Summary: Paul was under obligation to preach the unashamed gospel that was God’s authority for salvation. We look at human decline and wickedness that is in society today; the suppression of truth and the wrath of God.



{{Romans 1 v 8 “Firstly, I thank my God through Jesus Christ for you all because YOUR FAITH is being proclaimed throughout the whole world,”}}

We are continuing the study into Paul’s letter to the church at Rome. He begins with a “Firstly, but there does not seem to be a “Secondly” so understand it as meaning “Now at the start . . .” and he tells them that their faith is such that all over the Christian world it is held up to honour. What a great example that was. Because they were so honourable in their faith, Paul thanks God for them and he says “all” including each individual.

It is individuals who make up a church, or the better word is “assembly” because the word means “the called out ones,” that is, called out to Jesus Christ. The Greek is ekklesia. It is individuals who can ruin a church as well, and that places a great responsibility on everyone there to be obedient to the Lord and preserve the unity and love. In this letter, I can not find even one note of criticism or displeasure, unlike the Corinthians.

Who could have known what lay in store for the church at Rome as over the next few centuries it took ownership of the Christian world and then became so satanically corrupt that in the next 19 centuries, it murdered more than one million true Christians, burning so many of them at the stake and in torture. God’s judgement on this church will lay in Revelation 17 and 18.

What about the reputation of this fellowship here, and your fellowship? Would it be known for the care and concern given one to the other, that each loves one another as the bible commands? Would it be known as a church that is hospitable to strangers? Would it be known as a fellowship that values the bible, and people desire to know the word and the will of God? Those are questions we must work on.


Now we come to the section where the Apostle shares his concern for the church at Rome, and his own desires for that church. It is found from verse 9 to 17. We will look at each verse separately but they all belong to that section.

{{Romans 1:9 “for God whom I serve in my spirit in the preaching of the gospel of His Son, is my witness as to how I MAKE MENTION of you UNCEASINGLY”}}

This testifies to Paul’s commendation of the church. He is happy to share the good standing of this church with others, I would think, as an encouragement, and it is not vain flattery to say that to the church as some might do, but he calls on God to be his witness that he does that genuinely. If Rome was a church that was racked by division and heresy then he would not be saying that to them but would address them the way he did when he wrote elsewhere, “O foolish Galatians.” I hate the idea that you tell people what you think they want to hear. It is dishonest. I would rather have a person to be blunt and to the fore than the one who pretends and lies. Tell it as it is.


{{Romans 1:10 “always in my prayers making request, if perhaps now at last by the will of God, I MAY SUCCEED in coming to you”}}

Paul expresses now his desire to go to Rome to meet the saints. Unfortunately, when he did go to Rome it was in chains. He prayed always that he would be blessed by the will of God to go to Rome. Our desires do not always line up with God’s desires and will, and things we really hope for may not happen. I heard a speaker say once our walk with God should be so close in the leading of the Holy Spirit that what we desire matches God’s desire for us. That seems like a very godly walk to me and I wonder how many do achieve that. George Mueller with his orphan homes comes to mind.


{{Romans 1:11 “for I long to see you in order that I may impart SOME SPIRITUAL GIFT to you that you may be established”}}

This is quite intriguing as we would not say that today to a church we might go to, in doing ministry. We would say we go to share the word of God, or to encourage them, or to assist in their ministry, but I do not think at all we would say we go to impart some spiritual gift. Paul could because he was in the apostolic ministry, especially chosen by God for that purpose. I am not going to try to explore what is meant by “some spiritual gift to you” as none of us knows the certainty of that. God has gifted each one of us in various ways so that we can work together, and we must use His gifting.


{{Romans 1:12 “that is, that I may be ENCOURAGED TOGETHER WITH YOU while among you, each of us by the other’s faith, both yours and mine.”}}

Paul was the great apostle. I dare say his ministry was greater than Peter’s but it is not right to compare, because God gave specific ministries to each of the Apostles. We may think Paul was so strong a Christian that he did not need any human encouragement as God was his resource, but he did need it because it says so here. Paul desired to be encouraged along with the Roman Christians by being with them physically.

He elaborates on that by saying he wanted to be encouraged by their faith, and that faith existed in all of them so that the faith of the Romans encouraged Paul, and Paul’s faith encouraged the Romans. It was mutual. Mutual faith is correct. Those who might be weaker in the faith or not properly committed to Christ, get encouraged when with stronger Christians. We all need it. That is one reason why Christians in isolation can’t embrace the fullness of mutual faith and encouragement. It is a shame. It is also one of the tragedies of this Chinese virus where stupid State Governments have shut down churches, for even more than a year, which has isolated all Christians. Research is showing now that people in extended shutdown such as was in Victoria are not returning to churches when it was opened up again.

Paul was encouraged in his own walk by seeing the Christians in Rome grow and develop their faith. It is always so. Just on a personal note, I have been encouraged by Christian and Moses at the Bible Study.


{{Romans 1:13 “I do not want you to be unaware, brethren, that OFTEN I HAVE PLANNED to come to you (and have been prevented thus far) in order that I might obtain some fruit among you also, even as among the rest of the Gentiles.”}}

Paul’s stated desire is that of a soul winner. He wanted to preach the gospel so people might be saved. The fruit means converts. It can be applied to a fruitful ministry in teaching and nurturing a flock of God’s people, but here it means reaching people for Christ. Paul had an evangelist’s heart.


{{Romans 1:14 “I AM UNDER OBLIGATION both to Greeks and to barbarians, both to the wise and to the foolish.

Romans 1:15 Thus, for my part, I am EAGER TO PREACH the gospel to you also who are in Rome”}}

This is important. Paul was given his commission as Apostle to the Gentiles and that placed him under obligation to be faithful to God’s calling. His ministry was inclusive, both to the educated and learned ones (Greeks) and to the ignorant and uneducated, almost uncultured ones (Barbarians), and the wise and foolish. We know he fulfilled his mission with unbelievable dedication and commitment to his obligation. He had travelled to much of the Asia Minor section of the Roman Empire and some Mediterranean countries, but now desired to preach in Rome, the capital he had never been to.


{{Romans 1:16 “for I am NOT ASHAMED of the gospel, for it is the POWER OF GOD for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek.”}}

Paul was not ashamed of preaching, or of what the gospel message contained, or of what his commission was because he knew what the gospel did for destitute and sinful and unhappy people. He proclaimed boldly what the gospel was. Paul’s defence of the gospel, combined with his own personal experience of the presence and power of the Lord Jesus Christ, had so captivated him. Now he proclaims powerfully and logically, that very gospel he has come to appreciate and preach. It is the most dynamic message from God, and as a consequence then, he is NOT ashamed of it. The gospel is the dynamite of God for the hardness of men and women’s stone hearts. Only God’s explosive will crack that hardness and let the gospel message in.

This message of salvation was for the Jews first, then the Gentiles as the Acts taught us. When Paul was on his missionary journeys he often went to the synagogue first because of his love for the Jews and then he ministered to the Gentiles. The word “power” is interesting and we looked into it in the first message. The word means power as in strength, and authority as in a higher power, usually the authority of God.


{{Romans 1:17 for in it the righteousness of God is revealed from faith to faith as it is written, “But THE RIGHTEOUS MAN SHALL LIVE BY FAITH.”}}

The gospel is all about the righteousness of God. God’s righteousness condemns sin and therefore the sinner, and places him under the sentence of death. Through substitution, the Lord Jesus dealt with that penalty/sentence of death on the cross so that the righteousness of God can flow unhindered to save the sinner, not to condemn him and her.

The end of that verse is a quote from {{Habakkuk 2:4 “Behold, his soul which is lifted up is not upright in him: but the just shall live by his faith,”}} and that truth is one of the great monuments in Romans and the Christian faith, and was one of the fundamental truths of the Reformation. Martin Luther also realised its truth over 530 years ago. Those who are justified, having been brought to justification through faith in Jesus Christ, are to live by the very same principle of ongoing faith, faith upon faith, day by day. It is the gospel that introduces faith for salvation, but it is also the gospel that ensures ongoing faith for daily life.

Let me share one other thing – only the righteous can appreciate the righteousness of God. It is unknown to the pagan, the unsaved, and the unrighteousness man. This is where Paul will soon be taking us in this progression, for the unrighteous man has nothing when it comes to knowing the mind and will of God.


In chapter 2 Paul brings all the Jews in under failure. In chapter 3 he does the same for the whole world, and then he covers both Jew and Gentile in condemnation. In chapter 1 he outlines the progression of decline in the Gentile human race.

{{Romans 1:18 “The WRATH of God is REVEALED from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who SUPPRESS THE TRUTH in unrighteousness.”}}

The verse is a declaration that all ungodliness and unrighteousness falls under the wrath of God. Paul says it “is revealed” but we don’t really see that in the world because we live in the age of grace. One thing I will say, and it is biblical - In the past, the Old Testament reveals this wrath falling many times - Noah’s flood, the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, the overthrow of Nineveh, the captivity of Israel and Judah are all aspects of the revealed wrath of God from heaven. In the future it will fall horrifically in the Tribulation that is coming very quickly now.

In the history of the world, the suppression of truth is widespread in all generations. There are men and women in all top positions who censor information, distort the real truth, and blatantly promote the lie. Satan has established many ideologies opposed to God, and, one for example, is the left and the right. These dominate today’s politics in the western world. Politicians gain their positions, often by stealth, and lie openly about their agendas.

Newspapers are so controlled by the far left in much of America and Australia, and Britain. I have no doubt about that, and it is not withheld either. The ABC and SBS in Australia, all government funded like the BBC, are so controlled by feminists, homosexuals and Islam, and extreme environmentalists, that you never will hear an interview with any person considered moderate, or who has biblical, Christian convictions. I kid you not. Decent politicians seem more and more powerless to turn back the clock on all of this. Even the good ones are crushed by the size of the mountain.

We may ask, “How has this happened?” Well Paul answers it as he continues in his progression. I want to say this to the shame of our nations, that this strongest field of anti-God activity by these truth suppressionists, is in the classroom, and in all the activities of the young people. Our younger generation is being polluted, made to feel uncomfortable about their gender, and coerced into socialism.

I have seen reports where children, younger and younger in sex education classes are told to go out and experiment, for nothing is wrong. All interaction - heterosexual and homosexual - in experimentation, is good. Schools have become the dispensary for condoms. There is no moral framework. Now we have gender assignment, and rejection of those who think a family can be only one man and one woman. Why is this? It is because the truth has been suppressed. Nature does not like a vacuum. When the truth is suppressed, then the vacuum is filled with the lie. When God’s position has been replaced, then Satan’s position rises.

We live in times where this is profound as all the Satanic agencies are suppressing the truth. Where do we see it?

1. Churches and Christian schools face increasing pressure from homosexual activists and godless governments.

2. The bible has been withdrawn from schools and not to be referred to, in State Schools.

3. Universities and Governments and Media (especially social media – Facebook and Twitter until Musk took it over, are godless and suppress Christian input. YouTube is doing it as well, but no surprise, as it is run by Google.

4. Media and legislation restrict the bible and Christian activity in the community.

5. Homosexuals and all the rest have more rights now than Christians in Australia. Technically I am not allowed to speak against homosexuality but I can curse Christianity without any consequence.

6. No right of reply is given to Christians or churches to respond to some evil practice that an organisation or government brings in. They are media silenced.

7. The PEW organisation declares Christianity is the most persecuted group in the world. True Christians have been martyred since the cross.

8. Our society’s values have been turned on their head. Some churches of our countries have become traitors. Some religious leaders are taking the media stage to promote homosexuality and a christ who is not in the bible.

9. WOKE nonsense. Christmas is all Merry Christmas and Santa Claus and reindeers. A few years ago Woolworths changed “Father’s Day Cake” to “Special Person’s Cake”. Woolworths was eliminating “Christmas” from their usage, Christmas trees being to first to go. We know about the gender rubbish.

I saw a worksheet at Christmas from one of my granddaughters from school. She is 6. It contained a story and colouring in for an activity. The activity was from “the dreaming”. You probably do not know what that is, but it the spirit dreaming of the Australian Aborigines, for their entire religion and practice is built on spiritism, called “the dreamtime”, the worship of Satan in the Dreamtime Serpent. The Education Department is exposing our children to all this evil.

Righteousness that exalts a nation, is fast declining. Those of us who are older can sit quietly and think what it was like many decades ago. There was a fear of God and a godly respect in our countries. People had a consciousness of God, even though quite a number were not Christians. Nearly all kids went to Sunday School and were taught the Christian ethic. We used to march into our classrooms in the 1950s to Onward Christian Soldiers, and that was a State School in QLD. Jeremiah could very well have been speaking of our time when he wrote – {{Jeremiah 17:5 Thus says the LORD, “Cursed is the man who trusts in mankind and makes flesh his strength, and whose heart turns away from the LORD.”}}

It is a fact today that men’s hearts have turned away from the Lord, and governments and politicians are now, in the main, godless, and turn the nations even further away. In fact, the decline in the USA in the past few years is staggering. Who could ever have thought at the time that Hilary Clinton and the Democrats’ platform was to allow abortions right up to the 9th month? Now in QLD it can be up to the day after birth I have seen it suggested.

Isaiah lived in times resembling ours, and he had cause to write this – {{Isaiah 5:20-21 “Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil, who substitute darkness for light and light for darkness, who substitute bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter! Woe to those who are wise in their own eyes and clever in their own sight!”}} This is a society turned on its head, and the second woe Isaiah uses, concerns the self deluded who think they are the wisdom of society, and self-made cleverness. Paul tells us what God thinks of these people – {{1Corinthians 1:25 “because the foolishness of God is wiser than men, and the weakness of God is stronger than men.”}}

And why is it that men hate the cross? Here it is here – {{1Corinthians 1:18-19 The word of the cross is to those who are perishing foolishness, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God, for it is written, “I will destroy the wisdom of the wise and the cleverness of the clever I will set aside.”}} People hate their sin to be exposed by God, and God’s ways are against their willful natures. In fact, Christians are told NOT to be wise in their own estimation and it is found here – {{Romans 12:16 “Be of the same mind toward one another. Do not be haughty in mind, but associate with the lowly. Do not be wise in your own estimation.”}}