is a God who is the creator of all things. God has signed everything he made with His autograph.

5. No rider of the word of God attempts to prove the existence of God. Jesus never argued the existence of the father. He just lived in the knowledge of that fact.

6. To argue the existence of God would be as foolish as me standing here and arguing that I am alive and preaching.

7. Genesis 1:1, this is God's explanation.

a. It is impossible for intelligent men to think of design without also thinking of a designer.

b. Impossible to think of creation without a creator.

8. The mechanism of wire manufacturing is a marvel of human intelligence. We cannot begin to compare that with the marvel of the web mechanism of a common spider.

9. There is not an evolutionist on earth who can account for the spiders complicated mechanism on the basis of the evolutionary hypothesis.

10. That insignificant spider common trodden under foot of man, is a mirror reflecting the fact of God.

11. A study of the human eye can be a quick and certain cure for atheism.

a. Lodged in a socket composed by the junction of seven bones.

b. Lined with fat, best for eye and motion.

c. Protected by eyelids and eyelashes.

d. Eyelid defense, wipes, yet never gets fat. Opens automatically and at will. Protects against light.

e. The eye constantly washed by a special secretion.

f. Waste conveyed to the nose through two tubes.

12. The evolutionists cannot explain any of this, but I can. Genesis 1:1, no one need apologize for declaring the truth of God's reality.

13. There is no guesswork when one looks into this glorious mirror. All uncertainty disappears, for which we praise God.

II. The Mirror of Revelation

1. Hebrews 10:7, this book is a mirror which reveals Jesus Christ.

2. Secular history says little of him. The tomb of time reveals nothing of satisfaction.

3. God has reserved this revelation of his son for himself, and by his spirit, he has made him known to us. John 16:13-14

4. The Holy Spirit did not come to glorify himself. That is why the Bible is full of Jesus Christ. This book is so that we can know the savior.

5. The Holy Spirit has made it clear that Christ is the savior.

a. Men are not saved by trying to overcome sin.

b. Nor by trying to imitate Christ.

c. Not by going to church, baptism, or good works.

d. Saved by trusting in Jesus’s finished work.

6. Socrates: “O Plato, Plato. God can forgive sin, but I cannot tell you how.” Jesus Christ crucified is the answer.

7. Bishop Ryle: “Make much of the blood, brethren, make much of the blood.”

8. The blood of Christ is mentioned over 400 times in the Bible. Why is the blood so important?

a. Leviticus 17:11, it is the life.

b. In this blood is our redemption

9. To deny the blood is to reduce this Bible which we believe to a mere scrap of paper covered with printer’s ink.

10. There is no New Testament. There is no new covenant; There is no salvation except in his blood.

III. The Mirror of the Heart

1. This is the mirror that reflects the fact of sin. Proverbs 27:19, every man’s heart reflects his condition.

2. It is easy for us to sit in judgment of others. We can see so much wrong in a person’s life and conclude that his heart is a cesspool of iniquity.

3. What we see in others is the condition of every heart, ours included. Jeremiah 17:9

4. We need to face the awful fact of sin in our own heart. Romans 3:23, Ecclesiastes 7:20

5. I have also found that the sin we are the quickest to condemn and others is perhaps the sin with which we are so completely overwhelmed.

6. 1 Peter 4:17, here is a solemn thought.

IV. The Mirror of Life

1. This is the mirror which reflects the fact of death. The emblem of the skull and crossbones is found stamped on everything in this world.

2. You can go to any city and find an abundance of life. You will also find in that place what is referred to as the city of the dead.

3. You may have life, but death is inevitable. The funeral may be grand, the casket elaborate, and the flowers beautiful. They try to conceal the unpleasant fact of death.

4. If Jesus Christ tarries, every one of us must face death. We may shrink from it, try to prevent it, but we all must yield to it one day. Hebrews 9:27

5. No preacher can preach anyone into heaven unless he is already there before the funeral. Ecclesiastes 11:3

6. Life is the time to prepare for death. Life is not always long. Job 7:6, Psalm 103:15-16, James 4:14

V. The Mirror of Tomorrow

1. In this mirror, we see the fact of judgement.

2. No matter how well things may seem to go, there is one tremendous all-pervading fact staring us in the face. The hour of accountability.

3. Many today think they can avoid the inevitable consequence of tomorrow by taking their life.

4. We must remember there is no escape from the awful fact of judgment. Notice those two troublesome words, “after this.”

5. Judgment is emphasized throughout the scripture, from beginning to end.

6. The throne of God, which is now a throne of grace, will one day be turned into a great white throne before which all the ungodly of all time will appear. Revelation 20:11-15

7. The only way to escape this terrible moment is to accept Christ who has already stood in our place.

8. Why not join the Society of the saved today? Romans 10:9-10