Summary: The Mount of Transfiguration - 1. A Revealing 2. A Reaction 3. An Expected Response

Scripture: Matthew 17:1-13

Theme: Transfiguration

Title: The Meeting on the Mountain

In the meeting on the Mountain we see 1. A Revelation 2. A Reaction 3. An Expected Response

Revelation – Reaction – Response


Grace and peace from God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit!

In 1995 there was this rather interesting little movie called – The Englishman that went up a Hill and down a Mountain that starred Hugh Grant. It was all about a (fictional) Welsh village that was in danger of losing its beloved so-called mountain. The mountain’s height was being challenged by the government. The government believed that the mountain was not really a mountain but simply a hill.

To be declared a mountain, a structure had to stand over 1,000 feet tall. Anything under 1,000 feet tall was considered a hill. In the movie, after measuring the town’s earthen structure several times it was discovered that the structure was under 1,000 feet high and therefore would have to be relabeled as a hill.

The village was distraught. They could not lose their mountain. It was their pride and joy. With some keen engineering, some secretly well-placed dirt and rocks the villagers were able to reclaim the status of their mountain and everything ended well.

So, what really can be called a mountain? What is the definition of a mountain?

Before 1970 the definition of something being called a mountain rather than a hill was in fact the 1,000-foot elevation. The movie was true to life. Anything below a thousand feet was called a hill and anything over 1,000 feet was called a mountain.

However, everything has changed today. Today, there is no clear-cut qualifications when it comes to calling something either a mountain or a hill. Some experts say it can only be called a mountain if it is over 2,000 feet. Other experts claim that if it is part of a certain mountain ridge then all the peaks can properly called mountains even if their peaks are under 1,000 feet high. It seems no one knows anymore what defines a mountain from being a hill and vice versa.

All I know is I grew up in Eastern Kentucky and I thought that we were surrounded by a lot of mountains. Then years later our family traveled out west, and I saw Pike’s Peak, Mt. Renoir, and Mt. Saint Helens. Suddenly, I knew what the difference was between a hill and a mountain.

While we do have a few mountains in Eastern Kentucky, after seeing what I saw out west what we have are mostly hills.

That is not however what Jesus along with his disciples, James, John and Peter traveled up to in our passage this morning. They traveled up quite a mountain. In fact, it was a mountain that was a little over 9,000 feet high.

Most Bible scholars today say that the Mount of Transfiguration is Mt. Hermon which is located just outside the town of Caesarea Philippi. Caesarea Philippi was very close to where Jesus was at the time of Matthew chapters 16-17.

While the story is about a mountain, we all know that it was not all about the mountain. It was about what happened on the top of the mountain while Jesus was praying and the disciples who were trying to pray with Jesus were slowly falling asleep.

Luke tells us that a bright light stirred the disciples up and they were able to witness this amazing supernatural encounter between Jesus, Moses and Elijah. They were also able to hear the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY speak to them about Jesus.

Let’s take a few moments this morning and reflect on what happened up on that mountain top.

I. We first witness a Revealing

It is hard to get a hold of all that was happening.

+We see Jesus glowing brightly – his face and his clothes.

+Luke tells us that the same thing was happening with Moses and Elijah.

So, we have these three individuals –

+One living on the earth in the present – Jesus of Nazareth.

+One having died back on Mt. Nebo – Moses, the Lawgiver.

+One having been carried into Heaven in a chariot of fire – Elijah the Prophet.

Three individuals that are all glowing in light; their faces are glowing and their clothes are glowing.

There is a lot that we could say about what was happening, but let’s focus for a moment on the three people – one present, one having died and one have been translated into heaven – I think one thing is clear – they all reveal to us who we are today and who we will be in totality one day in the future.

Jesus talks about this in Matthew 13:36-43 when He shares the Parable of the Weeds. Listen to what Jesus says in verse 43 –

“Then the righteous will shine like the sun in the kingdom of their Heavenly Father. He who has ears to hear let them hear.”

Daniel in chapter 12 of his book refers to a similar thing happening to those who follow the LORD –

2 And many of those who sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, some to everlasting life, and some to shame and everlasting contempt. 3 And those who are wise shall shine like the brightness of the sky above; and those who turn many to righteousness, like the stars forever and ever.

What Peter, James and John saw was what is and what is to come –

When Jesus calls us the Light of the World, He was not just making some off the top of his head statement – He was revealing to us who we are and who will be:

+We are light – we are light because we have His Holy Spirit flowing in and through us.

Philippians 2:14-15

14 Do everything without grumbling or arguing, 15 so that you may become blameless and pure, “children of God without fault in a warped and crooked generation.” Then you will shine among them like stars in the sky.

+In Christ, we are light – we are light because God our Heavenly Father is Light

James 1: 17 Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change.

+In Christ, we are light – just as Jesus who was present is light, just as Elijah who was translated is light and just as Moses who died is light.

Our true identity will never be found in darkness nor in the shadows. Our true identity will never be found in evil or sin. That is not who we are in Christ Jesus.

Before Christ, we were children of darkness and evil.

Ephesians 5:8 –

8 for at one time you were darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Walk as children of light.

You and I come from the Light of God. We were made in the image of the Light of God. And we have been made new in the Light of God through our Lord Jesus.

Light that speaks of purity, wholeness and holiness.

Light that speaks of truth and power.

Light that speaks of righteousness and spiritual victory.

Up on that mountain we are to understand that today, tomorrow and forevermore we are light – we are God’s light. We are different than the world around us. We have been made different than the world around us. We are to rejoice and share that difference.

II. We witness a Reaction

The Apostle Peter reacted. It seems like the Apostle Peter always had to react when something special or unusual happened.

In this case, I believe that he wanted to:

+Solidify a New Religion – a Religion that would center on Moses, Elijah and Jesus.

+He wanted to build a shrine to honor this event so that others that would come up on the mountain would be able to reflect on what happened that day.

Scholars tell us that on many of the holy mountains in the ancient world it was common to see different shrines built in honor of this god or this goddess. As you would climb up the mountain you might see a shrine honoring

+ Baal – the Canaanite god of thunder –

+Utu – The Akkadian god of the Sun

+Nefertem or Horus – the Egyptians gods of light

+Apollo or Zeus or even Jupiter – Roman and Greek gods of Creation/Light

Peter wanted to add three more shrines – a shrine to Jesus, Moses and Elijah – to honor what had happened that night. To honor the time when something amazing and other worldly happened.

People would be invited to come up on the mountain and worship. Peter, James and John would be able to retell the story to crowds as they gathered.

Peter’s reaction was met with a quick retort by the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY – God the Father.

No sooner were the words coming out of Peter’s mouth than everything was covered by clouds and a voice started speaking.

It was none other than God the Father Himself, the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY.

Talk about getting your attention.

First you see your rabbi, who you believe to be the Messiah, His face and clothes are shinning brighter than anything you have ever seen before.

Then he is joined by two other men, who you know in your mind and heart are Moses and Elijah who are also shinning brighter than anything you have seen before.

Then you are covered by some clouds and the voice of Jehovah – the voice of the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY starts speaking to you.

Suddenly, Moses and Elijah are gone. They are no longer in the picture.

It’s as if God stepped in and reacted a little Himself.

This was not the time to build shrines. There was already the Temple in Jerusalem.

More importantly, Jesus was not to be just one of three – He was already one of three – God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

Moses was human. Elijah was human.

Jesus was both human and divine.

While Moses and Elijah were important as they represented the Law and the Prophets they were not divine. They didn’t compare to Jesus, the Beloved Son of God.

Moses and Elijah had come to talk with Jesus not to be worshipped.

No doubt their conversation was about Calvary. It was about an event that would take place not on another mountain but on a hillside. A hillside that would fulfill all that the Law and the Prophets had spoken about since before the time of Moses. A hillside that only Jesus could walk up and lay down his life for all humankind. A hillside that would provide a much different picture than the one that Peter, James and John were seeing but a picture that was just as important.

To fully understand the Mount of Transfiguration you must also see the hillside of Calvary. On the back of the bulletin this morning there is a list of corresponding events that take place at each one.

The Story of the Mountain and the Hill

The Transfiguration Calvary

The Glory of Light The Presence of Shame

Shining Clothes Blood stained Clothes

Moses/Elijah Two Thieves

God’s Voice God’s Silence

Peter’s Praise Peter’s Denial

Peter/James/John Mary/Magdalene/Mary the mother of James

Bright Clouds Darkness Everywhere

“This Is My Son” – God “This Is God’s Son” – Roman Soldier

Tell No One Yet Share the News of Redemption

The Mountain Explains the Hill Top

The Hill Top Explains the Mountain Top

God steps in and gives Peter what He (God) wants Peter and all Jesus’ disciples and followers to do –

+Listen to My Son

In other words, Moses and Elijah are wonderful humans – they accomplished a lot. They shared God’s Law and they shared God’s words. But when all is said and done, they are merely human beings.

Yes, they shined – they shined as the light of God’s Glory.

Jesus, however, is God’s Beloved Son.

His Light is not from God’s Glory but from the GLORY THAT IS SHARED BY THE FATHER, SON AND HOLY SPIRIT.

He is not reflecting light – He is Light.

III. Finally, we see an Assumed Response

Years ago, there was an old TV commercial that made this statement:

“When E. F. Hutton speaks – People listen.”

They get quiet, they stop what they are doing, and they lean in to listen to every word that E. F. Hutton says.

Well, in our passage there is One that is greater than E. F. Hutton. God reacts and responds and then assumes that the disciples will hear His words and automatically obey His Words:

“This is My Beloved Son, which whom I am well pleased; listen to Him”.

Wow! There is so much in just those few words.

+Jesus’ Identity – His Divinity – This Is My Beloved Son

+Jesus’ obedience to the Mission – in whom I am well pleased.

+The disciples and all disciple’s proper response – listen to Him.

Remember, to the Jewish mind to truly listen to God means that you are also going to respond obediently to what God says.

There was no – “Well, God let’s hear what you go to say and then I will think about it for a while and get back to you with whatever I want to say or do”.

No, to the Jewish mind – God speaks – You listen and obey – to obey is to listen and to listen is to obey. When God speaks both are seen as automatic.

After all, who would be foolish enough to hear God and not respond obediently.

This morning, I want to invite you to come forward and share Holy Communion on this Transfiguration Sunday.

I would like for us to come forward in light of this passage:

+A passage that reminds us that we are God’s light – we are God’s light to the world and we are light because we have God’s Holy Spirit sharing life with us.

+A passage that reminds us of who Jesus is – the Son of God – the Messiah – the Savior of the World. The Light that came into the world to defeat the darkness of sin and evil. The Light that came into the world to bring Light to the World – that came to bring righteousness, truth, purity and holiness.

+A passage that remind us of the words of our Heavenly Father –

Listen to Jesus – Listen to My Beloved Son - Listen to His Words – Listen to His leading and guiding – Obey His Words – Obey His directions and guidance.

We take the bread this morning understanding that in Jesus there is healing.

We take the cup this morning understanding that in Jesus there is salvation.

We take both today understanding that we are God’s light – we are followers of the Lord of Lords and King of Kings – and we go forward in obedience and in faith. We go forward in victory.

Invitation to Holy Communion